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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 475x310, junior-masterchef-gordon-ramsay-fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5653533 No.5653533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just caught up with Masterchef (US) and holy fuck, I lost my sides when Gordon whispered "Did you give up?" to Elise and she said that she doesn't think so and then Gordon goes:

It sure tasted like it.

Holy fuck, this was such a knife twist. 10/10 episode, I can't believe Cutter is still pulling through, guy's an idiot. Fuck man, he has to die.

Who does /ck/ vote for? I figured you all creamed over Dan, but I'm pretty sure you all hate Courtney, this is 4chan after all. The nose knows.

I'm from TX and I wouldn't vote for Cutter. Daniel's a hipster, Jamiee isn't very creative, Francis is Scottish lol, Christian is black, Will Smith is black and fat, Arrhan is a spoilt 18yo prepubescent grill and Victoria has weak cooking skills. I'd vote for Leslie or Elizabeth, our Aryan womyn must prevail

>> No.5653566

Does anyone else wish that food network shows would focus on food instead of drama? Stretching melty cheese is dramatic in the right way. Everything OP described is dramatic in the wrong way.

I would love to see food shows focus on food. I don't want to see some douchebag with a camera in his face talking about feelings. I want to see gratuitous food porn.

That being said, does anyone know if there's an iron chef torrent out there? I would love to have that thx.

>> No.5653591


>> No.5653822
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muh niggh

>> No.5653837

Leslie is a cool older guy. Annoying how the rest of the faggots keep giving him shit just because he refuses take their shit and says shit back.
Even Ahran got around that and she was really annoying in the beginning.

>> No.5653877

Leslie is a dick whose ego WAY outmatches his skills. Remember when he was team captain? It was an unmitigated disaster. But at least he's not Cutter, who'll sit there and argue with a judge.

Anyway, Jaimee is 2cute, so I'm rooting for her.

>> No.5653879
File: 40 KB, 288x432, waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jaimee isn't his waifu

Just stop posting please.

>> No.5653882

go get an eye exam, nigga, you've got something wrong with your vision

>> No.5653885


Shit waifu taste having pleb spotted

>> No.5653906

I'd be happy for elizabeth, christian, or francis. big willie doesn't have a chance but he's my nigga, and i'm still pulling for him. leslie is a massive cunt, and he's shit in the team events, but on his own he's a beast, so i think he has maybe the best chance, because it's decided in the pressure test and the dude really shines their, (aside from with chocolate but i mean really, that was fucking out of the blue.)

>> No.5653908

i'm glad he's worked shit out with Iran.

>> No.5653964
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Not loving this nigger the most.

But really, as long as Courtney loses I'd be happy.

>> No.5653970

i fucking love this dude, and he seems like one of the best down home southern cooks you can find, but i really doubt he's gonna last. he isn't as technically proficient as someone like francis or christian, and he doesn't have enough experience with all the shit they're having to cook with like leslie or courtney (fuck that bitch)

>> No.5654021

fuck off, leslie hater

>> No.5654039

Master Chef US has been my favourite cooking show of the last couple years. But why the fuck do they keep bringing that guy Joe back as a moderator. The least they could do is hire his mom, since she can actually cook.

>> No.5654041

Cutter is a punk ass bitch, and he gives TX a bad name, which is hard considering how fucked TX is already.

>> No.5654043

I watch, but I don't root for any of the participants in particular. I watch see who comes up with dishes better than I would have thought to make. And of course to laugh at the abject failures.

Gordon is very funny, but the game of predicting when he's going to say "delicious" or "amazing" gets old after a while.

Let me recommend the Canadian version of the show. I think only one season is available. But Alvin Leung makes the show. Watching a self taught ethnic Chinese Michelin starred chef berating people over their cooking fuckups with a thick Hong Kong accent while sporting blue hair is comedy gold. This guy should seriously have his own show. I could watch him for hours. It doesn't get old.

>> No.5654044

There is something wrong with this chick. Listening to her talk is not an enjoyable experience. Luckily the show's ediitors must know this because she gets almost no camera time.

>> No.5654047
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Either you are a whiny gossiping woman or a faggot.
Who the fuck actually takes "food drama" seriously?

>> No.5654051

No one takes it seriously. That's why it's better than any other reality TV.

