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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 800x600, stella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5624996 No.5624996[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's have another one bros.

9 beers in, planning on going sober weds and thurs night this week, then tues weds and thurs next week, cutting a day out on subsequent weeks until I'm only drinking friday and saturday. Not sure how this will go.

What are you
>epic memean

>> No.5625008

Miller lite as usual, working on my motorcycle until my dexterity fails me and/or I start riding.

>> No.5625009

Not beer, but is Bold Rock Cider any good?

>> No.5625013

I hope you get into an accident and never wake up

>> No.5625015

So do I, m8

>> No.5625020

That's been my plan as well, OP.
Last week, I went all five weekdays without drinking, and then drank on Saturday and Sunday. What I found out was that in that one week, was that even that short period of time was enough to knock my tolerance back down enough that I had a hangover yesterday (I had been at the point where I wasn't even getting hangovers anymore). So, I ended up having hair of the dog yesterday as well. Today I haven't had any. But there's a huge bottle of vodka on the kitchen counter that's staring at me. I'm going to have to move it to inside a cabinet so I can't see it.

>> No.5625029

A couple years ago, I went straight from getting passout drunk nearly every night, to only drinking on Saturday and Sunday.

That first Monday was hell. I'm sure there were other shitty days too, I just remember the first, though.
It was all pretty gravy after that. Got to the point eventually, that I didn't care if I drank on the weekends or not.

Good luck, anonski. Don't give up.

>> No.5625037


I never understood this - if you're gonna buy cheap bullshit just to get drunk, why not just buy really cheap vodka or something and save the money?

>> No.5625057
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>those no more hangover feels

i feel more hungover the next morning if I DON't pass out drunk. if I get drunk I wake up feeling chipper. .. .

good luck OP. quitting for a few days isn't much challenge for me but I always start up again because I'm bored after work. and I just love getting drunk, I wish weed still appealed to me.

>> No.5625065
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nuthin right now since I'm in freedomland and under 21
excited. just put 5 gallons of hard cider into secondary
not tonight. made some pretty good caponata yesterday so I'm having that again.
>epic memean
listening to le goofy man

Good luck to everyone going dry. I spent j-term in Europe this year and drank everyday. Then came back and drank occasionally on the weekends. You can do it too!

>> No.5625135


This is the flip side of the coin for me, I want to cut down so that I can, well, cut down, but also so that when I do get my drink on at the weekend I actually get drunk without having to worry about hangovers. I work 45 hours 8:30 to 5:30 during the week so sat and sun i sleep til past midday.

I share these feels. When I wake up for work after a night of boozing I am somehow able to just gtfo of bed at 7am with no issues. If I wake up sober, I've pretty much turned my alarm off before I'm even conscious.

>tfw just another reason to drink every night

>> No.5625159

How strict are bars in new england about 20 year old european tourist wanting to drink craft beer?
Imma be in vermont in about 2 weeks or so.
Are people gonna let me drink beer in their bars if i am 1 month removed from 21?

>> No.5625166

>Are people gonna let me drink beer in their bars if i am 1 month removed from 21?
Nope. You gotta earn your freedoms. Also, just go to Canada, it's pretty close to most of Vermont.

>> No.5625173

I'll be spending more time in Canada.
We'll be making a beer run in Vermont though because they have some legendary craft beers that are only available there.

>Nope. You gotta earn your freedoms.
Is the mentality that different?
When i was 17 i got served beer in Ontario nearly everywhere even though the legal drinking age is 19.

>> No.5625183

i drank less when I used to get hangovers in the morning but still drank alot. I quit my job and spent a few months getting shithammered and hungover because whoe cares if you have a hangover when you aren't going anywhere to work the next day. by the time I got a new job I was a fully functional hangover free alcohol.

I drank til about 10 last night and was on my feet milling about at 5 this morning feeling great, clocked in at 7 and made the day my bitch. if I didn't drink I'd have probably rolled around the bed until 3 a.m. and woke up tired feeling like hell.

should cut back but I have trouble finding motivation.

