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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 198x254, gheeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5644281 No.5644281 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/,
Do you guys like Ghee?

I like cooking with it a lot, feels like it has a warmer taste then the oily taste of butter or olive oil and a little more substance then coconut oil.

I've also heard but don't really bank on the rumor that it's pretty good for you, any knowledge to back this up?

>> No.5644288

Love the taste of ghee, hate the price of ghee.

If you subscribe to the scientifically accurate idea that saturated and monounsaturated animal fats are good for you (because they are), then yes, ghee is good for you. Butter is also good for you. Ghee is no better for you than butter unless you are severely lactose intolerant (butter already has so little lactose). Ghee just tastes way better.

>> No.5644290
File: 45 KB, 640x412, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice dubs, I trust you.

>> No.5644312

Ghee is my favorite cooking fat for anything over medium-low heat.

>Love the taste of ghee, hate the price of ghee.
>melt butter over low heat
>increase heat until it just starts sizzling
>wait until sizzling almost stops

>> No.5644355

Were are you getting your ghee man? It's pretty cheap where I am, as long as you go to an Indian grocery, instead of somewhere fancy like Whole Foods.

>> No.5644427

I make my own. It's super high in butyrate (your DNA uses that as energy and allows cancer cells to go into cell death) and low in all common dairy issues - proteins and the milk fats. so yeah, it's pretty healthy for you, it's also super easy to make, I just made a new batch from Organic Valley pasture butter the other day and it's the best oil to cook with in my opinion. I also use avocado oil if I need something liquid quickly, but whenever it comes to frying, it's GHEE time! Hella cheap too

>> No.5644462

>scientifically accurate idea that saturated animal fats

When he has to posture the sentence with "scientifically accurate" you can kind of tell already he's getting ready for a fight, and thats because saturated animal fats are high in palmitic fatty acids, and the world health organization classifies those fatty acids in the same health category as transfats.

It is a fact that saturated animal fats are bad for you and are strongly correlated to increased risk of diabetese, obesity, cardio vascular disease, coronary heart disease, angina, gout, and cancer.

If you are going to pick an oil to cook with, you would be hard pressed to find a less healthy oil.

>> No.5644470

>hard pressed to find a less healthy oil.
Partially hydrogenated soybean oil.

>> No.5644492

Just.. Before someone asks for citation... And before someone comes up with a single study that supports eating as much sat fat as possible...

Wikipedia cites atleast 10 profesional health organizations that support the reduction of sat fat in peoples diets.

Before someone says

Not that these are professional organizations that have analyzed hundreds of studies and decided to make the recomendation of lowering sat fat intake.
Furthermore, leading medical, heart-health, and governmental authorities, such as the World Health Organization,[13] the American Dietetic Association,[14] the Dietitians of Canada,[14] the British Dietetic Association,[15] American Heart Association,[16] the British Heart Foundation,[17] the World Heart Federation,[18] the British National Health Service,[19] the United States Food and Drug Administration,[20] and the European Food Safety Authority[21] advise that saturated fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD).

And the next chart after that paragrpah on sat fat is a listing of a dozen studies and their supporting findings of increased risk of cvd with increased intake of sat fat.

And again, before >wikipedia
Everything on the page cites original source material.

No one is making this stuff up.

The usda and the beef producers of america have a shill planted on this board to spew pro sat fat propaganda from time to time.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way... Ghee is delicious. And consumed in small quanities, along with a healthy diet, can lead to true happiness.

>> No.5644511

except recent studies show they arent bad for you, of course any fat is bad in excess

>> No.5644524


fats are a much superior choice of energy compared to your shitty plant based 1000g+ carbs

>> No.5644527

What is so bad about partial hydrogenation? I'd wager to say that soybean oil itself is already 100x superior to animal fat cooking oils like lard, butter, tallow etc. Do you even know what "partial hydrogenation" does and why it is used in the industry?

>> No.5644531

you fail to mention most studies conducted in this field are paired with a diet high in saturated fat (yes) but also high in refined carbs.

you're as silly as your propaganda machine, show me at least 2-3 studies that have sound methodology that PROVE or have good results SUGGESTING that saturated fats are bad for you and why.

protip: you can't

>> No.5644532

>What is so bad about partial hydrogenation
It creates trans-fats, which are scientifically acknowledged to be the worst kind of fat.

