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5632699 No.5632699 [Reply] [Original]

Saw this 'article' linked on my social media.


It alleges that a popular restaurant has started collecting negative reviews because the time to be seated, and time to order has been increased because of so many patrons sitting at the tables fucking with their phones and wasting time.

Is this bullshit, or is this something you've actually witnessed?

I've seen people take pictures of their food, but I have never seen a group of people sitting at a table with their menus closed messing with their phones

>> No.5632702

we dont allow this shit where i work

>> No.5632706

where do you work?

>> No.5632707

I don't eat out often but if it's children that are on their phones all the time rather than talking to each other I'd just discard their opinions.

>> No.5632713

Its an independently owned relatively small restaurant group

>> No.5632899

it has almost destroyed the whole system. there are fire times that keep the train ticking along. 20 minutes waiting for someone to finish a bowl of soup is now the standard. in all kitchens, a ticket comes in and 6-8 minutes for apps to reach a table. 5-10 minutes later a ticket comes in and fires course two. 3-10 minutes later entrees hit the table, thank well done for the long wait and airlines takes just as long.

longer wait times to get food out jams up the line, food is dieing because suddenly the 6:00, 6:30, 7:00 rezzos all woke up and decided they were hungry now. all the while walk-in crowd the bar and start ordering. chaos. a good front FOH can only do so much to ease the burden.

>> No.5632920

maybe if you looked up from your fucking phone you'd notice this shit.

>> No.5632928
File: 494 KB, 500x385, 51riNHE[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one haha

really blew me the fuck out there :^)

the reality is that im a shutin and I only go out to eat on family occasions.

just fucking shoot me already

>> No.5632938

Slightly related, but I think it's really rude if I go to a restaurant with people and their phone is on the table during the meal. I leave mine in my purse, if I'm going to lunch with a friend or someone I'm going to pay attention to them and not watch for texts or calls. My brother will be on his most the meal. I can let it slide unless it's egregious, but if it's a date it bothers me in any capacity.

>> No.5632941

Going out to eat is overrated, I never go out. Tipping, other people preparing my food, high prices, waiters and bussers creaming in my soup, being around annoying people. You're not missing anything, just saving money.

>> No.5632968

You sound distrustful of others in general

>> No.5632984

If I'm going to go to dinner, I am going to sit down and take my time, converse, and enjoy it for at least at hour and talk to my friend.

Maybe I'll get dessert but probably not.

People who want a turnover rate are disgusting.

>> No.5632998

you can't talk to me like that, I'm an abortion survivor!

>> No.5633239

Your link sounds completely made up, but I'd still believe that phones do add to how long people spend time at a restaurant.

>> No.5633251

I have. I see it all the time.

>> No.5633304

Fuck you I paid for the meal I will take ad long as I damn well please to eat.

>> No.5633323

how old is that article? i read those exact descriptions in a thread from a while ago

>> No.5633556

It's not people who are taking their time, and it's not an hour.
If you read the article you'd see it's people doing things to waste the waiter's time like requesting they take a group picture for them, or doing retarded things like spending 3 minutes to take pictures of the food, and the average length was 1:55.

>> No.5634164

Unless you put some time limit on the door you can shut that shit up they paid its your job to serve them.

>> No.5634187

>waste time taking group picture
Wow. People go out when htey haven't seen other people in a long time. Gatherings and such.

Waiters consider group pictures of good times a waste. Hilarious.

I can see my mom taking a while to take out her cmaera and figuring out how it works. Getting angry over that? heh.

>> No.5634193

theyre servers not photographers

>> No.5634239

>they paid it's your job to serve them food.

Ideally, that's all they should be obligated to do.
They don't need to serve your every whim.

Not to mention you're being an asshole to other patrons desiring something that the waitstaff is *actually* supposed to provide them with.

>> No.5635540

cell phone zombies need to wake up from the matrix and place a SERIOUS ORDER NOW

>> No.5635574
File: 2.57 MB, 464x352, Cannibal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit. Can't believe people believe this is real. An article with no author, no business name. Originally posted on Craigslist in NYC, with an "age: 28" tag but someone claiming to be a manager/owner.