>> No.5625192

35K Stout from Against the Grain
Like shit, got a cold and a bit of a hangover.
A savoury pie with lamb, peas and other vegetables in a cream sauce. Prepping a chicken for tomorrow later. Got a hold of some camel hump fat and a larding needle, going to have some fun.

>> No.5625330

drankin some Yuengling and eating soft pretzels
it's bretty good

what are some acceptable cheap beers?
I've compiled genesse, pbr, highlife, and rolling rock thus far

>> No.5625841

>9 beers in

I could never do that. I got a week ass girly man body that can't hold alcohol in for shit, hell last week I drank two 24 ounce bottles of 9%ABV beer and threw up all over myself like an idiot.

>> No.5625843

Drinking an Aviation without any creme de violette, and trying to plan an expedition to get some.

>> No.5625882

gonna drink a becks, 2 trader joe's amber ale, a local beer called big dogs red hydrant, and a sapporo

>> No.5625887
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Just finished a nice bottle of ribera del duero, going to crack open a prima pils before going to sleep.

Not cooking anything, I had some cherry tomatoes and a chunk of cabrales for dinner.

>> No.5625895

I live in freedom land, when I was in 8-12th grade, my parents would buy me beer by handling the actual transaction as long as i pay for it and make great grades

>> No.5625897
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well it said it expires at midnight so I guess I gotta finish the whole six pack before then huh?

>> No.5625911


Hurry anon. It would be a shame to let it go to waste.

>> No.5625912

honestly just try
I used to get beer all the time when I was younger
got turned down a lot too
being eurotrash might help, pull out dat passport when they ask for id
Vermont in general doesn't give a fuck anyways.

>> No.5625927

People hate on that lightweight life, but we have more fun at less damage

>> No.5625934

The rest of some shitty uv vodka and diet dew
Potato salad and some sweet lime bbq chicken. Potato salad was a little weird but in a good way, chicken came was juicy as fuck
High as fuck

>> No.5625937


But alcohol sometimes tastes good, man. Sucks to not really be able to drink it.

>> No.5625979

I really want to stop drinking, but I get free beer at work and I work every night 6 days a week so it's impossible

>> No.5625989

I get free soda at work but I don't drink it

Beer though. Man that might be hard to turn down if it was good beer

>> No.5626022

well i can get free soda too, but fuck that.

the beer is good, it's all german and austrian imports

>> No.5626337

Speaking of Stella, when are they doing their free chalice thing again? I got some a few years ago and the one I got for my mom broke when she was drunk.

>> No.5626372


>tfw 240 pounds
>tfw I'm fat because of all the beer and shit food when drunk
>fat cos i drink
>drink cos im fat

>> No.5626384


>> No.5626394

I don't think they do the engraved ones anymore ever since /v/ and /b/ caught wind of it several years ago.

I gave mine to a friend. It has a Duke Nukem quote because that's his favorite series.

>> No.5626410

Aw, man. My personal one was something corny, like "+15 CHA -30 INT" but Mom's was all heartfelt and she cried when she read it, so I've been hoping to replace it ever since. But I'm a poorfag, so...

>> No.5626416


What are people's favorite cocktails?

I've only just gotten into cocktials but so far Sazeracs are my favorites.

>> No.5626625

and I'll try here as well, does all alcohol taste the same? all I've been trying out is cheap crap from 7-11, but it all has that horrid bitter taste

>> No.5626627

goddamn retard of fucking course it doesnt

>> No.5626630

any recommendations when I hit up an actual liquor store?

>> No.5626634

not for you

>> No.5626637

alright, I was thinking vodka

>> No.5626656

No they don't. The shit you buy from 7-11 is just cheap stuff that's for people who only drink to get drunk so taste isn't really a priority in most of the stuff there.

>> No.5626668

Instead of buying stuff from 7-11 go to a bar and ask if they got a sampler of all their different types of beer. That's a really good way to determine what you like and it also helps you learn the difference in taste between different types of beer.

