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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 410 KB, 3512x4328, Bincko 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5637872 No.5637872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old one died so here is the new one for you guys, Hopefully this one wont be so hard to complete. No ruined equipment, webms, or any of that nonsense, just good old fashioned cooking. Enjoy

>> No.5637901
File: 396 KB, 1000x750, results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B1 -3 home canned goods.

>Red beets in red wine and honey brine
>Hot sauce
>Mango chutney

>> No.5637929

Can you post with a time stamp please?

>> No.5637954

I'll have to take a new pic so the light will suck (it's night now), but sure give me a sec.

>> No.5637975

Dude, I just glanced at it, and I've already got so many. This one I can do.

>> No.5637983

> Vegan

> Nothing involving alcohol.

Fuck your shit board.

>> No.5637985
File: 382 KB, 1000x750, bingo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, here you go...

>> No.5637990

are we allowed to answer 2 at the same time? Because when i went to take the new pic I also found a jar of pickle from a previous canning day..

>> No.5638042

I have homemade yogurt. Will snap pic when I get home from work.

>> No.5638057

I wanted to include at least one thing for vegans even though I dont agree with them and several of the square alcohol could certainly be used to some degree. Get Creative!

as long as its separate picture and the ingredient/dish isnt used in multiple square I dont see why not. I'm sure that a few of these will come from the same people.

Thanks for contributing

>> No.5638058
File: 344 KB, 655x1000, bingo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go then. Homemade pickled rescued from the back of my pantry.

>> No.5638085
File: 1.38 MB, 3512x4328, Update1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the quick contributions.

For future reference, I'll probably only be able to update the board once a day but I'll try to whenever I can. I work about 12-14hrs/day but some of its in an office on the computer so I can update some from there. I'm also not very good at editing but I'll try my best.

>> No.5638104
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had to scrounge the pantry because other flours are home made and no label, but found enough

>> No.5638120

I don't have any pictures but let me see.
>5 veggies
If 3 of them are different kinds of tomato does that count?
>5 types of flour
Like different grains or does cake flour count? If cake flour counts I can totally do this one.
>Wok thing
Does it count if I use my wok with a steamer or if I fry donuts in it?
>5 baked goods
Supper easy.
>Homemade pasta
A must for chicken soup.

But fuck if I don't even know what some of that shit is.

>> No.5638123

Oh fuck, this is a team thing? I wondered why it seemed hard.

>> No.5638131

fuck i was at my grandmothers today and we made pasta for what felt like all day. Shame i couldn't grab pics.

>> No.5638140
File: 1.53 MB, 3512x4328, Update2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah its a board wide thing

>> No.5638143

For anyone wanting to do N3 who doesnt own a hard copy, an online and downloadable pdf version is available here:


>> No.5638237 [DELETED] 


>> No.5638250

N3 is 3 dishes from Escoffier and the link is a copy of his book.

>> No.5638275

Do we physically have to make the Vegan meal?

>> No.5638284


>> No.5638300

Well thats gonna cost me an arm and a leg, but I nearly got all nutritional requirements calculated in 1 big soup. Is there a calorie limit?

>> No.5638311

No Kcal limit but it needs to be nutritionally balanced based on a portion a regular person would eat. So not like 10,000 Kcal to get your protein in, etc.

>> No.5638350
File: 49 KB, 510x384, deconstructedclassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool thread! American here. I'll do the "a classic dish deconstructed" one.

Here ya go. I'll check thread later gonna go eat.

>> No.5638349
File: 133 KB, 768x2312, draft 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5638356

(serves 4)

>> No.5638367

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8.

>> No.5638397

Question: Do the baked goods have to be baked?

>> No.5638410

Yes, of course and they need to be made yourself obviously. No store bought crap.

>> No.5638482

on the 3 escoffier dishes, how do you suggest we define the dishes?
for instance, Escoffier said salmon is always to be served with cucumber salad. Cucumber salad is also its own dish in the book. Would the salad be considered a component of the salmon dish, or 2 dishes total? Would make for a nice meal in small portions with an egg dish done a la Escoffier.

>> No.5638496

I was originally thinking three courses but really as long as its three clearly separate dishes and not components of a dish I guess its fine.

i.e. using one of the sauces from the book as a component of another dish from the book would only count as one dish not two.

>> No.5639124


>> No.5639919


>> No.5641163


>> No.5641445
File: 1.28 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apologies for not having a better pic.

Other pics at >>5639845 but didn't remember to get better pics and didn't realize this thread was going and needed timestamp. Family devoured before i even knew what happened. I almost lost a hand they became so ravenous

>> No.5641450

thats neither a ballotine or a galantine, its just a stuffed, deboned chicken

>> No.5641460

Negative, confirmed ballotine.

>> No.5641472

>2013 + 1.5
>not knowing what classic french cooking is




>> No.5641476

Although ballotines are related to galantines they are distinctive by being single-serve items classified as entrées as opposed to relevés.[1] They are also served hot or cold, whereas a galantine will be served cold.

