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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5624419 No.5624419 [Reply] [Original]

What do the gentleman and ladies of /ck/ think of this image?

Is a woman knowing how to cook comparable to a man knowing how to build a house?

>> No.5624426

What is this 1970? I can't believe anyone in a country that has internet access thinks this is a debate.

>> No.5624432

So what are you trying to say here?

>> No.5624436

I wouldn't say its comparable to building a house, but it's definitely comparable to being able to fix and repair things, and do automotive maintenance. All those things (including cooking) are things that anyone can learn to do, but if you are in a relationship, particularly one where traditional roles are expected, then if the woman cooks, the man should do the repairs and maintenance. Or, vice versa if you like. Frankly it wouldn't hurt for everyone to be able to do all those things.

>> No.5624438

When dudes ask, "Can you cook?"

They actually want to know if you have basic life skills necessary to make a relationship tolerable.

If you can't take care of yourself why the fuck would anyone want to hook up with you?

>> No.5624440

Women should know how to cook only because everyone should in the first place. Everyone should know how to cook, especially men.
While women tend to outlive men, men should master basic culinary skills in case their wives happen to kick the bucket when they're both in their 70s or 80s so that they're not stuck eating frozen ready meals and 'dinner kits' the rest of their miserable lives.

When my auntie died, my uncle was able to subsist on the dozen or so dishes he knew ho to to prepare for himself for another 20 years thereafter. Were he unable to, I'd question whether he'd had hit that hallmark age.

>> No.5624452


>> No.5624457

My answer would be, "i can cook and build a house... Can you do either?"

Checkmate cunts.

>> No.5624459

But I can cook AND build a house. I just need to get my associates to verify that I performed the plumbing and wiring correctly

>> No.5624461

maybe building a house, but general handiness for men could be analogous to cooking for women, easily.

>> No.5624462



>> No.5624465

So then it's also not unreasonable to expect the man you're considering to have some skills as well. Like >>5624436, I think a more proper response would be "can you change a fuel pump and oil filter?" or "can you install new appliances and fix a broken vacuum cleaner?" That would be more apropos.

>> No.5624468

Aaaaanndd good luck with finding a woman to say that to.

>> No.5624483

>No, but I do know my way around the kitchen.
>Can you build a house?

>> No.5624495

Appliance installation and mechanical repairs usually require both real training and experience.

Home cooking is more akin to something more simple like; driving, changing the oil, doing laundry, or affixing a shelf on the wall. Shit you should be able to figure out on your own. Stuff you should be able to do to take care of yourself.

>> No.5624496

Yes I can.
Can't cook then you better start sucking.

>> No.5624498

No. It's more like bathing. Something everyone should be able to do, if not every day, pretty close to it.

>> No.5624499

If someone asked me that like it was some sort of potential girlfriend criteria I'd be annoyed, but that's just because I'm annoyed by people who are socially retarded. If they asked it for that reason but disguised it as asking from some sort of hobby or general interest perspective then whatever. I don't expect some sort of tradeoff because I'm able to cook though.

Ironically I could probably build a house too considering I spent about 5 years on construction sites with el salvadorians. Pays way better than working at a coffee shop.

>> No.5624502

The correct way to ask this question is: What are your favourite foods?

>> No.5624506

>on par with installing major appliances
I don't think so. Cooking is something you can learn by googling "how to cook ___", watching a five minute video, and not being a retard. While yes, there are complicated dishes that take years of experience to perfect, but that's not what's being asked of the women. It's just can you cook at a basic level.

>> No.5624514

The basics of cooking take like a week of learning max to learn, and most people naturally gain that through trying to live alone. No matter what gender you are it should be basic knowledge.

>> No.5624518

This is an entirely different question.

Perhaps "what are your favorite dishes to prepare" or "what are your go to dishes for staying in?"

Even then.. You arent really asking the same question.

All these questions allow useless noncooking females to hide the fact that they are missing critical life skills.

>> No.5624520

bullshit, knowing how to cook should be considered a necessary knowledge
If ever I'll get married, my wife will HAVE to know how to cook, she has to be able to take care of herself
what if I'm not at home because I'm working the whole day and she doesn't know how to cook? will she just starve waiting for me to cook? nah, that's not the kind of woman I want besides me
knowing how to build is not a necessary knowledge nor a single knowledge: I should know how to design a house, how to mold it, how to implement the wiring, etc...

>what if I'm not at home and she doesn't know how to cook? will she just starve waiting for me to cook?
>inb4 she doesn't need to cook, she can order something to eat
>implying we'll be able to afford to order food everyday(I hope so, but who can know?)
>implying I'll marry a woman who doesn't think that the food prepared at home is always superior/healthier to the food bought already prepared

>> No.5624525

Whatever. Unless rewiring is required, installing appliances can be done by anyone with the fortitude to get online and learn a few basic techniques. On par with cooking. And to say otherwise means you're incapable. I've never had anyone install appliances for me, with the exception of a new air conditioning unit, I've done them all myself. It's not hard. At all. Unless you don't have a dolly to move them on or a stocked tool box.

>> No.5624528


That's just the thing, most of these women order out or eat potato chips and oreos every meal. They have totally shit nutrition for the most part. I consider it a substantial factor in the rise of obesity.

>> No.5624533

Real men can do both. Real women neither.

>> No.5624534

>Is a woman knowing how to cook comparable to a man knowing how to build a house?

no. cooking is extremely trivial and anyone should be able to do it.

what dudes are asking women 'can you cook' like it's part of an interview process for a relationship anyway? that doesn't happen.

>> No.5624541

Thanks to the internet, things that stupid people used to say that you would ignore now become critical points of debate for you to waste your time over.

Just stop and think about the kind of people involved in the creation of that image, they arent worth your time, so just ignore it.

>> No.5624544

But to be fair there's some guys who can't cook as well and it's possible to think that these guys would ask such questions to women to determine if they can be their potential mommy.

>> No.5624554

Why couldn't he say that to any woman? The dude can cook AND build a house. What do these women bring to the table besides a sense of entitlement?

>> No.5624556

If you can't cook it speaks words about your personality and how you respect yourself.

If you can't cook then you probably eat shit, which means you probably don't care about your body that much, it also means you are incompetent and unwilling to learn because basic cooking is fucking easy and anyone can make basic meals.

Also what if you can't cook and you expect me to cook every meal for you? Then you're an overly dependent person, damn, not being able to cook is starting to be your downfall with this relationship.

But hey, we got married anyway because your parents are nice and rich and we knew eachother in highschool so we are cool with eachother, too bad your inability to properly give yourself nutrition has made our kid fat as fuck because you feed them oven pizzas and mcdonalds when I'm out working.

You're packing on pounds yourself now that your age is catching up to you but your eating has all but changed, your gut visibly jiggles when we fuck and I don't even want to have sex anymore.

>> No.5624564



>> No.5624567

Did you just call me autistic? Or do you mean that the women bring "autism" to the table along with their sense of entitlement?

>> No.5624568



>> No.5624572


Men aren't meant to make snarky comments about female intelligence, you'll be called a virgin/bitch/loser/autist if you do that.

Women are expected to do it against men, and they actually think you're acting like a woman if you behave like they do.

