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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5658377 No.5658377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your food shame with /ck/

>Go to In N Out
>Order hamburger to go
>Take it home
>Add cheese myself to save money

>> No.5658381
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why would you confess to doing something so plebeian?

>> No.5658390

>Go to In N Out
>Order animal style burger to go
>Take it home
>Add roasted bacon strips and cheddar frico to it.
>Alot of them

>> No.5658398

Another In n out story

>Family friend gives us a dozen krispy kreme donuts
>Still have plenty left
>Go to In N out
>Order hamburger protein style (lettuce wrap no bun)
>Go home
>Cut krispy kreme donut in half for buns
>Add cheese

>> No.5658422

Thrift is shameful?

>> No.5658432

sometimes if i got to McD's for breakfast to-go and i go back to my house, i'll just order the dollar sausage mcmuffin and fry an egg at home to put in it. it tastes better and the sausage mcmuffin is one dollar compared to the egg mcmuffin which is over 3 dollars.

>> No.5658465
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>mfw /ck/ has been overrun by all these poorfag cockroaches

>> No.5658488

I'm currently slapping g myself for replying but if you own a Bentley, why are you here and not at some cigar club or on a yacht?

>> No.5658502

>be me
>dont go to in n out cuz poorfag
not so bad huh OP

>> No.5658506

Then at least you know it is actually cheese.
The hamburger? Probably questionable.

>> No.5658524

luther burger

>> No.5658528

...you save like 10 cents doing this dude. If 10 cents is a big deal for you, you probably shouldn't be eating out.

>> No.5658530

Me and a friend were ordering pizza, I ordered a supreme with no mushrooms, my friend ordered a chicken and bacon and then asked the pizza guy if he could have the mushrooms that weren't going on my pizza to be put on his. I was like dude wtf.

>> No.5658614

it's the principle of the matter

>> No.5658662

Delightfully thrifty. Did the pizza guy do it?

>> No.5658682


>> No.5659200

Cheese is like $0.30-$0.40 more.
Cheese at home is free.

>> No.5659203
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>make an omelette this morning
>can't afford sausage or bacon
>heat a slice of kraft bologna

>> No.5659213

I did that last week. I sent my wife to McDonald's while I cooked the eggs. They charge the cost of a whole dozen eggs just to add one.

>> No.5659219


now, if you were to say "every penny counts" or "it adds up quickly" i could understand.

but... the principle of the matter? really. just another example of a person's coveted ~principles~ taking blind priority over reason and practicality.

>> No.5659220

You just fucked up putting the bologna and Kraft in your omelet. What are you going to do for dinner now?

>> No.5659223
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I don't eat out very often, but when I do, I generally go for broke and just order deluxe extra large everything with extra everything on top with the largest drink they've got.

If you've got the money to eat out, you might as well do that shit properly and enjoy yourself.

>> No.5659224


although, come to think of it--how much did you pay for that packet of cheese in your fridge? if it's anything but generic brand guv'ment cheese, you're probably losing money anyway. cheers.

>> No.5659225
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a large scoop of rice with a mayonnaise packet from chick fil a

>> No.5659232

This. If you're going to eat mediocre food, you might as well cook something better at home.

>> No.5659243

>deluxe extra large everything with extra everything on top with the largest drink they've got.

>doing it properly


>> No.5659247

because even on his yacht he's foreveralone

>> No.5659259

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5659278

>largest drink
>paying for the same exact product but several times the price
>not getting takeout so you can eat in the comfort of your home instead of alone and save on paying tip and also just opening a drink at home

>> No.5659316

>opening a drink at home
>Implying it's as good as fountain

>> No.5659324


>save on paying tip

waaaait a minute anon. you orderd takeout! you still ha--

oh, hohohoho. almost got me there, champ. i'm on to you, guy. put your bait back in your pocket !

>> No.5659365
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Do your parents shop groceries for you?

Pick one faggot

>> No.5659373

They buy the general stuff and I buy things I want.

I commute to university 20 mins away, it would be idiotic to get an apartment/dorm.

>> No.5659406


I've been making fried bologna and egg sandwiches for the past couple weeks.

Two pieces of bologna, one egg fried on both sides. Served on toast with mayo and mustard. I like to cook the egg a little over, so the yolk isn't as runny.

>> No.5659650

>Friends always want to eat at shitty places like chipotle
>Fuck paying $8 for that
>Bring my own can of soda
>Bring my own bento or sandwich
>Eat there with them
>Position myself to avoid being in view of workers

>> No.5659679
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>eat at shitty places like chipotle
>shitty places like chipotle
>finding Chiptole shitty
>Having shit taste

I think Chiptole's is great but you sound like a hipster who doesn't want to like something because everyone else made it into a big deal and hyped it up.

>> No.5659682

Yeah, unless you had friends or wanted to start exploring true autonomy

>> No.5659713

$8 for a burrito is fucking ridiculous.

I can get a better burrito with guacamole and free side of chips and 2 salsas on the side for $7 at my local place.