>> No.5641481


See >>5641472

You have 1 source, he has 3

>> No.5641482

ballotines are usually a stuffed thigh served hot or cold for a single person and stuffed with a forcemeat or sausage

>> No.5641492


>> No.5641499
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guy who stuffed the bird here.

It doesn't matter, since i stuffed the deboned legs. If trimmed from the main bird the leg would serve as a releve. In fact i have done so, pic rel.

>> No.5641507
File: 155 KB, 1024x624, ballotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the same thing, and it supposed to be an entree not a releve

>> No.5641517

Not according to cooksinfo.com and two dictionaries...

Clearly a leg has been stuffed. Whether it is served as such is not part of the challenge. it has been prepped and roasted as per definition.

i do not see any other sources other than what you have linked that mention force meat. Many sites claim vegetarian fillings are fine. Almost all just say the leg should be "stuffed." And many sites mention modern cooking of ballotines to include other piece of meat beside chicken or chicken legs anyway.

>> No.5641525

>inb4 time stamp a picture of the food as served to a human being.

...for fucks sake.

>> No.5641529


Meant entree. Was served to my family as such.

>> No.5641531

heres another

it was an example

>> No.5641532

That looks like my galbladder when it was removed.

>> No.5641535

you served it as an appetizer? thats what an entree is

>> No.5641537

From you own link:

In modern kitchens, a ballotine is sometimes made from other parts of the poultry, such as the breast, not strictly the leg. Moreover, a modern ballotine can be made using any type of meat, not limited to poultry. A ballotine can be served hot or cold.

>any type of meat, not limited to poultry
>any type of meet

>arguing only small portions of stuft leg qualify

>any type of meat

>whole chickens

Fuck off.

>> No.5641541

the board says a "proper" galantine or ballotine not one of modern interpretation

>> No.5641548

not to mention in the thread it was created in it started off as a galantine and then they changed it to a "ballotine" after the fact

>> No.5641549

>signed timestamp by two witnesses qualifying that it was served a certain way.

The way something is served does not change what a dish is.

I order buffalo wings as an appetizer, and other times as a main course.

In both cases they are still buffalo wings.

Fucking autists autting all over the place... And then people get upset when you use the word autist around here.

>> No.5641555


Called the inb4.


>> No.5641560

Because it is a ballotine.>>5641541

>> No.5641566

>hurrdurr modern interpretation is not proper

What a fucking joke.

deboned, stuffed, roasted chicken.

You fags are just jealous i ate so well this evening.

>> No.5643190


>> No.5643283

Escoufiers ballotine of duckling uses the entire bird. Fyi to >>5641450 what has been posted is certainly a ballotine.

>> No.5643339
File: 1.64 MB, 3512x4328, Update3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I didn't get by to update yesterday, busy night. Heres the updated version.

>> No.5643363
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>> No.5643379
File: 2.33 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my garden.

>> No.5643381
File: 2.44 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the 5 veggies. Sorry the pics are flipped.

>> No.5643384

Nice. I thought this one might take a while...

>> No.5643390

I thought the homemade pickles were gonna take awhile. I have some in my fridge but someone beat me to it.

>> No.5643396

Pickling is the biggest fad right now.

Growing your own crops... Especially things besides herbs... Takes a bit more commitment than vinegar + cucumbers = look at my ironic rescue dog and beard.

>> No.5643406

I started pickling maybe around 5 years ago with cucumbers from my garden. I never knew that it was such a popular thing. pic related, jarred pickles and jalapeños from my garden.

>> No.5643408

Woah there! I see 2 peppers.
Go steal some better fruit. Besides, that orange pepper is worth throwing.

>> No.5643411
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Oops, dropped my pic.

>> No.5643670
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20140729_243831_429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 vegetables(spinach, rocket, courgette, runner bean, some random salad leaves)
i can take a picture of some rhubarb
and some asparagus but i can't harvest the asparagus for 2 years

>> No.5643709

do we have to have baked the goods ourselves
i'm assuming store bought don't count

>> No.5643715

see >>5638410

>> No.5643891 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 3512x4328, Update4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update, I included both for this one because while one was in first and technically has 5 veggies 2 are bell peppers and 3 are peppers in general while the other has 5 different ones

>> No.5643897
File: 1.77 MB, 3512x4328, Update4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update, I included both for this one because while one was in first and technically has 5 veggies 2 are bell peppers and 3 are peppers in general while the other has 5 different ones

>> No.5644300

Baked goods...

I baked a loaf of bread and some brownies.

Would lasagna count as a baked good?

I could make homemade pasta, sheet noodles tomorrow.. And then a lasagna and a baguette for garlic bread...

While doing all that i could reserve a little red sauce and cheese for a pizza.. That would make 5 baked goods and home made pasta...

>> No.5644303

baked goods as in breads, cookies, cakes, pies, etc, also OP already said on thing cant count for two squares

>> No.5644324

Shit... If i made home made mozzerella for the lasagna, then all that would be left is the sausage or charcuterie and if ballontine guy had made a galantine instead, it would have also counted as charcuterie... Depending on preperation...

