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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 910x1257, davison_in2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5652669 No.5652669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Japanese or German knife?

What knifes do you guys use.

I'm looking to buy some knives that aren't the cheap shit hand me downs with plastic handles, going to start with just a chef's knife or equivalent

>> No.5652672

knives sry

>> No.5652675


>> No.5652676
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>making any reference to "damascus steel"

tsunami of poorly informed autism in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.5652685

How do you guys store your knives? I've been using one of those straw universal ones but idk if I like it that much.

>> No.5652698
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Magnet stuffed wooden knife bar

Not my knives, but it basically looks the same

>> No.5652747

My kitchen's configuration won't let me use these >>5652698 so i bought cheap plastic edge guards for each knife and keep them in a drawer.

>> No.5652755

Get some Cutco knives

>> No.5652760

fucking weeb

>> No.5652797

I just take them out of the dishwasher and throw them in a drawer.

>> No.5652813

Chinese cleaver all I need all I'll ever

>> No.5652877
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Go Japanese, but not Shun. Pic is mine and how I store them. The rack in front of the toolbox lives in a display cabinet.

inb4 "you wasted so much money on that" / "solingen 4evz"

>> No.5652892

Is that metro shelving?

>> No.5652897

Folded a thousand times.

>> No.5652900

Why yes, yes it is.

>> No.5653006

Wow... You know you really only need three of those, 4 if you want to get extra weeb while slicing fish.

Also, german steel will hold an edge a lot better, if you had german steel maybe you wouldn't need so many knives. In Europe, we get our knives from the swiss or the germans and a single 8" chefs knife would outlast and effectively replace all the ones in your picture.

Total waste of money. Not to mention how gay it is to keep knives in display boxes. German knives that get used every day are usually sold with blocks, so that they can be easily accessed and jsed in cooking every day. If your knives would hold an edge, or were made from real steel, maybe you wouldn't feel the need to baby them in display cases, and you'd actually get some use out of them.

I just feel sorry for people like you.

>> No.5653024
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Wow, you're uneducated as fuck. Read up on edge retention & rockwell hardness and get back to me after you're done Eurofapping.

>> No.5653030

that picture is fuddlore

if you believe that shit you are fucking dumb

>> No.5653038

>rockwell hardness being an indicator of edge retention
yeah right
how about composition of the blade steel, grind, and heat treat instead of parroting shit you hear elsewhere

i'll give you that about eurofapping tho.

>1911+103 year of our lord and saviour john moses browning
>not realizing every major steel company produces a variant or exact copy of one anothers steel and just labels it how they want

>> No.5653048


>> No.5653059

but it IS damascus steel. Even if the technique is different, it's meant to achieve the same effect. There's literally no point in differing between terminology unless you're a literal autist

>> No.5653061
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That is what most of my knives are made from. The purest carbon steel on the market.

Your court, Holmes!

>> No.5653065

how you gonna cut with wooden knives. dummy.

>> No.5653079
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b8 m8 gr8

>> No.5653106
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Sup guys? I'm bored, here's my knife. Not exactly my cooking knife, but I have used it for cutting up meat before so semi relevant.

>> No.5653109

Wusthoff ikon classic. Like no other.

>> No.5653112


>> No.5653114

Thats essentially the same as every other carbon steel maker out there.

Cuts tomatos and fish the exact same even if it does have a fractional bit more carbon - which makes the steel more brittle and impacts edge holding capability due to carbon anyway.

Not to mention the knife has no chromium content meaning they are a maintenance nightmare. The germans make excellent steels with relatively high carbon content that don't rust and have superior edge holding capability because they dont have excessive carbon and are less brittle.

>> No.5653119
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What do you guys think of the global chef knife?

Going off this guide

>> No.5653124

Uneducated. As. Fuck.
Again, come back after you've done research. Nothing you've typed can be substantiated by science. The site I've posted is a great resource and has a steel comparison chart, if you actually care.

Check your "facts" or continue to look the fool. Your choice.

>> No.5653129
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Haven't sharpened mine in 3 years... Did this earlier today.

>> No.5653130

Rockwell hardness is low, at 56-58, so the edge retention sucks (same as most German steels). Slippery handle. Poor profile. Decent grind. In sun: not worth the money, but better than supermarket knives.

>> No.5653131

In sum* (typo)

>> No.5653139

MAC knives are the best bang for the buck out there. If too much for your wallet, then a Victorinox Fibrox will suffice.

>> No.5653141

my very first knife was like that but fluted. I still use it, its a workhorse for sure

>> No.5653145

there is no need to buy a new knife, especially if you're a beginner cook.

Just go to a swap meet or flea market or something and buy some used knives. Buy a sharpening stone to keep them sharp.

How long a steel knife stays sharp is really a minor detail of the knife. You should always pick a knife based on its grip style, its shape, and how well it holds together.