>> No.5626671

Had a nice bottle of rioja earlier, with 8 oz of blended scotch so far. Probably going to bed after this drink though

Got kinda fucked over by a lot of people I like at the same time recently, but I'm doing fine. There's no point to feeling bad about that kind of shit, you just have to take note, move on, find better people

Had myself a nice arugula, onion, tomato, cucumber salad with some kofta kebab or dinner

>epic memean
I leave that to other people, mostly

>> No.5626723

I've had two homebrew beers, and now I'm drinking Jim beams devil's cut mixed with some homebrew ginger beer.

Feeling ok , bit shitty that I just got about $2000 worth of bills in the mail but that's life I guess..

Just cooked a chicken parmigiana with roasted pumpkin and potato.

Don't do much in the meme department.

>> No.5626776

I don't have friends, I think I'll stick to the store, I heard good vodka is tasteless, was going to mix it with a baja blast

>> No.5626817

I have been a hard drinker for 26 years, I accept it might kill me, but a few tips for damage limitation.

Accept that its not as much "how much you drink" but "how often you drink" take as many no booze days a week as you can, I usually manage 3, its a lot easier these days as so much more shit to entertain yourself.

Try to stick to stuff like vodka and soda, drinks with a high sugar content do as much damage to the liver as alcohol does, you dont need the double whammy.

Drink coffee, many studies show coffee drinkers who drink a lot of booze suffer lower levels of liver damage

Hope your genes are good, only a small % of heavy drinkers get cirrhosis of the liver

>> No.5627031
File: 38 KB, 450x600, the-glenlivet-18-years-old-single-malt-scotch-whisky-speyside-scotland-10399509[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got pic related for my 20th birthday, im afraid to taste it.

>> No.5627091

Duvels.... Hng

>> No.5627514

This. It's worth a shot, and most VT craft beer types are gonna be the crunchy type and thus likely to want to impress a yuro with their magnanimity

>> No.5627518

It'll be downhill from there, I'm afraid. Best drink

>> No.5627526


MGD and Molson Canadian, a friend left some in the fridge after movie night. Also finishing off a 12pk of Becks.


That shitty coffee stomach thing.


Psyched on that sumo soup after watching the Munchies vid - chankonabe. Tried a couple variations so far.

>> No.5627536


Summer time i drink beer, usually i have favorite beer for a year or so, then i try every beer available and pick one for next season. This year i am split between some English and Chech Rep. beer. Same with food i lov some food for few months (ie. eat it once a week) then i look for new flavor.

Winter time i drink some stronger alcochol, like rum, or gin, jagermaister.
For me to drink jagermeister temperature outside must be at least -10C, and for mojito i need +30C. Mojito is best served with Tropico game, i feel like real el presidente, drunk and making funny decissions just because.

>> No.5627542

>drinking liquor


>> No.5627545
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>> No.5627546


> I don't have friends

Why are you drinking then?

>> No.5627547


muh child-like palate

>> No.5627598

don't be a faggot. Drink it. If you like it, save up and buy another bottle.

>> No.5627616

Protip for any Europeans coming to US bars who are 20. If you're lucky enough to have a birthday where the day is between 1-12, you can easily give an ID to a bouncer where your birthday is D/M/Y, and they'll think you're 21 and that your birthday was earlier that year. Exchange students used to do it all the time when I was in college, and bars were otherwise strict about IDing kids.

So, if it's today, and your 21st birthday is October 1st 2014, you could give your ID to a bartender and he'd think you turned 21 back on January 10th.

Or just photocopy your passport and change the date on your computer if your birthdate doesn't work out. Just tell the bouncer you don't have a US ID and you didn't want to bring your passport to a bar (this also works for any American barhopping with foreigners if they're underaged).

>> No.5627681

Objectively worse than most beer.

