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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5654445 No.5654445 [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/ i have 2 pounds of pork belly what should i do with it
>pic related

>> No.5654447


>> No.5654450

mek bekon

>> No.5654452

lick it all. then it'll all be yours

>> No.5654454

fuck that shit. cut a big chunk. however big you want. then toss it in a skillet. salt and pepper. let it fry up in its own fat. boom, done. serve it on a bed of collard greens

>> No.5654455

only if you get quads

>> No.5654460



>> No.5654462


Rub that sucka with salt and sugar, roast that shit for like 2 hours, then let cool and set in the fridge. Fucking delicious as is sliced however you want, can use it and further prepare however you like (frying, deep frying, in soups, anything really).

And save the fat that cooks off and freeze it for later, that flavor is too good to waste and you can cook anything with it.

>> No.5654463

slow roast is always best

>> No.5654472

How do you prevent the sugar from burning/melting off?

>> No.5654473

Cracklings. Cut it into fingertip-sized cubes, and cook them in salt water until all the water is gone. When the lard overcomes the water it will be a mess so put a sieve on top to keep it from splattering over the kitchen. Once the water is gone they will start to brown. Then separate them from the rendered lard.

>> No.5654487

oh christ. not op but i'm gonna do this. sound like heaven, and pretty simple

>> No.5654490

Does anyone else get a stomach ache after eating this stuff?

>> No.5654492

sounds like the end all be all hangover cure. with a big glass of water of course.

>> No.5654496


so tender it literally melts in your fuckin mouth. great for reheating too. refrigerate and turns to gelatinous substance with pork belly inside, microwave for a couple minutes and delicious. and i found rice is real good with it instead of noodles, but you might be a noodle kinda guy eh

>> No.5654499


You could just cube and pan fry them after what I >>5654462 said, since a lot of fat is rendered already you get a better crisp and no water/less mess.

Per 2 lbs you only need ~1/6 a cup of each, just a light coat. It's best to let it sit for a few hours once rubbed as that will draw liquid out. Then roast at 450 fat side up for one hour with fat up, basting it with the fat at 30 min point to get a nice golden crust. Then turn your oven down to 250 and cook and additional hour, hour 15 until its soft but not falling apart. Save that fat, wrap that fucker and put it in the fridge until it sets up.


Slow and low roast won't burn the sugar but some will melt obviously, you could exclude it but I haven't had these problem when it's included with salt.

>> No.5654506

fresh cracklin's & boudin from a small cajun grocery store...GOAT

>> No.5654559
File: 66 KB, 1778x173, porkbellysomething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5654564

I fucking love pork belly. The one time I was able to buy some for myself, though (shit's expensive), the belly still had a nipple on it. Kinda freaked me out. Cut it off and fried it and fed to my dog lol

(that's all i have to contribute to this thread with)

>> No.5654585

>Its some of the cheapest type of pork you can buy...

Gordon's method is really simple and looks nice if thats what youre after. There are much more complex cooking methods you could use, but for home cooking, I'd go with what Gordo says. Had some pork belly in one of his restaurants - it was increddible.

>> No.5654599

Boil it. Then hang it in the fridge for like 3-7 days or so to dry it out and increase the flavor. Then braise just the meat part, not the skin in whatever you like. Finish off in the oven till crispy.

>> No.5654602

Might be cheap where you live, but here it's $12/lb, which is insane. I actually can't even FIND it where I live, I have to travel a bit to the nearest butcher, which is a 2 hour round trip. I can find the "salted pork belly" in a grocery store here, but it's pre sliced and just tastes like the goddamn ocean. It's inedible, and it's still almost $6/lb.

>> No.5654610

Shit thats expensive

Im in UK. Works out to about roughly $5/lb from the local supermarket. Little bit more expensive from a butcher

>> No.5654612

slice it into about an inch wide strips, toss with seasoned flour and fry

>> No.5654617


not that guy and it's not necessarily always cheaper than other cuts of pork but I get it for $4.99/lb at the asian market I go to. Otherwise it is usually much more expensive if it's available at all.

>> No.5654637
File: 198 KB, 1600x1200, hong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red-cooked pork is breddy gud.

>> No.5654638

all these plebs in here

dry cure and cold smoke that bitch

>> No.5654644

>what do I do with pork belly

>make bacon
sure we're the plebs

>> No.5654651

on th first day: marinete it over night with soy sauce, ginger, lemongrass, chili, coriander seeds

next day, braise it in the Oven for 2 hours slowly, let cool down over night

on the third day : cut it in dice , sautéd in a hot pan with roasted Sesam oil, sesam, lemon and fresh cilentro .. served with chinese brocoli or Pok shoy...

>> No.5654665

To be fair, most people have only eaten wet-cured cheap bacon

>> No.5654675

Although, I don't saute it on the third day, I quickly deep fry it in rice bran oil, so it's super crispy outside, and tender and juicy inside. I also cut it into 1 1/2 inch cubes before marinating or braising. Best pork belly evar.

>> No.5654691

Pork belly, garlic and chili, truffle and parmesian gnocchi, wild mushrooms

>> No.5654707
File: 2.16 MB, 450x253, 1392112065975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Score the fat side as if you wanted to make thick bacon. Season with oil and your favorite pork rub. Chop up carrots, celery and onion thick and lay in the bottom of the tray, then put your seasoned belly fat side up. Add some liquid, i like to use beer. Throw it in a 400F oven and cook for about an hour, then broil until the skin starts to blister and get crispy.

While its resting, take all the fat renderings and the vegetables from the bottom of the pan and blend them together till smooth. It makes a bitchin gravy.

>> No.5654775
File: 51 KB, 600x400, rafute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okinawan Rafute. Cubes or slices of belly first pre-cooked for ann eternity in vinegar, then cooked in another solution of booze, shitloads of ginger and sugar, dashi and soysauce till the water is gone. It's pretty work-intensive, but the vinegar/booze treatment makes it melt in your mouth.

>> No.5654798
File: 337 KB, 1195x1600, grammeln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I forgot: when making cracklings, don't use the meat. Only the fat. Because the meat will literally turn to stone in the process. A VERY thin strip maybe 1/20 inch of meat is acceptable, makes it more crunchy. But anything more will literally break your teeth.