>> No.5659726

>Racking up student loans
>Paying ~$700/mo for a shared apt and sharing a room
>Paying $10,000 for 8-9 months dorm .. at least there's 2 meals/day included

>> No.5659951

fuck. looks like I'm going to in n out

>> No.5659967
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>be driving home from work at 6:30pm
>10.5 hour day
>tired as fuck
>lots of food at home
>too tired to cook anything, even boil water
>stop by Hardees and get a BBQ Thickburger combo to go
>finally get home
>food is now room temperature
>eat in silence, with a tear running down my cheek and into my fries

I feel this feel at least twice a week.

>> No.5659976

Go to dine in restaurant, bring a Arizona Ice Tea beforehand. Waitress what I want to drink? Say "Nothing, brought my own drink." then get the "Waddafuq?" look. usually save a dollar fifty each time...

>> No.5659993

Tears of fucking deliciousness.

I hope you upgraded to crisscut waffle fries or fried zuchini

>> No.5659997

Why does Loliragi looks so strange in that pic?

>> No.5660007

hardees is fucking terrible at room temp
Hot is the fucking tears of fast food jesus

>> No.5660011

>Go to In N Out
>Order cheeseburger and fries to go
>Anything to drink?
>A cup for water please
>Take cup to lemon tub
>Fill cup full of lemon slices basically a whole lemon
>Add water
I used the lemons on the fish i cooked for dinner later. Saved me the hassle of buying a 50 cent lemon

>> No.5660016

I butter my bread with homemade mayonnaise when I make grilled cheese sandwiches.

>> No.5660023

>Have a party with a small group of friends
>Buy cake
>half the cake is consumed at the party
>keep the leftover cake because I bought it
>eat the whole thing by myself over the course of the next day

Same thing happens with pizza leftovers, no matter the quantity they'll be gone before the day is over.

>> No.5660029

That's.. normal

>> No.5660031

>go to mcdonald
>take smallest drink size since free refills anyway
You have to be severly retarded and/or dehydrated to take a big muffaga size, enjoy your beetus and empty wallet

>> No.5660035

But I just make my own mayonnaise because it is cheaper just to get eggs from the coop than to buy something good like miracle whip.

>> No.5660042

You don't save money by paying 1.39 for a burger and adding cheese rather than paying 1.69 for a cheese burger. You save money by not going out to eat in the first place.

>> No.5660053

Ha ha ha. Nice try with the last part.

I'm too lazy to mix up my own.

>> No.5660072

>Saving 30 cents isn't saving money
So you want to go to the store buy buns $3
ground beef $4
lettuce $1
Onion $0.50
Tomato $.0.50

And then get stuck with a lot of leftover burgers ingredients.

>> No.5660083

Are you so poor you have never heard of refrigeration?

>> No.5660106

anyone who orders fast food, then takes it home to eat is absolutely disgusting.

i don't want my already warmed and pre-heating food sitting in to-go containers for more time before i eat them.

on the rare occasions i eat fast food, i always eat it on the way home. i dont't want soggy food

>> No.5660110

where I live those prices all equate to at least 6 burgers, then you have a bunch of left over buns

learn to plan in advance

>> No.5660114

>And then get stuck with a lot of leftover burgers ingredients.

You're not "stuck" with them, you use them up for either more burgers or other dishes. Those are all common ingredients which can be used for many things in the kitchen.

>> No.5660143

I'm pretty new to cooking-- less than a year living on my own means I don't have much experience. But I've gotten to the point of really thinking about my meals, planning my shopping accordingly, trying new recipes, and even forcing myself to make things I'm not good at in order to improve. I eat pretty well and pretty cheaply and I'm honestly happy with my progress as a cook.

Today, though... I bought a bunch of produce and lentils and rice and shit, came home prepared to make something really fantastic, looked indecisively at the recipe I had been considering, and finally realized I just didn't fucking feel like cooking. Instead I've been eating canned food and fruit slice candy and browsing /ck/. I can almost hear my vegetables slowly going bad, neglected in my fridge because I'm a lazy shit.


>> No.5660165

It's called Lazy Sunday.

>> No.5660220

Nah just regular fries. Although sometimes I get there fried onion/jalapeno shit.

>> No.5660832
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Do you do this to troll? Sounds really funny.

>> No.5660847

When I was younger and living with my parents my father would take us out to McDonald's for breakfast on Sundays. Every Sunday, there was this old man there who brought his own loaf of bread. The whole loaf. In the bag. And he would also bring an orange prescription bottle filled with butter. He would order a cup of coffee and then sit there, alone, eating his bread and butter he brought from home. One time I asked him if it was special butter and was he on a diet. He said, "No, I put it in the bottle so they let me eat it here."

I miss Sunday breakfast at McDonald's.

>> No.5660856
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Would he order anything? Maybe he went for the view. Lol, well if it was an old man he probably enjoyed the habit of going to McDonalds with his own breakfast every Sunday. Humans and their quirks.

>> No.5660861

>Would he order anything?
As I said, he ordered a cup of coffee. As you said, it's just one of those quirks that I noticed that always stuck with me.

>> No.5661115

haha wow what a deal! Theres this mexican place and burritos cost 4.96 and you can have all the salsas and fried onions you want for free