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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5629035 No.5629035 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried the fruitarian/801010 diet? It seems to work for this guy.

>> No.5629040

this is a cooking board faggot go away

>> No.5629057

Angry carnist pls go

>> No.5629076


>> No.5629085


>> No.5629086


It's like the vegan version of "cisgendered"

>> No.5629112

>asking a cooking board about a diet that doesn't involve cooking.

retard pls go

>> No.5629121


>> No.5629144

Don't you have Lion-O and the rest of the Thundercats to annoy, brah? I almost didn't recognise you without your bandages.

>> No.5629173
File: 29 KB, 670x400, 4122014banana-girl-7-670x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone say anorexia?

>> No.5629178

why is she wearing a grape fruit around her neck?

>> No.5629185

It's an open sore from not eating meat.

>> No.5629186

That's quite a smart question, anon. Can't answer, sorry. It's probably there to keep the blood pressure up, girl would collapse without it or something.

>> No.5629205


i dunno man, anorectics tend to lose their tittage

>> No.5629217

Aren't there organic polymers for that kind of problem? This bitch is rich as fuck with her stupid "banana-girl" book, I'd bet that she got surgery.

>> No.5629221

That girl may be an idiot but she is not anorexic.

>> No.5629237

Saturated with psychos, fake as fuck, expensive as hell and not based on science.

The "science" they based their diet plan on ie "the china study" and a bunch of raw vegan books did not in any way advocate or represent eating a diet of entirely fruit. They've stolen and misused research for personal gain. I hope they all die from something excruciating.

>> No.5629238
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She eats something like 10 bananas for breakfast. They also eat cooked pasta/potatoes/carbs for dinner. Finally, check the title, Food and cooking.

>> No.5629249

Was not meant to be taken literal, but yeah, should have expected that.

> Finally, check the title, Food and cooking.


>> No.5629250

she was an anorexic/bulimic with a long standing history of drug abuse before she did this fruit thing. She is without a doubt a crazy person that's just swung from one extreme to another.

>> No.5629252

FOOD & cooking. fruit is food.
time to grow up children.

>> No.5629260

if i could afford it, i would.

>> No.5629262


Sorry, meant for the guy that was calling this a cooking board.

>> No.5629391

He looks sick

>> No.5629395

Sickly fit, amirite?
I see, no problem.

>> No.5629436


Fuck your fruit

>> No.5629481

Enjoy rotten teeth.

Best diet is eat 2 times a day and avoid fatty food, and walk every day..

>> No.5629490


could be implants, also not all women loose their boobs when they lose weight, just like not all women gain a substantial amount of boobage when they gain weight


she's admitted to having a history of eating disorders and drug abuse

>> No.5629538

not trolling but could you explain the 2 meals a day? I also thought 5-6 small meals throughout the day is good.

>> No.5629583

But seriously though, taters are great. Put them in everything that makes sense.

>> No.5629588

The objectively best diet is dried civet meat, raspberries with the little hairs removed, and alkalized taro. Because I said so.

>> No.5629590

>eat fewer calories than you burn
I 100% guarantee this will work for 100% of everyone, even if you have a fucked up metabolism. I repeat, I 100% guarantee this will work.

>> No.5629597

Not that anon, but it doesn't really matter how many times you eat a day. Just find something that works for you.

>> No.5629616

how big is the chance of this method failing? just want to be extra-sure.

>> No.5629620

zero percent failure rate.
It's guaranteed by conversation of energy and mass it's even further supported by thermodynamics.

>> No.5629623

conservation* fucking phone.

>> No.5629624

> conversation of energy and mass
What do that talk about?

>> No.5629637

conservation of energy.
sorry working though a box of wine and typing on a touchscreen with auto-correct. These things do not work together.

>> No.5629680

>best diet is
>implying we know with any scientific certainty what the best mean human diet is when controlling for age, disorders, mutations
>implying you know better than all scientific authorities
>implying "avoid fatty food" isn't a ludicrous 1970s anachronism based on pseudoscience

just say "i eat twice a day, avoid fatty foods and walk and i feel good." that's enough. it's enough to say you like it instead of pretending--laughably--that you know it's good either for you or for anybody else.

>> No.5629691

there is one scientifically proven method of slowing the aging process, Caloric restriction. Not even kidding.

