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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5637723 No.5637723[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Vegan "food" is disgusting processed shit. Most of the time, it is trying to simulate meat. Anyone who says they are vegan for health purposes is the sort of retard that thinks gluten is bad for you also.

>> No.5637729
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Organic "food" contains carbon.

Also, water is a chemical.

Have I mentioned that I don't tip?

>> No.5637734
File: 474 KB, 1600x1067, Broccoli_and_cross_section_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting processed shit

I think you're confusing faux meat and meat substitutes with all the food vegans eat, buddy

>> No.5637737 [DELETED] 

That's funny, I'm an omnivore and I too eat broccoli.

>> No.5637746

doesn't mean it's not a vegan food. eating vegan foods doesn't make you a vegan, exclusively eating vegan foods does.

>> No.5637747

Vegans who eat meat simulated are hypocrites.

>> No.5637766

cool, you feel better now?

>> No.5637767

>Organic "food" contains carbon.
Well by scientific definition organic refers to anything with hydrocarbons.

>> No.5637771

as retarded as the gluten weirdos are, the scientific consensus is that a well planned plant based diet as healthy as one including animal products, and likely to have several health and longevity related benefits. not arguing that omnivorous diets aren't healthy, nor that poorly planned diets- including animal products or not- are good for you, but the op hasn't done their research.


>> No.5637776

>I don't tip?
what about fedoras?

>> No.5637793

Most food you eat is "vegan food" unless all you eat is meat and cheese and eggs

>> No.5637824


Fake meat is fucking stupid. It doesn't taste good, it doesn't have the same nutrients, and if being vegan is soooo sweeeet, then why do you have to have veggieburgers and pseudocheese?

>> No.5637829 [DELETED] 

Well I thought about going vegan, but sucking that many dicks and getting fucked in ass didn't sound appealing to me.

>> No.5637834

I'm not vegan, but I'm vegetarian. As a rule the more a product tries to be meat, the more disgusting it is. They can't do it and I don't get why they keep trying.

>> No.5637835
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epic. nice. I like it.

>> No.5637836


>Fake meat is fucking stupid. It doesn't taste good

They still taste pretty good. I think the main reason they exist is to wean people off of meat who aren't really familiar with other foods, since in US culture a meal always includes a dedicated serving of protein. Nobody teaches you how to be vegan, so when you decide to go on a vegan diet, you're mainly looking to replace what you're not eating anymore, and unfortunately meat is so heavily marketed that people don't think about beans and whole grains and instead go for what seems like the closest thing to meat. As for its health aspect, it has some advantages like being lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, although since it is processed food I'm sure there's some danger involved.

>> No.5637841
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But dicks aren't vegan, they're a delicacy for meat eaters

>> No.5637855

fake hot dogs are pretty ok, "real" hot dogs are so heavily processed anyway that there's not a huge difference. most other fake meats are pretty gross/silly imo, but I did eat a fair amount of them back when I first started cutting meat out of my diet. I don't really desire the texture/taste of meat anymore, so I don't seek out experiences to replicate it anymore.

a vegan is hypocritical if they consume animal products or engage in a lifestyle that promotes cruelty to animals, not if they eat food that resembles animal products. vegans, for the most part, have a problem with the production of animal products, and not with their flavor or texture, so it's not really a contradictory practice to consume plant based ersatz animal products.

>> No.5639145 [DELETED] 

Yeah, you're a fag. Shut up. No one here respects you. You aren't doing anything noble. You're just a pretentious faggot. Just thought I'd tell you. Enjoy your dick sucking.

>> No.5639149


>"meat eaters"

I like when vegans/vegeterians have to put the label on other people as "meat eaters".

More like regular functioning adults that consume a balanced diet and understand that nature is not inherently kind or fair, we are the superior species on the planet.

>> No.5639151

Tell us about your day, anon. Did they pick on you again?

>> No.5639154

>le nature maymay xD

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.5639156


Great argument fagtron you sure got me with those hot opinions

>> No.5639211
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>mfw I'm the only one here who realizes OP posted a girl who's done tons of cp, and he gets away with it
>not confirming I've seen cp

>> No.5639221
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great. so basically what we can conclude here is that the same people who spend their days bitching about other people's eating habits spend their own free time fapping to kids getting raped

stay classy, militant meat eaters

>> No.5639830

Thats wrong. True vegans eat fruits and vegetables while the people OP is describing are Junkfood Snackatarians that want to sound cool for being vegan.

look up the term "USDA organic" its different than the scientific definition.


