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File: 740 KB, 1000x813, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5642389 No.5642389 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a basic recipe on how to make ramen?
Especially the broth.

>> No.5642394

Ramen is one of those things that can be sold cheaply by restaurants because the ingredients are cheap but that is so time consuming and requires so many ingredients that it is always an expensive waste of time if you try to make it at home for less than 10 people

>> No.5642398

i just wanna eat or cook the real deal not the instant stuff at the supermarket, there are no places to eat ramen near me so i gotta improvise

>> No.5642406
File: 458 KB, 700x526, CuttingNoodlesWithMenkiriBocho-web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making real authentic ramen is a somewhat expensive - you need a menkiri bōchō in order to even make the noodles correctly. That is why in Japan people get it at a yatai instead of making it at home. It's cheap enough when you scale up production but it makes little sense to make only a few servings unless you just want to torture yourself.

My real advice for you if you want to eat a variety of things without having them shipped to you from all over the map is to study hard and move out of your provincial hell hole.

>> No.5642421

>you need a menkiri bōchō in order to even make the noodles correctly

Nah, you just need that if you want to be 100% traditional. You can cut the noodles just fine with a normal knife. It might to be as efficient but then again, if you don't own a ramen shop you don't need that degree of efficiency.

The biggest pain is the stock, and even that is actually quite easy, it just takes a long time. Thankfully it's hands-off so you can have it simmering while you do something else.

>> No.5642455

Depends on the variety. There are many, many different types of ramen and ramen broths out there.

The one in your pic looks like it's probably dried fish and seaweed broth soy sauce ramen (niboshikonbudashi shoyu ramen), which is one of the more basic sorts and is not terribly time consuming. From beginning to end, it take take as little as 45 minutes to make.

For 1 litre/quart, you'll need:
dried seaweed, 1 sheet
>or shredded, a half cup tightly packed, but I much prefer the sheet
dried baby sardines/anchovies, 1 cup
Welsh onion/Korean leek, 2 whole
Ginger, 1 hand
Water, 1-2 litres/quarts depending on whether or not you're to use a pressure cooker
Soy sauce, to taste
Ginger juice, to taste
Mirin, to taste
Sake, to taste
Sugar, to taste

>> No.5642458

Wash the seaweed under running water until pliable.
Place fish and seaweed into a stock pot or pressure cooker.
Trim outer layers from leek and separate the green from the white.
Wash the ginger and the leek.
Smash the ginger and leek whites flat with the side of the knife and place into the pot.
Tie the greens into knots and place into the pot.
Add the water and set to high heat; if using a pressure cooker, add 1 litre, otherwise, add 2.
When it is just about to come to the boil, remove the seaweed (this is why I recommend sheets).
If using a pressure cooker, carefully clamp the lid and allow to cook at high pressure 20 minutes or so, then off the heat and allow to cool 10-15 minutes before carefully venting.
If using a normal pot, bring to the boil then lower the heat to maintain a low simmer and allow to reduce in liquid volume by about half.
Carefully strain out all solids and catch the broth in a second stock pot or a bowl; if desired, strain through muslin/cheese cloth or coffee filters to remove particulate matter.
Season to taste with soy sauce, ginger juice, mirin, sake and sugar.

That's it.
To serve, boil some noodles in water to desired doneness then wash under cold running water to retain chewiness.
Place broth in a bowl and slip in the noodles.
Add toppings as desired. In OP's pic, I see preserved bamboo (menma), Japanese fish cake/sausage slices (futomaki), spinach, slices of boiled egg, sliced green onions/scallion greens and either sliced roasted pork loin or tofu (I can't quite tell which it is, but I think it's pork loin).
When it's pork loin ramen, the dried fish-and-seaweed broth is often mixed 1:1 with pork broth (not pork bone stock, which is something else entirely) but you can just go without.

>> No.5642462

The Momofuku cookbook has one of the best ramen broth recipes EVER. Chicken, Pork, dashi, and veggies combine over a 2ish day process to make the most luxurious broth i've ever made.

>> No.5642486

>calling it "seaweed"

R u baka, gaijin-kun??

>> No.5642493


Confirmed for not knowing anything about making Asian food.

Soy sauce and mirin is not to taste. Kaeshi should be made ahead of time and be rested at room temperature for 1 day.

Konbu is not seaweed.

Ginger should go in the stock.

Also katsuobushi is necessary if you're making a sea based dashi.

Anchovies should be cleaned and added near the last step of the broth,.