>> No.5629969

Not a fruitarian, but I started eating a lot more fruit after watching Durianrider videos. He's actually not a full fruitarian anymore last time I checked. He had a falling out with that Raw Kristina girl and the Thai Fruit Festival people because he tells people to eat starchy foods if they can't afford the raw fruit lifestyle or don't have access to adequate fruit, and now he eats potatoes and pasta and stuff in addition to the fruit. He also claimed that he started eating more cooked foods because eating just fruit makes you too damn lean.

The guy did a lot to debunk the "carbs make you fat" myth. People would've realized that was false a long time ago if they stopped listening to fat people who claim sugar makes you fat and that fat makes you lean, and just opened up a medical textbook instead


>> No.5629974


Methionine restriction is said to be as effective as total calorie restriction, maybe even because restricting calories would also restrict methionine. Methionine is an amino acid that's found in high concentrations in animal foods, but in much lower amounts in plant foods

>> No.5631053


healthy? she's got fake titties. not a good breeder.

>> No.5631057


low carb slows down aging. same effect without starvation. glucose based metabolism ( high carb ) ages people.

>inb4 muh vegetables.

a shot of wheatgrass is lowcarb and gives me all the vitamins and minerals I need and more.

>> No.5631108

>The guy did a lot to debunk the "carbs make you fat" myth. People would've realized that was false a long time ago if they stopped listening to fat people who claim sugar makes you fat and that fat makes you lean, and just opened up a medical textbook instead

fuck me that's fucking dire mate

how do you walk around trying to wield pseudoscience like a weapon of moral superiority? you must be swoll as fuck

>> No.5631109


if your glycogen reserves are not depleted carbs will make you fat. that's a fact. the excess carbs get stored because fags like you won't stop stuffing your face with grains.

>> No.5631135


Does pseudoscience mean accepted medical facts that don't say what you want to believe?


>if your glycogen reserves are not depleted carbs will make you fat. that's a fact.

The problem is we already have facts that say your "fact" isn't a fact.

>> No.5631148

Here's a fact for all you douchecunts arguing what's a fact and what isn't:
the thinnest developed nations in the world have cuisines which have excessively high grain-consumption and relatively low meat-consumption while all the developed nations where the opposite is true (or where both carbs and meat are consumed in high amounts) are amongst the fattest. Why is Japan, which eats far lower amounts of meat and far higher amounts of grains than most other developed nations, so relatively thin? Why is Greece, which eats excessive amounts of meat and relatively little grain, so fat? Hrm... hrm...

>> No.5631155


We know why, but watch the low-carbers swarm in and start crying "CORRELATION ISN'T CAUSATION" like they always have to do to excuse the fact that every correlation in the observable world goes against what they believe. They'd rather stay in their delusion than have you take away their bacon and cheese.

>> No.5631159

Except somehow more enraging.

>> No.5631170

Same two vegans every fucking time.

>> No.5631180

I've met both of them. They are utterly insufferable.

>> No.5631181

Hey now. I am in no way advocating taking away anyone's meat and cheese, just stating that anyone with simple observational skills can deduce that overconsumption of grains does not cause obesity to the same degree that overconsumption of meat can.
I eat meat, but certainly not as much as a Greek or Clapistani.
Captcha: amerdid clapping

>> No.5631182

>Why is Japan
>Why is Greece

Serving sizes.

>> No.5631193


>damn vegans debunkin' my dumb beliefs!

Maybe you should start believing things that are true. Maybe then you won't be so mad

>> No.5631195

meat a cheese have a larger hormonal influence. Witch would account for some of that. It's really a much more complex question than could ever be discussed here.

>> No.5631202

Entirely plausible. I eat far more grains than meat and so does the rest of my country and we're rail-thin in comparison to neighbouring nations. Our serving sizes are also on-the-whole much smaller.
For example, it's not uncommon for me to eat 300g or more of grain-based food in one day (about a half of that at breakfast) but only 80-100g of meat or eggs. I live in a different country now and in the summer, it gets as hot as Satan's ball sweat here. There is no AC in the kitchen and I'm a cheap fuck who won't turn on the AC in my living room, so I tend to eat dinner out on my stoop when it's not raining or wet.
I'm friendly with the neighbours, who like to come by the stoop as I'm eating, asking what weird foreign food I'm having today and either commenting that
a) that ain't enough meat/y'ain't got no meat/where the meat at?
b) dass all you eatin'?/dat ain't enough food!/how come you don't eat more?/is you anorexic?
They're all much, much fatter than I am. And I consider myself a tad chubby (183cm/6ft and 79,5kg/176lbs). To them, I'm as thin as they come (wut). People in this country are overwhelmingly, disgustingly far fatter than back home.

