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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5635472 No.5635472[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, which turtle are you?

>> No.5635475


>> No.5635481


raph or leo

>> No.5635483

Spent some time considering Mike or Raph, and I think I will pick Mike's. It could use some onion though.

>> No.5635484

>There is nothing without peppers or spiced meat.
No thanks. I prefer some combination of garlic, onions, bacon, sliced tomato, mushrooms, chicken, anchovies, or spinach.

>> No.5635492

>Pizza Hut

>> No.5635503

They were better before they turned into a chicken wing pit.

>> No.5635530

>crumbled beef
Absolutely disgusting.

I guess Michelangelo.

>> No.5635542

$13.99 what a fucking ripoff.
There's probably $1 worth of ingredients in each pizza.

>> No.5635548

probably michaelangelo

leave it to ck to turn this thread into an autist squabbling contest

>> No.5635550

That's how restaurant food works in general. Even the best pizza is still just bread with flavouring smeared on it.

>> No.5635558


>> No.5635573
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Leonardo the vegetarian

>> No.5635627

Fucking seriously, right? If you're gonna shit on someone like that, do it to Donny

In any case, Michelangelo's got the best taste in the OP, but the selections are clearly bullshit because as anyone who watched the first cartoon knows they eat things like pepperoni and ice cream pizza.

>> No.5635646

If these things are a dollar less than their equivalents in normal pizzas, which don't have the cheesy crust shit, does that make them a good deal?

>> No.5635652

Where the FUCK are the anchovies?

>> No.5635656

All of those look awful. Judging by toppings I would have to go with Mike, if it was on a better made pizza. Pineapple and jalapenos look like a bad combo on paper but are amazing together.

>> No.5635680

Cilantro as well.

Favorite couscous "salad" is pineapple, raisins, cilantro

>> No.5635718

How the hell can 2014 CGI ninja turtles look more horrifying than 90's live action ones?

>> No.5635723
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x720, [JN]_Gochuumon_wa_Usagi_Desu_ka_-_01_[720p][FABC4BAF].mkv_snapshot_17.54_[2014.04.14_04.00.03][1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza hut workers.

Do you guys make the crust cheese poppers or does it come like that frozen?

It doesn't seem too difficult, spread cheese on edge, fold, make cuts.

>> No.5635724

>No anchovies on Michelangelo pizza

Shit pizza

>> No.5635813

Cilantro is nasty. It only exists so that restaurants can cover the flavour of spoiled meat.

>> No.5635896

because they're negroes

>> No.5635920


mikey sure is a wacky dude who ever would have thought of putting totally ordinary pizza toppings on a pizza

>> No.5635930
File: 888 KB, 1117x539, Gamera_-_4_-_vs_Viras_-_10_-_The_boys_escape_so_Gamera_gets_ready_to_destroy_the_alien_ship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamera does not approve of this thread making fun of turtles!

>> No.5635938
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>cheese stuffed crust
fatty fatty fat fat fat fat

>> No.5635947


>> No.5635953

raphaels or michaelangelo

>> No.5636011

Most restaurants aim at below a thirty percent food cost; labor, equipment, utilities, and licensing really do cost a fucking ton.

This however is retarded, each pizza sounds terribly bland.

Mikey's is probably the only one I'd eat, but I'd rather just add a little meat to Leo's.

>> No.5636058

Ugh. I normally don't order from Pizza Hut, mainly because my neighborhood is rife with awesome pizza joints, but my brother and his son were over and my nephew wanted to try the TMNT pizza. So, we ordered a Michelangelo's. What a serious disappointment. The cheese had been cooked right out of the "cheezy bites" so they were hollow, with some hard melted cheese stuck to the bottom. The center of the pizza was gummy. Just NO. Never again, Pizza Hut.

>> No.5636066

These look like FUCKING FINGERS from afar.

Who would eat cut up fingers?

>> No.5636067


>> No.5636077

Post a picture of your hand.

>> No.5636122

>mikey's pizza
>pepperoni, ham, pineapple, jalapenos
>not peanut butter/jelly, chocolate chips/caramel fudge, gazai leaves
you had one job, pizza hut

Leo > Mikey, on the other hand i hate olives and jalapenos.

>> No.5636185

Id go raph, my favorite turtle forever and it sounds tastiest. Donny pizza sounds ok. Other two a.shit.

>> No.5636196


>> No.5636198

Wasn't at least one of them supposed to be a big fan of anchovies?

Does Pizza Hut even offer anchovies anymore?