>> No.5654065

Downloading the Canadian season now, thanks.

>> No.5654080

intoo the treash

>> No.5654095

>not wanting based Leslie to win

>> No.5654098

The contestants are not as compelling as the US version, but every second of screen time with Leung is gold.

If I had connections in television I'd be pitching a show where it's just a very serious Chinese chef yelling at home cooks over their screw ups. Just a half hour of that. No linear theme, no competition. Just an expert Chinese chef berating people over their cooking mistakes. I can't be the only one out there who could watch that shit on an endless loop.

>> No.5654109

>reality television
Not even twice. Why and how do you subject yourselves to this second hand embarrassment?

>> No.5654113


Too bad Christine got sent home in last weeks episode, she was a really good leader in that challenge when she was a team captain.

>> No.5654116

This bitch is a freak. No wonder she was bullied, she is extremely weird and has to have some kind of mental disorder - bullying doesn't make people this weird, she's something other than shy or introverted. And those fucking tattoos.. jesus christ what the fuck. I'm surprised she hasn't shot 20 people and herself yet.

>> No.5654118

Oh please, she's just awkward and thinks too much about what to do or say and it all comes out wrong.

>> No.5654123

that's the thing

she's too awkward, too fucked up

it's not the normal kind of awkward or shy and it's very extreme

>> No.5654124


she's an alien

>> No.5654141

You're saying all of this while hanging out on 4chan.

>> No.5654146


>> No.5654150
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>dat projection

Just from the picture, I thought she was in her thirties.
>mfw she's only 23

>> No.5654164

OK thank god.

>> No.5654184


le aging buzzwords

it's an observation, bitch is a goddamn freak, you can see it her dead eyes

>> No.5654200


>I'm from TX and I wouldn't vote for Cutter.

gtfo.. actually in all seriousness I support big willie because he's a h-town boy like me. Then I'm going Cutter, then, begrudgingly, queer Victoria. But I don't think the latter two will win or deserve it, and Willie probably won't either if he doesn't start stepping his game back up.

If I was just picking for fun and had no Texan pride going on, I'd say Malibu, Francis or Liz. I like all three of them.

Courtney pisses me off. "I work four jobs and go to school full time! Poor me!" She literally said that in her intro video at the beginning of the season. First off, how can this Jew bitch be making so little at the strip club that she has three other jobs? What do they all give her five hours a week or something? Second, she's a smug bitch if I've ever seen one.

Jamiee is a straight up autist of the highest degree. And a real one, not just in a 4chan insult way. She literally makes me uncomfortable, no joke.

Christian is overrated, arrogant, and too blackish. Aryhan I agree with you is also too spoiled and childish. Danny is a hipster, but he could go far in the game.

>> No.5654202


I like Food Network Star better than Masterchef because the challenges are more varied, imo. I don't know if it classifies as more food-oriented, but it's less dramatic for sure.


Jamiee is a freak that looks like a midget clown. /in b4 muh body art

>> No.5654373


>> No.5654376
File: 44 KB, 616x462, PENT_Lenny-McNab-Bio_s4x3.jpg.rend.sni18col[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mostly watch food network star for based Lenny

>> No.5654381

you retards do realize that masterchef usa is completely staged right? http://www.mediaite.com/tv/producers-of-foxs-masterchef-apologize-after-getting-caught-faking-footage/

>> No.5654385

>you are now aware that she is Adrian Pennino from the Rocky movies

>> No.5654387
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>> No.5654389


>> No.5654451

oh god yes lenny is the greatest

>> No.5654466

>tfw Cutter actually did well in the Pressure Test in the last episode
If he makes a comeback and wins it all like Luca did I will lose what little faith in humanity I have.

>> No.5654479

Reality TV is fake? Who knew?
Next you'll say that the people on Jerry Springer aren't paid every time they start a fight.

>> No.5654482

I was thinking the same thing! Gordon and Graham Cracker can at least cook, that guy's just a "fine Italian taster". Whatever, how can he judge anything without having mad cooking skills. But I love how he condescents the participants, it's awesome.

On a side note, does /ck/ have a streaming thread for masterchef? I might stream the next episode if there is enough interest and nobody's doing it already.