I am not going to make sausage for the lasagna.. But that would seem to be the easy homerun.... If someone wanted to tackle it.

I would say expensive cheese and offal.. But im not touching offal...

>> No.5644335

see >>5638057

>as long as its separate picture and the ingredient/dish isnt used in multiple squares

>> No.5644339

Home made cheese time stamped, and then baked into a lasagna made with home made sheet noodles and time stamped... Seems to count as at least two.

I would have no reason or obligation to even share the fact that the moz was being used As such. And no one can stop anyone from using a raw ingredient.

Baked pasta dishes are baked goods... Pizza is right? Beef wellington, empanadas... Does it have to be bread and cookies only?

>> No.5644521

Why hasn't mine been added yet? Is OP gone?

This was mine for the deconstructed classoc tile:


>> No.5644528

very funny

>> No.5644534

Sorry about the peppers thing. Wasn't sure if they had to be different vegetables. I have a lot more veggies but they're not in season.

>> No.5644555


Is that not what a deconstructed dish is? I've seen it on the Chef Ramsay shows and it's basically just the components being separated instead of together.

IMO I nailed the "classic" part. At least in the US, that is inarguably a classic. Every American has eaten one and it stands the test of time.

>> No.5645121

no that isn't. that because a burger is three sperate things put on top of each other. A de-constructed dish is cooking things seperate that would theoretically be cooked together, e.g. an omelette. All the burgers ingredients are cooked separately then just stacked, not cooked simultaneously into one thing. idiot.

>> No.5645166


You don't sound like you know what you're talking about. Theoretically? As in your theory? Someone who's trash talking but hasn't done a tile of your own?

A McDonalds burger is a classic meal in America and I did in fact deconstruct it on a plate. A burger is one food item where everything is combined, and "theoretically" it's still cooking while stacked otherwise how does the cheese stick everything together?

Don't insult my intelligence when you have no idea what you're talking about.

OP please add my tile for a deconstructed classic:

>> No.5645275

Snce deconstructing food is a shit fad, i support this.

However >>5645166 is wrong. You would have to deconstruct it before it had been deconstructed. T the novice "deconstruction" is clearly a bit of a misnomer. You don't deconstruct a food after it has been served to you. And that burger was cooked by the poster, so it doesn't count anyway. Fr it to really count, the poster would have had to make the burger himself and before putting it together arrange it on a plate in a way that was different and meant the person eating it would experience the meal in different way.

Perhaps, an interesting way to do this with a burger would be to offer it as a lettuce wrap, where the bread, meat and cheese are offered as fillings for the wrap and served with pickle flavored mayo, thinned ketchup, and mustard powder as separate condiments for dipping, spooning.

Overall 1/10 for the current attempt. (2 points for atleast taking a picture, -2 points for not having fries present on plating but calling it a classic american dish)

>> No.5646407
File: 95 KB, 816x612, baked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N5, 5 baked goods.
Sorry if someone is working on this already, I've only skimmed the thread. And a lot of the time, anons don't delivar anyway.

>ugly warm chocolate cheesecake/pudding-ish thing, cinnamon roll with vanilla bean icing, brownies, disgusting sugar cookies, slice of banana nut bread

I just now realized that it looks like a huge dessert plate from a pot-luck or something, but I assure you, I made all of this myself.

>> No.5646540
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Home made pasta, incoming.

>> No.5646732
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>> No.5646740
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>> No.5646745
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Roll it

>> No.5646752
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Have fun with it

>> No.5646755
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>> No.5646760
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Time to pull some basil trimmings out the back yard

>> No.5646765

I like your style, anon.

>> No.5646769
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>> No.5646772
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3 garlic cloves, 1/2 cup of oil... Lots of processing...

When served more oil and cheese will be added. Its thick so i can freeze some. I left out pine nuts because of allergies.

>> No.5646773


>> No.5646777
File: 1.26 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the pasta... Water is boiling.. Time to slice up some noodles.

Pappardelle master race reporting in

>> No.5646786
File: 1.20 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More noodles, and timestamp.

>> No.5646793
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Add cheese to pesto, dress pasta, sprinkle more cheese, drizzle evoo cause i roll like that.

More time stampy goodness.

My wife has informed me that I will get laid tonight.

>> No.5646810


>pappardelle master race reporting in

I've got no problem with what you're doing, or that you're sharing it, but don't pretend that pappardelle isn't just the easiest, go-to home made pasta.

Is the Kitchen-aid pasta attachment worth it, btw? The roommate got the mixer as a hand-me-down/present, and we only ever do shit as basic as you just did (plus home-made ramen, because 2009), for which my $12 clamp-on-the-counter hand crank machine works just fine.