>> No.5631218

what country did you live where did you move to?

>> No.5631219

No, I mean as people in general. They are obnoxious fucking faggots.

>> No.5631222


Why, because they don't show you the respect you surely deserve for believing false things and spreading misinformation to other people on public message boards?

>> No.5631249

Oh, sup Harley? You're a faggot.

>> No.5631265


Oh, ha, I thought you were referring to people on /ck/, since there's a lot of threads recently where low carbers kept getting educated by non-low-carbers about why their diet is dumb. I agree about Harley and the banana girl, they get obnoxious as fuck. He used to call out every bodybuilding channel on youtube and claim he could outlift them


It'd be funny to actually see it go down. He says he wouldn't be able to lift as much single weight (fair enough, he's a runner/cyclist, not a weightlifter) but that his stamina would let him lift more weight overall over a period of time

>> No.5631327

The transformation of Freelie is getting more and more depressing. She was so much better looking before she jumped on the fruititarian diet (holding onto a bit more weight, which is completely healthy and natural for women), and remained pretty decent for the first few years, but her physiology is really in decline. I wouldn't classify her as anorexic, but she definitely looked better when she had more weight.

>> No.5631329


she's wearing it so she can snack a grapefruit whenever she wants

i should try that with brownies

>> No.5631335
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>> No.5631408


Meat and fat doesn't cause insulin spikes which grain causes.

Insulin spikes = weight gain

>Inb4 convoluted vegan excuses with convoluted studies.

>> No.5631419


Actually meat does cause insulin spikes

>Insulin spikes = weight gain

If you ever wondered WHY, it's because insulin pushes dietary fat into your fat cells. Without dietary fat there, the only way to get fat into the fat cells is to create fat from carbohydrate, an inefficient process known as de novo lipogensis that, in humans, happens rarely if at all in most conditions. See


>> No.5631425


Also, it's important to clarify when we're talking about whole grains or refined grains, as any talk of insulin spikes isn't going to apply to whole grains.

>> No.5631480


I honestly don't know how to begin broaching the subject of human nutrition with people like you who are already convinced that they have The Secret™

We know about as much about dark matter as we do about human nutrition right now. We have more observations of real phenomena but only the faintest idea of how they really all function. Your surety may play well on social media to those seeking an authoritative voice to reinforce their belief system but you are doing no justice to actual research and your opinions about nutrition are, if taken at face value, probably quite dangerous.

Please reconsider your certainty.

>> No.5631487

>grain makes people fat
>forget about all those developed cultures that subsist on higher portions of grain and less meat and yet are always thinner and longer lived than other developed cultures that eat far more meat and fewer grains
I don't need a study. All I need is a pair of functioning eyes.

>> No.5631493

>B-but muh sugar solves everything
>everything but sugar will make you fat
>have all the sugar you want! You'll get LEEEEAAAAAAN mate

>> No.5631503

>all high grain cultures knock back several kgs of rice per day and sit on their asses, they just stay lean because of their carb intake

>> No.5631516

Ah, so you're saying activity level has something to do with it, eh? Why are the heavily meatcentric developed cultures so inactive, then?

>> No.5631543
File: 185 KB, 477x1528, Plant-based diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I honestly don't know how to begin broaching the subject of human nutrition with people like you who are already convinced that they have The Secret™

It's weird that you'd call it "the secret" when it's pretty mainstream knowledge that virtually every doctor acknowledges and believes because it's tried and true. You trying to claim that the world's top medical professionals don't know anything about nutrition and therefore you can make up your own nutrition rules and it happens to be the opposite of what everyone else is saying just doesn't fly. You can't create your own science that panders to what you want the science to say and try to put it on equal grounds with actual evidence-based science.

>> No.5631545

>implying the results of eating 1000+ kcal of meat over maintenance would be any different than eating 1000+ kcal of rice or potatoes
>if you eat meat you don't excercise
Lol here we go again

>> No.5631563


You're shadowboxing. Is aggressive and paranoid behavior normal for you? Or is it something you ate?

>> No.5631581


I'm just offering some corrections. "Whole plant foods are good for you" is in no way a secret among the medical world.

>> No.5631637
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>> No.5631652


not that guy and I agree that whole plant foods are good for you but that doesn't mean that eating other shit is bad

>> No.5631681


If that were your interest you could do so without the high-handed sermons and shadowboxing straw men. It's only my opinion but you seem to have a deep and personal investment in the truth of the things you say, rather than simply saying the things that are true.