THIS why would you want to stop eating something and then eat something that says "look I'm pretending to be that thing you don't eat but made out of stuff that you do eat!"

most of it tastes awful anyway. I rather just eat every vegetable thats in it in an unprocessed form and prepared and cooked the way that I want.

>> No.5639842

then why is everyone obese with caner and diabetes?

>> No.5639877 [DELETED] 

Vegans are the militant ones faggot. We don't care if you want to eat the official diet of homosexuality, just fucking shut up about and don't try to force it on other people.

>> No.5639878

lmao, meat eaters are so fucking insecure.

>> No.5639963 [DELETED] 

Ayyy lmao

>> No.5640012



>University of Toronto scientists led research that suggests a common typeof gut-dwelling bacteria breaks downcarbs into certain metabolites that can lead to cancer. These metabolites appear tocausecells that line the colon to divide and proliferate rapidly, forming polyps.These polyps, which can grow into acancer, are the abnormal growths that your doctor is probingfor when they subject you toa colonoscopy.

B-but carb dense diets are good for you!

>The scientists found that they could protect specially bredmice from thecancers in twoways. In some mice, theyused targeted antibiotics to kill off theclostridiabacteria that convert carbs into the metabolite butyrate. In other mice,they reduced the amount of carbs in their diets.

b-but low carb bad!

>> No.5640047
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>refined grains are bad for mice who have had their gut microbiota altered in a lab setting, breaking news
>this means humans shouldn't eat carbs, even though the people eating the most carbs tend to have less cancer and meat is considered a major contributor to cancer risk

A little desperate to find a rebuttal, huh?

>> No.5640054


which vegan troll are you? number one or number two?

>> No.5640062


Just saw your link on the front page and had to comment on it. If you go by mice studies, look up Colin Campbell's studies where he was able to turn cancer on and off in mice by altering the amount of animal protein in their diets. I don't agree with that study either, but it just shows that mice and humans aren't always comparable, and human epidemiology studies can be more useful.

>> No.5640064

calm down

>> No.5640072
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number one starts the thread, number two shits all over it.

>> No.5640219
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is it OK to eat doge?

>> No.5640221

why not?

>> No.5640239
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>> No.5640284 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that asians aren't humans.

>dat tail wag at the end

>> No.5640291

>largest continent in the world

>> No.5640297

its not right to eat any animal. period.

>> No.5640304 [DELETED] 

English must not be your first language.

>> No.5640309

mongloidation must be your first thought process

>> No.5640312


>wagging tail

at least he died happy

>> No.5640351
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>he doesn't know that it's possible to cook without a meat-centered dish

Not really. A vegan can like the taste of meat, it's not about that. It's about not wanting to eat animals or harm them. If a vegan has a craving for meat, it's better to eat a faux meat than to cave back into eating an animal. Besides, vegan meats are incredibly useful when making the switch to a plant-based lifestyle, or just not feeling left at at a cookout with friends. A vegan myself, I've brought faux meat to cookouts simply so I don't stand out too terribly much with everybody else eating burgers around me. I don't think it's that big of deal, honestly.

>> No.5640390


in other words...

>science should be based on questionnaire's only! like the china study! experimenting on doges and mices offends me!

so basically you don't believe in science.

>> No.5640397

why? you're already doing it now faggot.

>> No.5640919

>pizza thread other day
>everyone posting "wow that pizza is great"
>looks beautiful! I would add cashew cheese instead though.

you call that shoving it down your throat? why would a person that didn't even say they were vegan until asked, sharing an opinion be considered that way?

vegans NEVER start it. if they do its a troll and you should be smarter than that. the trolls have created the meme of being mad at vegans to troll both sides of this imaginary war.

get smart.

>> No.5640924

>just shut up and don't talk about it!

I will talk about it, but I don't force things on anyone. stop raiding my watermelon thread to hate on me.

>> No.5640956

This. I've never found a vegan that was annoying like a lot of people say. I'm vegan, and I don't try to force it down other people's throats, but after getting confronted time and time again, I do get pretty pissy when people just won't drop the subject. One of my friends found out and had to remark on EVERYTHING I ate, or try to goad me into arguments over things she knew I didn't agree with. Shit was annoying as fuck.