>> No.5654483

Most people aren't like that down here.. I haven't met one single person in TX here that behaves like him. He's full of dicks.

>> No.5654485


/ck/ being extra retarded again

>> No.5654489

isn't cooking one of those personal taste things, like music? how can people judge stuff like this?

>> No.5654523

Leslie's a good dark horse.

The guy is clearly one of the best cooks, yet everyone hates him.

I tend to root for the dark horses on MasterChef. I liked the fat bitch last season for the same reasons: she was talented but didn't play well with the other idiots.

>> No.5654525

holy fuck just watched him on youtube and I'm sold after 1 min, this guy is camera gold. We gotta get him on our plebian US television.

>> No.5654527

Why is it so hard to just act polite for a little while? You're on tv.

>> No.5654534

>you have to be a cook to be a food critic

>> No.5654538

Noticing the obvious elements of this is part of the appeal, Anon.

After all, why else is Cutter still in the competition? It's not usually because his dishes have been better than his competition; it's because he has more potential to do something batshit to grab attention.

It's fun to point out the bullshit TV stuff.

>> No.5654567

But why is his hair blue? It seems attention whorey.

>> No.5654569
File: 195 KB, 1024x611, IMG_0342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys I was a club recently and got a nice insight into "Aerial Dancing", I recommend you fine gentlemen check this out. Meanwhile, here's some snapshots.

>> No.5654573
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>> No.5654575

Maybe he likes it.

>> No.5654578
File: 953 KB, 1024x699, IMG_0341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nose knows.. inb4 404 - spread the message guys, let's get this bitch's past exposed!

>> No.5654580
File: 351 KB, 749x1024, IMG_0340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upside down just like the devil, she's the antichrist /ck/

>> No.5654589

Everyone knows she's a stripper, you retard, it doesn't need to be exposed.

>> No.5654594

o-oh.. so you mean it's ok to fap to her?

>> No.5654614

its okay to fap to anyone.

>> No.5654636

>We gotta get him on our plebian US television.
No shit. The Alvin Leung Show would be the best thing on TV ever.
Self taught cook becomes Michelin starred chef. If he wants his hair blue I'm sure as fuck not gonna tell him it looks silly. Especially when he manages to be genius in front of the camera regardless of it. Ramsey is fun to watch, but he seems staid and dull in comparison to this motherfucker.

>> No.5655801

Regarding Food Network, I'm at a bit of a dilemma: I too dislike how FN is focused more on drama than food, and I dislike reality shows in general; however I have - what I think could be - an interesting show premise (or as they say on FNStar, a point of view).

The dilemma is essentially do I attempt to try out for FNS when at my core I'm pulling a Sideshow Bob (when he goes on a tirade against TV while recognizing the irony of being on TV while doing so) by going on the show to promote moving away from drama-based reality TV to focus more on the food itself? Or do I just attempt to take my premise and strike out on my on, via Youtube or something?

>> No.5656066

I've watched a few of these and it seems Joe tries a bit too hard to be a dick.

What's the guys deal.

>> No.5656069

>whats the guys deal
hes a dick

>> No.5656073


Yeah I know, but why?

>> No.5656074

>Let me recommend the Canadian version of the show
I would similarly strongly vouch for the most recent season of the Australian, season six.

There were SIXTY episodes.... Marco Pierre White and Heston Blumenthal each spent a WEEK on set.

I learned somuch

>> No.5656083


I actually have been to his restaurant in NYC - Del Posto. Real over-priced shit-tier.

>> No.5656099

/ck/ used to have regular streaming threads it was the highlight of my life

>> No.5656140

Leslie is a dickhead but fuck he can cook so whatever, I like him he's a baller

Big fat black guy is my negro

Cutter should have been eliminated day one, how the fuck is he not gone yet jesus he shames 'murica every episode

Marcie from Charlie Brown is my waifu, she's basically Tomoko in human form but can cook

Asian Teenager is kawaii and fuckable, but a tremendous bitch.

Who joowz here? Streaming new episode for you monday, faggots.

>> No.5656147

>that tattoo
>those glasses
>that hair
I'd rather not be with tumblr incarnate, it wouldn't be very long before she tells me to check my privilege.