>> No.5636200

all are shit op

>> No.5636242


This. Tuna, peanutbutter, grapejelly pizza when?
Or peanutbutter/clams.

>> No.5636250


>Not oatmeal pizza

You had one job, Pizza Hut

>> No.5636293

The thing about pizza hut is that the pizza itself tastes really bland. There is something about the ingredients and the dough which just lacks that fresh crispy taste which you get if you just prepare a pizza at home.

>> No.5636365


>> No.5636370

more like Leonardose amirite?

>> No.5636379

why is that funny?

>> No.5636398

Not a pizza hut employee but I'm pretty sure I heard somewhere all their dough is frozen..

>> No.5636405

leo's look aight
i wouldnt order any of them tho since pizza hut a shit

>> No.5636408

Michelangelo or rapheal

>> No.5636416
File: 157 KB, 800x663, pizza-with-anchovies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are NONE of them ANCHOVIE pizzas thats what TMNTs like?

>> No.5636419

Because they plan on selling the pizzas

>> No.5636423

i like anchovie pizza

>> No.5636425

What a horrible and lazy looking 'pizza' that is

>> No.5636427

The best turtle has the best pizza

>> No.5636468



>> No.5636608


>> No.5636633

Raph all day

>> No.5636638

Raph or leo.

>> No.5636652


>> No.5636662

All of pizza huts dough comes in frozen nowadays.
Stuffed crust dough is slightly larger than normal, defrosted and place 5 sticks around the edge then wrap the dough around it.

the cheese finger things on the end of this dough is most likely formed in the factory.

>> No.5636718

Pizza Hut Worker here. The cheese popper things are not formed in factory and we form them ourselves and it is a pain in the ass. So the chances of you getting one that look like the ad are slim to none.

>> No.5636744

>watching Special Effects: The Movie
>paying for it

dumbasses everywhere

>> No.5636759

leo ez

>> No.5636869

I used to work there last summer..
Fuck the cheese crust pizzas man.

>> No.5636903

Can confirm, I work next to one and my friend who works there loathes them.

She's shown me the dies they fucking use.

After doing the sit to make a stuffed crust, the put a die down to create the little pockets for the 'bites' and then another die fits over that to separate them.

Apparently they beat on the dies with a rubber mallet because it wrecks your hands doing it for so long.

>> No.5636960


>> No.5637011


>> No.5637013

I don't think they do. I checked about 5 months ago....hardly any of the pizza places in my college town have anchovies (fort collins, CO).

>> No.5637021
File: 39 KB, 170x156, 1374441305606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 cheese things per slice
>3 cheese things per slice
>4 cheese things per slice
>3 cheese things per slice

>> No.5637047

It's a secret attack on our minds by vegas to unconsciously purchase the veggie pizza over the others.

>> No.5637185

I hate cilantro.

Coriander isn't bad thoughtful

>> No.5637231


Do you ever read back what you have written or do you always place this degree of faith in your auto-correct?

If it's the second, you need to stop. It is confusing everybody.

>> No.5637242

Man, that show was way shittier than I remembered.

>> No.5637267

>Do you ever read back what you have written
No, and I have a bad tendency to leave out single letters in words and hardly notice because they'll often spell other words correctly.

I'm sorry I missed the 'h' in shit and the 'y' in they. I'm also sorry a simple typographical error is enough to prevent you from using context to derive the intended word.

>> No.5637272

Where's the gummy bears and peanut butter toppings? Come on. What the fuck is with these lame pizzas.

>> No.5637285

this is the dumbes thing ive ever seen
but thanks for suggesting pizza, ive got a free papa johns pizza im gonna get delivered

>> No.5637295

Internet pizza server, complete with fingers and green M&Ms.

>> No.5637336

What was wrong with the normal cheese filled crust?

>> No.5637394

Raphael easy

>> No.5637534

Michelangelo or Raphael.

>> No.5637558

>known as the jokester
Michelangelo confirmed for master le jokesterman face

>> No.5637569

They do. At least the one near me does.

>> No.5637802


>> No.5637806

Michelangelo, pineapple and jalapenos go together sooo fucking well on a pizza. We had jalapeno, pineapple, and sausage pizza the other day.

>> No.5637944

gosh, all of them look like shit, I'm disappointed.
Mikey's sounds the best flavor-wise, but if I was going to eat one, it'd be Donnie's of Leo's, because I don't eat pork.
I'd have to get it w/o mushrooms too.

There should be multiple options for each turtle, none of these really scream "tmnt" to me.