>> No.5640967

There's a difference between vegan or vegetarian food and food that doesn't include meat.

I bet you've had plenty of tasty as fuck baked potatoes with non-meat fillings. Heck, make a really nice mushroom sauce thing to go with it and I wouldn't mind having it as a main dish and skip the meat completely. But that's not vegan or vegetarian, it's just good food.

>> No.5641027

I feel your feels bro.

>sometimes meet parents
>hey anon want some fish
>hey anon want some milk
>hey anon want some cheese
>OH SORRY I FORGOT YOU DONT (for the millionth)
>its okay...
>go see cousin
>hey anon you eat milk meat? no
>never makes a mistake again.
>doesn't judge me
>doesn't mess with me
>is a cool bro

people all have the capacity to be cool bros.

>> No.5641033

makes sense. but since it has no meat or milk or fish or chicken etc, it technically is vegan if someone is intending for it to be. but anyone has the freedom to eat it.

>> No.5641045

>generic appeal to nature fallacy
Great insight OP.

>> No.5641067

I like some of the vegetarian/vegan foods that imitate meat honestly and I eat so much fucking meat, the original gardenburger for example I consider to be delicious

but yeah you can have an unhealthy diet regardless of your dietary restrictions

>> No.5641095

I tried a morningstar burger sample at the market, it was good. I bought a box, made a BLT.

>> No.5641127

Morningstar isn't vegan, their products have both whey and egg in them.

The more you know~

>> No.5641181

don't anybody fall for this...

>> No.5641201

It's true. Read the ingredients.

>> No.5641212

So, what's it like being a unicorn? I ask because you are apparently the only vegan ever to act like a human.

Well done, sir. BTW, the reason other vegans don't seem irritating to you is because you all go eat vegan shit together. Nothing to argue/preach about if you're preaching to the choir...

SFfag here. Surrounded by vegan dipshits.

>> No.5641332

everyone can clearly understand what that post was about, and it had nothing to do with... it really seemed like bait.

the people you guys are having issues with the most are trolls on the internet, and the people in real life may not be the same religion, yet are technically the same type of person that goes door to door trying to convert you.

people like that have no clue that they are being pushy, and there are all kinds of people in this world. all vegans are not like that.

the pushy people think they are showing off and being superior by being a huge pain, they aren't true vegans because the same exact people who brag on facebook are the same who constantly cheat on it.

don't trust them. the real vegans are cool people and usually do it for health and animal reasons and don't eat processed food like junkfood snackatarians who in turn try to act cool by posing as vegans.

>> No.5641389

People are assholes, glad you figured that out. Gun nuts are assholes if you don't like guns. Feminists are assholes if you don't agree with them. Environmentalists are assholes if you think there's nothing we can do to stop our collision with nature.

Look at 4chan. It used to be filled with assholes who thought they were above religion. Now it's filled with people who think they're above atheists.

Everyone's an asshole if you don't agree with them.

In my experience I've met cool people who happened to be vegan or vegetarian and I've met people who thought their shit smells of roses. I've also met non-vegetarians who thought they were part of the circle of life and anyone who doesn't eat meat is breaking the circle.

If you're deciding which side of the fence you sit on depending on the crowd on either side you have no right to talk about the subject.

>> No.5641391

>vegans NEVER start it.

They just make a provocative statement and then expect everyone else to praise them for it instead of pointing out the stupidity of the statement.

>> No.5641403


The best way to look at it is: Take the vegans who annoy you and imagine if they ate meat. Does their personality completely change and now you enjoy their company? If not, your disliking of them has nothing to do with their diet. There's millions of people who eat meat that piss you off, but you don't classify them by diet group because you're part of that group

>> No.5641417


"retard" is so over used anymore it lacks any meaning.

What's another word so maybe I can understand your original post? Then, perhaps, I can respond appropriately?

The concepts of vegan / gluten / simulated meat seem worth discussion.

>> No.5641422

>provocative statement
The statements are only provocative because they challenge your way of life.

It's a provocative statement to tell a long island WASP that he should donate the majority of his wealth and live a more humble life. It might not be a wrong statement but since it challenges his lifestyle it would be seen as inflammatory.

>> No.5641432

someone says "I like potatoes" and you go into a blind rage

as if they knew or even care you exist and wanted to piss YOU off exactly out of a thousand people in this website?