Maybe at a black ghetto Chili's. I've never been out and witnessed intentional ignorance of manners to the degree this BS article talks about. This is just baby boomer propaganda to get those damn kids!! of their phone. Think of how long it actually takes to take a picture of your food and upload it. The key here being THE FOOD IS ALREADY THERE. No one goes out to eat to sit at the table and talk. Maybe kewl kids at a dinner at 10pm who order coffee. No restaurant would tolerate a table like that for longer than 15 minutes.

I don't even remember the last time I saw someone ask a waiter for a group photo.

>> No.5635763

its not baby boomer propaganda, this problem has gotten so bad that alot of peoples parents are more obsessed with the stupid ipads and iphones than their kids, baby or college or not. it becomes impossible to have a conversation with them as they blast the t.v. and look at their phones at the same time. I wouldn't really care but they get annoyed when you interrupt them after they have done nothing for hours just because you need to say one thing to them. experienced this in many places.

I don't care what people do but at least be considerate right?

I can understand how this may have become an epidemic and a huge pain at some restaurants where people are in lala land when someone is trying to take their order. its like the reverse of the server person coming by and asking if your food is good when you are chewing with your mouth totally full.

>> No.5635784


I posted this the other day. OP isn't the only source.


But yeah I'm sure it's a conspiracy by a group of old people to make you feel bad for your generation.

>I've never been out and witnessed


It took place at a popular restaurant in NYC. Maybe because you eat at ghetto Chilis nobody takes pics of their food or selfies. Going to Chilis isn't special. Going to some fancy place in NYC is.

>> No.5635797

>Going to Chilis isn't specia
It probably is if you are super poor.

>> No.5635917

this happens in all kinds of places. not just because some place is poor or rich.

>> No.5635971
File: 852 KB, 464x352, Cannibal2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It took place at a popular restaurant in NYC.
implying. You have no context for this article, because it's not provided. Because it isn't real.


I'm a 26 year old female who frequents local restaurants because I love a good kitchen. I cook frequently, and have a passion for it. But good assumptions! That really strengthened your argument. How is your ijreview.com accrediting to this article? It's fucking not. It's clickbait on clickbait bs.

Im not saying this never happens. But I don't pretend my business is dying because of smartphones. Do you see? Or maybe you can go ahead and assume more stupid shit. I'd love to prove you wrong.

>> No.5635994

When I go out for dinner with my friends we have this thing called a phone stack.

Everyone puts their phone in a pile in the middle of the table, the first person to grab their phone shouts a round of drinks.

>> No.5636005
File: 1.96 MB, 500x494, 345343425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow after reading this thread I am shocked at mostly everyone. how can anyone be so angry that someone said that people were looking at their phones too much and therefor slowing down the rate at which servers could take orders and making the waiting times and workload take longer? its entirely possibly and I know people are capable of such stupidity and I have seen very similar things myself multiple times. is it really so hard to admit that this has happened, even if you totally throw out everyone you all read in that dumb link?

think about the stress that all the staff in a restaurant go through, running to and from everywhere, taking orders, cooking under pressure and time limits, and then picture that almost each and every single table has idiots staring at their phones and the server is forced to go "ahem, excuse me? hello? hello? YES can I take your order?"


It really can add up and in the end the backlog of work is overflowing and the work yet needed to complete every take is enormous, people reaching the breaking points past their limits trying to please every last customer as well as they can.

I am absolutely surprised that more people don't go monkey banana peanuts insane in jobs like those.

maybe you all haven't seen it happen. I haven't seen it in a restaurant as bad as described but I have experienced good enough examples in life that I know it could really happen.

so why be angry? why fight over this? why say
"NOOOOO ITS IMPOSSIBLEEE" so hard, with such intent to deny deny deny?

Sherlock Holmes would most definitely come to the conclusion that you are all in fact the ones that were on your cell phones in those restaurants causing this chaos and now want to deny it.

I could be wrong, but why should it have ever gone this far?

