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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5631018 No.5631018[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I hate broccoli

>> No.5631021

Hello President George Herbert Walker Bush.

How do feel about the shit-hole your son created in Iraq?

>> No.5631025

bout the same as it was before

how do you feel about the shithole obamas made america into

>> No.5631044
File: 112 KB, 468x447, big_hat_guy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cuisine is good and not just stuff like easycheese

>> No.5631051

I like broccoli but this fedora strawman shit needs to end.

>> No.5631061
File: 107 KB, 468x447, big_hat_guy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating healthy is too expensive

>> No.5631062

1. Passed Health Care Reform
2. Passed the Stimulus
3. Passed Wall Street Reform
4. Ended the War in Iraq
5. Began Drawdown of War in Afghanistan
6. Eliminated Osama bin laden

I feel real good about how Obama cleaned up the huge mess the last conservative left.

>> No.5631063

broccoli sucks
romanesco sucks more
cauliflower sucks the most

>> No.5631069

I hate steamed broccoli

It's just for laughs, autismo.

>> No.5631070
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>I spend most of my time shitposting on /ck/ because Im a butthurt American

>> No.5631102

Oh god this!

>> No.5631358
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>> No.5631367

Pretty good. I have a job and healthcare and I can marry the man I love.

>> No.5631369

low r8 b8 m8

>> No.5631378
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>> No.5631388
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>> No.5631393

But you see, he's a community organizer. I had to vote for him twice.

>> No.5631401

But I can legally marry and pass on my property to the man I love and he supports Israel so I'm good :^)

>> No.5631413

gay marriage is a states issue not a federal govt issue

>supporting a racist extremist nation

>> No.5631422

But we have anal intercourse beneath our framed portrait of our President. It's satisfying.

>> No.5631426

I'm sorry for your mental disorder but atleast you can live a semihappy lifestyle and take comfort in knowing you wont pass on your mental illness since you cant procreate.

>> No.5631430

I teach 7th grade social science. I'm teaching your American children :)

>> No.5631432

>supporting a racist extremist nation
If you support a republican or a teabagger you sure do! I have NEVER seen these kind of temper tantrums when Clinton was president. And I wont see them again when another Clinton wins in 2016.

>> No.5631435

>social science
not even a real science

Also home school kids to keep them away for people like you

clinton wont get the nomination and if she does she wont win.

>> No.5631439

Either you have no ability to recognize poor bait or you are talking to yourself.

>> No.5631442
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>clinton wont get the nomination and if she does she wont win

>> No.5631443

Fun fact- President Obama didn't care about you or your future husbando until after he got re-elected.

Don't give him credit because he flip flopped on an issue after he saw a sea change in the electorate.

>> No.5631444

Shut up feminazi

>> No.5631453

I think the fed govt should pay money to gay people when they donate at sperm banks...

>> No.5631458

i think they shouldnt allow gays to donate sperm, why pass on a detrimental genetic trait?

also the govt should give money away to anyone, you want money then work for it

>> No.5631470

The government should set laws and regulations that stipulate a business MUST pay a living wage to all employees. That any corp that outsources work to other countries be levied a tax that will make up 10% more than what it would cost them to hire American workers and pay them a living wage. That government employees be outright and permanently banned from lobbying and lobbyists be outright and permanently banned from being elected to ANY public office. That all elections be financed by the people through a tax to limit the amount of money influencing elections.

>> No.5631473

What's a living wage, and as a dish dog will I be making fifteen an hour?

>> No.5631474

fuck you that's liberal socialist fascism

>> No.5631476

Politics in /pol/ i care as much about your political
stance as i do your religious beliefs
have some tact.

>> No.5631482

The sanctions against Iraq in the 90s caused the excess deaths of half a million Iraqi children. NATO dropped 20,000 tons of bombs on Yugoslavia and killed thousands of civilians in the name of "humanitarian intervention." Clinton also repeatedly bombed Iraq because of Saddam's phantom WMDs.
Clinton is a war criminal like Bush and Obama.

>> No.5631484

A living wage means being paid enough to have a home and food and clothing and a car to get to work in. And yes. You dishwashers will make enough to live on. And no, your hamburger wont go up $15, you would be pretty stupid to believe something like that.

>> No.5631485

So yeah... Broccoli.

>> No.5631491

And yet he was still a better president than both shrubs and a raygun combined... even had a surplus at the end.

>> No.5631495

Why dont you look at the post they were replying to retard?

so you should make enough to buy a house, a car, clothes, and food regardless of how much and how hard you work? Thats stupid, anyone can make it just fine in this country if they work hard.

>> No.5631502

Because of a dot com bubble.

Anyway. This is /ck/ take this shit to /pol/ Broccoli apparently brings out the worst in people.

> I now hate broccoli

>> No.5631506

>anyone can make it just fine in this country if they work hard.
This is such a lie. I know plenty of people that work 2 jobs and still live paycheck to paycheck. By your reasoning they should be living in mansions sipping champagne and fucking underage hookers.

>> No.5631514

That would be preferable to working two dead end jobs.

Let me guess, he has two kids and an ex wife with student loans.

>> No.5631515

I said make it not be rich and if you are working two full time jobs @ 80hrs a week even just making minimum wage and cant support yourself on that you are doing something wrong.

>> No.5631519

You just have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, anon.

>> No.5631527

Why aren't they rich yet? They are hard workers. According to every conservative I know they ALWAYS say, "If you only work hard... you'll 'make' it." Why haven't they 'made it' yet?

>> No.5631534

probably living beyond their means, investing poorly and spending too much time on 4chan

>> No.5631535

I don't know. Drugs maybe. Booze?

>> No.5631536

>why haven't they made it yet?

They're too busy pointing their fingers at immigrants and people of more recent African heritage to get or keep a job. All those trips down to the Mexican border to throw rocks at children really makes it hard to find money to invest.

>> No.5631538
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>Still arguing democrats vs republicans

>> No.5631542

I didnt know renting a one bedroom economy was considered living beyond their means. It seems interesting to me that it MUST be something that they did, that they are living beyond their means or are druggies or something. Its NEVER that they make to little to support a family. Funny how that is, isnt it?

>> No.5631546

it is when they cant support themselves on 80hrs a week even at minimum wage

>> No.5631550

And yet they had a family.

Sounds like you're trying to blame someone for bad choices. Start there.

>> No.5631556

And why should they not be payed enough to support a family? Please explain why SOME people can have kids and others cant.

>> No.5631557

>fedora thread turns into an all out /pol/ tier shitposting session
I wish moot would just ban all posts containing anything about fedoras.

>> No.5631560

I can't afford the education I chose, yet I'm stuck paying for it.


>> No.5631564

Because that's socialism, anon.
>Please explain why SOME people can have kids and others cant.
Survival of the fittest.

>> No.5631566

if you dont make enough to support a family then dont have one, its common sense. Just like you should buy a house or car if you cant afford the payments

>> No.5631568



>> No.5631580

I'm not fond of broccoli, but broccoli soup is amazing. I followed basically the same thing Ramsey did, turned out great.

>> No.5631582

>what is ISIS

>> No.5631586

Because God chooses some people to bless by giving them more money when their parents die or by giving them jobs that pay more money or by blessing the companies they have invested in so that the stock price rises.

>> No.5631587

Broccoli with a little butter and lemon pepper is excellent, even raw.

>> No.5631599

i think she'll get it but she won't win. the balls in the republicans court if they can not fuck it up 2016 is theirs.

>> No.5631605

they should say work smart
>hur dur im a manager at two wends but I'm still poor.
they should invest in themselves.