>> No.5641439

>implying that's not how b8 works

>> No.5641451

>its only bait if you take it

there are definitely trolls that you have to watch out for, but if you see someone talking about lettuce don't just start up junk because thats exactly what the trolls want, they want the vegans to be all freaked out and edgy that someone is going to bother them and they want the meat eating people to get all edgy and angry constantly ready to pounce. they just want fighting to happen.

>> No.5641457


You're an idiot to jump to such absurd and idiotic conclusions.

For what it's worth, I was a vegetarian for two years for health reasons.

What I detest is those vegetarians who are so intent on being offended that they will find offense in anything one says.

Furthermore, any vegan or vegetarian who claims some kind of ethical highground because they don't eat meat is a lunatic.

>> No.5641471

>vegans NEVER start it
> if they do its a troll and therefore not a valid example

no true Scotsman asshole

>> No.5641478
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> It might not be a wrong statement but since it challenges his lifestyle it would be seen as inflammatory.

Which is what you see in every thread about vegans, and sometimes (outside of 4chan) you still see that reaction to atheism. You're not allowed to talk about anything if it makes people have to ponder their own life choices. Everyone has to be babied and catered to, and merely existing next to them is offensive and is considered a "trigger warning" or whatever they call it

>> No.5641484


>any vegan or vegetarian who claims some kind of ethical highground because they don't eat meat is a lunatic.

Isn't it objectively more ethical to not kill animals than to kill animals? Why should you get to do bad things and not have to feel bad about doing them?

>> No.5641493
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>> No.5641502

> If they act like an ass they aren't true vegans.
>There sure are lot not 'no true Scotsman's in this thread god damn

Its a diet, not a code of social behavior. If some vegans follow the vegan diet and act like superior assholes, as is the case in some peoples experience. Then guess what, they're REAL vegans, REAL asshole vegans.

>> No.5641506

>Isn't it objectively more ethical to not kill animals than to kill animals? Why should you get to do bad things and not have to feel bad about doing them?

The notion that killing animals is evil is pretty much only a modern notion in most of the world and is only possible because of our many modern advances in producing food.

Also, keep in mind that species of large animals that have no economic value to mankind are the ones that are most likely to go extinct.

Do away with eating of meat and in 100 years cattle would be on the verge of extinction. The only reason pigs would survive is based on their ability to survive when feral. Even then, people would be killing them because of all the damage they would be doing to farmland.

>> No.5641510

>Its a diet, not a code of social behavior.

Exactly. Vegetarianism is a diet, not a way of life.

>> No.5641516

huck'd n' semi-chuck'd

>> No.5641522


>The notion that killing animals is evil is pretty much only a modern notion in most of the world and is only possible because of our many modern advances in producing food.

You could say the same thing about killing or enslaving fellow humans. Our ancestors even participated in cannibalism. Your argument for eating animals comes off more like an excuse.

>> No.5641536

People can be huge assholes about their diet and espouse it as a way of life without negating their status as 'real' vegans. These people are fair game in these threads.

>> No.5641564

nobody is jumping to any conclusions, that is actually what happens on /ck/ not even exaggerating.

some legit and normal people don't like killing animals.

>> No.5641567
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heres how it works
>trolls pretend to be vegans and bother meat eaters
>trolls pretend to be meat eaters and bother vegans
>trolls step back and watch as vegans and trolls have an endless war of fools.

thats what the trolls want. we aren't meant to hate eachother.

>> No.5641570

refer to this post, if you read it we wouldn't be having a conversation this far.

>> No.5641575


it explains everything.

>> No.5641578

then stop hanging out around really pushy people that just happen to be vegan. there are pushy obnoxious people of all kinds.

>> No.5641579


>> No.5641582

It kind of is a way of life, not because some pushy obnoxious vegan that bothered you said so and you disagreed with them, but because to normal balanced (not insane) vegans live that way.

you can't simply assume that every vegan take makes a post about tomatos is the one who was bothering you in real life.

you come off as a really huge jerk for attacking some anon talking about eggplants out of nowhere and derail every single thread.

>> No.5641607


>Pushy people who show off aren't real vegans
>the real vegans are all cool people
That's my only issue.

In my mind if both category's identify as vegan and follow the diet then both should be fair game. No not all the pushy ones are trolls, I've met a few in irl.