>> No.5653147

I use the cheaper Wusthof Gourmet knives. Been great so far.

>> No.5653153

This is pretty true! Mac knives were my first J-blades.

Victorinox Fibrox or rosewood is perfect for most home users on a budget.

>> No.5653167


Right zknives isn't a weeb cavern of conflict of interest.

We should all listen to those folks...

>> No.5653169

fibrox has been pretty great. bought it while i was learning to knife so i didn't ruin a more expensive one, still holding up well a few years in

>> No.5653190
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Way to be unbiased! I know now that I can trust your scientific opinion. Dismissing steel analysis charts and knife comparisons because they largely pertain to the top tier of chef knives, which happen to conclusively be made from Japanese steel, is the right kind of xenophobia for modern America.


>> No.5653228

Their charts focus on properties of knives that shitty japanese knives excel at and ignore the properties of german knives where they excel, and that matter to actual home cooks.

>here is a chart showing hardness and carbon content

Its bullshit and it doesn't matter. They are numbers that are higher for japanese knives... That doesn't make them better knives.

The proper amount of carbon for a home knife is between .5% and .7%. Above that you get carbon deposits and irregularities in the perlite structures and it makes the knife more brittle. (Example, all japanese knives)

Its a fucking biased website that is focusing on nonuseful aspects and properties of home cooking knives.

If you want to buy the highest carbon content blade, then it is a useful site. If you want to buy the hardest blade, then it is a useful site. It is not a useful site for 99.9% of home cooks, because the information that is presented doesn't mean anything, and is the wrong information for novice metallurgists to concern themselves with.

He only people that latch onto this type of information, are autists and people that don't understand how insignificant the data is, over compensating for some other area of their life they feel insecure about.

My penis might be flacid at all times, but my gyoto has the rockwell hardness that i wish my cock had.

>> No.5653242

>my cock might not getuh rusty johson
>butuh rook at rusty patina on my carbon steel!
>awah! So great!

"I need a good knife for my kitchen"
>oh yesh, buy this one it rusts
>don't lishen to european knifeshill
>they do not know the value of rusty knives
>onry ajapanese people know value of rusty knife.

>> No.5653250
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Chinese cleaver faggots

Can do anything

>> No.5653251

You had one (1) valid point: it is not for regular joes. I recommended the Victorinox for those types already.
Everything else was hogwash, bias and personal insult. Again: educate yourself and come back later.

Also, the argument that only autists are capable of research is old hat around here and, like your other claims, cannot be substantiated.

Speaking of autists. . .

Just admit your bias and move on.

>> No.5653271

>wiping my blades dry after using them is haaaard, I can't handle complicated tasks like that
>making fun of Japanese people is cool, right? dem slanty eye fish mouths lolol

Grow up, you lowest common denominator bigot.

>> No.5653290

>Japanese or German knife?
Neither. French carbon steel, Swedish carbon steel, and American carbon steel. Come at me bros.

>> No.5653295

Aren't you all pretty ignorant though? I mean, naturally, ceramic knives are most superior because they don't warp and don't need to be honed or sharpened.

>> No.5653343

also, only the most depraved, crack smoking dishdog would even considering stealing a Fibrox.

Then again, I went through 5 of them one year during a management turnaround where they literally hired guys still standing around in the Home Depot parking lot after 10am (protip: the hard workers are gone by 8).

as long as you don't have absolute shit steel, knowing how to properly sharpen an edge is crucial to making your tools work for you.

>> No.5653349

9.8m/s/s is the natural enemy of ceramic

>> No.5653375
File: 23 KB, 350x335, Laughing Harkam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and don't need to be honed or sharpened
Now can we get an opinion from someone who cooks more than one meal a week?

>> No.5653384
File: 42 KB, 437x437, thatfuckingcat_eatingspahgetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never dropped anything in my kitchen and don't know anyone that has either.

If you're prone to dropping things in your kitchen then cooking probably isn't for you to begin with

>> No.5653388

this is a dumb fucking statement. I drop shit sometimes and so has everyone ive worked with shit happens and if professionals do it them home cooks sure as fuck do.

>tfw you drop some foie and pick it up wash it off and take it home since its no good for service

>> No.5653391
File: 500 KB, 300x268, 1368222361383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing here?

>> No.5653396

>never dropped anything

get a load of this guy.

do you live in an appliance box under the freeway surrounded by other pedophiles/liars?

>> No.5653432

>calls himself a professional
>drops things innakitchen

dishwashers pls go

>> No.5653451

>you have one valid point. japanese knives are not for "regular people that cook in a kitchen everyday."

Could have stopped there since it was the only point being made. Thanks for admitting utter defeat to glorious german chromium steel.


>> No.5653459

>has never worked in a kitchen

>> No.5653535

I'm gonna get a Tojiro DP.