>> No.5624573 [DELETED] 



>> No.5624575

Building a house is easy as fuck.

>> No.5624581

You must be a woman. Tits or GTFO

>> No.5624582

Most people rent or buy a house, building a house is not really a skill required to survive right now, but most people don't eat out EVERY meal or have a private chef. The ability to cook is a basic skill I expect every adult to have.

>> No.5624584

Noah, probably something like 'can you change the oil in a car' would be more appropriate.

>> No.5624585

How does it feel knowing that, though, many men will have you, none will want to keep you?

>> No.5624586


You should know how to care for your car if you own one, thats being fucking self sufficient, its not about gender.

>> No.5624589

>fuel pump change (lol why)
Simple with basic tools, mechanical knowledge of fuel systems, and a book showing you where the pump is located. Usually fuel pumps don't go bad unless women constantly run out of gas and the pump runs dry causing it to burn out.

>change oil filter
Easy as draining the oil, which is required along with every change.

>install new appliances
Plug them in/hook them up.

>fix broken vacuum
That's usually just replacing a belt.

Every man should have enough knowledge or common sense to figure out any of those things. If not, then they have the money to pay others to do it for them.

>> No.5624592

Air 3 minutes
Shelter 3 hours
Water 3 days
Food 3 weeks

Actually seems like the ability to breath, make shelter, find water, are all more important than cooking.

If a bitch wants to talk shit though, my house is paid for and if she cant cook, i am not interested unless she makes 6 figures and can afford to feed herself.

>> No.5624602

Here comes the misogyny brigade.....

>> No.5624608

>Every man should have enough knowledge or common sense to figure out any of those things.
They should, but they don't. I'm always finding myself surprised at the number of men I know who can't fix anything on their vehicles or appliances. I know a few men who can't even change a tire. It's shameful.

>> No.5624611

Architectural knowledge and skilled construction is comparable to cracking an egg into a pan?
How hard can women pat themselves on the back?

>> No.5624613


I'm married to a vegetarian woman that can barely cook and cant clean. She makes a shit ton of money a year though and pays for us to go out to dinner when i dont feel like cooking, and pays for our maid service.

Im cool with it. No fucking way i would have ever continued dating her if she didnt have some sort of priorities or marketable skills.

>> No.5624618

Hard enough that when the cops show up, they're taking your ass to jail.

Stay away from useless cunts.

>> No.5624620



>> No.5624625

Can you cook?

>> No.5624640

Maybe you live in a metropolitan area where guys don't learn any basic skills, or their dads were nerds who never taught them. I'm 25 and I've noticed most guys 16-21 don't know how to do that stuff. Their generation of parents are worse than mine. I know guys who can't do basic vehicle maintenance yet they consider themselves enthusiasts because they pay other people to modify their cars.

>> No.5624650

This "woman power" shit is so fucking tedious, and what's even more tedious is the hordes of self righteous damaged women that flock to it on the internet and try to shove it in everyone's face on social media.

You know what? I can cook so you don't have to. Have fun being absolutely useless and taking offense to the insinuation that it might be nice if you could do something prudent that contributes to a household. Get the fuck out of here, damn.

>> No.5624652

My excuse is that I don't fucking drive, but if I did, I suppose I'd want to understand basic maintenance.

However, everyone fucking eats, and so should know basic cooking, unless you literally only eat out, or buy things you can eat with no preparation at all.

>> No.5624660

muh misogyny

>> No.5624664

>Here's your combeback

Do people seriously believe canned comebacks are a good thing?

>> No.5624667
File: 40 KB, 330x381, brutal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL of my this

>> No.5624677

As if I'd want to eat the slop some no-talent hag managed to cobble together. There's a reason most of the best chefs are men.

>> No.5624693

I've been working with a home builder for over 10 years, and I can safely say that I can't build a house. I could probably do simple things like roofing or installing appliances/light fixtures, or even running wire, but setting a service panel or rough framing to plan, forget about it. If you haven't done it yourself at least three times, you don't know how to do it.

>> No.5624727

I can do both mainly because I belong to the gender that isn't coddled and awarded merit due to my sex instead of my abilities.

>> No.5624738
File: 6 KB, 265x191, vondrakesurprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw all the winners of the /ck/ challenge and the monthly challenges have been women.

>> No.5624753

They are the only ones silly enough to participate in 'look at me' special cooking Olympics.

>> No.5624757

>Says someone who can't put their money where their mouth is.

>> No.5624760


>> No.5624790

i dont care about that shit. people have hobbies and if they wanna show off let em

>> No.5624800

Typical. Women just show off and flaunt their (grossly misrepresented) attributes and have the nerve to call it "hobby". Just like everything else with women, it's fake. How are you going to win a cooking contest where nobody can taste your food?

>> No.5624804

>Stereotypical cis gendered male assumptions about gender...

You'll literally never prove it.

>> No.5624808

except it already been proven and well known

>> No.5624811
File: 316 KB, 850x708, 1405122778831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bitch, I can do both. What now?

>> No.5624812
File: 42 KB, 960x539, itsbootiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Following simple step by step instructions
>Few utensils used but used frequently
>Only a handful of skills you need to learn in order to cook almost every dish ever

>Building a house
>Need to learn several trades, each coming with a large variety of tools, skills, and materials including but not limited to architecture, carpentry, electrical engineering, plumbing, and lumberjack

Also, there is literally no excuse to not know how to cook with the existence of the internet. Guy or girl.

>> No.5624817

>Anything good

Yeah this is stupid feminist like stupid

>> No.5624819

What is proven? And how?

>> No.5624821


>> No.5624825

Just because you can't cook, and are intimated by people who can, there's no reason to get this upset.

>> No.5624826

It's proven that girls are stupid
and when you prove them wrong they
will just cry and call you a rapist

>> No.5624827

/s4s/ pls go

>> No.5624829

Go post more of your food pics on facebook so your friends can blow more smoke up your ass, snowflake.
You're making a real difference out there.

>> No.5624839

But I can cook. The difference is I know I can cook, and I don't need to "win" some anonymous contest where the most important criterion by which food can be judged (taste) is impossible to sample, therefor rendering the contest null and void, and invalidating any internet points accumulated.

>> No.5624842

Jokes on you, I don't use facebook. Or tumblr, or twitter, or any social media site besides the sites that I have to have for my profession. Care to take another stab at trying to sound uppity? It's easy for people to sit around and bitch, it's harder to get out there and do something. You ought to try it sometime.

>> No.5624844

>implying the challenges are for any reason other than OC and fun.
>implying anyone believes you can cook

>> No.5624847

see >>5624602

>> No.5624848


I though this was 4chan not tumblr

>> No.5624853

cooking is fun

cooking contests where you can't even taste the food is next-level "woman logic". It's just like everything else with women, all form, no substance.

>> No.5624854

>invalidating any internet points accumulated
You do realize that everything on the internet is based on sight and sound only, right? So therefore that's all that's required for internet points.

>> No.5624862


>> No.5624864

Blah, blah, blah..... you just sound bitter and rather OCD/assburger. Like I said, you seem to completely miss the point of the challenges, but hey, no one needs your approval around here. It doesn't matter whether you think it's worthy or not. By the way, if you think just looking at food and talking about food without being able to taste said food is so awful/bad/illogical, then WHY are you even on here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else, like the board for borderline autists with gender issues?