>tfw want to get the sausage stuffing attachment but know i would barely use it

>> No.5646812

These remind me of those lemon lime pops from a ice cream truck or some sort of fancy fruit roll up

>> No.5646874
File: 1.24 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pappardelle is one of the most simple, but also the best pasta imo. It has a lot of flat wide open surface area for sauce and cheese to stick to, especially when rolled ultra flat.

Kitchenaide attachment...

My father in law was nice enough to catch the three piece attachment set at a marshalls or something on sale. Imo the fettucine and spaghetti attachments are worthless. They dont cut the noodles all the way and you have to pull them apart. It does crease the noodles enough that they will pull apart though. I prefer pappardelle anyway, so its not a huge deal... If i want spaghetti or fettucini i can roll my dough thicker and hand slice... No big deal.

So that said, if you are going to do it, i would just get the roller attachment.

I do think the rolller attachment is an amazing labor saving device. Imo, much more fun/easy than a hand crank. I had a hand crank one once and it broke... Glad its gone to be honest.

>> No.5646957


That's wrong. You might as well consider the McDouble an ingredient used to create a deconstructed dish. All that's important is that the meat, bread, pickles, etc are clearly deconstructed and can be enjoyed separately or together.

While you might not consider it a particularly appealing deconstructed dish, it is in fact a classic and it is in fact deconstructed.

This poster's contribution should be a part of the /ck/ Bingo:


We can't discriminate on tastes. If it fits the category, it fits the category. A deconstructed McDouble is a perfectly valid classic deconstruction. If you wanted it to be a European /ck/ bingo, it should say so, otherwise American food is perfectly valid.

>> No.5646958


>if i want spaghetti or fettucini i can roll my dough thicker and hand slice

That's how I feel about it, and making homemade noodles for two (plus leftovers) isn't much more work than using an expensive attachment.

Good to know 2 out of 3 of the attachments are worthless (those are the basic 3 settings that came with my cheap ass pasta roller). I'd love to make homemade pasta more often, but honestly most of the work comes from the clean-up, so using a cheap (yet solid) hand-crank machine makes more sense than investing in saving a bit of elbow grease twice a week.

>> No.5646991

Dude if you make pasta twice a week, then you should spend the 50 bucks on the flat roller attachment.

Then clean up will really be most of the work...

>> No.5646997

Deconstructed dishes are a deconstruction of the concept of the dish. Not a deconstruction of an already prepared item. In this sense, deconstruction has to take place before construction.

What was posted was shitposting, and the user should be b&.

>> No.5647033 [DELETED] 

Heres the latest update, two more down!

I was hesitant to add this since its hard to tell whether its all homemade or not and I was really looking for 5 baked goods whole or in a pans time stamped and not just a misc plate. I'll leave it up for now unless someone posts something better.

This will never be added to the board so please stop shit posting. It is not a deconstructed dish, its just a burger taken apart, not to mention it wasn't done yourself so its invalid anyway. If you would like to contribute and want to do that square there are lots of resources online you can look to for help.

Looks good thanks for the contribution!

>> No.5647043
File: 2.01 MB, 3512x4328, Update5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the latest update, two more down!

I was hesitant to add this since its hard to tell whether its all homemade or not and I was really looking for 5 baked goods whole or in a pans time stamped and not just a misc plate of individual portions. I'll leave it up for now unless someone posts something better.

This will never be added to the board so please stop shit posting. It is not a deconstructed dish, its just a burger taken apart, not to mention it wasn't done yourself so its invalid anyway. If you would like to contribute and want to do that square there are lots of resources online you can look to for help.

Looks good thanks for the contribution!

>> No.5647058

How expensive does cheese have to be in order to be considered "expensive"?

>> No.5647067

It doesn't have to be $50+/lb but just stuff that isn't run of the mill cheeses. I'd say probably over $10-15/lb or around there.

>> No.5647107

Can you give an example of a wok cooked dish that isn't stir fry. Do you mean.. Like.. A poorly cooked grilled cheese? I thought anything that came out of a wok was stir fried, just on the premise that it spent time in a wok.

Also, i was not aware there was such a thing as a vegan dish with a complete nutrition profile, and i am tempted to make a great vegan dish, but afraid it would never make the cut, or cause such a shit storm with the carnists that the 4chin servers would smell like burnt ass hair for weeks. Im talking about the carnist obsession with b12 i think...

Can you let us know where to find current mich star ratings?

Would you consider gelatine, guar gum, or xanthan gum to be modernist chemicals - they are all used in modernist cuisine, but the tile doesn't say it has to be a modernist dish... In that case, literally jello should count... But i have a feling you have something else in mind.

>> No.5647157
File: 79 KB, 612x816, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole or in a pans
This is all I have for proof. People already ate the rest of the other two.

>> No.5647215

Thanks for that, it did look homemade just wasn't 100% sure. It shall stay on the board!

For the wok thing, really anything that inst just a mix of veggies+meat cooked quickly over a high heat. Don't want to give out ideas because the concept is half the challenge but if you wanna shoot some ideas at me I'll let you know if I'll except it or not.