>> No.5636007

that sounds awful. I would rather keep my cellphone in my pocket instead of placing it onto a dirty restaurant table sandwiched in between other less responsible peoples cell phones. why would I put my phone on someone else's phone who thinks its okay to put their phone in such a dirty place? secondly, why do I have such dirty friends? no way...

and most of all, If I were to buy everyone a round of drinks it would come from the goodness of my heart and not losing a criminally unsanitary game.

>> No.5636014

Do you ever go outside?

>> No.5636036

This really seems to be a prominent issue these days. I've read about restaurants banning people from taking pictures of their meals and ones that offer a % off your food if you turn your phone off while at the table.

>> No.5636048

What a massive faggot

>> No.5636050

>wasting time

I don't do anything on my phone at dinner but I paid for a leisurely meal. I'm not wasting time if not I'm shoveling down food to leave faster. I'll do what I fucking wish. If I want to sit there and talk I'll do it. If I want to eat slowly I will.

>> No.5636056

it's a business, not your clubhouse. eat your food and get the fuck out.

>> No.5636063


Whara joy you must be

>> No.5636237

you are angry because I'm right. correct?

>> No.5636345

Its not my job to pay you. I came to have a meal not be forced to child something down and get out. Fuck you.

>> No.5636375


This is what going out to a restaurant is all about. What restaurant business would be hurrying their customers out? THAT would get negative reviews.

Any of you pleb cunts never spent a whole night out at a restaurant? Ordering drinks and other assorted shit the whole time until closing? Oh that's right, I'm talking to the iPhone generation. Silly me.

>> No.5636397

>ordering drinks at a restaurant

Do you realize what a markup they have on drinks? It's as bad as the food but I don't require soda to survive because I have not been defeated by marketing.

You obviously have no idea how to get your money's worth. Obviously a liberal arts major assuming you have any education at all. How does it feel to be a marketer's wet dream?

>> No.5636407

This article is practically built to incite an enraged response from the reader, it's lazy and downright unrealistic but we buy into it because we want to believe society is going downhill.
But you know what? Even if this was the case, who cares? It's not the job of the customer to make things easy for the workstaff. If there's a problem involving people bothering other customers, that needs to be dealt with, but otherwise it's really their choice how long they want to spend farting around on their phones and instagramming their foods.

>> No.5636418


> implying the markup on food is even close to touching the markup on booze
> implying food is the profitable part of non-chain restaurants where margins are around 2-5%

Obviously a marketing major and not a finance major.

>> No.5636426

>going to chain restaurants
You voted Obama didn't you

>> No.5636477

>I'm angry
>You're right

You just sound like the biggest faggot 16 year old ever. Idgaf what you're actually trying to talk about

>> No.5636730

>make post
>anon is angry at me
>call them out on it

if you have no idea what I'm talking about, then why are you mad at me?

>> No.5636763

>btw im a grill

>> No.5636770

I have seen people spend 45 min at a ramen shop. 45 min for fucking ramen. The noodles go soft at around the 5 min mark.

>> No.5636787

>Can't believe people believe this is real. An article with no author, no business name. Originally posted on Craigslist in NYC, with an "age: 28" tag but someone claiming to be a manager/owner.
It really blows my mind how many on my Facebook feed are reposting this and actually believe it. It reads like an email scam that my grandma would send me.
The original craigslist post never provided a name, timestamp pic, or even a persons name. Just that they were "a popular restaurant in NYC". The whole thing just reeks of bullshit.

>> No.5636799


>> No.5636803

i used to work as a busser at a "new american" type gastro pub kinda place that put a lot of emphasis on plating and presentation. the food was fantastic, and nearly everyone licked their plates clean.
but yes, everybody did take pictures of their food

>> No.5636806

so more or less:
>people order food
>sit there for hours doing nothing even though they already ate their food
>continue to sit around and take up the table even though they finished long ago.

yes this is real.