>> No.5641621

>you can't simply assume that every vegan take makes a post about tomatos is the one who was bothering you in real life.

my original beef was
Suggesting that any negative experiences someone may have had with 'bad' vegans don't count because their not 'real' vegans.

>you come off as a really huge jerk for attacking some anon talking about eggplants out of nowhere and derail every single thread.

this thread started out as a 'vegan food is bad and vegans are silly' thread, no derail here. Also i haven't posted on any other vegan threads, i promise.

>> No.5641782

Omnivore here. My opinion on vegans has been formed by vegans attacking me for my biologically and culturally normal diet.

>> No.5641798

we need to come up with a system of double checking like "hey vegan are you one of the nice ones" "yea bro I'm not trolling I just like berries" "okay okay cool bro"

>> No.5641805

i'm not obese and i don't have cancer
your argument is invalid

>> No.5641815

>this thread started out as a 'vegan food is bad and vegans are silly' thread, no derail here. Also i haven't posted on any other vegan threads, i promise.

I know, I wasn't talking about this thread I was more like saying "you" in the outer perspective of what someone derailing an example thread, I hope you understand. its all cool

anyone that attacks you for just being yourself and eating some normal food is probably just a troll. on /ck/ everyone eats a little different. as soon as you see that angry person just post "stop liking what I don't like!" don't argue with them, but point out their bigotry and inability to accept people that are different than them. they will keep trying to keep the topic on vegans or some other issue, but just keep up with the extinguishing of their basis for fighting.

do this with basically any troll on /ck/ because the normal
>meat and plant eaters
>plant eaters
>somewhere inbetweeners
>anons of whatever
all just want to enjoy /ck/ and have a fun time and learn cooking stuff
and then the trolls come
>all from the list mentioned above actually as trolls in disguise
trying to make each side look bad so that we keep fighting

so we need to have a big general understanding so we can all strive to maintain the peace.

>> No.5641818

oy vey. can we all just get along please? look at all the other posts in the thread, we are making good progress to stop the trolls.

>> No.5641833

>people eat gluten
>get sick
>want food without gluten

>> No.5642026

That doesn't make sense.

>> No.5642029

I had a pretty damn good vegan Vietnamese "pork" roll the other day. Comparable to any meat one I've had before. Wouldn't have suspected it wasn't actual meat.

>> No.5642037

I don't get why people get so upset over fake meat products advertised as fake meat products while eating fake meat products advertised as meat.

>> No.5642043

you can't.
>wheat allergy
>gluten intolerance
pick one

>> No.5642219

I go out to eat with my coworkers most days. Due to scheduling, it's a different group each day.

Among other places nearby, there's a good Indian restaurant that happens to be vegetarian. There is one guy who ABSOLUTELY FLAT OUT REFUSES to even consider going there because MUH MEAT. Even when everyone else wants to go there he makes a big stink and insists on going to the mediocre Indian place that has meat. His irrational brain completely overrides his own taste buds and convinces him that his food isn't good unless it's got some tiny scraps of animal flesh floating in sauce.

In my experience the pushy obnoxious opinionated people are meat eaters. We even have one vegan and one religious vegetarian in our department and people sometimes forget about this fact because they barely talk about it.

In college I knew a few vegans who were preachy about it, but college is full of preachy fucks because let's be honest, 18-22 year olds think they've figured everything out and that applies to basically every point of view any of them could possibly adopt.

Maybe nobody on this board is actually an adult.

>> No.5642237
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>let's go to blah blah blah
>"no we can't go there, they don't have vegetarian dishes"
>then eat a salad
>"I don't want a salad"

>> No.5642547
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>> No.5642552
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>> No.5642560

Le reddit army is here xd

>> No.5642564

oh look, a newfag!

>> No.5642566
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>> No.5642572


I guess creating strawmen is easier than responding to actual people making rational points

>> No.5642579

I'm not a vegan but if you think an abortion takes an actual life you are a retard. Take your religious right wing bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.5642585

>rational point


>> No.5642589

topkek shirt m8 10/10 would wear

>> No.5642602
File: 313 KB, 1200x1600, d117ad26-a4ab-442f-a532-52d2a53af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


of course you're a not a vegan.

>> No.5642658

>Is pro-life because "all life is precious"
>Supports animal cruelty and slaughter daily
Oh would you look at that.

>> No.5642700


correction, human life is precious.