As for the vegan dish, they always say that they can get all of their daily macros and micros solely from food just like an omnivore so here is a chance to prove it! Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks as long as it meets the DRV's then it counts.

For the modernist one it needs to use one of the newer chemicals used in the correct way. Gelatin, while used in modernist cuisine has been around for hundreds of years. It doesn't have to be the main component of the dish but it does need to add to it in some way and "belong".

http://www.modernistcookingmadeeasy.com/info/modernist-ingredients is a good resource for general info

For ordering I recommend WillPowder and ModernistPantry

>> No.5647365


>the flat roller attachment

What's that?

Pappardelle is the go to pasta you make without using any attachment, since it's just flat sheets you cut into wide pasta strips.

>> No.5647373

not them but it just rolls it into sheets

>> No.5647401


>tfw you majored in philosophy, took a shit ton of courses in literary theory, ready everything by both Derrida and de Man, ended up as a line cook, know exactly what "deconstruction" means, with regard to food, yet still cringe every time it's used "correctly"

>> No.5647409

thats why youre just a line cook
>majored in philosophy
its like you wanted to work outside your major

>> No.5647410

>majored in philosophy
>works as a line cook
Went epicurean eh?

>> No.5647430


That was my point.

A basic pasta roller rolls out sheets without any attachments, which is why pappardelle is the default homemade pasta.

>roll out pasta
>hurr, be fancy, mix pesto into half the dough and weave it with the basic dough
>put it through the default sheet setting a second time, slice it into wide pieces and give it a fancy name

>> No.5647435

>tfw you read all of /b, hung out on /v, kicked it on /fit, spent way too much time on /ck, watched idiots abuse grammar and punctuation left and right, know exactly what a "coma" and "semicolon" are, with regard to punctuation; yet still cringe every time it's used "incorrectly."

>> No.5647443


That semicolon just gave me an aneurysm.

>> No.5647459


>went epicurean eh?

Epicureanism is actually more about avoiding pain/stimuli in general, rather than indulging in pleasure, thereby finding a form of tranquility.

It's a common misconception that has found it's way into the English vernacular.

>> No.5647473

It propounded an ethic of individual pleasure as the sole or chief good in life. Hence, Epicurus advocated living in such a way as to derive the greatest amount of pleasure possible during one's lifetime, yet doing so moderately in order to avoid the suffering incurred by overindulgence in such pleasure

>> No.5647475


I make two colored pasta instead of single color.

...Rolled through the machine 3 or 4 times to get the shape before even beginning the two color process, hand rolled to establish a 2 tone sheet once the basic striped form was achieved, and then rolled through the machine 7 times to achieve a paper thin noodle which is superior to any other pasta.

I cut it into fat ribbons like I like it and call it pappardelle (because that just happens to be the exact proper term)

I grow basil, from seed, over the course of 2 months, trim it and turn it into the most delicious pesto I have ever eaten.

>hurrdurr simple pasta
>default sheet setting a second time
>fancy name tard spat

...fucking neck beards

>> No.5647511


>to achieve a paper thin noodle which is superior to any other pasta

I said I appreciated what you did, and love that you posted pictures; but seriously guy,are you really going to to take the effort of posting all those picture on an anonymous image board and then make a claim like that?

You're using a fucking dough mixer attachment to make the most basic pasta dough imaginable and calling it superior to everything else, just because you ran it trough a machine as many times as most anons who grew up making pasta would kneed it by hand.

>> No.5647524

every restaurant that makes its own pasta uses a pasta roller/machine its just a good as by hand and a lot faster

>> No.5647531


I don't think anyone disagrees, but that wasn't the point.

>> No.5647533


I explained why i thought you were a neckbeard, and love that you have contributed nothing to the thread; but seriously buddy, are you really going to take the effort of not posting anything useful on an anonymous image board and then make a claim that disputes something that was said by someone that actually ficking rocks at cooking?

You're not even making anything, not even making the most basic pasta dough imagineable and questioning the pasta that other people are making just because mommy didn't hug you as many time when you were a child as most anons who grew up in pasta loving italian families would have been huugged.


>> No.5647546


It's okay anon, we appreciate OC here regardless of how young or new to cooking you may be.

Keep up the good work; we've lost a lot of good contributors recently. Ignore the haters, but learn to not act like you just came from /b/ when you get called out on any random shit.

>> No.5647558

>implying he was ever called out to begin with

>> No.5647649


Take it elsewhere, anon. We're a friendly board.


>> No.5648440

Welcome to /ck

>> No.5649052


>> No.5649311

Looking good :-)

>> No.5650049


>> No.5650935

>we're a friendly board
some are, but many are just plain assholes
can be difficult to filter sometimes
then there are those like me, who enjoy being congenial, but can be an absolute prick at times
[spoiler]sorry to all those butnotreallyfuckyou[yunowork/spoiler]

>> No.5650944

>tfw i onyl have to manually with my Mercato Atlas

water or eggs or both?

>> No.5650946

Suddenly I need to cook tartiflette for dinner.
All that damn cheese and cream. Gotta love the French.