>> No.5627711

>Objectively being a 16 year old

>> No.5627719
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>capitalizing when greentexting

>> No.5627726
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>> No.5627886

>Be me
>Been drinking a pink or two of cheap wodka per day for a few years
>Yesterday, some belly cramps in the afternoon, aspirin and it's gone
>Cook a nice curry
>Eat some curry, not very hungry, put it in fridge.
>Drink to pass out (I don't know how to fall asleep otherwise)
>Shit, the pancreatitis is back.
>Today, puking when I try to drink too much water to keep hydrated, some belly cramps, sleepy as fuck but can't sleep.
>Just lay in my bed eyes closed, somewhere between sleep and consciousness.
>It's hot, my forehead is wet with sweat
>Touch. It's warm and slimy
>Panic, fully wake up in a slit second, open eyes to check.
>Nothing, I'm not even sweaty.
>Drink a glass to keep the hallucinations away.

I guess the baclofene I take keeps the shakes away. It's working rather fine too, it made me go from 1 L/day all day long to just 1/2 L/day only at night to sleep. I'll try not to get back to using booze to sleep when the pancreatitis pass.

>> No.5627891
File: 432 KB, 450x242, Smashing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.5627956

i dont think you are aware of what it is

>> No.5627977

/alck/oholic general, not social butterfly "i only drink with friends XXDDD" general

>> No.5627984


>needing a reason to drink

If anything, I need an extremely solid reason to NOT drink

>> No.5628013

What is a good beer style to have with Chinese noodles? More malty? More IPA? Wheat? other?

>> No.5628069

I think a czech or german style lager or a light IPA or Ale.
I would stay away from malty and filling drinks because you are already eating pasta/dough.

>> No.5628096


I've only had a vodka martini and I love that shit. Dude a while back in one of these threads told me to try a negroni but I haven't got around to it yet.

Are you underaged?

>> No.5628101


Jesus H Christ this is the worst fucking post I've ever seen.

>> No.5628110

just do it with everclear

>> No.5628119

got it, going to try some pale ale

>> No.5628151

what does the H stand for

>> No.5628175

ex gf I broke up with a year ago is now sending me suggestive texts, for once I'm so glad I am drinking tonight

>> No.5628435

Looks like a $100 bottle of single malt scotch to me, bro. Just drink it.

>> No.5628441

that shit is always skunky as hell in the States, buying beer in green bottles is a waste of money.

>> No.5628447


>> No.5628752

Ok I've got like $16 to buy a bottle of something

what should I buy? I know it's hardly anything, but I just turned 21.

>> No.5628781

Ugh, the same shit happened to me. Started working from home, on computer all day, money starts coming in, can buy what ever food and drink I want every night, now I've gained like 60 fucking pounds. Went cold turkey and strict diet monday, going okay so far but god I miss boooooze

>> No.5628798



You can't get any good liquor. I haven't bought a 6/4 pack in a while, but I think there are good craft beers available for that price. If you're not a big beer guy, I think its easiest to drink stouts - especially if you like coffee. And if you're looking to get drunk, get an imperial stout. Prince Myshkin Imperial Stout is one of my favorites, but that shit's real hard to find - Old Rasputin is a decent alternative.

If you don't like beer, do what I usually do - buy the cheapest vodka and take shots.

>> No.5628802

Admiral Nelson: Stormy Seas (101)

straight from the freezer with some diet coke

>> No.5628828
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thanks guys

>> No.5628850

are you looking to get drunk or enjoy some good tasting alcohol?

Well, both can be accomplished if you get a 15 dollar bottle of wine. Just go to a liquor store, tell the guy what kind of wine you like and how much you are willing to spend. Drink the whole bottle, but try and remember your impressions after the first glass. If you liked it, keep in mind what you liked about it, the style of the wine, and where it was made for future reference.

>> No.5628857

fuck that noise, get a box of franz!

>> No.5629206

I don't have friends either anon but still did that when I turned 21. Stop being a whiny girly man and just go ask for a sampler at a bar.

