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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 534 KB, 500x375, 45431-Sausage-Mcmuffin-And-Hash-Brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5650846 No.5650846[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are you mcbreakfasting?

>> No.5650857


cheese and rice that looks so gross bro
you know the smell of passing by a McDonalds in the morning ? Makes me want to puke

>> No.5650859

*tips fedora*

>> No.5650862
File: 109 KB, 778x583, 101109-mcds-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a hash brown not a rice cake

>> No.5650866


you cannot sit there and tell me, that smell is appetizing

I'll eat a mcgriddle, don't get me wrong I might have a couple Hashbrowns

But the smellll

>> No.5650869

Do Americans really eat fast food for breakfast?

>> No.5650872


nice eggs

>> No.5650875
File: 159 KB, 800x623, syac___mcdonald__s_night_by_tompreston-d3d99jz[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5650886

america isn't real

>> No.5650895

I'm agreeing with you fellow supreme gentleman with refined tastes.

*tips fedora*

>> No.5650901
File: 293 KB, 979x1200, 10584694645_67f8174e1d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good chance I will today
Egg McMuffin
Hash Brown

>> No.5650911

Woke up 30 minutes late at 4 AM, I didn't have time to make breakfast, so I stopped by mcdonalds on the way to work.
Got me a steak egg and cheese bagel, hashbrown, and medium coffee.
I know I'll regret it later, but I relished the greasiness of it all. Best thing on the breakfast menu. Good for hangovers too.

>> No.5650943
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>> No.5650970

>steak egg and cheese bagel

That shit's so good. It's like the egg mcmuffin of mcdonalds breakfast.

>> No.5650989


I still don't see it.

>> No.5650997
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>> No.5651019

>It's like the egg mcmuffin of mcdonalds breakfast.

I might be missing a joke, but isn't the egg mcmuffin of mcdonalds breakfast the egg mcmuffin?

>> No.5651032
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a challenger appears

>> No.5651116
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>> No.5651243
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>> No.5651246
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>> No.5651251

This is all bad and you should feel bad. Unless you are all fat stoners.

>> No.5651263

gonna need a little more info on this delectable dish

dont ever go full retard

>> No.5651268

what is "catsup"?

>> No.5651386


>> No.5651394
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>> No.5651411

Where did you buy this from?

>> No.5651441

I just get a big mac at 10:31 am

>> No.5651446

Make sure to order it fresh (ask for no pickles or whatever). If you get one at that time it'll have cold/dried out meat from being left out while they take its temperature.

>> No.5651508

but pickles are the best thing


>> No.5651560


>> No.5651675
File: 868 KB, 320x180, puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those "hash browns" give me greasy dry heaves an hour later, and dont get me started on hardees hash rounds...

muh nigga

>> No.5651690

You're a delicate little flower, aren't you?

>> No.5651694

the point is if you ask for a burger with no pickles it forces them to make a fresh one

>> No.5651693

No I had coffee, coconut, and banana nut muffins. Was good.

>> No.5651700

As usual, that's not a normal reaction to food and it's almost certainly a problem with you and not McDonalds.

>> No.5651726

Had tea and an english muffin with peanut butter. McDonalds is cancerous trash on a bun.

>> No.5651735
File: 926 KB, 640x360, puke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga i grew up with a mother who cant cook to save her life... ive eaten things that would give all of /ck/ nighmares

it only happens with fast food hash browns. also puking after eating fast food is a normal reaction, unless youve built up an immunity over time

i wish i had friends like you

>> No.5651753

i understand the point, provided it is the following: McD will only make a fresh sandwich if a typical ingredient is removed. McD will not make a fresh sandwich if the customer adds something to in addition to the typical ingredients.
ex: i would like a big mac with tomatoes, please
>McD employee unwraps big mac, add tomato, re-wraps big mac

>> No.5651776

They assemble the burger that is ordered. They don't have to make fresh meat if you order a burger with no pickles. Technically they're supposed to let meat sit for 15 minutes max or something, but realistically it'll sit for an hour + sometimes.