>> No.5651513

Eggs and oil at first. I think it was a cup of semolina, a cup of bread flour, and three eggs and 2 T of olive oil. Then i think it probably aded about 2 or 3 T of water after it was a little too dry. Probably becuase bread flour instead of ap.

>> No.5652423
File: 1.28 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modernist cooking at work here.

Pectin and guar gum as thickeners, anti-syneresis agents.

>> No.5652430

no timestamp of your adding the modern ingredients? fake

>> No.5652460


>> No.5653015
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont have original packaging for the guar gum, it is best stored in a freezer in an air tight container.

I produced the pectin my self by slow simmering the plums that were used in the smoothy, and maintaining a proper ph level.

I understand if it doesn't count because it doesn't really seem like a "dish." But i am not lying about the ingredients or how it was made.

>> No.5653203

I'll save the pic in case it ends up being the last square or something but its impossible to know it that is guar gum and if you actually put it in without proof. Not calling you a liar just saying that for a "competition"/challenge its not enough. Its also hardly a dish since its just a beverage but its a moot point any way.

Thanks for the contribution though and since you already have some of the chemicals why not use that guar gum to make a hot gel or stabilize a foam with your lunch/dinner one evening?

>> No.5654327


>> No.5654662

I'll think about a foam one evening... I was under the impression that i would need more than just gum to create a foam... I think i lack the other chemicals... But i will look into it. No hard feelings on the smoothie submission.

>> No.5654674

Also, i've been thinking of playing with meat glue... Anyone have a good source for transglutimase?

>> No.5654678

I use WillPowder, sometimes modernistpantry for other things. Get the RM its the best all purpose.

>> No.5654680

Guess I should also so the main brand sold is Activa and they have different types for different things, RM is the most used one and works for most things.

>> No.5654686

Last post on the subject I promise but here is an excellent link.


>> No.5654809



>> No.5655440
File: 479 KB, 1632x920, spesive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define "expensive" plox, Mr. Trotter.
Going cheese shopping tomorrow, but I won't be able to show a receipt.

I can do a few of these I think.
Too bad I just used the last of my duck breast prosciutto in some refried beans.

>> No.5655468

see >>5647067

>> No.5655551


>> No.5655726

The centre square should be Taco Bell viral marketing

>> No.5655958
File: 465 KB, 1632x920, whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can grab the siphon one too.
Was thinking of carbonated fruit, but I might steep some barks and spices for a root beer.
I'd suggest properly tempering a hollandaise and then siphoning it if anyone has a siphon and a kitchen that doesn't get blistering hot in the summer with no AC.

>> No.5656868


>> No.5657605

So I'm at work and I took some ESB wort and sweetened it with sugar and honey. Wanted to just use the pre-hopped sweet liquor to make this, but I was too late. So I made a tea with sassafras, sasparilla, cherry bark, vanilla, burdock, anise, etc.
I'm gonna mix them together until I find a happy place and then carbonate it with the siphon. Can post photos right now.
Not very creative use of the siphon itself, but w/e.

>> No.5657773

just post em god dman it

>> No.5658078
File: 256 KB, 1632x920, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*can't post photos right now

But I can now.
This is the "root beer" ingredients. I didn't photo the ESB and sugar/honey.

>> No.5658080
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There they are cooling down.

>> No.5658088
File: 328 KB, 1632x920, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up blending equal amounts.
It's a bit sweet, but the carbonation will fix that.
I'll carbonate it in a little bit.

>> No.5658234
File: 417 KB, 1632x920, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 charger to clear the chamber, 1 to carbonate.

>> No.5658236
File: 279 KB, 1632x920, 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't have an appropriate sized glass for the amount of liquid so I had to break out the stemware.

>> No.5658252
File: 533 KB, 1632x920, 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final verdict:
Way too sweet.
Too cloudy as well. Might add gelatin and freeze clarify it. Probably not worth the effort.
It would make a great sorbet, though. Or maybe worth toying around with spherification.

>> No.5658259

I didn't have a chance to grab the cheese. Will try tomorrow. Sorry.

>> No.5658294


>probably not worth the effort

Doesn't sound like it.

Did you filter it in any way (I assumed you used cheesecloth or something similar to make the "tea"), or just throw it in straight?

Also, how carbonated did it actually come out? I've messed around with my whipped cream charger a few times, but never tried to just carbonate a random (or not so random) liquid.

>tfw i'd love to mess around with it more often, but every time i buy chargers they all seem to quickly disappear, somehow...

>> No.5658314
File: 2.26 MB, 2448x3264, ca66eabb-45a0-4ac2-a37f-9d0dc7d8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoghurt, awww yiss. This is my first time posting on /ck/ so let me know if you guys need more yoghurt info, but here it is.

