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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5651320 No.5651320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't I just put my noodles in the heating sauce and cook them in that?

>> No.5651323

You can't boil the sauce.
You could use smaller pasta and cook it in the sauce but spaghetti needs to be half cooked in water.

>> No.5651324

who's stopping you?

>> No.5651326

You can. It works fine.
Lots of people do that.
Now go away.

>> No.5651332

I will stop him.

>> No.5651337

It takes longer. What you can do is take the cooked noodles, pour them into the sauce and heat it up for a minute in that and stir. It absorbs the sauce.

>> No.5651339

>picture of pasta


>> No.5651345

Lookie here, we got us a genuine italiano.

>> No.5651355

spaghetti = pasta noodles

>> No.5651372

>pasta noodles

Now you're just making shit up. Pasta and noodles are two seperate categories, there's no such thing as "pasta noodles".

>> No.5651379

I think its quite obvious that despite the current generation of young people having the capacity to access billions more items of information from a more connected modern world, they are still fundamentally fucking stupid when it comes to cooking.

>> No.5651382

it's an americanism, don't ask me I'm merely the translator.

>> No.5651385

That's not very nice, anon.

>> No.5651391

You can. My father does this all the time.

Of course, everything he makes tastes like crap, so it's probably not a good idea. But you totally can.

>> No.5651474

They're noodles made of pasta.

>> No.5651478

store bought spaghetti is dehydrated. The sauce is probably not liquid enough to properly rehydrate the pasta.

>> No.5651499

It's understandable, if you think about it.
Just because you have access to information doesn't mean you know how to use it.
It's why we still have doctors despite the fact that most medical information is freely available on the Internet.
The biggest problem is that fewer people are bothering to learn how to cook, since alternatives take less up-front effort.

>> No.5651526

What the fuck are you babbling about? Pasta sauce should always be brought to a boil once, then simmered until served.

>> No.5651715

amerifats speak a strange bastardised version of the language.

>> No.5651912

heat pan. add a little olive oil. add pasta from the fridge if you've already cooked it and you're just reheating. add meatballs if you want 'em. let it cook up a bit. pour on the sauce from the fridge. let it all simmer for a while, remember to stir. slide it all onto a plate. slice of good stiff bread to sop up the sauce. add parm. drink wine. boom, dinner

>> No.5651967

Home-made pasta sauce recipe pls guys

>> No.5651987

dice some peppers, onions, carrot and stove
bake some meatz add together
add tomatoes,
add spaghetti herbs
let simmer for a bit

>> No.5652004


>finely chop carrots, onion, celery
>heat up oil in a pot
>cook many small pancetta chunks in it
>add chopped vegetables
>mix and leave for 10 minutes
>add minced beef
>mix it about and keep mixing every now and again until the mince is browned
>add two tablespoons of tomato puree (double concentrate)
>add one glass of dry white wine and stir in
>slowly add 340ml of milk while stiring
>pinch of salt and pepper
>simmer with the lid on for 2-3 hours, adding a little more milk if it starts to dry

Serve on top of tagliatelle.

>> No.5652010

This guy knows his shit.

>> No.5652016


this is an abomination, my ancestors would skin you alive. stick to spotted dick and pudding britfag

>> No.5652019

>milk in tomato sauce
ask me how i know you arent italian

>> No.5652021

You know, adding a ton of retarded shit in a single dish doesn't automatically make everything taste better.

>> No.5652024


pls mejt i swe

>> No.5652031

>thinks tomato puree is a sauce

ask me how i know english isn't your first language

>> No.5652036

the whole thing combined is the sauce retard

>> No.5652040

Just because it has the tiniest amount of tomato in though doesn't make it a tomato sauce, anything but really.

>> No.5652048

Its a tomato sauce, however shitty it may be.

Next time your parents give you some money go to an italian restaurant so you can see what things are supposed to be like.

>> No.5652051

Lel, so I can learn to make a "spag bol"? No thanks, don't want any of your Americanized Italian dishes.

>> No.5652055

anything but really, innit m8? pip pop Eyetalian foodstuffs cheerio! Just like Ramsay does innit. Innit?!?

>> No.5652060

>ragu alla bolognese
>americanized italian
youre a bit dim huh?

>> No.5652062

I think asians usually add some sort of dairy to tomato sauces. I could be wrong though. I have also seen them make spaghetti neapolitan with ketchup.

>> No.5652063

alright calm down and av a toast sandwich bruv

>> No.5652068

pass the marmite

>> No.5652071

Here's what I do:
Large bowl of water and serving of noodles
Boil in microwave until cooked
Pour in sauce [usually use costco prego jars].
Microwave a minute.

Fresh pasta that tastes just like from the stove.

Saves me time and energy.