>> No.5624866

one of these things doesn't fit....

cooking is a tactile/olfactory experience. I bet your cooking tastes like the "food" used for advertising. Plastic & foam...

>> No.5624872

I enjoy looking at food, and talking about food, and cooking food. Leave it to women to turn that into a beauty contest. That's all you women have now a days, looks. You have nothing to back it up. You'll regret that when your looks fade, and they will.

>> No.5624874

try harder

>> No.5624877

Now you're having to result to base insults to try and get (what you perceive as) the upper hand. Pathetic.

>> No.5624878

>then WHY are you even on here?
To help women from burning the water

>> No.5624879

Sorry sweety, you aren't worth it.

>> No.5624881

im this guy>>5624667

>> No.5624882

in pictures and in statement by the OPs

>> No.5624885

well, when logic fails...

>> No.5624890

Boo hoo. Who's the shallow one with no depth? (Protip, it's you.) How's it feel to have the personality and attributes of a turnip? Plus, your spelling is atrocious. Successful men should at least be able to spell simple words properly.

>> No.5624893
File: 15 KB, 500x277, inigo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you apparently don't know what logic is.

>> No.5624894

a woman that can't or won't cook and suck dick is literally worthless

>> No.5624896


is that true

>> No.5624899

Build a house? That's ridiculous. Hardly anyone just builds their own house these days or has parents that teach them these skills like it used to be. Fixing simple things around the house and doing tasks like cleaning the gutters would be a little more comparable.

Perfect harmony would be a woman who cooks and cleans, while the man does yard work and is a handyman and they both garden.

>> No.5624901

I can out-cook any uptight bitch in here but I would never stoop to wasting my time on some worthless /ck/ challenge.

>> No.5624902

You people do realize that every entry in the challenges comes with a detailed vertical and recipe, right? If you are so certain that the contestants (both male and female) can't really cook, why not go make some of the dishes and see for yourself? It's no different than looking through a cookbook and trying the recipes. The whole point of the challenge was OC, and it achieved it. Checkmate.

>> No.5624906

Seeing as cooking is a skill men and women should have while construction is a more specialized field thats a dumb ass response.

Though if the guy asking can't cook either he has no ground to stand on.

>> No.5624910

Sure, sure you can. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5624912

This is why it's useless to argue with women. They don't even back down in the face of logic.
>muh feels
>muh misogyny
>muh definition of logic

>> No.5624914

except the fact that just because it has the recipe doesnt mean the recipe is good or that the techniques are correct. This can be seen in many of the verticles.

>> No.5624916

i could give a fuck if its all women who won. its only the uptight neckbeards who think its necessary to have a pointless arguement about

>> No.5624918

You forgot

>I'm correct you are wrong

>> No.5624921

>bitches judging bitches on superficial shit
sure is high school in here

>> No.5624924

The same can be said of any recipe by anyone. Just look at some of the vile recipes put out by celebrity chefs. That's why you look through and find recipes that are appealing to both your skill level and taste. You're really not making a good case for yourself, you just sound uptight.

>> No.5624927

>Is a woman knowing how to cook comparable to a man knowing how to build a house?
I suppose that would be a fair comparison if we still lived in times where the man was expected to support a woman.

If I paid all the bills I'd sure as fuck expect my wife to do the cooking. And the cleaning, for that matter.

But my wife and I split the bills, so I'm fine doing the cooking as long as she does the cleaning.

>> No.5624930

i was responding to they comment about how the challenge recipes must be legit since they have recipes even though most ive seen have been shit.

>> No.5624940

so some vertical slapped together in MSPaint
is the same as a vetted recipe from a celebrity chef?

>> No.5624947

>a recipe is legit because it's a recipe anon

>> No.5624952


I am a male.

I think it's important to know both how to cook AND how to repair things.

>> No.5624955

>whores getting mad and defensive that they don't know how to cook, or were too lazy growing up to learn

>> No.5624957

Why cook when you fuck on the first date?

>> No.5624958

It certainly can be, depending on the skill level of the cook. Many celebrity chefs are not great cooks, many (actually, most) of them have ghost recipe developers who make their recipes for them, and they don't develop recipes for their own restaurants, either. They are frontmen for a brand. Just because they went to culinary school and/or worked in restaurants doesn't mean that every recipe they make is wonderful. Yes, they are probably better than a random average cook in flyover land, but that's not saying much. Celebrity chef-dom isn't really about the food, you know, it's about the branding machine. It's pure business, and people eat it up, whether it's worthy or not.

I don't see you posting any of your cooking skills, so why should anyone take your opinion seriously?

>> No.5624963

>this much projecting

>> No.5624968

Not really, no. Everyone should be able to cook. Moreover, it is fairly plausible that someone would cook for themselves or others at least once a day as opposed to building a fucking house which doesn't happen relatively often.

>> No.5624976

I'll upload my steak au poivre right away! Let me know how it tastes

>> No.5624977

Be sure to include your recipe and technique so we can all sit in judgement against you. (But I'm sure you don't have the balls).

>> No.5624979
File: 54 KB, 444x337, 1399193529130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen that on facebook from some stupid fat bitch I was fucking a little bit. I said Yes, I can build a house but you still cant fucking cook.
Even if I couldn't build a house, how are those two thing comparable? Fucking women, every time with their childish bullshit.

That shit doesn't even make sense. They are just mad that women suck at absolutely everything (except sucking dick). They are too fucking lazy to learn how to cook so they just chalk it up to "DONT FORCE GENDER ROLES ON ME" instead of being an adult.

Now that I remember it, she was even bad at sucking dick too. Useless.

>> No.5624981

Okay what other excuse do you have for girls not knowing how to cook. I'm not saying they all don't know how to prepare something, but to have no skill at all?

a) I'm right
b) their fathers did most of the food preparation/providing

>> No.5624982


>> No.5624989

ummm don't look n my room :p

haha what is perfume xD

>> No.5624997

The only women I know who can't cook at all are under the age of 25. But then, we're talking about a generation of useless fucks right there, not just the females.

>> No.5625000

Are you capable of typing normally, or do you go around shouting everything? Who are you, Charlie Day?

>> No.5625001

If theses bile-filled feminazis got their wish and there were no men, animals would have them conquered in less than three years.

>> No.5625004


>> No.5625005


that sounds about right

>> No.5625014

Everyone should know how to cook.

>> No.5625022

How are you going to judge it if you can't taste it?
a recipe does not encapsulate a dish.

for example:
2-4 beef tenderloin filets
salt & pepper generously
oil & butter into a hot pan
sear steaks 4 minutes per side
remove & tent w/foil
add 1/3 cup of brandy/cognac/bourbon etc & ignite
while flame is burning shake & scrape the pan to deglaze and get all of those brown bits up.
once flame goes out, add a pint of cream and the meat juices from the rested steak. Stir continuously on low heat until the sauce thickens. Add the steaks back in and coat with the sauce.

The problem is this recipe doesn't convey how delicious this dish is

>> No.5625027

What the FUCK is wrong with you? So, you are saying that every cookbook in the world is obsolete because you can't taste the dishes? Jesus...that's some serious assburger shit right there.
Also, you already fucked up by using filet. Maybe if you used better cuts, you wouldn't have to pour a whole fucking pint of cream on them. (that's way too much cream, as well).