>> No.5658324
File: 445 KB, 1632x920, chargers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to reply but site was down.
I just passed it through a chinois. Wanted to spend more time on it but we were busy and I felt bad doing menu development (screwing around) while everyone was busting ass.
I posted >>5658252
to try to show the carbonation. I should have used 2 chargers and I will when I make it for the brewer. Will probably cut it with h2o too.
> they all seem to quickly disappear, somehow...
Well, stop huffing them!
And pic related you need co2 to carbonate, not n2o. You probably know that, but... yeah. I did too, but still stupidly did that once. Try carbonating some fruit. It's super easy and people get excited. Cheap parlor trick.

>> No.5658345

good job!

>> No.5659560
File: 2.09 MB, 3512x4328, Update6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 6, tried to last night but the site was down.

Unfortunately from that pic there is no way of knowing what is in that tub, some evidence that it was made yourself would also be appreciated.

>> No.5660799
File: 177 KB, 1119x751, chz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isigny Ste Mere, Cana de Cabra, Stilton, goat cheese bathed in red wine (Spain), something from Caseificio Dell' Alta Langa, little nub of aged gouda, and something from Spain I can't remember but I think it is sheep milk.

>> No.5660805

I just ate about a quarter pound of Humbolt Fog and a couple of fingers of Point Reyes.

>> No.5660818

gimme yo address, I'm on my way over.

>> No.5660823

That's clockwise starting from the square box I didn't unpackage.
I also have some shitty brie, goat feta, a brick of Parmigiano-Reggiano, and Tilamook medium cheddar. I like cheese.

>> No.5660826

Humbolt Fog is the shit!

I'm in Bellingham, WA. Bored and lonely drinking IPAs.

>> No.5660878


just tried the Humbolt this weekend for the first time.

mind. officially. blown.

Displaced Époisses de Bourgogne as my new favorite.

any suggestions for fruit or wine pairings? so far, I've only been eating it off my fingers and a sourdough baguette my neighbor bakes in his backyard brick oven.

Dry rose? figs? Also just polished off some cave aged fontina like a starving hound dog.

>> No.5660971
File: 2.17 MB, 3512x4328, Update7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update 7, Hope everyone had a nice weekend, ready for my 1/2 day off tomorrow.

>> No.5661129
File: 447 KB, 1632x920, chz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, man, but I should. I usually just break it up with salumi and pepperoncini and some random sour fruit and something sweet, and nuts.
I wouldn't have a problem with eating Humbolt Fog without any bread or anything. That goes for any cheese. The only rememberable pair I had was a Fleur D'Anis washed rind on bread with a dollop of honey paired with an oatmeal stout. The currants on the board looked pretty, but they are also palate cleansers.
Beemster gouda 28 mo aged is my #1 favorite. Surprised that I don't have any handy.

Thanks for the update. Enjoy your 1/2 day off.

>> No.5662469


>> No.5664110


>> No.5666121


>> No.5666533


>> No.5666544


>> No.5667543


>> No.5668154
File: 403 KB, 1632x920, 1325203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon guys...
These are easy ones!
I made doritos consomme for /ck/ a few years ago and could never bring myself to throw it out.
Maybe I'll make an aspic with it.

>> No.5668670
File: 266 KB, 1632x920, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wok meal just for fun. Don't expect it to count.

>> No.5668673
File: 303 KB, 1632x920, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium heat. It pops.
Melt some butter.

>> No.5668678
File: 289 KB, 1632x920, 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salt it

>> No.5668682
File: 327 KB, 1632x920, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs apples and cheese, maybe chorizo.

>> No.5670598


>> No.5670662

I was digging you style until right here, anon. Is that going with the popcorn?

>> No.5672008

Well, yeah.
Apples and popcorn go hand in hand, IMHO.
Shithouse drunk fuck cutting apples and cheese.
I was kinda shithous drunk.
I'm kinda shithouse drunk right now.
I took a silicon mold home from work to do the aspic.
I can barely see straight right now tho.

>> No.5673767


>> No.5675371


>> No.5677757


>> No.5679370

"not sure if should keep bumping" bump

>> No.5680068

of course you should the other two went on for a month

>> No.5682078


>> No.5683346

I'll do a couple more if someone else contributes first.
I don't want to be the only one participating.

>> No.5683362

After doing the ballotine and pasta, i feel the same way.

I'm tempted to do the vegan dish, but i'm too smart to start the "thats not a complete nutrition profile" shitstorm. Or take charlie's bait.

I'm also tempted to do a deconstructed dish... But that gets us no where on the board.

The problem right now is that there are probably 4 people on the fucking entirety of 4chan that will touch offal.. And they are all masterbating with it on /b, or trolling 9gags with pics of semen covered offal...

The other side of it is that i have started to try and diet and a lot of the squares are very.... Off diet for me.

>> No.5683440
File: 89 KB, 640x426, Photo on 8-11-14 at 12.20 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tofu, avocado, snap peas, soy sauce, pepper, salt, green onions, some noodles

leftovers from earlier today, i am a vegan

>> No.5683465

you need to post the nutritional info retard

>> No.5683483
File: 41 KB, 500x208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5683491

I mean its right in the square, how can it be expected to count without even trying to meet the requirements

>> No.5683509

I'm not picking on you... I have just been waiting for the "no b12" - "that isn't a complete nutrition profile" shitstorm.