>> No.5651933

>puking after eating fast food is a normal reaction
No, it really isn't.

>> No.5651949

it totally is. it's deep fried saturated salty garbage. dont get me wrong i love the stuff, and once every few months i will get some fast food knowing well in advance i will be sick for 2 days afterwards.
shit sux

>> No.5651964

>implying the meat sits for 15 mins max

The official policy is to change the meat in the drawer every hour. What actually happens is the jaded employees reset the timer until it's unservable (they'll try to serve anything)

>> No.5651972
File: 26 KB, 245x350, Super_Size_Me_Poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch it

>> No.5651976

>implying he wasn't doubling down on meals

>> No.5651980

>thread about mcdonalds breakfast
>half the posts are telling us what kind of fruit and nuts they had with their biscuit
Can't you faggots get over your snobby reaction long enough to post a relevant reply?

>> No.5651986

No, I don't have the money.

If you'd like to give me money for McDonalds I would accept it, and probably end up spending it at the farmers market this weekend.

>> No.5651990
File: 24 KB, 360x357, puke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relevant reply

fast food is shit /thread

>there is a reason why mcdonalds puts antiemetics in their food

>> No.5652011

He ate nothing but McDonalds for 30 days. I eat fast food a lot and even that would make me puke.

>> No.5652023
File: 238 KB, 540x720, Baby Head in Vice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Americans don't actually eat anything. We are "born" from our incubation tubes fully formed in whatever shape is desired by the Egregore and with all of the requisite nutrients for our tasks.

>> No.5652028

Of course fast food is shit, faggot, but this thread is about mcdonalds breakfast not your unwarranted opinion of fast food.

>> No.5652086

Nah, I put Carl's jr meat in my mouth.

>> No.5652101

Maybe 2-3 times a month.
If I ate more than that I'd get bored with the food and tastes.

>> No.5652105

Why is everyone's stomach on /ck/ so fucking sensitive?

>> No.5652110

And yet you dry heave from a damn hash brown. Pansy bitch.

>> No.5652114

They're girls, btw

>> No.5652116

Movie is bullshit. Of course someone who only ate vegetarian then went only to mcdonalds would feel sick.

>> No.5652145

implying mcdonalds breakfast is not shit?

why would they feel sick if fast food was so good and healthy? i think you are referring to building up an immunity to fast food

>> No.5652151

Yes, a lot of Americans eat fast food for breakfast. A lot of Americans cook their breakfast instead. Some just have oatneal or cold cereal.

When you have 313 million people in your country you will find that there is a diverse range of habits amongst different people.

>> No.5652157

You know I had catsup before but I honestly prefer ketchup.

>> No.5652166

>puking after fast food is normal the first time
That explains why kids who eat their first happy meal always throw up.

Oh wait
Maybe you just have a shitty digestive system with IBS and should start wearing adult diapers soon.

>> No.5652169

Because they're pussy ass bitches that throw up if they aren't shoving pink Himalayan salt up their ass

>> No.5652171

No, it's not normal, retard.

>> No.5652176

No, pls. Why do you have to shitpost such obvious bait?

>> No.5652177

I eat it maybe once a month at the most. When I do I do this; Get sausage McMuffin with egg. They used to just give you a fucking egg, but now you must specify that you want an egg. Put that bitch in the toaster to crisp up the muffin, otherwise the muffin is all soggy n shit. Add avocado slices. Epic hoe. Eat that hoe. Your'e welcome.

>> No.5652188

it's the norm for me = normal
hope this helps, faggotron

>> No.5652206

Yeah, uh huh.

>> No.5652209

stupid nigger

>> No.5652220

>implying niggers don't luz dem some mcdonalds
>implying 365mcdonalds.com

>> No.5652222
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>> No.5652235

>there's no tipping
lol they fucking nailed it even 40 years ago

>> No.5652242
File: 379 KB, 1024x768, darwin on niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as the biggest nigger hater here i take offence to that

>> No.5652247

>as the biggest nigger hater here
Come at me, piker.