>> No.5625040


>> No.5625048

You really are a miserable cunt aren't you?

>> No.5625055

i beat the shit out of my woman if she goes near my kitchen. bitch can't even fry eggs. i make her do the dishes tho.

>> No.5625060

No. I'm saying you can't win a cooking contest with just a recipe.

>> No.5625068

it depends on why he is asking, if it is because he is going to judge if i am wife material, then i will cut his balls off, cook those and let him be the judge.

>> No.5625075

Considering couples should work as a team and equally divide labor I'd expect my partner to know how to cook when it's their turn to

Men should know how to cook to provide for themselves and their families. Women should know how for the same reasons

>> No.5625096

Bull dyke detected

>> No.5625114


>> No.5625115

Really, because hundreds of people do it every year. There are numerous on line recipe contests, some sponsored by major corporations, where you can win thousands of dollars based on a single recipe. I am firmly convinced you have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.5625121

Nah, not at all, but I don't put up with any bullshit, either. And this thread is chock full of bullshit.

>> No.5625128

You're right about the cream. I mistyped. It's 1 cup

>> No.5625198

Please stop arguing everyone, I just created this thread to have fun and a good time on the internet.

Do none of you know how to have a good time while having friendly discourse and sharing of words?

>> No.5625207

/ck/ has devolved into an autismal clusterfuck where everyone just argues for the sake of arguing, and since the matters of food are so trivial, people are looking for the most insignificant thing to disagree with and then resort to hyperbole.

>> No.5625215


>butter in a hot pan for 4 minutes

you fucked up bro

>> No.5625232

Ahh, threads like these remind me how many women are on /ck/, and how incredibly fragile and easily upset women are.

Take our advice ladies. If you can't cook, you better be rich and/or give great blowjobs.

>> No.5625239


>> No.5625251

How is that even remotely comparable? You can spend twenty minutes on the internet for a recipe, half an hour on a trip to the market and make something delicious and edible by the end of the night.
Do they even know what goes into building a house? It's more than just slapping a couple bricks together and hoping for the best.

>> No.5625253


>using the term hoity toity

lel look at this cuntwaffle


>> No.5625255

To everyone saying cooking is such trivial knowledge and so easy, let's see what you make on a regular basis, and what you can make that shows some skill.
Only ignorant, uncultured assholes would say things like that.
Why do you people even come to a food board if you think that way?
Oh, right, because trolling is such a wonderful hobby.

>> No.5625258

You'll have to do better than that if you want to rustle jimmies. Women aren't as easily upset by low - brow insults as men are.

>> No.5625271

heh, good one.

Generally, when insulting someone of the same gender, women call each other ugly, whereas men call each other idiots. Tell me which one is more petty :^)

>> No.5625288
File: 686 KB, 1200x1697, Basics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the problem is that there's this attitude of "I shouldn't have to know how to ____", as if it's beneath them. Cooking is not a demeaning chore, it's a vital life skill. Why would you NOT want more skills? The more knowledge and capabilities you have, the better life is and the easier it is to deal with problems when they arise. I'd rather be capable myself and with a capable wife than to have either one of us have to carry the majority of the weight over the other. Why have to pay someone to do something when you can learn to do it yourself? Why be dependent and hope the right circumstances line themselves up so you're not left helpless?

There are conveniences you can use once in a while, sure. You can go out to eat or get some ready-made thing sometimes, but why would you trap yourself into a state where that's all you can handle when it comes time to feed yourself?

It's really just laziness and a childish girls vs boys rivalry taken into adulthood. There's really no excuse for it.

>> No.5625303

No you

>> No.5625308

Butter and oil. And it's fine bro

>> No.5625340


>Butter and oil

doesn't change the smoke point of the butter

>> No.5625350

>Do they even know what goes into building a house?

They're women. They think that the house fairy comes down and builds the houses while the men make noise with power tools and scratch their asses.

>> No.5625361

Well scientifically women are stupider then men, hence why they don't naturally pursue careers in finance or science. They're also much weaker, hence why most women aren't in hard labour jobs.
If we scale for the inferior strength and intelligence of women, it's fairly comparable.

>> No.5625372

Yes it does

>> No.5625382


no, it doesn't.

>> No.5625393

These are both excellent examples as to why men can't possibly understand women. This is simplistic, linear thinking. Which, is how men approach everything. Women, on the other hand, think spherically which is one reason why women are better problem solvers, they think of all aspects. Men run directly at their perceived problems, usually in a mental attack mode. You can see evidence of this everywhere, this thread is a great example.

>> No.5625394

Don't take it personally, sweetie. I ask EVERYBODY I might potentially live with if they can cook. Not because I want you to cook for me, but because I don't want to cook for YOU the rest of my life because your mother didn't love you enough to teach you how to take care of yourself.

>> No.5625398
File: 49 KB, 604x453, 1344843215195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

>> No.5625409

But it does tho, at least enough for this purpose.

>> No.5625412

>spherical thinking
Women confirmed for making shit up

>> No.5625420

Don't worry girls, you can cook. Just b urself :)

>> No.5625443

Pretty much this. Why are having life skills looked down upon?

>> No.5625455

>be looking for new house
>light switches up for off, down are on

every fucking time.

>> No.5625497

I'm pretty sure I've been outside for longer than three hours before. I must be some kind of superman.

>> No.5625502

you can do just about anything if you take the time to learn.
so learn.

>> No.5625505

can you elaborate on how you die in 3 hours without shelter?

Also most people cant go 3 weeks without any food.

>> No.5625528

i think it's more reasonable to ask him if HE can cook. after answering the question instead of getting all offended because you imagine it to have sexist undertones.

>> No.5625534


Exposure. No one said anything about a tropical environment and shade.

Let me take you up to canada in the winter and ill gladly watch you suffer for three hours.

>> No.5625538

I can cook, so I guess the lady should be able to build the house?

>> No.5625540

youre fucking retarded

>> No.5625541

I must be God, I can both cook and build a house. Do one multiple times a day, the other I'm involved with every few years.
Professionally I am an engineer who's spent years at Boeing, as well as worked in hydraulics, motion control, alternate power, and a few times fixed up problems with the "gay engineers" mistakes in large building superstructures (fuck "architects").
So yeah, I'm God.

>> No.5625553


>Women aren't as easily upset by low - brow insults as men are

nice b8 m8 but I'm not hungry, I already cooked for myself

>> No.5625565

Youre the one who thinks hes a bad ass for having been outside for more than three hours.

Comgrats mate. The open air factory outlet mall in hickville is entry level.

When we talk survival we usually dont talk about survival in terms of vending machines and starbucks hot chocolates.

Get a clue.

>> No.5625577

Was that your last attempt to get someone to respond to you?

>> No.5625580

>used to date a girl who couldn't cook
>she worked part time, approx 4 days per week, about 24 hours in total
>I work(ed) typical 9-5 sort of stuff, 1 hour commute either way all told
>would get home tired sometime after 6
>then have to start cooking something because instant ramen was the extent of her abilities
>every time I so much as sighed while doing this it would turn into a massive fight about my "implying that she is a burden"

I think that in our modern world that spurns gender division, men and women should both be able to cook, and men and women should both be able to do handy around-the-home sort of things like changing oil or installing appliances.