>inb4 semantics

>> No.5642709


>human life is precious
>buys clothes and electronics made in chinese sweat shops

>> No.5642719


human life....

where's the conflict?

>> No.5642720

>human life is precious
>supports the death penalty

(I actually don't care, but I just wanted to contribute)

>> No.5643373


last time checked a fetus is incapable of committing murder.

>> No.5643403

then why do so many women insist on being allowed murder them?

>> No.5643425

is that dog? its looks different than when i ate it, but that was in a soup.

>> No.5643426

Because it's quicker and less painful than raising a fucktard like yourself.

>> No.5644939

>human life is precious.
The planet Earth can only support 1billion, maybe as high as 2billion humans. (Areas humans can not go, areas where humans do not want to go, area for other creatures (some of which are tasty), area for botanical life (some of which are tasty), area for the natural processes of the planet to work, etc etc humans CAN NOT fill every cubic kilometer of the planet).
The planet is overpopulated by humans by about 8-times more than be comfortably and sustainably supported.
Human "life" is not precious, it is actually detrimental.

>> No.5644986

unlike baby joe who killed his mom before he was born for having him inside of her

>> No.5645098

Yeah idk dude. I've been vegetarian since i was ten. Processed food makes me sick and the fake meat/cheese/butter/mayo shit makes me even sicker.

You learn. I've gone out to steakhouses with my friends and i get a baked potato, carrots. Caeser salad etc and i get really full and never bitch. I don't even eat tofu or seitan...i just eat beans, lentils, quinoa, etc and take my vitamins.

I once went out with a chick who said she was vegan and tried to educate me on animal cruelty while eating a grilled cheese...i never got a second date.

Don't judge a whole collective of people based on those fake ass pushy shit eating faggots. Some of us know how to live even though we have a different diet. I don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat, i was just raised vegetarian and it's not for me.

>> No.5645213

Carrying capacity is 10 billion.
We can extend that to 15-19 billion with vertical farming and extensive hydroponic programs.

Get used to it buddy. Unless we start finding a way to ship 300,000 people a day off the planet, we can't stem population growth.
And when we DO have those magical spaceships, we're just going to end up colonising the entire galaxy in a few thousand years.

Exponential numbers are a bitch, huh?

>> No.5645222
File: 1.07 MB, 1228x813, 1392166230245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you. Here's some real food. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5645230

>It's about not wanting to eat animals or harm them.
>Implying milking a cow harms it
>Implying 90% of the animals you would be eating aren't bred specifically to be eaten or used to produce foods.

Tell ya what, when you can succesfully reintroduce a jersey cow into the wild I'll stop drinking milk.

>> No.5645233

Also, tripget.
Carnivores :1
Vegans: 0

>> No.5645237
File: 39 KB, 444x510, 1358641466830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, are those dubs I see?
Where's your grass-munching god now vegans?

>> No.5645379

>says the guy posting a photo from a widely-known child pornography photo set

Eat shit, pedo. Your type has been fucking up 4chan for years now.

>> No.5646020

They're not, you're being lied to.

>> No.5646038

It does. Cows udders are usually sore and raw from being milked all the time, plus in order to produce milk, they need to have a baby. But that baby is taken away which is cruel to both mother and child.

Not too mention that there's just something fucked up about twisting an animal so much that people only deem it worthy of living if it can be beneficial to them.

A lot of people use that argument in your last statement pretty commonly, and I have to say, it's better to stop raising the cows and have them go extinct or die off naturally rather than to keep breeding them just so they can suffer more.

>> No.5646039

>recognising that set
You're the fucking pedo seems like

>> No.5646040

ITT: hyper-emotional political vegans and the people who troll them

>> No.5646042

>knowing it's from a pedo photo set
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot.

>> No.5646043

how widely known do you reckon it is? must think it's common knowledge to admit knowing about it you fucking creep. looks like some kid holding a cigarette to me. sounds like you know a fair bit...

>> No.5646159

Dairy cows are pregnant form when they reach maturity til when thy're slaughtered, it's a pretty unpleasant life. The calves are generally sent to the veal industry. Cows naturally live ~20 years, but dairy production drops off a bit at the age of 5 so they're culled for efficiency. Dairy production on a large scale is harmful to cows, yes.

If you're raising your own cow on a farm, this doesn't quite apply/

>> No.5646384

New to 4chan, I see. Have you been to, "The /b/", yet?