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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5628987 No.5628987[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I had this food sitting on the counter for 4 hours, is it okay to eat?
>these eggs are 3 days past expiration, will eating them kill me?
>this chicken/burger is slightly pink, is it safe to eat?

What the fuck is wrong with people like this? I move heavy boxes all day. My hands and arms are always coated with ink/dirt and I still eat lunch without washing my hands. I eat produce with slight mold on it. I undercook meats all the time. I never fucking get sick from food. How do people get it in their heads that they'll get deathly ill from stuff like this?

>> No.5628997

>How do people get it in their heads that they'll get deathly ill from stuff like this?

The people who get deathly ill from stuff like that.

>> No.5628999

Food poisoning is serious shit dude

>> No.5629005

the people who get deathly ill from stuff like that have shitty weak immune systems because they hide from micro-organisms and haven't developed the defenses that a normal animal eating shit off the ground or with dirty paws would naturally develop

>> No.5629009

So they should go around and eat off the floor then?

>> No.5629012

Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it won't happen to someone else.

Say you ate a piece of bread that had some mold on it, but you didn't know. You came out of it fine, or relatively so.

Now say someone ate that same piece with the mold on it, but they get sick for a week, perhaps even so bad that they could have died.

Things affect people differently. My rule is that if I can't decided whether its good or not (like if I undercook chicken) I just put it in for more time and let it finish; if its things like bread that have mold on them, get rid of that shit immediately there is no reason to risk it. etc

>> No.5629017

I feel the same way. But I suppose if you coddle your immune system your entire life some people might not fight off microscopic invaders as well.

I've also wondered a similar thing about infections. Every cut I've ever had has gotten infected and it was never a big deal.

>> No.5629021

If they want healthy immune systems that can cope with a variety of potential pathogens then they probably would benefit from the occasional bit of 'dirty' food off the floor.

>> No.5629024


fuck you are always posting this same shit. living in a pigsty is not making you stronger, dumbass. you're either bizarrely lucky or are going to pay for your disgusting habits when you're older.

>> No.5629025

>throwing out moldy bread

Don't you know that penicillin is the single greatest discovery in medical science?

>> No.5629029

Wouldn't hurt.

>> No.5629041


too bad i'm allergic to it.

>> No.5629043

I'm not sure who you think I am but you're mistaken. I don't live in a pigsty but I don't try to avoid any possible micro-organism out of an irrational fear of 'germs.'

The immune system is an 'evolutionary' system. Not only has it evolved over millions of years it has actually evolved to evolve within the individual's lifetime, at a fairly rapid pace. If we are not exposed to potential pathogens or close relatives of those pathogens then we are susceptible to infection. Immunization works on this very principle, expose the immune system to a pathogen (or very similar strain) and the individual becomes less susceptible to the pathogen.

If a person constantly avoids 'germs' then they are more likely to suffer from ill effects when they are eventually exposed to potential pathogens. The real world is dirty, living in a plastic bubble only makes an individual weaker and more vulnerable to that real world.

>> No.5629055
File: 19 KB, 721x253, suicide1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's your immune system trying to kill you. Suicide is painless

>> No.5629064


in all seriousness, how fucked am i that i'm allergic to penicillin?

i haven't had it since i was too young to remember, but my parents tell me i broke out in hives.

>> No.5629081

A lot of great antibiotics are penicillin based but there are alternatives, for now. The main issue is that with the shotgun approach to antibiotic use that's prevalent in medicine and, more troublingly, in livestock industry there are going to be lots of resistant strains.

If hives are your only problem it might be no big deal but I'm not a medical doctor so don't take my word for it.

>> No.5629099

If your doctor prescribed something that you're allergic to, you should seek another doctor because he or she must be inept.

Get a second and third opinion, it's your life.

>> No.5629119

Unless that Anon was a total numbskull and didn't mention that his parents told him he had a penicillin allergy there's no way a responsible doctor would do that.

But I don't think s/he's talking about a current situation. I saw it as more of a hypothetical, "what happens when I can't take penicillin based anti-biotics?" sort of question.

>> No.5629141

They're just pussies.
also, egg expire? lol first I've heard of it, I've had eggs in my fridge for like 8+ months and they were fine.

>> No.5629151

cause the food safety standards are really extreme, at least in America, because people will sue over the drop of a hat

I took a sanitation and hygiene class that was taught by a fucking health inspector and even he admitted that the standards are unnecessarily strict and that expiration labels are also way retarded assuming your fridge stays at a relatively proper temp

>> No.5629167

This guy gets it.

>> No.5629170

Maybe, who knows with these anons.

>> No.5629183


yes, my parents told me that i had a penicillin allergy. i thought i made that clear.

my go-to antibiotic is clindamycin, but in the event that i develop an immunity (i've been on them for 2-week stretches at least 3 times in the past year and half), and eventually it comes down to having only penicillin as an option for treatment... well, i don't know jack shit about med science, so is that even possible?

>> No.5629184

insurance and liability...one person gets the shits and a grocery chain loses half a million customers the next week

>> No.5629204

You can't develop an immunity to an antibiotic, the bacteria might. So long as you use the entire prescription when you have one and don't take antibiotics when you don't need to, e.g. a minor stomach ache or some equally stupid shit, then you're doing what you can.

The issue with overuse of antibiotics is more systemic. When antibiotics are prescribed merely on the basis of a few nondescript symptoms, "just in case" there's an infection or are used, pretty much indiscriminately, in the livestock industry then eventually bacterial strains that are resistant to those antibiotics will emerge. That's just how evolution works. If a resistant strain spreads then the antibiotics in use against that bacterial infection become less and less useful and new antibiotics have to be developed. That takes time, money and a bit of luck.

>> No.5629209

You're retarded and disgusting and the worst part is that you deny how retarded you are. Wash your hands. This is basic shit.

>> No.5629211

>You can't develop an immunity to an antibiotic

Well, what I should have said is that you're not likely to become allergic to other antibiotics. I don't know that it's impossible but it seems unlikely. However, your penicillin allergy could be said to make you "immune" to it's positive effects.

>> No.5629216

>You're retarded and a neat freak and the worst part is that you deny how retarded you are. Eat some dirt. This is basic shit.