>> No.5653559

Fucking this.
Only downside is that I've had to rescue it from friends who think it's a meat cleaver and therefore attempt to chop bones with it.

>> No.5653667

After buying a Japanese knife as my first i learned on it with that traditional handle after using my workplace's mercer chefs knife. My own opinion is that you should probably stick to german knives. Yes japanese knives are sharpened less often but when you go that route you'll wind up getting a carbon variety which I am not even sure as to why they're priced so high since its carbon.
i kid but you will have to wipe it often, which at that point it'll be about the same responsibility as honing your SS German knife. Pick German or if you must use an Asian knife go Chinese cleaver. those fuckers are hard to handle at first but fuck they're shit tons of fun. used them when i was prepping at 6am for the 11am shift. Btw it is well known that Japanese knives have a nasty tendency to chip so dunno if you want to invest in an expensive nip knife just for it to chip on u
>incomming Citation needed

>> No.5653725
File: 613 KB, 4143x956, SBK-105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Japanese Mac Ultimate knives.

I've had Zwilling/Henckels, F.Dick, Wüsthof, Eva Solo, Victorinox, Miyabi, Global and Shun.

None of them are as good as Mac Ultimate.

>> No.5653732

Knives only chip if the user is a moron who has no idea how to handle a knife.

I have many high-carbon high-rockwell brittle knives, and none of them have chipped even after years of use.

"I can't take care of my stuff and therefore, nobody else can. Buy German knives as they are idiot proof, made for people like me."

And your whole bullshit about madeontopofmountain and myauthenticity has got nothing to do with it. It's about quality of steel and edge retention. You say that you "kid", but you obviously mean it with complete sincerity.

>> No.5653749

what the fuck is up with all you edgy autists?

a knife is a knife, a blade is a blade


when infact they both slice through equally as effortlessly, because they both have a sharp blade

grow up, you fucking autistic children. go outside or something.

>> No.5653752
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But something something hollywood and the jews. Also, the ancient lost seekrits. Techno Wootz™ is a trademark of Angel Sword, LLC. Weeaboos. Muh neckbeard.

>> No.5653759

>the year of our lord 2014
>getting this fanny flustered over a post on /ck/

>> No.5653760

Japanese ceramic knives are ultra thin and really sharp - along with not needing to be sharpened a lot. You have to be real careful, and the knife itself is pretty expensive too

>> No.5653763

>it's meant to achieve the same effect

except it doesn't. not structurally and not even visually.
there's differing terminology because they're two different things.

>> No.5653764

I use Shun (made at the Kershaw factory in OR). They're sharp as fuck and pretty comfy. There are a lot of great knives out there though. I've liked some Wusthof, Global and Victorinox knives. I got a friend with this relatively cheap set of rubber covered multi-colored Fiesta brand knives in a block. They're surprisingly good for cheap. Not sure how often he has to sharpen and/or hone them.

>> No.5653765


He's right though, it cracks me up to see idiots whining about chipping knives.

Soft german stainless knives are like bicycles with a rear coaster brake, training wheels, and the front brake disabled because you might fly over the handlebars.

With improved equipment comes slightly increased responsibility. You have fun with your defanged baby toys.

>> No.5653767
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careful there, you might make the meter spike

>> No.5653773

>You have fun with your defanged baby toys.
Not even the same guy who originally posted about chipping the knives, just wanted to point out the hilarity of that other poster getting super butthurt.

But have fun jacking off with >>5653732

>> No.5653775


You say "jacking off" like good steel is something new or worth getting excited over.

I suppose you think sriracha is new and exciting too?

>> No.5653778

No, I say "jacking off" because you're obviously a huge fucking faggot who enjoys the taste of semen.
>sriracha semen, with avocado

>> No.5653779


Who's getting super butthurt now?

>> No.5653781

>calling a huge fucking faggot a huge fucking faggot
>getting super butthurt
Pick one

>> No.5653782


I pick both because both are true, anon-kun ^_^

How can you get this worked up over knives?

>> No.5653783

What's inherently wrong with Japanese knives again?

>> No.5653784

>anon-kun ^_^
Enjoy dying sad and alone. I'm out.

>> No.5653787


Good, take a deep breath and think about mashing onions with your kraut sword ^_^

Soon enough you'll feel right as rain

>> No.5653788

>"I'm wrong but I won't admit it, so I'll say I'm leaving"

top kek

>> No.5653790

>too stupid to realize that, again, I'm not the one who was posting about knives
>even after I pointed it out
>Again, again, not the one posting about the knives
>therefore, not wrong
>leaving for work. Something about which you are quite familiar.
top kek, indeed

>> No.5653791

German since I'm not an autistic weaboo

>> No.5653792

What are you here for?

>> No.5653794

>being purposefully ignorant

top kak

>> No.5653812

I would gladly chop onions with a grosse messer. So manly.