>> No.5656273

would bully/10

>> No.5657152

Youtube. There's a market for cooking shows, and FN is fucking it right up. There are better cooking shows on non-cooking networks now (Master Chef, Frankenfood, Hell's Kitchen.)

>> No.5657158

I think it was 2010 summer when some guy streamed two fat ladies and some other cooking shows every day. Great stuff.

>> No.5657168

if youll tell me how to do this Ill be glad to, ive probably got 50gigs of cooking and food related shows

>> No.5657368

That's the thing. The average 4chan Anon would never think of going to a reality show or getting tats.

>> No.5657455

I want to ask Cutter if my handkerchief smells like chloroform, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

>> No.5657457

You want to get some of that bear ass?

>> No.5657562

Do I ever! He's given me the vapours, I do declare!

>all of my boners when he mentioned in that one ep that he's a hairy, hairy man
All of them, I say.

>> No.5657836
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>> No.5657952

I want anyone to win but that Kike Courtney.

>> No.5658152
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>> No.5658930

but she's a good jew, bro. she sucks dem nigga dicks.

>> No.5659298

I was amused when she was interviewed a few epis back begging not to have to go back to working in a "gentlemen's" club.

>> No.5659569

Jesus christ, the way these guys talk about food, their level of mastery over cooking astounds me. How the actual fuck do you reach this level of wizardry?

>> No.5659577

Well when you're in charge, you're allowed to tell them to not back talk and they think you're always right. It's not they really are always right.

>> No.5659585


I mean the contestants too. They're all home cooks too, how can you get this good with no structured training? I'm a programmer by trade, maybe that's it

>> No.5659610

dude most of the cooks on masterchef US are decent at best.

>> No.5660890


For US Masterchef, they spend most of the day in cooking classes learning how to do a lot of different things - and among the things they learn are dishes they will be required to cook on the show. They all got a class on how to make doughnuts, truffles, how to butter poach lobster,etc.

The ones who rise to the top, however, usually walk in the door with a good amount of knowledge. There's usually three or four of them and you can usually spot them right away.

Many of us co/ks/ could at least make it halfway through, and I hope to audition in maybe five years if the world keeps turning.

For Masterchef AU, however, they do not spend the day in classes and don't get any prep. The chefs are much better overall. However, they ARE living in a house with a good kitchen and spend much of their off-time practicing new recipes, reading cook books, and otherwise studying.

>> No.5663201


yeah buddy


Willie is close #2

>> No.5663231

Would love to dick down the Asian bitch, Aran or whatever

>> No.5663235

Ahran. She'll bite your dick off if you mispronounce it.

>> No.5663243


>> No.5663255

Lel das it mane

>> No.5663280

Been watching season 4 and when the fuck does Krissi fuck off?! God I hate her so much.

>> No.5663289


>> No.5663306

I think she's top 3. She stays for ages, anyway.

>> No.5663709
File: 224 KB, 421x298, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jaimee is my favorite, I swear I will marry her and open a burger restaurant and have three weird kids.

>> No.5663714


Leslie is Melissa Joan Hart's stepdad and directed the Sabrina the Teenage Witch wedding movie.

>> No.5663715

lol she seems sweet.

this bald judge pisses me off. what a cunt

>> No.5663740

whats actually wrong with her? when I first started watching here I though she was that youtube cooking girl with cerebral palsy


>> No.5663873

>whats actually wrong with her?

She doesn't have my dick in her, that's what's wrong with her.

>> No.5663994

Fucking hell anon, I did not have to see that today.

Quirky, cute girl with amazing dimples when she smiles. Who likes to cook and isn't afraid of putting herself out to the internet without blocking ratings or comments.

Shame about the palsy, she would be a top tier wife for some lucky bastard.

>> No.5663999

her sister is super sluttyhot

>> No.5664597
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>Krissi vs Jaimee and Brie

>> No.5664653

Cuz he's a Croatian who wishes he was Italian. His mum is from Istria yet wax poetic whenever talking about Italy, like she fucking grew up in my country. Fuck her and him, too.

I wish I could find a YT clip where Joe got told the fuck off on the Italian MasterChef. He berated a contestant for... something... I don't remember what, and the contestant responded something like "like you'd know: you're an American of Croatian background who wishes he was Italian." The other two judges were just nodding in approval at first until Joe lost his shit, then they told him that he really didn't know what he was talking about.
His thick, annoying accent bothers the piss out of me, too. He mispronounces so many things. It's obnoxious. He's obnoxious. Fuck him and the red sneakers he walked in on.