>> No.5637016

Yes I've considered most of the points of the article. Yes, people with phones in restaurants (and in general) can be obnoxious and inconvenient.
The article in question is bullshit. It's the foodie equivalent of the Mike Chang "THIS RESTAURANT DID THIS ONE LITTLE THING- IT WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT FOOD" urban legend click bait.
Do I think that people do this in restaurants and it slows down the kitchen and stresses the staff? Absolutely. But it didn't happen in this case, because it's unsourced bullshit.

>> No.5637911


> muh reading comprehension

That's the point. Only chain restaurants are profitable. Non-chain restaurants have a razor thin profit line, if they're profitable at all, and the bulk of that profit is from the bar side.

>> No.5637932

>but yes, everybody did take pictures of their food
Because you plated it so nicely. It's a compliment that wastes none of the waiter's time once the food is on the table.

>> No.5637953

In europe dinners/meals at restuarants and in the home last more than 2 hours, always.

People are never in and out because they have shit else to do and are lazy fucking turds.

This upcoming American generation is one in the same - largely lazy and retarded, if not drunk, they sit there in random restaurants because they have nothing else to do with their lives.

>> No.5637959

and happened way before phones existed

>> No.5639695

idiots caused it before, idiots causing it now.

just different tools being used.

>> No.5639750

>get paid 8 pounds an hour to be a waiter

Yeah sure, spend 3 hours there doing fuck all, makes my job easy.

>> No.5639865
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> it's really their choice how long they want to spend farting around on their phones and instagramming their foods.

it's also their choice if they want to piss on their seats and shit on their plates
just because they have the choice doesn't mean they get to do stupid bullshit without consequences.
A restaurant is not a burger shack. You don't get to behave like a spoiled brat and whine because you got kicked the fuck out. There's a difference between having a conversation and taking your time eating and wasting time thanks to your technologically induced autism.

>> No.5639922

sounds like a trendy restaurant problem, clearly the solution is to become some sort of food hipster

>> No.5639928

I've heard of some restaurants that ban using phones durning the whole eating experience. They collect phones in a basket and take it further from the table.

Ingenious imo

>> No.5639951

aahh scary technology, mindless peons slave to computer. i hate technology!

>> No.5640034
File: 34 KB, 427x245, f34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you go to a restaurant with a laptop watching youporn?
Would you set up a mini-television?
Would you put a boombox on the table, listening to it while eating?
no? If you see someone doing something and call him out for being an asshole, does that make you afraid of technology?
But of course you're to cool and hip and young to care about old people stuff like etiquette.
And of course using a mobile device is exclusive to people that are technologically literate. Because it is such a challenging task to touch colourful pictures on a screen.

>> No.5640057
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>he doesnt know about skynet or the silicates

>> No.5640075

My mom did that until my family figured out to just not have it out at the table. She would get annoyed because sometimes that was our only time we would get together during out busy days. It's sad that adults need to be forced by someone like a child to interact with eachother like normal human beings.

>> No.5640113


I only slightly understood what this guy said

>> No.5640123
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are you me?

I invite people over for some bbq ribs, campfire, smores, beer, conversation

I end up doing a bunch of work to sit around looking at 5 people around me texting everyone else who isnt there so I just look up at the stars and fantasize about a better future

>> No.5640155

>I'm a 26 year old female

tits and timestamp or get the FUCK out

>> No.5640210

if someone tried to take my phone I would look them right in the face and say that I won't allow them to control my property and walk right out.

additionally I would turn my phone off and leave it in my pocket and not let them know I have it. I wouldn't let them search me either.

>> No.5640218

I don't know why you treat girls like this bro. do girls get on 4chan and make equally stupid demands? its a person just like you and me so don't be such a sicko.

>> No.5640225

tits or gtfo

>> No.5640276

I use the My Fitness Pal app on my phone. If I were told to not be on my phone while tracking my calories I would leave.

Phones will never go away. You will fall behind the times and go out of business for being phone nazis.

>> No.5640290

we do plenty of business and dont care if some tumblr feminist on a cleanse leaves b/c she cant use her phone. We also dont allow crying babies or children running wild so take your little brats and head over to McDonalds.