>> No.5652078

hon, the point was is that if I go to any italian restuarant that isn't in italy all I'm going to see is how to make shitty americanized dishes like spag bol, yea?

>> No.5652079
File: 201 KB, 1600x1107, harajuku gyoza_condiments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whenever I go to a Japanese restaurant they have Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, and Rice Vinegar on the table that I'm expected to mix to make my own gyoza sauce (the one I usually go to has chili flakes too). How do I mix these to get the best result? When I go to Chinese restaurants they usually give you sauce for dumplings (the one I frequent has some god tier Sichuan Hot Sauce that I can't seem to replicate) so I've never had to make my own.

Every time it comes out really shitty, what do you guys recommend?

>> No.5652082

What the fuck this was supposed to be its own thread

Surely one of you knows what to do though

>> No.5652089

But ragu alla bolognese isnt americanized italian. Im sorry you think no one in the states can serve authentic food.

I dont know if its becuase you live somewhere shitty or if its just because you are just a retarded grill but you cant get less authentic than the shit you posted. I'm betting on the latter though.

>> No.5652093

>americanized italian
>posts a recipe using ml
Yeah, you aren't American.

>> No.5652094

Unlike the sleek and sophisticated britbong version, amirite?

"Oi m8! Wut thee 'ell do ya think ya doing wiff my sista, m8? Bruva I will wreck you!"

>> No.5652096


Ragu alla bolognese is a sauce, not a dish. And it's a sauce that in Italy is never eaten with spaghetti. It's comparable to putting ketchup on a steak in their eyes.
So "spag bol" is an americanized italian dish.
Now shut up.

>> No.5652098

> ragu alla bolognese isnt americanized italian.

no shit, sherlock. you're not a very bright one are you? the point keeps flying over your head.

but since you seem to know so much about being italian in america why not post your "authentic" ragu alla tagliatelle

>> No.5652099

>attempting to defend shitty italian cusine
>while being wrong

>> No.5652100

I add milk to tomato soup. No I'm not asian.

>> No.5652104

This is what europoors actually believe.

>> No.5652106

>bun doesn't put ketchup on their steak

I bet you don't even have it well done either.

>> No.5652108


Go ahead, tell me how I'm wrong. In Italy spaghetti is not eaten with ragú, it's the wrong type of noodle for a meaty sauce like that. Ragú is for tagiatelle or lasagna.

>> No.5652112


ask me how I know you're american

>> No.5652117

That's not weird. It's like creamy tomato soup. A bisque.

Quite common in fancy ocoking

>> No.5652120

thats not what a bisque is

>> No.5652121

>implying sauce
have you never had creamy tomato basil soup?

>> No.5652128


Actually I'm not, sorry to disappoint. English isn't my native language and some amerifat terms have snuck in because of all the TV shows/movies.
Your turn.

Also, you still haven't told me how I'm wrong about ragú. Don't keep changing the subject.

>> No.5652129

what they posted clearly wasnt a soup and was ment to be served with pasta hence a pasta sauce

>> No.5652135

but they arent changing the subject and they did tell you. Sorry you get all your info from "new" episodes of miami vice being streamed to you latvian village

>> No.5652137

marcella hazan's recipe iirc, or very close anyway

>> No.5652138

I wasn't that person and I agree with you. I just hate it when people call pasta, noodles.

>> No.5652141

It's a vegetarian bisque

>> No.5652142

>aren't changing the subject
>did tell you

Do you have trouble reading?
Let me summarize whats been said so fair

Ragú isn't eaten with spaghetti in Italy.
>Hurr you're wrong.
Spaghetti isn't the right noodle for that sauce.
>Durr noodle, u so amerifat.

Where did they tell me?

>> No.5652144

I originally got it from a book ages ago, but googling hers it does seem very similar although hers has veal in it and says to serve with spaghetti.

>> No.5652146


Fair enough, I agree. However like I said, lots of American TV and people in the thread earlier using 'noodle' caused it to slip in the sentence.

>> No.5652147

I make sauce in my slow cooker and let it cook all day and then about 45 minutes before I serve it I dump in a hand full of dry pasta. It works fine but it does suck up a lot of the liquid.

>> No.5652152

they provided about as much evidence to back their claim up as you did

>> No.5652154


>> No.5652164


I've explained that spaghetti is the wrong type of pasta for a heavy meaty sauce like ragú. The meat doesn't "stick" well to thin spaghetti.
It is instead eaten with tagiatelle or lasagna for example.

All they've explained is: "You're wrong."

Still waiting for: "Why?" to be answered.

>> No.5652172

so just because you said it that makes it true but when someone else has the same amount of nonexistent evidence its automatically wrong?

>> No.5652174


>> No.5652180


Do you even debate?
I never said it's true just because I've said it.
I simply made a statement.
I'm fine if someone disagrees or thinks I'm wrong, but in order to further debate my point of view, they need to tell me WHY I'm wrong or WHY they disagree.