It doesn't matter what the nutrition profile is, or whether he posts it or not. There are a lot of people here that will never accept that any meal has a complete nutrition profile unless it include a 16 oz porterhouse, covered in candied bacon, and a tall glass of whiskey.

The butthurt on all sides is about to get palatable.

But i agree with you... If you are going for that square you should be able to defend the nutrition profile. But only a moron will ever attempt such a thing.

>> No.5683520

Charlie has made it clear as long as it meets DRVs it counts so thats really all you have to do

>> No.5683569

Yeah, it's not something to be voted on. One person decides, so never mind the shitstorm.

I'm looking at the sous vide protein (PITA to do without a dedicated machine), the modernist chemical one, classic French dish, aspic, tartare, wok, 1500 Kcal meal. If there's more contributions from anon.
Do the 1500 Kcal one, unless that's over your diet restrictions.
If the offal one was the last one to fill and this was the second or third thread started, I might go out of my way to buy and cook something I wouldn't eat.
That pasta was really cool, btw.

>> No.5683580

I thought the offal would be done by now, hell a chicken comes with hearts, livers, gizzards and sometimes more.

>> No.5683600

The ones I get come sans bag o' offal. I'm sure I could retrieve some if I had to. The other ones I mentioned sound easier to/for me.

>> No.5683605

I was just speaking in general

>> No.5683634

I hear ya, I was just complaining about my chickens. Sometimes I get the neck and the gizzards. I thought gizzards were livers...?

>> No.5683646

no the gizzard is used to grind seeds and such

>> No.5683719
File: 61 KB, 869x489, svsteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my sous vide steak with shitty leek puree, a a decent demi glaz, and some kale chips.

>> No.5683725

how are we supposed to know it was cooked sous vide? also its glace not glaz

>> No.5683739
File: 94 KB, 640x640, hollandaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Alton Brown's Hollandaise over broc with some pan seared chops.

>> No.5683744

dude neither of your pics are timestamped and that is def not properly tempered, too runny and there is no proof its what it says in either pic

>> No.5683752
File: 16 KB, 202x202, sv_pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can take my word for it.

Here it is before going into the water.

>> No.5683754


So no honor system here?

I didn't see that in the rules. Why would I make something and decide to timestmp it in hopes it comes up on bingo?

The holandaise was just fine.

The rules aren't really explained here.

>> No.5683755


That is some shitty hollandaise.

>> No.5683759

timestamp is kind of a given, if you notice everyone else did it, the board also specifies the hollandaise be properly tempered which it isnt

doesnt matter b/c neither are timestamped

>> No.5683765

why don't you make one?

Why does a timestamp matter? Were we supposed to make it AFTER the bingcko board is posted?

>> No.5683771

oh and btw im not trying to be a dick or anything I appreciate the OC but they jsut dont work

Its also not really to post pic of things you made in the past but to make things for it. hence the timestamp

>> No.5683773

Were we supposed to make it AFTER the bingcko board is posted?

yeah, of course

>> No.5683772

Wow, so you make them just for the board? So how long do these usually run?

I'm stuck away from a kitchen right now, so I guess I can't play this round. Otherwise I'd be tempted to do a row myself.

>> No.5683783

>no rules posted, but know them anyway because fuck newfags.

>> No.5683790

everyone else new them and anyone with questions asked. They were posted with the first board

>> No.5683799

>fuck newfags.
Yes, fuck you. Go back to your namefagging board please.
Fucking idiot.

>> No.5683885

>vtec 'grad'

>> No.5683888

>namefagging board

you mean all of them as they all have a name field?

>> No.5683988


>> No.5685710


>> No.5685716


You know why people namefag - keeping track of who you're talking to. Simple.

>> No.5685767

Then why aren't you using a name?
There's no reason to do it in this thread, right?
There's no reason to do it in any thread unless you're OP or a troll from /k/.
It's pretty simple to figure out who you're talking to without a name. Or is that confusing for you? Maybe you should hang out for a while and figure out how things work before posting.

>> No.5686244

That is the worst thing i have ever saw... The again.... Sous vide steak... Wasnt expecting much....

>> No.5687957
File: 1.64 MB, 2272x1704, Belize_Speed_Bump_Sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5689562


>> No.5690193

Yup. shitposter is shit.
And uses a name...
Pretty obvious troll.

>> No.5692034

page 9 bump

>> No.5693757

page 10 bump

>> No.5696222


>> No.5696311

Just let this thread die.
Try again in a year.

>> No.5696662
File: 1.10 MB, 2560x1920, 20140814_195637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday at work
duck breast wrapped with duck sausage with sage and garlic. held together with activa rm.

vaccumed and setting, ready to cook for a tasting menu today

>> No.5696665
File: 1.12 MB, 2560x1920, 20140814_200423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some other chems we use on a regular basis