>> No.5625582

yeah and we usually arent talking about surviving in the fucking tundra either.

You said nothing other than you'd die without shelter for more than three hours which is bullshit. You can even survive in the snow more than that if you are properly dressed. Get a fucking clue

>> No.5625598

>you can survive for more than 3 minutes underwater with a scuba tank.

Somebody get this guy a mensa certification, dudes a fucking genius. No one in survival training courses has ever thought of just being properly dressed for exposure.

Dude... Literally go look up "exposure."

>> No.5625600

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

>> No.5625602

>better at anything

Not in my real life experience, and I've met some pretty remarkable women.

>> No.5625612

dude all you said was 3 hours without shelter and you are dead, which is bullshit almost anywhere world wide.

>> No.5625622

As opposed to figuratively looking it up?

>> No.5625627

So is 3 minutes with out air on most of dry land. So is 3 days without water... In most of the civilized world, so is three weeks without food, i. Most of the civilized world.

What are you getting on about m8?

>> No.5625631

A majority of planets surface is water at a temperature that will cause hypothermia in less than 3 hours.

Checkmate cocksucker.

>> No.5625632


>> No.5625633

>What is Google and how do I use it

>> No.5625644

You were served a piece of truth pie, but being the picky eaters you are, you rejected it.

>> No.5625646

because most places you can survive much longer than 3 hours without shelter. And again most people cant survive 3 weeks without food.

>> No.5625650

I don't think it matters. If you can do it on your own, you can do it while a couple until you start to figure out who does what best and most efficiently to make the couple thing more advantageous. Of course, if one or neither are willing to pull their weight, it's just a shitty situation. If what defines your manhood or womanhood are a few types of chores, and you're unable or unwilling to learn anything new, you are a shitty man or shitty woman.

>> No.5625653

thats not true either. if three hours in the ocean kills you no one would go to the beach

>> No.5625662

I can. I can also cook.
Why is it wrong to ask a potential partner about common interests

>> No.5625663

This in a nutshell.
This thread is full of kiss-less virgins, apparently.

>> No.5625668

>obvious troll gettin obvious

Thanks i see I'm done with you.

>> No.5625672

Not that guy, but Madam Luna, you are a complete and utter nutcase. Take your hippie new-age pagan bullshit about having psychic insight because you've lived this life before, and move it to a psychiatrist's office.

>> No.5625675

No, it's more like painting.
Anyone should be able to do a paint-by-numbers(following a recipe), but a skilled person can do far more.
Also, almost all the best are men despite it being considered a feminine occupation.

>> No.5625676

or you are just starting to realize that your claims are outrageous

>> No.5625685

Good analogy
and even less can make up a paint by numbers template that can allow even the most untalented and uncoordinated painters create something that looks good.

>> No.5625687

Eh, you didn't read enough about it. It's not just hippie, new age shit. The hippies adopted it and ruined it, just like they do everything. If I can find it, I'll post an actual study done of both critical and noncritical thinking skills of men compared to women. It's quite insightful, and points directly to that same conclusion. Although, I'm not going to try really hard, because I don't have time to do your research for you, I have business to attend to. But god forbid you look further than the first page on Google. You didn't watch enough Schoolhouse Rock as a child.

>> No.5625693

>if you arent in danger of exposure, then it isnt likely you will die of exposure hurr durr

No shit fuckstain. The dude is attempting to explain that exposure can kill in three hours.

Given how fast hypothermia can set in and how cold it gets at night in large portions of the populated world i think its reasonable to point out that you can die in three hours without shelter. It is a fact that if you find yourself lost in the woods and the temperature is below freezing and you have nothing on but ill prepared tshirt an pd jeans there is a really good chance that when they find you, you will have died. No one cares about you being out in the sun of your parents back yard for 4 hours perving your sweaty ass off peaking at the 8 year old girls swimming next door.

Will you die in all cases, of cource not you fucking neckbeard autist. Just like tou wont suffocate at all locations on the planet in three minutes.

Quit being a cockshunt.

>> No.5625716

he equated bwing outside for 3 hours eith no mention of location to being with out water for 3 days or air for 3 minutes which isnt the same thing at all. He also said knowing how to build a house was more important that knowing how to cook which again is false, and that it takes atleast 3 weeks to starve to death which, you guessed it, is false.

>> No.5625719

>expecting the person opposed to research for the person making a claim
Fucking hell, don't you know anything about a proper debate? You're all but asking me to argue in your stead. I'm not going to find justification for your position and then back-peddle to a compromise while you sit smugly with your thumbs in your ass.

>> No.5625732

>women are better problem solvers
What kind of problems? If the answer isn't engineering problems then it's fucking worthless.

>> No.5625772
File: 1.21 MB, 636x387, 784472165408895660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I can cook better than any ex-gfs
>current gfs can't cook anything but microwave ramen

>> No.5625787

>not sharing the work equally and learning how to both be an awesome team at cooking and doing all kinds of things together simply because you love eachother and don't see eachother as some kind of robot meant for one thing

>> No.5625807

Can we all just take a step back and look at this question, you know... from the... step...back. Look I'm not a poet, but it's pretty obvious to me that since people are different, "knowing how to cook" would be judged by different people, differently.

I for one NEED my woman to cook. It's because I do see women in a more traditional role. But I also NEED my woman to have a fucking job, not sit around the house like Peg Bundy. *puts hand in pants*.

Point is... to someone cooking can be compared to bathing, because it's absolutely important and any "decent" person does it. I would say that most immigrants and people from the mid-west (pig towns and farm states) would be like this.

To some people, it's closer to painting because it's emotional and artistic expression, but food is just a necessity, so whether its spaghetti 3 days a week or frozen chicken tenders, it doesnt matter as long as noones hungry.

And then there's fuckers that see nothing wrong with taking 6 already fat-as-fuck toddlers to McFuckingDonalds, spending like $40 on one single meal... when that could have bought groceries for a week.

Anyway my wife will have to not only cook, but fucking enjoy it and be good at it, too. It's like a husband without a car... who needs em? That's my analogy.

TL;DR: sorry, no short summary does my comment justice. I guess you'll never know the depths of my wisdom and the finesse of my impregnable game.

>> No.5625848

>proper debate
>on 4chan

Oh, anon, you amuse me. This is what little college business majors actually believe.

>> No.5625855

Whatever, I'm still not going to do your legwork for you so you can perpetually claim it's not good enough.

>> No.5625864

>implying there are no women engineers





And that's just a start. Hell, my boss right now is a female engineer, and she's very quick, and tough, actually.

>> No.5625869

I couldn't give two shits, that was my point. I don't care whether you learn anything or not, or whether I , or you, win your perceived "debate". Arguing with someone on 4chan is like the definition of insanity, "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".

>> No.5625878
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so so many right?

>> No.5625896

>a cartoon image from a blog that's not working

Good job, anon! Now, let's try and learn some shapes and colors!

>> No.5625901

what a big boy you are, you found a nice picture. hang that on the fridge!