>> No.5629214
File: 39 KB, 250x871, beer_165431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking one of these right now cause I never had one. Usually I just buy the Fat Scotch Ale.

>> No.5629602

Only reason I don't drink is because one of my medications has a thing with...I'm not sure how to explain it. You know how all medication says to not mix with alcohol? This particular one + booze = 100% fatal disease. I don't even remember the full name, but "acid" was part of the name.

>> No.5629615

What bourbon whiskey is better than Maker's Mark?

>> No.5629617



>> No.5629618

So are you gonna tell us what you think of it?

>> No.5629621
File: 143 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 7-24-14 at 12.00 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought these two, had the big eye with lunch
absolutely beautifully, really well balanced - one of the best IPAs I've had
Need to invest in some better glassware tho

>> No.5629622
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I like it a lot, if you are like me and enjoy dark beers I recommend you try it out if you live near anywhere that sells stuff from Silver City.

>> No.5629626

knob creek, basil haydens

>> No.5629630

Shit, I was gonna try Elijah Craig or Bulleit.
Thank you.

>> No.5629807
File: 1.47 MB, 3437x2884, atf whiskeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, doing a 3:1:1 mixture of Old Grand-dad bourbon whiskey, Old Overholt rye whiskey and water.
Ambivalent. Finally beginning to get over some chick, but last night I had a really vivid and lengthy dream with her. I attribute it to talking to her for the first time in a while for an extended period of time. She fucked me up good, and apparently continues to do so to this day.
Nothin'. Just went out to Twin Peaks with my boss and his family on his dime (wouldn't even let me leave a tip).
>epic memean
Uh, pic related was originally taken for an earlier ATF thread on /k/.

>> No.5629824

what kind of revolver is that. It's burned into my memory from somewhere.

>> No.5629830

nvm i figured it out from googling famous revolvers.

>> No.5629832

looks like a webley m8

>> No.5629837
File: 1.13 MB, 4027x2082, atf doppelganger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webley & Scott Mk.VI made in 1916, still chambered in .455 Webley.

>> No.5629849

that's what I was thinking.

>> No.5629861

What >>5627518 said.
There are other worthy cocktails. A gin Martini (and you damn well better be using plenty of vermouth, none of that "salute in the direction of France" bullshit) is the king of the rest. You should try some more classic cocktails though. If you're making them at home, start by picking one or two base liquors and make some cocktails that use that as a base. If you're ordering them at a bar, make sure it's a bar that's known for its classic cocktails. This is important, as the word "cocktail" is often taken to mean "vodka and candy in a Martini glass" or a highball. No slight to the venerable highball, but please stay away from energy drinks, "bombs," etc. Those are for douchebags and children.

But there is nothing better than a Sazerac to tickle the imagination.

>> No.5629874

The only cocktails I ever get (usually just whiskey on the rocks) are:

>whiskey and water/club soda
>gin and tonic (really miss this one)
>a very, very, very dry martini
>old fashioned if I'm feeling diabetic

>> No.5630602

Protip: We're not that stupid.

>> No.5630605

yea, and im unemployed, cant just drink away $100 worth of scotch just like that.
it would be disrespectful to my father.

>> No.5630650

it came in a fully covered cardboard box
no skunk

>> No.5630659


It's not about stupidity. I'm an American who has lived abroad for a few years at different times in my life, travels regularly, and deals with international computer date formats multiple times per day as a minor necessity of my job, so I probably know more about date formatting than either you or the other guy. But if I was a bouncer at a busy place I would probably make that mistake because it's a yes/no snap decision and it looks about right.

Worst case you say "oh shit sorry it looked like october 1".

What are they going to do, fire you? It's a bouncer job, no one makes a career out of that.

>> No.5631071

Well, you aren't planning to sell it are you? That would be disrespectful.

I'm assuming he got you the bottle for you to enjoy it. You can enjoy it a little bit at a time. that $100 bottle of scotch can last months. I think it would be more disrespectful to not drink it. Maybe invite dad over and then open it up and share it with him??

