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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5627890 No.5627890 [Reply] [Original]

Not really a /ck/ person, but I call on you guys in this time of despair.

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Monday, I'll be getting all four teeth out and the oral surgeon told me I can only eat jello/pudding/nutrition shakes/soups, the problem is, I don't really like soups, and I know I can't survive off of the first three (well you can I suppose), so what are some good things to eat that have the softness of pudding/jello/shakes, and are actually decent? I only need 4 days at the most of this stuff, and I'll have $100 to splurge as of tomorrow on food so give me some good stuff.

thanks in advance!

>> No.5627895

You can survive for a week without food. Stop being a damned baby and have some lentil puree soup.

>> No.5627897


>>don't really like soups
Seriously? I can see not liking some soups, but there's a zillion different kinds, surely there are some you like?

mashed potatoes
protein shakes
shepherd's pie

>> No.5627898

I only had 2 wisdom teeth pulled. I don't remember having much of an issue with eating food. They always exaggerate because they don't want you to do something stupid like eat potato chips and have them bury into your gums. You can still eat cooked vegetables or mashed potaters. Even meat, as long as it's not something you have to chew for a long long time.

You don't want to have gunk get into those holes left after your teeth are pulled.

>> No.5627899

Alright I admit I do like SOME soups, but I can't eat those for four days straight.

The surgeon told me that since I'll be conscious sedated to not eat 12 hours prior.

>> No.5627902

dont listen to this shit, I ate whatever I wanted, smoked, and drank when I got mine out with no issues and this has been true for most Ive know to have them removed as well

>> No.5627904

I don't smoke/drink, but I do eat a fuckton even though I'm 165 pounds.

>> No.5627908

>can't eat those for four days straight.

No, but at least it takes care of some of those meals.

Oh, and I forgot eggs. Most egg dishes are soft.

>> No.5627912

for the first two day stay hopped up on the pain killers they give you, even if you are not in that much pain. then you will not really feel like eating and stuff can heal.
after that what this guy said >>5627897

>> No.5627913

I didn't think about eggs holy hell

>> No.5627919

im just sayin they tell you not to do all that shit but it really dont matter

>> No.5627922

I feel you man. He keeps on telling me not to spit/use a straw for the first 3 days.

>> No.5627949

Yeah, it does matter if you get a dry socket so don't do that shit.
Also, it's probably not a good idea to follow the advice of someone who clearly cares little about his own health.

It's not that hard to do what your doctor advises, it's not that long really.

>> No.5627952

dry sockets are VERY rare

>> No.5627967

When I had a tooth pulled I survived on meal replacement smoothies.

>> No.5627991

Yes, and they occur most often in the situations where people regularly create suction in the mouth while the clot is forming and the gums and bone are undergoing early part of the healing process.

It literally takes only three days for the risk to pass from minimal to non-existent. Just be ever so slightly patient.

Why give yourself the risk of a very much prolonged and painful healing process just so you can suck on a straw?

>> No.5628003

Mashed potatoes and applesauce. Not together, separately

>> No.5628021

Can I ask what relevance your pic has to the topic OP?

Do you just have to pronounce your little girl love in every board you go to like the faggot that you are?

>> No.5628026

Well you better fucking learn to like soup then, eh?

>> No.5628027

It was a random picture honestly, sorry about that man.

I've heard about dry sockets and how it's so bad that not even vicodin can solve it.

I bought a couple Equate Nutrition Shakes earlier today.

I do love applesauce.

>> No.5628031

>it really dont matter

i don't think i want to take advice from you.

>> No.5628034

is it extremely unsafe to puke after getting your wisdoms pulled? not OP here but getting mine out in the coming week.

>> No.5628035

this. I'll probably be puking once they administer the Versed.

>> No.5628037

hi op

i got all four of my wisdom teeth out at once as well, and two of mine were so severely impacted that they had to smash them and pick the pieces out of my gums. not fun. i was definitely out for a couple of days.

i went the baby food route. there's such a huge selection, just go and grab what sounds appealing to you. i ended up getting mostly fruit and vegetable stuff. it was bland and good cold. in my drugged stupor, i really liked that.

>> No.5628039
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>> No.5628045

forgot all about eggs and baby food!

>> No.5628049
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>not green

>> No.5628055

>i was definitely out for a couple of days.

are you supposed to remain drugged after the procedure??

will i still be able to exercise daily after the surgery...?

>> No.5628062

you won't want to. just sit back and enjoy the drug holiday - don't be a tough guy, get as much as possible. also watch out for dry socket.

>> No.5628063

It depends upon how much pain you're in. I had one removed a couple months ago after it got infected and I was in almost no pain at all.
Actually, I was in considerably less pain after the tooth was extracted.

>> No.5628066

i was given painkillers so i took them, and they hit me pretty hard. i did a lot of laying around my couch semi-hallucinating. everybody's mileage will vary.

>> No.5628070


i'm not trying to be tough. i run 30 min every day and i get really uncomfortable when i can't do it. i don't enjoy lazing around all drugged up i need to be active.


ok, so i guess it's a gamble... one of my wisdoms has a root canal and is causing me unbearable pain now anyway, i can hardly imagine it getting worse than this, so hopefully i'll still be able to live my life somewhat.

>> No.5628081


>> No.5628090

I doubt there would be any real risk from exercising if you're feeling up to it, just ask the surgeon if it would be an issue.

>> No.5628171

man I am not looking forward to this shit if my teeth fuck up

>> No.5628215

saying you don't like soups is like saying you don't like sandwiches
it sounds incredibly silly
you need to sit down and realize that you are a whiny baby
you are literally being fussy

>> No.5628233

I had 4 out and ate a double whopper the next day. I also didn't take painkillers after. Sleep is good though.

>> No.5628260

If you enjoy cake you can have that humbert.

>> No.5628389

soup is literally food cut up to small pieces and boiled

>> No.5628422
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>I don't really like soups

>> No.5628601

Fuck off
Return to 4chan when over 18

>> No.5628606


not OP but I'm 18 and haven't gotten my wisdom teeth pulled yet

>> No.5628623

Not OP, 36 and have three of my wisdom teeth. The other was pulled 10 weeks ago.

>> No.5628626

>being the cancer that has killed /b/

>> No.5628629


I've never even posted on /b/.

>> No.5629435
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Had my top wisdom teeth out awhile back

Try this or something similar (milk + powder dessert), it's just wonderful

You will also learn to drink with only the center or your mouth

>> No.5629610

Split pea soup is more of a pea smoothie than a soup. Last time I made it, it thickened like hell after it cooled and actually tasted a lot like very smooth mashed potatoes. It's a great source of protein and various minerals, and it's cheap as hell

>> No.5629758

Butthurt homosexual detected

>> No.5629785

Make smoothies. They're delicious and nutritious as fuck. Whatever you do, don't drink anything with a straw, or you'll give yourself dry sockets and weeks of agony.

>> No.5630363
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