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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5625941 No.5625941 [Reply] [Original]

I absolutely love this fake cheese goop. I even put in on actual cheese.
Does this exist anywhere but America?
Your turn

>> No.5625953

Idk but I think I can make it from some mild cheddar some Colby-jack and some creme de mexicana.

>> No.5625987

I've said this before, but I once used a metal spatula on a nonstick pan.

>> No.5626011

I hate wine. All wine, but especially reds. You take grape juice, the most tart juice you could drink, take out the masking sugar, add dirt and stems, then add alcohol, and you have red wine.

And oh, its served room temperature. Mmmmmhmmm. Nothing like relaxing after a long day with a glass of a refreshingly room temp beverage

>> No.5626021

wow thats really disgusting op, but when i was a kid i used to put processed cheese slices on rice and heat it up and chow on that.

>> No.5626058

I used to spray WD40 on white rice and eat it. Believe it or not, the texture and flavor of rice makes the WD40 taste like industrial butter.

I used to imagine I was eating robots cum.

>> No.5626069

I occasionally reheat food on a nonstick pan with visible scratches. I'm also a sucker for trashy junk food like Tasty Kake shit you can buy in 7-11's

>> No.5626072

I heat up ginger, soy sauce and oil and put that over rice when I run out of food, but, WD40 sounds like something that would give you cancer after a week...

>> No.5626116

Just recently ate a sausage and egg Hot Pocket with dijon honey mustard and horsey sauce from Arby's.. alternated dips.

>> No.5626121

Canada has it! Fuckin melty cheez whiz on my celeries!

>> No.5626138
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>> No.5626149

i put a great deal of effort into cooking for others but almost never put any into cooking for myself

if i have house guests I will always make sure to make them meals (and I don't have snobby friends who expect it or anything), but otherwise its not uncommon for me to go all day without eating, and then eat something like a frozen corndog at night when I realize I'm ornery due to lack of food

>> No.5626513

I grate up fresh truffle and eat it in baked beans.
I crusted double brie in crushed up twisties.
I don't even smoke, am just hedonistic.

>> No.5626530

I eat a rotation of 3 to 4 different dishes pretty much exclusively.

I do something outside of the rotation like once a week.

>> No.5626531

If you can't make a bechamel and grate cheese into it you do not belong on this board, or on this planet

Don't eat that shit from a can op, the sodium will kill you

>> No.5626562

There's this American popcorn / nacho brand called jimmies,

they have this exact cheese you're looking for.

>> No.5626575

I don't think Jews are that bad.

I like to marinate cut up sirloin in teriyaki then cook it on high heat leaving burnt on residue on my pans.

>> No.5626576

>i dont think jews are that bad

>> No.5626601

You can make your own cheese goop with any mix of cheeses by adding sodium citrate into it and heating it up. Add dry wine to thin it out so it stays goopy when it cools.

>> No.5626607

My roommate is jewish.

if there is some global reptilian evil jewish conspiracy of power then for some reason he and his family got the short end of the stick.

>> No.5626613

are you retarded? reptilians control the greys and the greys control the jews who in turn control the rest of us. Of course he wouldnt know about the reptilians

>> No.5626614

>implying this isn't what they want you to believe

Open your eyes goy

>> No.5626620

>muh joos

>> No.5626632

I enjoy watching the australian master chief

I make my curries extra spicing just so i can fail to impress people

>> No.5626638

who do you think is going to win.

>> No.5626653

My favourite is laura. But amelia is the most consistant.

I think amelia will get into the finals, but the question really is if the others can create an 11/10 dish to her consistent 9/10 and 10/10 dishes.

I'l go with laura cause she peaks the highest when she gets things right

>> No.5626673

I really like laura as well and I think she's kinda a cutie maybe more b/c of her personality than looks. Would like either her or brendt to win, maybe more so brendt just b/c he needs it more, Wish Collin woulda stayed in though

>> No.5626677

>this could be my last day in the masterchef kitchen

How many times do you think they got colin to say that, still i always found it funny that he looked like that collingwood coach

>> No.5626709

>collingwood coach
im american so I dont know who that is, Im assuming soccer but I only really keep up with english and french soccer clubs regularly I just really liked Colin and I think he really needed the win most

>> No.5626719


oh never mind then, i knew english followed the show but wasn't really sure about americans (unless you live in another country).

we call soccer, soccer in australia also. football normally reffers to rugby or AFL, in this case it was AFL.