>> No.5631690

But the guy spends all day on his bicycle and telling others to eat healthy

>> No.5631735

Nope, but if activity level has more to do with weight than whether you're eating grains or meat, then guess what? I'm right and the other people are wrong. I pointed out that the thinnest developed countries are ones that heavily eat grain partially as a red herring. I knew eventually, someone would point out the fallacy and link it to activity level. I thought someone would also bring up the Harvard study or the fact that Utah, which is the thinnest US state also paradoxically eats a metric fucktonne of meat.
The whole thing matches up to my original point that grains don't make people fat, meats don't make people fat, sugars don't make people fat and fats don't make people fat. Inactivity makes people fat. Nothing else. Inactivity. People in my country are more active than people in this country and people in my country are thinner than people in this country.
Move more, eat less but eat what you like and don't worry too much about carbs v fats v proteins as long as you eat a reasonably well-balanced diet.

>> No.5632018



>> No.5632023


wrong again.

>> No.5632028


3rd world doesn't count.

>> No.5632030

Ok I agree, you just sounded like a vegan dickbag. The only certain and proven way of weight management is calorie restriction, and it's supported by the laws of physics. If you're eating more energy than you're expending, you'll gain weight and vice versa. The hungry skeleton just rides his bike all day telling people 10kg of fruit every day won't make them fat.

>> No.5632237

>Be fat fuck, 5'11 350 lbs
>Start dieting.
>Drink 1 gallon of water, eat 1100 calories a day, and walk for an hour
>Lost almost 60 lbs for the first month

It's weird how much happier I feel. I don't get tired walking up my stairs and I don't wanna kill myself.

>> No.5632242


>60lbs in 1 month

Im having a real hard time believing that

>> No.5632247

Losing that much weight in month like that is bullshit and extremely unhealthy.

>> No.5632272

his bmr is like 2978 he's working with a 1878 daily deficit. Lets call that 2500 because of his walking. If one lb of fat is 3500 calories he'd have lots 21 lbs at the end of 30 days. Although he might have lost a shit ton of water and lean mass as well. A person who's 350 could easily carry 15lbs of retained water considering how high their sodium intake would be in most cases. Still 40 would seem a lot more believable.

>> No.5632273

60 lbs sounds rather unhealthy. I mean, you were pretty heavy but I would expect 30 - 35 lbs to be a much more healthier weight loss.

>> No.5632278


The reason I called bullshit is because last summer I weighed 365, 5ft11, ate around 1500 calories most days, and did about 8-10 gym sessions a week. It took me 3 months to lose 60lbs

>> No.5632293

>not trolling but could you explain the 2 meals a day? I also thought 5-6 small meals throughout the day is good.

well if you eat 2 times a day, you can eat more per meal, so you feel fuller. But you also will have times when you will have to wait to eat, so you will feel hungry before a meal, and this is good, because it trains you not to eat all the time.

I can patiently wait for my meal time now and it doesn't bother me. my first meal is at 9am second meal is at 4pm. Works great.

>I also thought 5-6 small meals throughout the day is good.

The key to dieting is to, obviously, not eat all the time. The more times you eat, the greater the chance of overeating. Also, eating all the time is bad for your teeth.

>> No.5632305

Nope. Not a vegan. Vegans can go suck a shit. Well, they can't. Cuz it's not vegan.

I dated a vegan once. The cumdumpster insisted on swallowing my load. Oh the irony.

>> No.5632438

>this thread again
>we just had a thread relating to this

Why the fuck does it even matter? Eat whatever the hell you want, who cares how long you're going to live. Naturally, your body decays, you can't prevent that, so who the hell cares if you live to be 90, you'll be stuck in hospital because your dads genes gave you heart disease or you fractured your hip and can hardly move. At this point, it's a contest of pride. You assholes will spend your entire lives fucking around just to spite some random person from the internet and then when you sit on your deathbed, you'll regret it and curse your ignorance for getting in a passion about this shit.

>> No.5632449

there is no way you lost 60lbs in one month. it's physically impossible.

>> No.5632453

being this mad and insecure

>> No.5633469

i'm sure your pancreas is loving it

>> No.5633665


Dietary carbohydrate restriction as a FIRST APPROACH to controlling diabetes?! Surely this will kill more animals!

PETA and PCRM must be informed!!! Mobilize the shills my fellow vegans! Save the animals!!!