Simply saying: "You're wrong" is meaningless.

Seriously are you like 12, that I need to point this out?

>> No.5652184

>vegetarians ever being accurate when it comes to culinary definitions

>> No.5652196

>I say something with no evidence and say its fact
>someone else says the opposite with no evidence
hurr im right b/c you didnt post evidence either

>> No.5652207


Sir, your autism is showing.
Either that or you really are 12. In my last post I literally said that I do not claim anything as a fact, just because I said it.

Also someone else didn't "claim the opposite" just that I was "wrong" without specifying why.

However since you have such a boner over "evidence"; here is a piece of text from the Accademia Italiana della Cucina, after researching the original Ragú recipe:

"In Italy, this sauce is generally not served with spaghetti because it tends to fall off the pasta and stay on the plate. Instead, the people of Bologna traditionally serve their famous meat sauce with tagliatelle (‘tagliatelle alla bolognese). Outside the traditional use, this sauce can be served with tubular pasta or represent the stuffing for lasagna or cannelloni."

Now,... for like the 5th time. Please come with your counter point as to why I'm wrong.

>> No.5652218


but it doesnt say that

>> No.5652221

I thought it was tagliatelle but i can't be bothered to go downstairs and check

>> No.5652223

>being this mad about wop food

>> No.5652225


You're linking to the recipe for ragú.
Do you even try to look more like?
Or can't you even?

>> No.5652230

Not the other dude you are arguing with, but it seems like you need to take a moment to cool down, then you should probably go educate yourself with a couple simple google searches instead of sitting here wiki spurging that you need scientific documentation before you will listen to what other people are trying to tell you.

>> No.5652232


Not even mad. I'm just bored and enjoy arguing with retards that don't even know how to properly argue a point.

>> No.5652233
File: 59 KB, 500x500, giz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You can cook pasta in soup with some success, for example minestrone calls for some pasta, but then you can't leave the pasta in there too long because it goes all soggy - obviously you don't want to drain the soup.

Basically, don't do it.

>> No.5652234

>says something comes from a website
>someone else shows it goes
>spurgs out
its the only bolognese link on the website you were referencing

>> No.5652241


When did I reference a website? You realize that the Accademia Italiana della Cucina is an institution, not just a website.

>> No.5652248

Somebody get that poor bag of bones a sandwich. Stat.

>> No.5652266

Too starchy. You finished dish will be a gummy, disgusting mess. Plus, you'd have to use twice as much sauce in order to cook the noodles. Either way, it will not be good.

>> No.5652267

It's difficult to do with spaghetti, but I make a couple different pasta recipes that you just dump the noodles in the sauce and let it cook in that.

>> No.5652316


>> No.5652452

No need to learn to cook, we're in the future now. Frozen food is a godsend.

>> No.5652465

Whenever I see Italian chefs (by Italian I mean actual Italians that live in Italy) on tv they say that you should add pasta to the sauce rather than sauce to the pasta. I suppose it depends on what sauce you are using.

>> No.5652485
File: 13 KB, 220x176, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this. I didn't realise that you were actually planning on cooking the noodles in the sauce. No it won't work

>> No.5652515

Why not just cook the pasta to al dente in water faster than boiling sauce and finish the pasta in the heated up sauce?

>> No.5652528

>picture of pasta
Is OP Canadian?

>> No.5652537

Guys, get over it. It's like Film vs Movie. Same thing, different word.

>> No.5652543

No it's not, it's the same fucking word, just in another language. Is this a real argument in the states? You people are disgusting.

>> No.5652544

Let's talk about chips, fries and crisps next.

>> No.5652546

That gets legit confusing though because they mean radically different things. Noodle and Pasta is literally the same thing.

>> No.5652550


>legit confusing

don't you mean legitimately?

>> No.5652554

Shut up autist
It's about different food and not how word X is defined in a dictionary
I bet my lack of punctuation makes u rlly mad as well

>> No.5652559


>> No.5652569
File: 54 KB, 644x378, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5652572

That's legit.

>> No.5652600

>this thread again

Yes, it depends on the sauce and the noodles/pasta.

>> No.5652615
File: 44 KB, 343x353, 1359939913080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not adding garlic to the mirepoix
>not using hand-milled whole san marzano tomatoes
>letting milk simmer instead of adding it at the end

>> No.5652620



This is a pretty legitimate recipe and it has milk in it

being born from Sicilian peasants like most Italian Americans, I think north Italians are a little strange. Good food, nice people, but weird.

>> No.5652625

>Not cooking all the ingredients in a different pan and then add the waterboiled pasta and fry it with everything
I bet you only cook with spaghetties

>> No.5652628

I believe the official recipe for bolognese ragu from the city of Bologna includes milk.