>> No.5653901

They remind me of my self loathing after I fap to hentai. German things don't remind me of the bad thoughts.

>> No.5654070
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ya dingus

>> No.5654071


> all that chink print


>> No.5654203

>muh 15% chromium and possibly trace quantities of carbón


>> No.5654207

I got a pretty crappy but big knife from tk maxx and then sharpened it

it's made of one piece of metal which is pretty nice

my housemate snapped the tip though

>> No.5654234

Yet another knife thread on /ck/ This boards posting quality in these threads is shit, we have the german knife shills saying everyone should use retard proof knives and people who say japanese make better quality steel. No one ever says that for different people there will be different knife requirements and skill levels in terms of usage. However, everyone does shout that they are the greatest.

>> No.5654278

I try stating this in most threads but get ignored.
If you are a careful masterful sushi chef then use wapanese steel.
If you actually cook regularly and want a multi-purpose knife that will never chip then use German/Swiss.

>> No.5654281


> every thread on every board on the entirety of 4chan summed up

4chan is essentially a bunch of kids arguing who has better opinions while presenting their own as undoubted facts.

>> No.5654290

>If you actually cook regularly and want a multi-purpose knife that will never chip then use German/Swiss.
And you fucked up, as stated here >>5654234
it takes a different skill level, namely dont bend the blade or let it get off of the vertical axis. If you are halfway careful you will never chip a blade regardless of where it was made. The german knives are knives made for people of potato caliber who dont take care of their tools.

>> No.5654293

>If you are halfway careful
Can't always be guaranteed.
Have you worked in a commercial kitchen?

>for people of potato caliber
So 95%+ of all chefs and cooks?
I did state that wapanese steel is best for wapanese masters.
Why would you try to disagree with me byy agreeing with me?

>> No.5654302

>Have you worked in a commercial kitchen?
Yes and if you let others touch your things it is your own fault, if you arent careful with your own things it is your own fault. Neither of them is the fault of the steel.

>So 95%+ of all chefs and cooks?
No, anyone who is a moron who is incapable of taking care of their tools should be getting german made knives that way even the least intelligent mouth breather doesnt have to deal with things like oiling a blade after use or drying it.

>> No.5654312

I have a Zwilling knife and I think I'll stay with German steel because patriotism and it's very, very good in my opinion.

>> No.5654313

What whetstones do you guys use?

>> No.5654324
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>> No.5654347

I don't use a whetstone because German knives never need sharpening. I have never sharpened my wusthof in 7 years and it's still razor sharp.

>> No.5654361

chosera, shapton is good too though

>> No.5654398

I use a ceramic rod, and then get them sharpened once a year at a trustworthy place.

>> No.5654468

I have wusthoffs as well, but when cooking daily, just for family, they benefit from a few pilles through the sharpener each month or so. And yes, I only cut on teak.

>> No.5654484

German every single time.

>> No.5654557

For everyday use in the kitchen- victorinox. For special occasions global. I love both. If I has a slave to sharpen my global everyday I would use them but they're a fucker to sharpen

>> No.5654568

If you see any knife labeled as damascus it's a scam

The techniques for producing this kind of steel have been lost to history

>> No.5654577


If you see someone posting this, you know they're an aspie.

We know that nobody knows how to make genuine Damascus(tm) steel anymore. We don't care. These days, damascus simply refers to a pattern-welded blade.

>> No.5654591

Reminder to not buy Jap knives and not to fall for weeb propaganda. Japs work their stuff so much because of terrible material quality, not to make them better.

You wouldn't buy a Japanese sword over a proper western one. Same goes for knives..

>> No.5654601

>I only cut on teak
Why would you do that? It has one of the highest silica contents of any wood in the world. That is literally the reason why it is used for outdoor furniture.

>> No.5654659

You must be part of the same spam gang promoting chipotle

How much is the weeb consortium paying you?

>> No.5654722

So honing your knife slightly more often doesn't count as increased responsibility?

Seems like about the same amount of work as having to clean the knife more often.

>> No.5654734

I still own one of my Grandad's sheffield steel knives made in 1933.
So old it looks like a banana now but it's razor sharp and apparently indestructible. The handle cladding was originally some kind of bakelite but that came off and it's in a pale wooden handle now.
Ah the joys of empire....

>> No.5654743

...and empire that was defeated by a vegetarian in a diaper who never picked up a weapon? Or an empire, which despite 800 years of attempted genocide, couldn't wrest a hunk of mossy north atlantic rock from a bunch of sheep-shagging drunks?

>> No.5654744

Here we go...

>> No.5655178

Fucking german engineering man, I still have a mug my grandmother picked up post WWII from east germany.

Can drop that shit off a counter and it will just bounce.

>> No.5655558
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God damn you are such a fucking knife bigot.