>> No.5633680

>Everyone conveniently ignores this post in order to post more anti-/pro-vegan shitposting
OP instead of attempting some retarded fad diet why not just eat what the longest living peoples are eating like in Okinawa, Sardinia, or Ikaria?
Which are PROVEN to make you live longer?
Note that those peoples also move around a lot and have low stress lifestyles.

>> No.5633684

That doesn't make her anorexic anymore than you could call her a drug addict.

She's fixed herself.

>> No.5633686

No, he looks like a professional cyclist. Have you seen any footage from the Tour de France? Does Chris Froome look sick? Nibali? Contador? It's healthy.

>> No.5633743
File: 225 KB, 500x541, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hannah is also the oldest person to never have been the oldest living person
>since she lived at the same time as Jeanne Calment, the oldest person ever to live.

>> No.5633782

anorexia is a mental illness. you can't just fix those. she's recovered, not cured.

>> No.5633795

he trains with pro cyclists in aussieland.

>> No.5633859

So port wine, olive oil and chocolate are the secret to living long?

>> No.5633864

you forgot the cigarettes, I think

>> No.5633873

ah yes, two a day for 90 years!

>> No.5633921


People are ignoring it because he posted 4 people who happened to live long without specificially looking after their health, out of billions who didn't live that long. That "eat whatever you want, you're going to die anyway, YOLO bro" attitude isn't good advice, it just sets you up to spend the second half of your life in poor health. He might as well be saying "just trip on acid all day and smoke meth, you're going to die anyway." If you take care of yourself instead of spending your life living for short-term pleasures like eating burgers, your quality of life is more likely to remain high as you age. This 93 year old woman is in better shape than most of /ck/.


>instead of attempting some retarded fad diet why not just eat what the longest living peoples are eating like in Okinawa, Sardinia, or Ikaria?

I agree with that though. A mainly vegetarian diet with regular exercise, low stress, and strong social connections is known to be good for you. I want to say fruitarianism sounds healthy in theory since it's fruits and vegetables, but I've never seen actual studies on it. And "Dr. Doug Graham" is not an actual medical doctor, he's a chiropractor. He seems to be in great shape for his age though


>> No.5633942

>live off nothing but mcdonalds and soda and sit on your ass all day
>"normal diet, boys will be boys, dis amurica"
>live off nothing but fresh fruits and vegetables while exercising daily

even if it turns out not to be the most healthy diet, why do people make such a huge deal out of it? is it really the most unhealthy diet/lifestyle you've ever seen?

>> No.5633956

>Which are PROVEN to make you live longer?
correlation isn't causation, dude

>> No.5633962
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I love that phrase

>> No.5633976

>mainly vegetarian diet
I agree. Mostly vegetables. A little meat.
While staunch meat eaters will use vegetables here or there as garnish and greenery to an otherwise meaty dish, I often use meat in the same way on otherwise vegetarian dishes, as is common in my culture.
For example, last night for dinner, I had
chickpea polenta
vegetable soufflé*
green beans stewed in garlicky tomato sauce

And the whole thing had some crumbled pancetta over top. I placed a few slices in the oven and cooked them to crisp, then hand-crumbled them onto the plate.

I don't typically eat more than 100g or so of meat in any given day, if I eat meat that day at all. I've yet to eat any today, for example, and don't plan to have any tonight, either.

We're a very active people who live far longer than those even in neighbouring districts (I am from southern Italy). Due to linguistic differences (we only began to speak Italian in the last hundred years or so), we were pretty isolated from the cultures of the rest of the peninsula and have developed a very vegetarian-heavy cuisine that's quite unlike that of our neighbours. The youngest natural death I know of in my family was my uncle Neilo (I think the name is related to English 'Neal' and has no cognate I know of in Italian) who died aged 92. My grandmother lived to be 105 and her sisters each lived into their hundreds, as well.

*we don't usually do a mix of various vegetables when we do, but I had some 'shrooms that were soon to turn so I decided to add them and a pepper to a typical asparagus soufflé common for where I'm from

>> No.5633999


Nice, nice. I go with no meat/dairy/eggs since I don't find them hard to give up and I think it would offer greater health benefits. I just wish more people would make unrefined plants a larger part of their diet, but you tell an American to cut down on his meat intake and eat something "foreign" like chickpeas all you get is a weird defensiveness. The whole "paleo, low carb, eat like your caveman ancestors who lived to be 30" fad also makes it harder for people to understand what foods are healthy.