>> No.5626726

After reading about some student who almost died from drinking soy sauce because of the sodium overdose (http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/06/11/190707171/go-easy-on-the-soy-sauce-bro-it-could-kill-you)), I decided to try it myself out of curiosity and stupidity. I felt completely fine and now do it regularly. I even go to the doctor to have them check my blood pressure every week. I'm not sure how I do it but I don't want to tell anyone, even if it lands me a world record.

>> No.5626729

how much sou sauce are you drinking per session?

>> No.5626734

whats AFL? I live in the states, have lived in france for a season(hoping to move back), its just that all the other masterchefs are better than the US version

>> No.5626761


Australian football, it's a weird sport

>> No.5626770

i dont know what i just watched but it doesnt look that bad though I love american football, well college, pro can fuck off

>> No.5626827

what does the sodium citrate do?

>> No.5626853


Sodium citrate is sometimes used as an acidity regulator in drinks, and also as an emulsifier for oils when making cheese. It allows the cheeses to melt without becoming greasy. Consider the following quote from Modernist Cuisine:

Our modernist version of mac and cheese owes its chemistry to James L. Kraft, who in 1916 patented the first American cheese slice. He showed that sodium phosphate keeps the water and fat droplets mixed when the cheese is melted. We use sodium citrate, which has the same effect and is easier to find. The resulting texture is as smooth as melted American cheese, but as complex and intense in flavor as any of your favorite cheeses.[1]

Sodium Citrate was banned in Europe because it causes AIDS. Monsanto is the exclusive dealer of it in the US and has used it to create super AIDS.

>> No.5626879

Stadium nachos really have a charm. But I hate it when the asshats just give you the bag of chips on the nacho plate. Come on you can open the bag for me, I'm paying like 10 dollars for a bag of tostitos and cheese that is coming from a can.

>> No.5627006

I agree dude. I learned to like beer, but holy shit wine is awful.

>> No.5627012

wine is so fucking disgusting, especially red wine

I have not managed to keep one glass of that in my system for more than an hour, my body forces that vile shit out

>> No.5627013 [DELETED] 


>> No.5627021 [DELETED] 

Test again

>> No.5627039 [DELETED] 

Another test

>> No.5627043 [DELETED] 


>> No.5627051


Mexico has it, basically any middle class suburban movie theater sells fake cheese with tortilla chips for dipping.

/ck/ thinks that Mexico is stumpy guys in sombreros running around eating goat tongue tacos while saying "habañero" between sips of REAL AUTENTICO MEZCAL DE LA MILPA but in real life it's basically a bunch of boring accountants who drive minivans, sip mineral water, and shop at Costco.

>> No.5627101


I'll be incredibly disappointed if you're lying.

>> No.5627105

Where can I rustle up some of this stuff?

>> No.5627106


Only people telling the truth.

>> No.5627117



>> No.5627480 [DELETED] 


How do you feel about this?

>> No.5627502

You realize that's basically just hydrogenated oil with yellow coloring, right..?

>> No.5627538

You realize you're basically a faggot with yellow coloring, right..?

>> No.5627603

I cook with wine. You have to learn to appreciate the earthy flavors, like mushrooms. Honestly I think wine is terribly overrated but I appreciate sweet chilled white wine and I love to cook with red

>> No.5627716

do you only drink cold drinks? or hot and cold but not room temperature? curious

>> No.5627765

I drink the plebest of pleb beers (Lidl's Fink Brau) by the cubic fuckload. I'm not even a poorfag or anything; I just fucking love the stuff. I will often get myself a few craft beers to begin with, but the cheap as shit Lidl beer is my undeniable staple

plus I use a foreman grill to an almost inexcusable extent. I also use my microwave for all my carbs. been using it so long I actually have perfected my methods for each one

>> No.5627789


17-year olds pls go

>> No.5627821

I love red wine, but I wouldn't drink it in an informal setting. I'd be knocking it back like fucking squash if I did

>> No.5627866


That shit is Water Disperse 40, To be used on nuclear weapons only.