>> No.5664663
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God, his Italian is fucking terrible, too. I've only been learning for 2 years and I put him to shame.
>mfw "vuoi che muoro"

>> No.5664694



>> No.5664700
File: 39 KB, 447x335, Oh you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh, I know. I have an American friend (I wish it weren't the case but yes: he's fat and likes guns) who speaks with an even thicker accent than Joe does, but at least he understands our conjugations and declensions enough to write what he wants to say coherently if he has trouble pronouncing it.
>mfw American friend tries to say 'ruota' (wheel)

>> No.5664762

Oh, and don't get me started on his mother and her thick as pig shit Croat accent when she speaks Italian. It's distracting. And her maiden name? It's Motika. She's a cousin to Antun Motika, the Croat artist, also from Pula.
She speaks Italian well, but in that odd Croatian way. I've heard he speak Croatian and she just sounds... normal... for lack of a better description. Croatians tend to have trouble with Italian CI and CE (pronounced CHEE and CHEH, respectively, instead pronouncing them TSEE and TSEH). She screws it up occasionally and her vowels carry that Croatian terseness (they're vowels are all notoriously shorter than our already very short Italian vowels). She sounds like she's got hiccups when she speaks, but it's usually spot on, other than the accent.
She says her last name is Matticchio and that she's of Friulian background but according to Cognomix, there are exactly 21 people in all of Italy with this surname and only one of them lives in the March.

By contrast, my surname, Longobardi, has 1812 instances, most of which are found in my region. Know why there are such few occurences of her supposed maiden name? Because double gemination is extremely rare in Italian surnames. The double T and double C together is just bizarre. Yet, it seems Italian to those who know no better. Muscas, however, which seems not at all Italian, is a native Italian surname 29× more common than her made up bullshit.
Why won't she just admit she's a Croat?

>> No.5664912

If you want masterchef with less drama, watch the australian version, I'm not kidding.


>> No.5664918

glad brendt won but would have been happy with laura winning though I think hes better off winning since she is so young and can still do a lot

Laura is a cutie though and i think she would be super cool gf. would marry

>> No.5665283


I want to fuck her hard for some reason

>> No.5666589

Guy watching season 4 here. Holy fuck eddie is awesome, I hope he wins.

>> No.5666600
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People actually watch this crap?

>> No.5666603

>I wish I could find a YT clip where Joe got told the fuck off on the Italian MasterChef. He berated a contestant for... something... I don't remember what, and the contestant responded something like "like you'd know: you're an American of Croatian background who wishes he was Italian." The other two judges were just nodding in approval at first until Joe lost his shit, then they told him that he really didn't know what he was talking about.
Oh god, I gotta see that.

I also hate how he bites in his fork.

>> No.5666621
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>> No.5666879
File: 340 KB, 668x413, -kobe- beef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well /ck/, was it really japanese kobe?
they do throw around truffles, caviar and king salmon, so price would really not be an issue, the plane ticket probably cost them less than for gordon's wife, but would it be legal for them to use it?

>> No.5666894


>> No.5666912

Is the kid one any good? junior master chef?
I don't want to be made to look like a plebeian by some bed wetter.

>> No.5666930

I can't believe he didn't kill Cutter. Fuck man, Daniel is too good. Totally wasted it on him.

But yes, Joe is fucking stupid. I'm Croatian and Bastianic is a fucking balkan surname. He's such a dramatic figure. He makes such a big deal about what constitutes an ITALIAN dish, as if he was Italian but what an ignorant prick, he is not.

>> No.5666933

What didn't make sense to me was Gordon's comment. "Kobe dries out quickly". What the fuck man, I thought he knew his shit? Kobe is full of fat, shitton of marbling. The longer you cook it, the better the fat cooks through and flavors the muscle.

Fuck mate, get your masterkitchen in check and stop making unreasonable drama.

>> No.5666940

You know who else wears the same outfit everyday, day in/day out? A fucking cartoon. He's a goddamned cartoon character. Fucking black/dark grey suit and red sneakers all day, every day like some background character from a rejected Disney short.