>> No.5652630

They don't get to decide what things are.

>> No.5652645

am i the only one with an irrational hatred for spaghetti?

it feels too round and slender to be natural.

tagliatelli, fettucine etc are all fine. but fuck spaghetti.

>> No.5652655

>boiling pasta instead of just rehydrating it in hot water.

>> No.5652662

It's such a messy thing, it's annoying. Literally any other thing you could use is better.

>> No.5652984

cream is added if you are using dry pasta traditionally

>> No.5653898
File: 87 KB, 620x441, 1403290231873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>adding tomatoes and garlic to a bolognese sauce

>> No.5654007

Not trolling, what's the difference?

>> No.5654012

>What the fuck this was supposed to be its own thread

Don't feel bad about that, anon. Once when I had like a billion tabs open, I meant to post in a /ck/ thread about...I think it was eggs?...but ended up posting in a /co/ thread I had open because I wasn't paying attention.

>> No.5654013

Wouldn't the pasta become a half cooked starchy mess? I've attempted something like this before and the results were awful.

>> No.5654035

Place of origin, pastas are italian and noodles are east asian. I never see anyone refer to soba or udon or any other kind of noodle as pasta so why do people do it with kinds of pasta?

>> No.5654084

You really think they use the same grains for flour?
Even the eggs would be slightly different.
Also don't they use soda water in making soba?

>> No.5654108

Well yea, but even different types noodles and pastas can use different grains and cooking methods from each other. So it's not like pastas only use X grain and noodles only use Y grain.

>> No.5654139

Uh, well I would say that traditionally certain regions of the world and regions within countries would favour certain crops for various reasons including climate and terrain but today I would agree that people mix and substitute flours and such.

>> No.5654151
File: 112 KB, 600x402, 1397726592548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant i just put my noodles in my cunny

>> No.5654161

/tv/ pls stay

>> No.5654546

TFW this reminds me of the time I thought I could just put raw pasta in a crockpot with sauce and come back 5 hours later to just eat dinner.

It was awful, but I ate every fucking bite because I had no fucking money.

>> No.5654566

It works fine for me when I bring the water to near-boil, turn the heat to low, and then cover it. It takes maybe 15 minutes but it always comes out pretty good.

>> No.5654677

Americans use the word noodles for anything that's shaped like a noodle, which can include spaghetti.

>> No.5654681

Burgerstanian reporting. Things like egg noodles, spaetzle, etc are what I call noodles. Durum wheat /semolina pasta is pasta.

>> No.5654899

But I've seen Burgerlanders call macaroni a noodle on several occasions and they're not shaped like a noodle at all.

>> No.5654918

I make lasagne without boiling the noodles, so I think if it doesn't work it's because you...
A. Need more water added to sauce and..
2. Need to spread the sphagetti out in a single layer also...
C. Maybe want to add moisture containing veggies over the top to provide more moisture for noodles

>> No.5656570

I just heard Alton Brown on his podcast going on about how he used to be a big pot of boiling water advocate, but now starts his pasta in cold water.

>> No.5656571

Brought to a boil once, not left at a boil for 10 minutes.

>> No.5656958

you can, and it's the best shit ever. you just have to stir a lot and make the sauce a bit more wattery.

>> No.5657150


>> No.5657153

So, you don't know what bolognese sauce is huh.

>> No.5657687

Technically they are correct as bolognese sauces do not all have garlic in the sofrito and they are often made from paste. I prefer the slight bite of the garlic in my sauce (and a couple clips of basil) and a lot of pastes and canned tomatoes suck so whole SM tomatoes in paste reduce nicely but retain meatiness.

>> No.5657691

you are thinking of soffritto not sofrito

>> No.5657692

Bolognese has such a small amount of tomato in, it's just stupid when you see recipes calling themselves bolognese then say to use anything more than a small amount of tomato puree/paste. Chopped tomatoes are just a big no, no. That shit should have a different name because it ain't no bolognese.

>> No.5657794
File: 481 KB, 1661x905, he_actually_thinks_this_doesnt_have_tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually thinks it doesn't have tomato. pic related

Pretty much applies to you too.

>> No.5657849

Philosophically, given the fact that the word bolognese is taken from the Italians who's language is based on latin, one which itself consists of many loan words especially taken from the Greeks. Your snobby, elitist, autistic argument is undermined by the language bolognese is from.

>> No.5657875

I've baked dry lasagna noodles in a pan of sauce. It turned out fine.

>> No.5657903

Please, give bolognese recipe, or even just a simple description of what you believe it should be

>> No.5658883

I boil the noodles (just water) and then later dump them in the sauce with a bit extra water. Noodles soak up the sauce and taste far better than adding the sauce later.