>> No.5627885

I bet you drink soda.

>> No.5628335

>he and his family got the short end of the stick.
I'm one of those not-part-of-the-conspiracy Jews.

I have a minimum wage job guarding a gated community, and 75% of each shift is listening to residents yell at me for things I have no control over because the road into the community is a public road so I can't turn anyone away from entry.

>let someone in
>resident bitches about person bothering their dog
>offer to call police if needed
>declined, told I shouldn't have let them in in the first place
That's all I can do, lady.

>> No.5628414

do you carry a gat?

does it go brat-tat-tat tat?

>> No.5628587

I used to put fruit/veg in my green tea and would eat it after

>> No.5629756

My confession has to do with a life philosophy. The best food you will taste will be cheapest food when you are rich, and the most expensive food you can afford when you are poor.

Once, when I was incredibly poor, I made a sandwich that consisted of Sunchips (original), regular mayo, and white bread. After 4 days of nothing but mac n cheese, ramen, and beef stroganoff that cheap ass sandwich was a god send.

>> No.5629892

I eat sourdough (whole wheat) frybread, for awhile I was eating it at nearly every meal :-/

Its cheap easy and quick compared to making basmati.

>> No.5630353
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I usually give a shit about cooking, but sometimes I really crave a grilled cheese sandwich on white bread, with shitty kraft singles. Dipped in ketchup.

>> No.5630754

everybody does something like that

>> No.5630830


Sweet stuff is kind of gross

Usually for dessert I have lemberger wine, some 90+% dark chocolate, and a couple almonds.

Pnce you stop drinking soda and eating added sugar, everything else seems sweeter.

>> No.5630835

I'm exactly the same way.
Family get together? I'll make a four course meal.
At home alone? Grilled cheese it is!
Trying to change though...

>> No.5630841

Sometimes I don't tidy up my kitchen from the previous dinner until I'm about to make the next meal.

>> No.5630923


Sometimes I don't tidy my kitchen or do dishes until my sink is full of moldy plates that smell like sewage, my entire oven is covered in dirty pans, and ants have found all the food on my floor.

>> No.5630953

Ineed a dish washer
this shit is gross

>> No.5632056
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I'm eating Kraft Dinner with hot dogs cut up into it and ketchup.

>> No.5632067
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Just the thought of when I used a metal brillow on my father's non-stick.

>> No.5632148
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I rarely ever eat PB&J and instead usually make PB&PB.

>> No.5632150

Are you this guy?


>> No.5632155

are you me?

>> No.5632172

mah nigga, fuck the little bag. I always feel jewed when they just throw a bag of chips on there, bad form and presentation. at finer stadium nacho establishments they keep the chips heated in a big batch under a lamp. the very best ones will not only keep the chips warm but will have self serve jalapeno slices instead of automatically giving you a few. this is optimal because not everybody likes jalapeno but some people want extra. personally I like the jalapeno cheese sauce ration to be 50/50 so I load up.

this all might sound nit picking but it is serious business. I'm paying almost 10 bucks for cheep ass chips and canned cheese that I have at the game once a year, DO NOT fuck this up.

>> No.5632184

because cooking and cleaning up is a pain in the dick if you are cooking just for yourself. if its a group of people its worth it because lots of people eat. if its just you alone its sort of a waste of time to prepare it. when I cook I usually do it in big batches and freeze or store leftovers.

>> No.5632191

also have to add, tostitos chips or triangle shaped chips are not good. It must be the round yellowish colored super salty ones.

>> No.5632226

red wine is shit.

white wine is tolerable

i only really like dry rieslings

>> No.5632587

Fuck off

The Demiurge controls the Archons controls the Illuminati who use the Jews as a scapegoat to get away with implementing their NWO.