>> No.5644535

and the rest is made into sat fats so why not just use straight all natural sat fats?

not to mention metal is often used as a catalyst

>> No.5644540

>The usda and the beef producers of america have a shill planted on this board to spew pro sat fat propaganda from time to time.

I think you refer to me, I know there's at least one more person on this board that defends fats, but if you just go to /fit/ you'll see plenty of people swearing by ketogenic diets and whatever, I just wanted to say I'm not a shill. My lifestyle is just far different than yours and I'm healthy enough on a high fat diet, so I can't just sit by while you indoctrinate everyone into your veganism/plant based lifestyle. Anyway, I gotta go watch some tv, enjoy your time fellow health nut.

>> No.5645113

Someone doesn't paleo.
>mfw those saturated fat studies are from the 1950s and 1970s, aka the 6 & 7 country ones, with terrible statistical modeling & a complete lack of error controls for everything we know about food science today. Grow up you pathetic fuck & read the scientific journals, not the headlines

>> No.5645140

Source: stuff you should know: saturated fat, Robb Wolfe & Dave asprey's talks on saturated fat (paleo experts)

>> No.5645148

To all those who complain about ghee being hard to get or expensive,
my dad makes his own ghee. It's actually pretty easy, I don't know the exact recipe but I bet you can look it up. I think he buys a shitload of normal butter, then melts it (literally some 10 kilo), then does some magic and it becomes ghee. Spends a couple hours of a day and it lasts forever.

>> No.5645153

I make ghee and render chicken and lamb fat to cook with.

>> No.5645410

People gettin' real angry in this thread instead of actually deciding to take a critical look at the actual research done in regards to fat.

I've been getting roughly 50-60g of saturated fat per day for years now, and I also get cholesterol tests done twice a year every year. My ratios are always excellent, and my risk of heart disease is pretty much zero.

OP, ghee is a tasty and healthy cooking fat.

>> No.5645440

I wouldn't say it's healthy but it's better than hydrogenated fats.

The Crete Study (I think that's the official name?) discovered that though clarified butter and rendered lamb fat are common cooking fats on the island, the people have amongst the lower rates of IHD and blood cholesterol in all Europe. Further observation and study suggests (but has no concluded) that a high fibre diet counteracts the effects of dietary saturated fats in the human body as the people of Crete eat an especially fibrous diet compared to that of most other cultures.

A study in India has suggested similar ideas. A study from... 2004, I think? — suggests that India's growing issues with IHD and atherosclerosis is due to the new use of vegan alternatives to ghee, yellow-dyed hydrogenated cooking fats.
Pretty much, avoid hydrogenated fat, eat saturated fat all you want, take care to eat high fibre as well and you'll likely be a-okay.

>> No.5645487

Your read on the india study is misinformed. Sat fats were eaten but in smaller quantities historically. Globalization and the tech boom, has led to an influx of money, and more of a first world diet, much higher in sat fat, much more often. This combined with IT, sit on your ass all day work, is a no brainer to lead to higher amounts of ihd.

It has very little to do with the type of sat fat or trans fat. Sat fat was bad for them, it is even more bad for them now that they are eating a richer diet of it.

>> No.5645495

The actual research was referenced earlier in the thread.

Conclusive evidence that likens the threat of cvd to sat fats, on an evidential strength basis as strong as that of transfats has been found and 10 of the worlds top health organizations stand beside that research and recommend limiting intake.

Your anecdotal evidence of how much you eat just makes you look fucking stupid.

>> No.5645514

But my cultural diet is high in saturated fat and not a single person in my entire family (or anyone else I've ever known from back home) has ever had a heart attack. I think it's much like the Crete study because we eat a metric fucktonne of fibre, too, although we don't use lamb render or butter all that much: our saturated fat comes from pork and chicken lards, which are the traditional cooking fats along with olive and sesame oils. For the last twenty years or so, animal fats have been shied away from in my itty bitty Greek corner of Italy in favour of olive and sesame oils exclusively.
Still we're far thinner and longer lived than the rest of the country by quite a huge margin. I believe it's all that fibre in our diets, man.