>> No.5625905

>butthurt females detected

>> No.5625913

>dipshit who can't find anything proper to bring to the adult table
sit down

>> No.5625915

>implying its not accurate

>> No.5625926
File: 1.98 MB, 350x262, 1398570183122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To answer the OP,
No, it's not comparable. Cooking is a skill any adult should have. Perhaps not high level artistic cooking but anyone should have the basic skills to boil pasta, fry an egg, or brown ground meat.

>> No.5625932

>change fuel pump
bitch better know how to cook a perfect souffle

on my car you need to remove the gas tank to get to the pump

>> No.5625950

I think the amount of work put into one night's meal is different from the amount it takes to fix cars.
Theres a reason your average cooks make shit pay while average mechanics can make $25/hour for oil changes.

its the gender roles here they're pissed about
except cooking isn't a gender role thing. It's a "are you a self sufficient adult" thing.

>> No.5625958

>/ck/ challenge
>food competition where you can't smell or eat any of the dishes

that's like determining the winner of a car race by smelling their exhaust

>> No.5625965

Clearly you don't work on enough cars yourself. Some manufacturers put fuel pumps in places where you have to drop the whole gas tank to get which means undoing the whole rear suspension in extreme cases. See Jaguar or any German luxury brand where people buy them cheap used and then find out why they were cheap used.

>> No.5625966

>are women self sufficient adults

i think we all know the answer to this question

>> No.5625972

not to mention everything is specialized and electronic now

used if you know how to work on one car you could work on all of them and without a lot of specialized equipment, not true anymore

>> No.5625984

>tfw there will never be a simple car revolution

>> No.5625992

I would want a man who can afford a house and hire a mechanic, and rather spend the time discussing more entertaining things. Cooking is fun and creative, fixing a car, I think that is just a chore.

>> No.5625997
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>all these women ITT
>all these bunched panties


Welcome to the real world, toots. You want to appeal to a man, you have to appeal to his most basic instincts- food, and sex. Feed him and fuck him. A happy man is a man with a full stomach and empty balls. That's it. Fuck him and feed him.

So don't be fucking surprised if you are inadequate at providing either of those.

Men are simple creatures, and if you can't do a simple thing like cook, then you don't deserve to have his seed.

Lousy cunts.

>> No.5626015

>i want a man who can afford a house
>not I want a man who, when their income and saving are equally combined with mine, can afford a house


>> No.5626034

That is fine too. 1 + 0 = 1

>> No.5626051

I'd like to meet a woman who knows how to cook, but only because I do so professionally and when I come home or have a day off it's nice to have someone else cook for you. It's not really a necessity though, and I know that in general woman don't know how to cook, even if they think they do.

I've been in literally hundreds of professional kitchens and the staff is almost always exclusively male. Maybe like 5% of professional cooks are female, and they are most often found in the pastry kitchecns

>> No.5626064

That pic is disgusting and you have the worldview of an edgy 12 year old. gb2 /b/

>> No.5626068

It's more of a /r9k/ bot at his limit

>> No.5626095

It's not that difficult if you have a ODBII device that can also do ABS/SRS systems ($150ish for a cheap one). In fact once you get used to that a lot of it is easier. Not that I didn't just spend two days going over the wiring harness of an Aveo with a volt meter....

>> No.5626100

still not as easy as it used to be

>> No.5626102

look at this PUA masterclass graduate

>> No.5626103

I don't own anything I couldn't build myself with the right tools, not always from raw materials, but at least from basic parts.

>> No.5626107

I've spent time chasing out phantom transmission/engine/electrical problems on older vehicles as well. I really don't miss the days before ODBII. Some things are easier, some things are the opposite..

>> No.5626115

And another autist misses the whole point of the challenge. Why am I not surprised.

>> No.5626117


Is it me or is feminism getting dumber?

>> No.5626120

People should know how to cook, it's pathetic not to. It's also pathetic not knowing how to change a flat.

I've known no women who couldn't cook for themselves but all but one dude who wasn't a pathetic canned ravioli and cereal eating piece of shit.
Men also refuse to clean, every bathroom with dudes- pubes, piss, and shaving cream everywhere. Dirty dishes piled high in the kitchen.

>implying people on the cooking board can't cook
Is that the laziest ad hominem ever?

>> No.5626122

>except cooking isn't a gender role thing. It's a "are you a self sufficient adult" thing.
This is true, no doubt, but it's the men that are making it a gender thing. As evidenced by many, many posts in this same thread, and everywhere on the internet. Of course every self sufficient adult should be able to cook for themselves.

>> No.5626125
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its not just you

>> No.5626128

>Of course every self sufficient adult should be able to cook for themselves
so why is it not okay to ask?

>> No.5626136


Would you ask a girl that she's capable of bowel control before picking her up in your car?

>> No.5626137

terrible analogy

>> No.5626140

If she was drunk.

>> No.5626141


Check your sphincter privilege shitlord.

>> No.5626166

It all depends on how you ask. It's never okay to be rude or disrespectful to someone, particularly when it's someone with whom you are considering having a relationship. There's no reason not to be conversational about it. You could simply bring up the subject of cooking and as what her (or his) favorite dishes are to cook. If they say "Nothing, I don't cook" or "Instant ramen", then you have your answer.

And I will say, while I don't agree with the majority of anti-female trolling in this thread, I do agree that every woman should be able to cook, and at least cook a dozen or so meals very, very well. Because yes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Sex is essential, of course, for both men and women, but if you can cook a man a perfect steak, or smoked brisket, or homemade bratwurst, or home-smoked applewood bacon, or make perfect eggs Benedict for brunch on Sunday morning, or Szechuan dumplings, or chicken fried steak, or homemade tonkotsu ramen with crispy fried pork belly, you will have a guy who will do anything for you.

>> No.5626270

Nah, cooking as simple as shit, you just turn on the stove and throw shit into the pan until it tastes edible (doesn't even have to taste good). Not only that, people in general will by necessity have much much more experience cooking (even if it's just watching other people do it) than they will have, say, performing car maintenance or working with electrical components to get it working again. It's possible that some people have set up a division of labor with their spouse or only ever go out to eat, and have never cooked in their life, but in general, anyone can fucking prepare a meal, no internet required at all, no reading instructions required either, it's all about experimentation, there's no single right way to do something with cooking. Calling someone incapable simply because they're not technically affine or don't care enough to learn about some appliance they'll only use once, or about some car part that will only need to be fixed once a year is retarded. Unless you're talking about literally plugging in a toaster to get it to work, then nah, cooking is the easiest fucking thing that anyone can do and that everyone WILL do at some point in their lives.

>> No.5626282

No, that's a fucking retarded comparison because building a modern house isn't anything even remotely resembling a one-person job. Maybe if we were talking a dugout or a shoddy log cabin, but the myriad skillsets needed to get a modern home operational are in no way comparable to the basic life skill of knowing how to cook.

>> No.5626296

that's not feminism, that's mental illness

>> No.5626300

>That's not a Scotsman, that's a miserly alcoholic

>> No.5626331

Can you adopt me? I'm a wizard.

>> No.5626350
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Just jumping in here, but I think that's a bit of a displacement, and also a hypocritical statement.

The displacement here is likely that arguing with YOU is the definition of insanity because you will not ever bother to consider the other side of an argument. Not everybody or even most people on 4chan.