>> No.5631205

Maybe some people like drinking and getting a buzz before eventually ending up drunk rather than just getting blackout drunk and passing out by 3 in the afternoon

>> No.5631223
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then drink less vodka? he's just saying, dollar for dollar, you get more value from a cheap handle of vodka. i tend to agree

>> No.5631255

i'm so fucking sick of getting drunk. These days it only gets me tired and weird, and I remember shockingly little the next day even early on in my drinking.

had some san miguel earlier and vodka last night. fuck this shit

>> No.5631620

son...i know that feel

>> No.5631918

Quick drinking cold turkey after 4 years of everyday drinking and ended up in the hospital. I'm leaving for a vacation on Saturday for 2 weeks and I have no idea how to drink socially or responsibly. Fuck.

>> No.5631931

>and ended up in the hospital
what happened?

>> No.5631947
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>Shit macrobrews cause I bought out all the arrogant bastard and wake up dead at the store and drank them

>Meh I have to work saturday and gave my two weeks a week ago. WTF mang

>Ate the last of my giant batch of shepard's pie (lamb is as cheap as ground beef where I'm from fuck yeah) so I grabbed some fast food


>> No.5631957

withdrawls you big silly. duh.

>> No.5631998
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I don't even drink that much. Only a few nights a week and I usually just pass out after about 6 drinks or so. I still feel kinda weird about it, because I almost always drink alone.

Got some local session IPA in the fridge. I'll probably have a few with dinner and then switch to something cheaper like Black Velvet on the rocks or Gorton's&T.

Walking to an outdoor concert after I get a little lit up; should actually be pretty fun. Feels bad that I don't have any cool friends to afterparty with though. I'll probably just go back home and drink and feel after it's over.

Making a bigass burger. Got some quality ground chuck and some delicious sesame seed buns from the local bakery.

>> No.5632113

>I don't even drink that much.
>"Only" a few nights a week
>drinks til he passes out after about 6 drinks

>> No.5632138

I drink way more than my mother would approve of, but I feel like a filthy casual compared to most of the people in these threads. Fite me.

>> No.5632139

>What are they going to do, fire you?

Yes and then get charged legal fines for letting an underaged person drink.

>> No.5634090
File: 171 KB, 600x600, 1404136337347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's friday faggots!

One of two days where we justify our alcoholism with "well its the weekend :^)"

Bottums up, lads

>> No.5635456

What's an excellent tequila (that doesn't require I call the store and place an order)?

>> No.5636154

Are you me?

>> No.5637977
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Bump because it's saturday night and I'm probably going to get drunk on cheap beer and whiskey out of sheer boredom. Not that the fact that it's saturday has anything to do with that at all.

The worst part is that I'm probably bored because I'm sober, which is probably because I drink so much. It's a fun little cycle.

How's everyone else doing?

>> No.5638008
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I have a mild hangover because my asshole coworker dragged me out drinking last night. I hate drinking with people, it's uncomfortable and I start having anxiety attacks when I get home.

I'm about to open my first beer of the night in the comfort of home, as it should be. It may be a pig sty but at least I don't have to pretend to like anyone around me. I'll probably watch some deep space 9ine or maybe X files before falling asleep to the quiet strains of that nigerian voiced guy on the BBC at midnight.

>> No.5638033

I like you.

I'm actually a very social person, and love going to parties and hanging out, BUT, I also like to be able to leave when I'm ready and go home and chill out. And I love sitting at home, having a few drinks and watching some relaxing tv while I "pamper" myself. (I can't think of a better word for it atm). I also get anxiety in certain situations, and have synesthesia, so being able to sit at home and relax to soothing sounds/tv/videos is very important to me.

>> No.5638035

Don Julio

>> No.5638041

Do you not like people when sober as well? I'm asking because if anything, I can stand people better when at least tipsy.

Also, is the anxiety because you're afraid your drinking habit is going to become apparent in a social situation, or is it just being around people in general?