>> No.5652264
File: 84 KB, 697x409, nigger fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey now friend lets not fight amongst ourselves, thats exactly what the niggers want

>> No.5652285
File: 219 KB, 800x619, 1377236404959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andrew Dobson

>> No.5652301

The AM Crunchwrap is the most insanely god-tier fast food breakfast option there is. Not even shilling.

>> No.5652332

This. I relish my early morning shifts at work so I can get an AM Crunchwrap and large coffee before I open up the shop.

>> No.5652358

>post picture of meal with 0.1% fat, a tiny square of cheese, and a fraction of grease
>every single time

Story time: Broke up with long term girlfriend about 1 year ago, moved into house with bros to get back on my feet. Their house essentially had no kitchen, since it was dirty beyond repair. It took months to clear all the trash and shit, and get it in working order. During that time, I ate nothing but fast food. The town we're in has little to offer, even worse at night. I ate mostly Mcdoubles, double stackers, jr bacons and dollar tacos for about 3 months straight. Drank only cheap off-brand energy drinks and beer.

I never puked, never felt sick, never felt gross or tired. It's just food. This was a stark contrast to the food I'd been eating for the previous 5 years, which was home cooked meals with zero artificial ingredients. And now that I have a working kitchen again, it's back to all home cooked stuff. I still wouldn't turn down a mcdouble if offered one.

>> No.5652380

really? what do you like about it? i've heard they dont use ground beef and instead use some shitty sausage?

>> No.5652407

>cheese and rice
Fucking hell, stay in reddit you subhuman mong.

>> No.5652706

Fuck I gotta get one tomorrow. We started testing them like a year ago and they were so good. The waffle taco was oddly not bad either

>> No.5653204

Probably once every week or two.
Nothing wrong with a number two when you're doing an early morning shift.

>> No.5653339

Fuck, I keep hearing this and my only access to Taco Bell is in the afternoon.
I wish they served that breakfast all day.

>> No.5653371
File: 278 KB, 600x400, andrew_dobson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just googled him and he doesn't look that bad at all. Maybe a tiny bit skinnyfat at worst.

>> No.5653404


He lied out of his ass in that documentary when he was recording his meals, and the follow-up documentary by another man titled "Fat Head" proved that. He actually lost weight eating nothing but mcdonald's.

>> No.5653423

>theres only one Andrew Dobson in the world

>> No.5653457

Get up earlier, it's worth it. No joke.

>> No.5653492

am i the only one that likes to buy an extra 2 hashbrowns and put them into the burger?

>> No.5653499
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I think Andrew Dobson might be his pen name, I'm not sure

>> No.5653509

>5 n0dollars for tiny piece of shit that hardly has meat innit
fucking australian crook prices! when will aussie stop being chink jews???

>> No.5653518
File: 98 KB, 1024x748, Temur Punch!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5653526

It's Tom Preston.
Source: I'm a /co/ck/.

>> No.5653674

Oh fuck I wan't one but I'm on a diet.

>> No.5653701

McDonald's got rid of their two for 3$ breakfast sandwich deal months ago. They don't even have a dollar menu anymore just a "value" menu. I don't think there's a good reason to buy from there ever again because other fast food places are much better and now around the same price.

>> No.5653713


>Supersize Me
>Credible source


>> No.5653718


holy shit you're a riot :D

>> No.5653785

Was the coconut homemade?

>> No.5653793

kind of off topic but im eating pretzels with Himalayan salt on them, bretty gud

>> No.5653797

assblasted 2.0

>> No.5653892

>mac 'ies

fuck you

>> No.5654264

What up, ma nigga

>> No.5654269

It's totally worth it. Either stay up til 6/7am when they open, or wake up and get there before 11am, when breakfast is over. If they served breakfast all day, I'd be an even fatter fuck than I already am because it's top shit, yo