>> No.5626355

You're projecting. How could you ever possibly know whether someone "will not ever" bother to consider the other side? You can't, so your theory is null and void.

>> No.5626357

There's plenty of miserly alcoholics that aren't Scotsmen. That's a bad comparison.

>> No.5626471

How is it that women ITT are comparing making a sandwhich with major repair work? Basic cooking is simple, yet you're drawing gender roles where the male is expected to have an advanced skillset to offset a sandwich? This just screams unrealistic expectations and not being a self sufficient adult to me when I hear women with opinions like this. Grow up.

Holy crap how do people like you survive. Everyone can cook. If you plan on living with someone and want to have some illogical pissing match over coordinating dinner or eat out every night, then you probably shouldn't even be in a relationship because you're going to drive your partner insane and break up / get divorced / end up 100 cats and whining about the Patriarchy on Reddit.

>Inb4 guys are supposed to mow the lawn while you mix water with lemonade mix. Total equal division of labor there.

>> No.5626479


Do you have any idea how much labour is required for a dugout or a 'shoddy' log cabin?

The cooking being done to offset that better be something like gardening, smoking, pickling, and jarring an entire winter's food supply.

It's just funny that even the people trying to make the labour more equal are still way off and putting a massively inequal burden of labour on the male in the relationship.

Unrealistic superman princess syndrome. Women like that make for horrible life partners, lots of stupid drama, and unproductive households.

>> No.5626489

You're missing the point. If the question is being asked in order to make a decision about whether or not to consider someone for a relationship, it's perfectly fair for the females to ask about what skills it is important that their men have. That's the point. As several guys have pointed out, in this thread, men expect their women to be able to cook "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" and so forth. Well, women want husbands who can do at least simple repairs. That's not too much to ask.
Relationships are a give and take, each person is supposed to bring their skill sets, and the person who can do it best gets the job. At least, that's how normal relationships work.

Now, if some guy is simply randomly asking a girl if she can cook, and she gives that response, then she's an idiot, but that's more of a personality/intelligence issue.

>> No.5626492

You are being over-dramatic.

>> No.5626499


I'm not missing any point. Basic cooking and the skills listed in this thread aren't an equal division of labour or skill sets.

You're making comparisons which don't make sense and acting like basic cooking is more than it actually is. Basically these are obvious unrealistic expectations and and overvaluing of what you bring to the table.

So you want advanced skill sets and a lot more labour than your basic cooking? Then what else can you bring to the table? So far you're not even willing to admit that making a sandwich doesn't afford you the right to a personal man-servant for hours of hard labour.

Total princess syndrome.

>> No.5626500
File: 480 KB, 1024x645, sucka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we live in a world where women can no longer cook anything
>we live in a world where women can no longer clean anything
>we live in a world where women can't abstain from sex until at least a lengthy relationship
>we live in a world where women commit 80% of domestic abuse, violent of emotional
>we live in a world where women initiate 75% of divorces
>we live in a world where people (not just women) believe the gender pay gap actually exists
>we live in a world where women abuse the alimony and child support system
>we live in a world where women can cry rape without evidence and still get the man convicted
>we live in a world where a man can be legally declared a father without relation to the child
>we live in a world where women are glorified and seen as 'empowered' for the above

I came here for recipes and only received sadness

>> No.5626502

Two weeks ago I replaced a damaged ceiling in my garage. I took the old ceiling down and put up an entire brand new ceiling, painted it and wired up a new light bulb. I could build a house but I'd need some extra money and a few extra guys to help me with some things, not to mention all the fucking paperwork that goes along with building anything. Building a house is hard work, cooking is pleasurable, to me anyway.

>> No.5626506


Acting like cooking a meal is equal to time, skill, and physical energy consuming work is what's over-dramatic.

Making a meal is more equal to washing the dishes. That's a much more realistic division of labour.

Grow up. You're not a saint for making a basic meal for your partner. That's called living together. Adults in working relationships both get things done and they don't whine about wanting major repair work or a log cabin built for them in return for a sandwich.

I'm happily married 10 years and my wife also thinks many of you are immature college brats who will probably end up divorced. Her words, not mine. Making meals is a part of life, it doesn't make you a unique snowflake or earn you an unconditional knight in shining armor.

>> No.5626509

>muh wife

pics or she never happened

>> No.5626515

>equal division of skill sets
>using sandwiches as food examples
>unrealistic expectations

Jesus christ, how old are you? 16? There's NEVER going to be an "equal division of labor" in relationships, because people aren't exactly alike and one person will always have more responsibilities, not just including the shared responsibilities.
Typical entitled, "everything has to be fair" little Millennial fuckhead. Grow the fuck up. Life doesn't work that way.

>> No.5626520

Back to /r9k/ with you......

>> No.5626524


I think you added enough ellipses there, XxSasuke

>> No.5626525

I can make chili in my pajamas in one hour in the middle of the night. Christ, it must take at least three or four cum dumpsters just to screw in a lightbulb, let alone build a house.

>> No.5626529

I thought there were men posting in this thread? I heard there were, but I have yet to see a single manly post. There's nothing here but little boys having tantrums.

>> No.5626535


Actually working relationships do work that way. Both people get things done. You don't make a sandwich and then whine that your partner didn't become your servant. You make the sandwich because people need to eat. And then you do other things.

If you want a partner who does things, that partner is going to want someone who does things. And nobody who actually gets things done is going to stick around while you act like you're a saint for making a dinner. That's a really good way to lose your SO while they find someone who isn't lazy and entitled.

>> No.5626537

Everyone should be able to cook a little, that's like asking if you know how to do laundry or something. It's a basic skill that everyone should be able to do, and if you're in your 20s and you can't you've fucked up.

>> No.5626543

To be fair, any woman who asks, "Derr, can you build a house?!" is a bitch anyways.

As for my answer: cooking is one of the oldest, most basic skills. You don't have to know how to prepare everything, but you should know how to prepare SOMETHING.
Everyone should, at some point, build up a small collection of go-to recipes. Even if it's just basic shit like a chicken soup and bread.

>> No.5626589

>and do automotive maintenance.

Remember that anywhere outside of the US, the corporate overlords were not strong enough to force automotive classes into being, but kids of both gender do learn some basic cooking skills in school instead.

>> No.5626594

Your "wife" must be a really shitty cook, since apparently all she can make is sandwiches.
>Adults in working relationships both get things done
Thanks for agreeing with me. I accept your defeat.

>> No.5626596

see >>5626594

>> No.5626643

>women argue with insults, emotional appeals, and at best anecdotal evidence
>men argue with straightforward statements, inquiry, and statistics

I was happier a couple of years ago when /pol/ wasn't right about almost everything.

>> No.5626646

this, fuck /pol/ for appealing to logic

>> No.5626663

Everything you just posted is false. Not only false, but positively delusional. Seek help.

>> No.5626694

>most men I know can cook, clean and take care of themselves
>most women I know would starve to death if left alone for too long

What a shitty fucking society we live in. Why is one gender so objectively trash nowadays? Wish I was gay.

>> No.5626839

Anyone, male or female, has the right to desire ANYTHING they want in a partner. In this example, any man has the right to say I want a partner who can cook. This also means any woman has the right to say she doesn't want to cook for her partner. At the end of the day, you can demand anything you want from a potential partner, but they can just as easily say no and you now have to compromise or accept that you're incompatible.