>> No.5638049


Cool, we should like, not hang out some time. Like on 4chan! It's like hanging out without the consequences of actually hanging out.


If I like someone when I'm sober, I like them when I'm drunk. Hanging out with them is not a problem at all. The problem is it's usually a mix of people I like and dislike. For people I only pretend to like (for professional reasons or whatever), I can effortlessly pretend to like them when I'm sober, but if I have to fake it while drunk for an extended period it feels like I've been raped when I start to sober up.

>> No.5638064
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Alright, so for the very first time I decided to make some homemade alcohol (apple cider).

I found a pretty old recipe, and used apples from my apple tree. Things seem to be going well, as I haven't even reached the point of adding sugar yet, and yet already after only a week suddenly the stuff is starting to smell of alcohol.

Anyway, my question is the following: is there a way to roughly estimate the alcohol content of the finished product WITHOUT buying a hydrometer or a refractometer? I don't care about accuracy, I just want a very general idea.

>> No.5638066

Ok, at least you make sense. You're right, pretending is a bitch. I'm really bad at it even when sober though, so there's a bit of a natural selection going on as far as my acquaintances go. It has its clear drawbacks, as you can imagine, but ultimately it's probably for the best.

>> No.5638332

Thank you.

>> No.5638908

>is there a way to roughly estimate the alcohol content of the finished product WITHOUT buying a hydrometer or a refractometer? I don't care about accuracy, I just want a very general idea.
yea, drink it

>> No.5638921

You might be able to use a brewing calculator to figure out the alcohol content, there are plenty of free ones online, just do the Google.
I homebrew and I only ever use my hydrometer to check if it's safe to bottle.

>> No.5639036
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what is this, auto replay from STELLA. it's like rocky, transformers, stalone, rocky 4. keystone, or tecata some times i'd rather drink creek water and talk a walk. or crawl. stella is expensive and really pis poor euro beer. like heineken. bd as it is tecata is different like lone star. or mosshead canada. likke the fbi, rcmp ort frderralies some beers you don't want stella is one. 'kein is another carona is nice on the sun not beer and as much as I love limes and limeys not in beer I dislike ipa, but India makes good beer., kingfisher. make do or brew. alot of work I sometimes make wine because i dont like it. beer i like make 300 gallons/year alot of hard work. it the thought crosses your mind to distill it, bad move very dangerous, cheaper at the store and clean low proof and junk in the mash? around here if you can get it, 3rd party 50-60 bucks a gallon.are you outta your damn mind.. a hobby is wine 100 gallons/year or beer 300 gallons the irs and fta get really serious about that at least the last i bought was in rinsed out glass jug now in gallon blow molded milk jugs. and caps. you don't think they track that? I wine,beer even certain herbs you get wise ass and start distilling and selling they will take your home, auction it seized , just go to the damn store the worst is you nare third party they don't give a shit or shyte but buying you are on the hook

>> No.5639070

>talk a walk

>> No.5639430
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Can we talk hangover shits? Is there any way to get over them?
I'm talking where you've been week long binge and subsisted on beer snacks (crips, peanuts, bread) and maybe some trash food when the drunchies got real bad.
Those shits blacker than the Mariana Trench, smelling exactly how they look, vile and putrid, the ones that don't even leave you with the satisfying feeling of having just taken a massive dump.

Also when I masturbate while mildly buzzed, and then go take a piss, I get this burning sensation in my dick and I feel like I have to pee all the time, yet nothing comes out. Does anyone else get that?

>> No.5639436

been on*

>> No.5639471

For some reason, a lot of beers tend to sit really weird in my stomach, especially ones with a higher IBU. If I have 2 IPAs, I tend to get hiccups and a really nauseous full feeling in my stomach but obviously be more or less sober. It doesn't tend to happen with beer with less hops, and I don't think I have any problems with gluten. What gives?

>> No.5639558

The burning sensation, yes. That is normal when peeing after ejaculation.

>> No.5639630

it sucks because I get kinda wankhorny