Just because phones will never go away doesnt mean you need to have your fat face stuck in it all the fucking time. Try having a convo with the person sitting across from you. Oh thats right, youre eating alone.

>> No.5640298
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>he thinks its really a grill

>> No.5640299 [DELETED] 

Waiters and the service industry in general are some of the biggest entitled cunts in the entire world. It's an industry of snobs.

>> No.5640337

So much projecting.

I guess a failing business will cause mental instability.

>> No.5640347

did i hurt your feelings? wanna cry about it tumblr?

>> No.5640356

I've eaten with people who would take half an hour to decide on what they want because they are too busy with their phones.

>> No.5640363

well your mom should learn to use a camera lol

your mom sounds like a cunt

>> No.5640417

I'm not the guy that posted that but you are the one that seems a little butt hurt.

>> No.5640597

>calling everybody who disagrees with you tumblr


>> No.5640606


samef ag

>> No.5640628


>> No.5640867

>everyone who disagrees with me is exactly the same person!

pathetic subconscious mental strategy to make your enemy seem less numerous.

face it, more people exist that disagree with you about this topic than the people who agree with you.


>believing that everyone who disagrees also come from a different website

oh wow you got us! we came from that place with people you don't like so we must be from there! yea right...

>> No.5640873

>being this uncomfortable and butt frustrated just because some people disagree with you.

why don't you just chill out right? we know we disagree but you keep on pushing the rage train.

>> No.5640966

>can't eat alone
>can't use your phone
>can't take too much time
>pay mark up on food + tip
Why do people eat out?

>> No.5640969

>pay mark up on food
do you expect them to give it to you for cost?

>> No.5640975

I'm paying them to cook it for me, if I can't do what I like during that time, what's the point

>> No.5640978

you pay a surgeon to operate on you too but you dont dictate the terms their either.

If you could Id have Jax arms

>> No.5640988

The surgeon probably requires you to stay still to do his job, i don't think i'm interfering with the chef unless I'm going in the kitchen or wrecking the front.

Jax arms would be pretty sweet though

>> No.5641440

laughed a little.

>> No.5641842
File: 87 KB, 600x295, old and angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking with their phones and wasting time.

Wouldn't surprise me.

Young people (especially women) simply cannot put their fucking phones away and are
constantly checking them and texting who-the-fuck-knows-about-who-the-fuck-cares and
even worse, you people think nothing of walking into a public place (gas station or party
store or wherever) while LOUDLY babbling on their phone.

As an "older person" (46 years old) this shit drives me up the wall

>> No.5641879

We had a table the other day, ask to speak with a manager to check on their food, I handled it(Owner). They had been there, holy shit an hour and haven't gotten their food, I reemed my cooks out why the fuck isnt their food cooking? I pull completed tickets and find their table, prepare everything and start it cooking, apologize to them it will only be a few more minutes. They yell at me wife tells me to fuck off and they leave.

I review the video of their table, they were too busy and distracted, they turned down ordering twice, then forgot they hadn't ordered and called me over to bitch about their food not coming out yet.... YOU HAVE TO ORDER IT TO GET IT.

>> No.5641881

The ticket I pulled up from the cooks completed til was for the previous guests sitting at the table.

>> No.5641886

I'm only mid 20, but I've already made my money... I'm never on my phone when I go out, Especially on a date.

I've stood up and walked out several dates because they couldn't set their phone down.

If I ever need to be on my phone I always let them know like, Just so you know my staff is down a manager tonight, and I may need to take a short phone call around 10:00 pm to walk them through closing they day out.

>> No.5641892
File: 30 KB, 295x295, 1369511227673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this bullshit, or is this something you've actually witnessed?
Some people I used to be friends with were kind of like that

>one time the 4 of us go for sushi
>all 3 of them playing on their phones the whole time
>"oh man this game is so hard"
>mfw the the social ineptitude

>> No.5641909


>muh etiquette

>> No.5641926

Doing that stuff is public disturbance. Using a phone to take photos or text isn't. Get with the times gramps.