>> No.5642495

thank you

>> No.5642507

I wanted to use simpler words and I don't know what this specific seaweed is called in English. I know its name in grolious nihongo and in my other language, but not in English, sorry.
I figured 'seaweed' was good enough. Is it not?

>> No.5642508

>western armchair expert telling someone who grew up in a japanese household about nip things
Nice try, whitey.

>> No.5642513
File: 1.36 MB, 384x2047, HMRamen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huck a whole fish, dried mushrooms and other crap into a slow cooker and cook for hours.

Make Ramen from some online recipe. Not hard to find. I used this (tasted good) http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-REAL-Japanese-ramen-from-scratch/

I used the spaghetti cutter attachment on my hand-crank pasta sheet maker. Makes a good decent size close to the cheap packaged kind.

Once you strain the broth and bring to boil, I added coconut cream to the broth. For the noodles, you actually fry them in oil first, then add them to the boiling broth for a bit.

Best Ramen I've ever had.

>> No.5642542




>> No.5642545
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me likey

>> No.5642548


Seaweed and seakelp are completely different things. They dont even look alike. Maybe you should stop giving advice if you dont even know basic knowledge about Japanese cooking.

>> No.5642554

He just didn't know the English word for it you gigantic cunt. You didn't even read the post, or try to comprehend it, did you? You just sat there spazzing out over seaweed, like a retard.

>> No.5642581



Lol, it's so obvious that you are "him." If "he" had the time to type up two posts worth of that "recipe," couldn't he have taken the extra step to look it up?


>> No.5642583

I'm welsh, what the fuck is a welsh onion?

>> No.5642610

I'm not the other poster, you just radiate an aura of cuntiness so strongly that I had to point it out to you.

>> No.5642615
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>> No.5642618


Thank you for pointing it out, kind sir. I shall heed your warning on my next lecturing of charlatans, lest I cause emotional pain to the subject of my criticism.

>> No.5642620
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>> No.5642627

a leek presumably

>> No.5642630

the serious eats recipe is good http://www.seriouseats.com/2012/02/how-to-make-tonkotsu-ramen-broth-at-home-recipe.html

>> No.5642633

It's okay to criticize someone, but you were criticizing without even understanding what the person was saying. You end up just looking like one of those crazy people who shout nonsense at everyone. Like an angry hobo.

>> No.5642635

I posted the recipe. I do not understand what the problem here is. I am unable to. If you have a better recipe, please post it for OP. You needn't use my recipe. It's just one of a great number of recipes. I even said so when I gave the recipe.
You can add dried fragrant mushrooms or leave out the seaweed or add roasted garlic or substitute the welsh onion for scallions/green onions or regular onion or make the broth with chicken stock instead of water and many more other ways, too. There are as many ways to make the broth as there are people in the world and everyone will have their variation. The recipe I gave is just how my family makes quick ramen broth. We have never cooled the broth except for when making it with pork and that is only to remove the fat that floats on top when it cools. Since the one I have given hasn't used the pork, it was not needed to cool it to remove the fat.

I learnt that 'welsh' (minuscule W) means 'foreign' or 'weird.' Welsh onion is a type of leek and has nothing to do with Wales. I don't know why it is considered foreign or weird. I buy it from a Korean grocer because the Japanese one in my area is much more costly than the Korean one.
Also: hi! I like Wales and the Welsh.

I am dyslexic with Japanese and Chinese and cannot read either at all, I am sorry.

>> No.5642644


I did understand what he was saying, which is why i laid out critiques and my credentials on my subsequent posts.

>> No.5642648


Might as well use a ramen recipe from an actual Japanese person.

>> No.5642649

I thought beans and chili autism was bad...

>> No.5642652

No, you criticized him for not knowing the difference between seaweed and sea kelp, when he said he just didn't know the English word for it. And instead of telling him the word, you just kept going on about how he didn't know anything of Japanese cooking.

>> No.5642653

>konbu is not seaweed
>Kombu (昆布 konbu?) is edible kelp from the family Laminariaceae widely eaten in East Asia.

>Kelps are large seaweeds (algae) belonging to the brown algae (Phaeophyceae) in the order Laminariales.

>Ginger should go in the stock.

>Smash the ginger and leek whites flat with the side of the knife and place into the pot.
It goes in the stock.

>Also katsuobushi is necessary if you're making a sea based dashi.
>Anchovies should be cleaned and added near the last step of the broth,.
Not everything is made the way you make it. Not everyone does things the way you do things.

>> No.5642656

>muh authenticity

>> No.5642661

It's great isn't it?