>> No.5666945

>/ck/ - Fashion

>> No.5666950


Please, it's extremely unfitting to have a suit and then these bright ass red sneakers.

>> No.5666960
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>everyone hating on Joe


>> No.5666979

If disliking Joe's utterly pretentious bullshit makes us 'faggots,' what does riding his Croatian dick make you?

>> No.5666989

You don't have to be a cook to be a food critic, but to host a show called "Master CHEF" I'm only going to take you seriously as a judge if you are a CHEF.

>> No.5666995

It's actually MasterChef. One word, and a new one at that. It can mean whatever they want it to because it's their own invention.

>> No.5667001

>posts on /ck/
>surprised people watch cooking shows


>> No.5667004

If it were one word, they wouldn't CamelCase the show name like that, you retard.

>> No.5667009

Do you not know how words work?

>> No.5667012

Go look up the definition of CamelCase before you make more of an idiot out of yourself.

>> No.5667098

>tfw your life is so boring that you have to watch a cooking show with fake drama to make your life just a little bit interesting

>> No.5667217


It's 2014 dude, the fuck you doin postin that choppy ass gif

>> No.5668591

>tfw she works in my city

>> No.5668600

>less drama

>> No.5668703

You know, his biggest crime is how bad his restaurant is, down in the meatpacking district.

Almost certainly wagyu.

It depends on the cut. And remember, it isn't really Kobe.

>> No.5669346


Anyone but Elizabeth and that hipster boy.

>> No.5669481

I'm actually mad Scottish Francis is out, while I understand that his cooking style had nothing to do with what is asked by the judges, someone with a weird restaurant has to take him in bro, I had never seen anyone cook weird shit like he did.

I think Courtney's hot and her food looks damn fine.
Big Willie is just a fat fuck.
I don't care for Leslie, can't see a faggot like that actually running a restaurant without crashing it and burning it down to the ground.
Jaimee is alright I guess, bit weird, would fuck but not keep. I'm alright with her winning.
Cutter is shit, has to go home.
I love Ahran and want to marry her, make her give birth to my children.

Judges are funny as fuck, Ramsay is like in the middle of two. Having Joe be the real fucking dick for no apparent reason and just insult everyone and Graham is imo too soft. Ramsay is only funny at other shows, like when he goes to other restaurants or in hells kitchen.

>> No.5669489

So is Jaimee putting on an act like Brie was, or what?

>> No.5669524

Doubt it, she seems like she really has the Assburgers or something like it. It wouldn't be a good act to put on anyway, she's too weird for most people to find appealing.

>> No.5669681

Christian. He is consistently good and is a fucking professional.

Ahran, she is a whiny teen.
Leslie, I sincerely don't care for him.

Victoria (the dyke)
Cutter (his luck will run out sometime
Daniel (has he ever been on camera?)

Fox.com/masterchef still lists francis, but I remember him going home.

>> No.5669688

leslie is the only decent cook there and the only one capable of running a restaurant.

Ahran is a little whiny stuck up bitch who cant cook and I wish someone would stab her in the face.

>> No.5669936

What act was Brie putting on?

>> No.5669999


What act was Bri putting on?

>> No.5670009


>> No.5670078
File: 42 KB, 803x491, tenoutoften.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would marry

>> No.5670090

She's an actress. What she really looks like.


>> No.5670102
File: 64 KB, 633x758, 1384865140896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even retarded girls wouldn't touch you with a long stick

>> No.5670177


Eh, that's not really "putting on an act" Eddie was a former NFL player. Thought you had something more interesting.

>> No.5670197

I already knew that. So to you, wearing glasses instead of contacts and dressing comfortably instead of stuff for photoshoots is 'putting on an act?' That's silly.

>> No.5670233

Rewatching the S5 episodes I feel they've set up Courtney to be the bitch of this season.

>> No.5670239

tbh, it seems like she has a serious speech impairment.

>> No.5670245

>That's silly.

>National TV
>Have acting portfolio
>Not putting on an act

Like she would ever dress down unless it was intentional. She also knows and is friends with the producers.

>> No.5670278

>she knows the producers

>> No.5670303


christian is a punk ass nigger arrogant as shit cant stand him