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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5631213 No.5631213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. I need help. my fiance wants me to learn to cook, and I don't feel like taking classes. can someone help me out? just some basic recipe that contains normal around the house stuff and isn't too complicated.

>> No.5631216


just start with any of Henstons bullshit and you should be fine.

>> No.5631221

so just some of those YouTube videos?

>> No.5631235

step one pick a style of cuisine to cook with
step two look of pantry lists/ staple vegetables, spices, grains, meats, ect for that cuisine
step three watch some videos on how to cook some dishes for those cusines
step four check and see if those match your pantry list if not add stuff to it
step 5 go shopping with your pantry list (this is gonna hurt at first because of the cost of spices and stuff)
step 6 cook according to the videos or recipes you looked at.
step 7 stick with it. It's way to costly to switch cuisines constantly and does not help you learn.

>> No.5631242

btw im a grill

>> No.5631253


>> No.5631257

Gender in the OP wasn't even implied. Calm your autism

>> No.5631269

>says "my fiance"
>can't be bothered to take a class
>doesn't want anything complicated
and that's not implying she's a lazy female looking to half-ass her fiance's request?

>> No.5631295


If I asked my husband to learn to cook he would post something a hell of a lot more apathetic sounding than OP

>> No.5631297
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Slop: canned beans, canned corn, canned whatever, etc

Mix in bowl, heat, serve

Ham potatos: eggs, potato, precooked ham slice

Microwave potatoes 6 minutes each, dice
Dice ham, put in electric skillet, stir sometimes
Mix in potatoes
Crack eggs on top, stir till cooked

>> No.5631302


I know there are a lot of idiots on 4chan but god you take it to a whole new level of cringe. Very embarrassing.

>> No.5631306

show us your tits, and we'll tell you why your husband lacks motivation

>> No.5631310

Really? This is what made you cringe?
not shittingdicknipples.jpg?

>> No.5631311
File: 179 KB, 600x600, tmp_14042829992411872507653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use cheese grater on raw potato

Put potato pieces into oily pan, eat when done

>> No.5631317
File: 178 KB, 600x600, tmp_14041031851692105761144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boil water in pot

Put in noodles

Take oit noodles

Spaghetti / ramen

Pizza: buy pizza crust from store
Put stuff on it

>> No.5631323

op here. definitely a guy. :p

>> No.5631325
File: 2.66 MB, 1428x1270, tmp_1404100460593-1062943656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point I'm trying to make here is that if you can't cook, you are literally retarded.

>> No.5631333

yes, thank you for that. I understand things like hash browns and noodles, it is more complicated dishes that concern me. Like a casserole or dumplings or chicken masala or shit. I don't know. her past boyfriends have been able to cook and I feel the need to figure this shit out.

>> No.5631342

thank you very much

>> No.5631344

then why did you post a picture of a grill?
>implying I believe you're op

>> No.5631346

you too

>> No.5631351

it was just stuff that showed food and implied weird ass shit. idk. it was a picture. calm your tits.

>> No.5631363

I'm perfectly calm
I'm calmer than you are

>> No.5631365

it was just one I grabbed from /WG/ yesterday.