>> No.5642662

That's almost identical to >>5642455 >>5642458 just that >>5642648 adds pork broth and dried shiitake.
So if >>5642455 >>5642458 is the same as >>5642648, does that mean that >>5642493 is a horrid cunt? It seems to imply that, yes.

>> No.5642665

>Not everything is made the way you make it. Not everyone does things the way you do things.
fuck off troll

>> No.5642676

>boohoo: you're doin' things different!! :: cry ::

>> No.5642702
File: 1.33 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your autism won't let you admit that kelp is seaweed because seaweed is a larger more generic term that your ocd won't allow your detailed ocd mind to grasp... But here is page 44 of david chang's momofuku referring to konbu as seaweed in a recipe for dashi.

Thanks for improving the thread with your retard style pedantic antics.

>> No.5642710
File: 607 KB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Kelp are large seaweeds"

I have recognized a pattern, that autists don't understand the idea of generic sets.

>> No.5642724


In the industry, seaweed always refers to nori or wakame. Sea kelp always refers to konbu. Scientifically, seaweed may be the accurate term to describe both, but in real life that is not the case.

Example: Red fish and white fish may not have a scientific distinction, but in the culinary world, they have significant differences.

Another example: tomato is scientifically a fruit, but it is practically a vegetable.

Katsuobushi is standard in Japanese cuisine, even ramen. It is necessary to round out the fishiness of niboshi.

Lastly, niboshi should absolutely cleaned, especially if it goes into the pressure cooker. This is to prevent the stock from becoming bitter. It is only acceptable to leave the guts and heads on if the niboshi is quickly soaked, like how it is done in some udon shops.

It is true that everybody does things their own way. But the recipe he posted had so many technical issues. It's like making miso soup with water instead of dashi, or making sushi with rice paper instead of nori, or making tempura sauce with soy sauce and corn syrup and calling it tentsuyu.

Also I am autistic. But I've apprenticed as itamae for 13 years in Tokyo, so I do know what I am talking about. I wouldnt have come this far if it weren't for my "autistic tendency" to detail and correctness.

>> No.5642731


Autistic man here. David Chang is not even considered a shokunin in the industry. It's like saying Alton Brown or Anthony Bourdain are authorities on cooking

>> No.5642737

>refute common usage argument
>ignore literature on the subject

Ok.. No one is arguing that your specifics are wrong. But the generic term, as used, was just fine and no one needed to aut out.

>> No.5642738

Everyone's an expert on the internet. The recipe is identical to >>5642648 so I guess cooking with dog lady is
>Confirmed for not knowing anything about making Asian food.
>should stop giving advice if [she doesn't] even know basic knowledge about Japanese cooking.

Just shut the fuck up. You lost this one. Everyone disagrees with you. This is why you have no friends, no one loves you and you will die, alone, with all your cats and when the neighbours call someone to investigate the odours of your putrifying corpse, the cats will have eaten half of it.

>>5642662 is absolutely right to call you
>a horrid cunt
Because you totes are. A horrid, insufferable fucking cunt.

>> No.5642743


Is cooking with dog lady a professional cook?

>> No.5642747


The difference between realizing generic industry terms and usage, and relying on specifics and pedantics is often the realm of internet trolls that only know how to do google searches and will cling to the search result they have decided is the correct answer. This is a much weaker form of knowledge, when compared to a person that has read the literature, cooked the cook, and had the experience to recognize the generic terms and substitutable words and phrases for similar or hierarchical items.

Keep on with the ocd kelp is not seaweed argument, but you're dead wrong.

Since konbu is kelp, and kelp is seaweed, konbu is seaweed. Thats all there is to that.

>> No.5642748

>Example: Red fish and white fish may not have a scientific distinction

are you fucking serious? that is the entire point of the biological classification system.

>> No.5642749

Likely not and neither is >>5642458 >>5642455 but you know what the difference between >>5642458 >>5642455 and Autiefag is? Autiefag didn't help the thread. At all. >>5642458 >>5642455 was homemade goodness as done in some Japanese person's home, not some fancy, shmancy Japanese restaurant. Fuck Autiefag. Fuck him in the arse with a big rubber dick.

>> No.5642755


The post below me saying that i am wrong about my terminology, while ignoring the actually technical critiques I made about the recipe.

Even if i concede that seaweed can refer to konbu, it doesnt make the rest of my post wrong. Doing things uniquely is not an excuse for technical errors.

It's like cooking spaghetti for 20 minutes, and saying that "i like soggy pasta so the recipe is just as valid as everybody else's"

>> No.5642756

So, uh... do you have an actual recipe or not?

>> No.5642760

>technical errors
Abloobloobloo. Go sperg out elsewhere, faggot.
You've lost.

>> No.5642762

Of course he doesn't. Autiefag is just useless piece of shit, never worked anywhere and just collects gubmint benefits paid him for his autism.
He doesn't know jack motherfucking balls.
>>5642458 >>5642455 was helpful and Autiefag is a pedantic crybaby.

>> No.5642766


What did i lose? You only refuted one of my points

>> No.5642769

>what did i lose
At life. Nobody loves you and you have no friends because you're a needless pedant. And >>5642458 >>5642455 is a perfectly fine recipe and you've yet to provide one of your own.
Cry more, friendless faggot.

>> No.5642770


I posted so many recipes in the past ramen threads, but nobody bothers to read them because they are content with making "home style" ramen.

I just came to point out the wrongs and restore honor to the glory of ramen cuisine.

>> No.5642783

No its not like that at all.

Its like someone saying "add the pepper" to your sauce.

Then you come in and autshit all over the place saying that the original poster was an idiot for specifying pepper (implying he meant ancho chile pepper) when EVERYONE KNEW ALL ALONG HE MEANT BLACK PEPPER.

No one gave a shit, no one gives a shit, shut the fuck up.

We all know what is meant by seaweed in a fucking dashi stock. If op was gonna go swiming in the pacific and just fresh havest some random wed growing in the water the he fucking deserves what he gets.

Just like anyone adding ancho chilis to a god damn marinara.

And for reference, if people like their pasta overcooked, that doesn't make their recipe wrong. That makes their recipe perfectly the way they like it, which is perfectly correct. The way this gets sorted out is that person posts their recipe, and 10 other people post their recipe and of the 11 only one boils the pasta for 20 minutes. It doesn't get fixed by autshitting all over the thread. Next time, if you disagree with something, get helpful and post a god damn recipe.

>> No.5642822


Man i cant keep up with you. I would like to talk more about my ancestral cuisine with you, but I have to go now.

See you in the next ramen thread (^-^)/

>> No.5642861

That's because their are at least 6 different people itt that you think is one person disagreeing with you. But it's not one person. We all disagree with you.

>> No.5642872

Well, I suppose many of the occupants of this country are awfully fond of leeks to the extent of using them as a national symbol, so that could perhaps also be a contibuting factor

Given ramen is jp cuisine is it okay for me to ask whether I can keep my tonkatsu (and sauce) in the fridge for a cold packed lunch/makeshift bento tomorrow?

>> No.5642880


Autism: 0
Aspie: 1

Aspergers wins again!


>> No.5642973
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part 1

>> No.5642977
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part 2

>> No.5642984
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>> No.5642986
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>> No.5642989
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>> No.5642995
File: 207 KB, 1260x819, Ajitsuke Tamago Vertical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These eggs were cooked about 2 minutes too long. Just sayin'. But the procedure is what's important, just knock 2 minutes off of cooking time.

>> No.5643001
File: 48 KB, 389x316, Tonkotsu Ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the final pic from that batch that all those verticals made.

>> No.5643005

That looks delicious, what's the name of those thin mushrooms? I've gotten them in variety packs before but they'e never specified. They're great though, like meaty noodles.

>> No.5643015

How long would the broth last in the fridge if one were to spoon out the gelatinous product of refrigeration when I wish to reheat a portion?

>> No.5643016

Enoki. Do you even whole foods?

>> No.5643161

Sorry it took me so long to reply, busy busy. Anyway, those are enoki mushrooms, but there's also black woodear mushrooms in there (those are dried and reconstituted). Both I get at my local asian market.

The broth won't last just under refrigeration for more than 5-6 days, since it's still a meat product. BUT, it freezes very well. I make big batches and freeze it in single size portions. Works great.

>> No.5644800

Google around for David Chang's recipe.

>> No.5645123

I have a question. Ramen is a bit expensive to make, and instant ramen is not that great. But is there any place that sells plain, high quality noodles (US, Japan) that you can boil yourself so that you still have noodles but you can make your own stock and such?

>> No.5645127


There was a ramen place where I used to live in California that did this. They made their ramen behind the front window as a way of attracting customers. I never bought them because I always ate in, but they were available. I live on the other coast now and I haven't seen any that do that, and there are quite a few ramen places here too. The Japanese community here is business expats though, unlike in California where there is an old established ethnic Japanese community.

>> No.5645143

To be honest? This is likely because of my fam being out of Japan for two generations now, but we just use somen or capellini since proper ramen is impossible to find where I grew up and costs too much where I live now.