>> No.5626847

sup girl

>> No.5626915


This is a battle you have already lost.

>> No.5626925


I thought there were women posting in this thread? There's nothing here but entitled cunts who feel that they don't need to learn any skills and the whole world should be handed to them just because they have a vagina

>> No.5626942

>most women I know would starve to death if left alone for too long

Fucking this. I cook every meal in my house. My girlfriend can barely make microwavable frozen shit

>> No.5626955


the latter is true for almost everyone I know of either gender

>> No.5626992

>feels her feminity is threatened
>replies with misogyny

>> No.5627002
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>> No.5627022


>> No.5627037

You're on a cooking board. What perspective do you think you're going to get other than "yeah, cooking's a good thing to be able to do"

Unless you're just trying to bait people like this guy >>5624554

>> No.5627065

this actually also works with guys

>> No.5627081

His source might be bogus, but do you honestly believe that women could make up more than 15% of the most engineering courses? In my experience 15% is getting quite generous.

>> No.5627083

Considering that I already know how to fucking cook, that bitch had better either cook better than me or be able to build us a house

>> No.5627086
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>90% of "manly skills" like fixing computers and handyman stuff is easy to do with google, very basic tools and half a brain
>women still say they can't do it

>> No.5627090

I know both, cbf with murricas females anyways.


>> No.5627103


>almost everything

/pol/ is ALWAYS right

>> No.5627108

Fuck off ahmed this cooking aryan board doesn't want your kind

>> No.5627109

This 1000x. Unless you are a multi-millionaire and can afford to pay a maid to wipe your ass and tie your shoes, you'd better have SOME life skills.

Captcha: Caligula ngsclvvi

I think the Roman Emperor would agree with me.

>> No.5627113

>seek help
>I can't dispute your claim with evidence, so I'll attack your person.
Welp, everyone was having a great time until this faggot showed up.

>> No.5627119
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as someone who genuinely embraces unequal relationships, you still sound like a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5627121

so is cooking you dumbfuck.

>> No.5627124

>that's not feminism, that's mental illness

Funny how much feminism is "not feminism" these days.

I suppose an easier explanation is that feminism is dominated by jackasses and idiots.

>> No.5627126

What a load of pathetic cunts I see here

My wife can cook, clean, do basic repairs and maintain our house easily, but most of the time I do it because I am the provider.

Basically what I'm saying is git gud you fucking casuls

>> No.5627127

Exactly. Everyone in a relationship should be able to do simple shit like house repairs and cooking. This is 2014; gender roles don't mean shit anymore.

>> No.5627128

>Everything you just posted is false. Not only false, but positively delusional. Seek help.

"ur insaen educate urself"

Great retort.

>> No.5627129


>> No.5627130

>implying most women aren't tattooed emotional wrecks who whore and divorce at the slightest urge from TV.

It's much easier if you just treat them as furniture, or something else to own.

>> No.5627133

>My wife can cook, clean, do basic repairs and maintain our house easily, but most of the time I do it because I am the provider.

You earn the money and do the chores, what the fuck does she do?

You take her out of her little display cabinet every once in a while to jack off onto her?

>> No.5627134
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No ammount of evidence convinces those who do not ask for their opinion to be changed. that person was better off not giving any because it would be wasted on a group of people so fucking biased and unself aware that they think the traits attributed to women don't apply equally to men. such people are not likely to have their increadibly sheltered opinions changed on the internet butthole segment dedicated to cooking and shit storms.

>> No.5627135

>>women still say they can't do it

To be fair, women say this half the time because someone else fixes the problem for them. Just sit on your ass and cry "waah I'm a girl" and someone will be along shortly.

That's patriarchy for you.

>> No.5627136

>Fucked his three sisters
>Killed random people for the lulz
>Was sure he was a god
>Ordered his armies to wage war on Neptune and attack he sea
>Killed anyone who woke his horse up

Yeah, sounds like you've got some sound ideas there,anon

>> No.5627140

>>I suppose a simpler explination is necissary
here let me help you with that.

Funny how much of Humanity is not humane these days

I suppose an easier explination is that people are dominated by jackasses and idiots.

A group of people, even influential people, is always filled with it's own assholes, feminism is no magical exception. People are just really butthurt about it because perceptions on the lines of gender and sex are really fucking important to most people. Like to the point where they completely polarize every side that doesn't fit in with their own world view and becoming hypersensitive to their flaws while ignoring the equal number of quacks in other more "harmless" groups.

>> No.5627141

Who gives a shit? I'll build a house, cook dinner and jack off.


>> No.5627142

she takes care of my children, doofus

>> No.5627147

>Systemic preferential treatment for women
Pick one

>> No.5627157
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part of considering women to be incompetant and the inferior gender is acknowledging that you must do things for them becuase they suck. unless you are suggesting a literal war on the sexes and that the inferior sex should be left to drown like a crypto fascist.

theres basically nothing in our legal system that is patriarchal, but legal bullshit doesn't change what is culturally true, and culturally, many people still associate women as being virtious if they have traditional feminine skills and do not often have any confidence to see them in positions of authority for fear of the monthlies.

refusing to acknowledge this is about as retarded and short sighted as believing that patriarchal societies aren't just as grossly unfair to men as it is women.

>> No.5627158

The patriarchy assumes that women are weak and need men in order to survive. When women internalize the patriarchy, they start to behave exactly as men expect them to behave, causing men to view women as weak and powerless. While adults may have to do work while children play, nobody wants to be relegated to the status of a child their entire life. Well, not nobody, but most people.

>> No.5627170

I unortunately have to agree. I can make reasonably complex meals, I'm a red seal electrician, and I can fix most problems with my car that require easily accessible parts. My friends dont even have fucking drivers licenses or money for food thats not ramen. What the fuck

>> No.5627179

>Funny how much of Humanity is not humane these days

You fucked up.

The point of what you're trying to satirise is that feminists always try to shield themselves with "but that's not feminism". Even though it's billed as feminist by feminists in feminist contexts, it's never feminism when there's backlash.

You just made up yet another way to cover for a failing ideology by appealing to a universal "nobody's perfect" get out of jail card.

>> No.5627182

>The patriarchy assumes that women are weak
in comparison to...?
>need men in order to survive
Generally a binary gender species does need males, as well as females, to survive

>> No.5627183

>she takes care of my children, doofus

You could have hired a nanny and she'd be completely redundant is what you're saying.

>> No.5627189

That doesn't make any sense. Preferential treatment can't be oppression by definition. Those are mutually exclusive.

Try to step back from the tumblrina echo chamber and actually think about what they define Patriachy as. Is the theory consistent with itself? Can we observe it in reality? What would falsify their theory? Can we test it?

The problem is, it doesn't exist as it's defined by the SJWs and their definition lacks consistency anyway. (I.E. you can't be oppressed AND favorably treated at the same time.)

Imagine if being favorably treated was oppression. That would mean that recognizing and trying to rectify oppression is actually oppression as well, because you're implicitly saying they can't free themselves without your help. Conversely, denying oppression exists would actually be the least oppressive thing you could do because you're treating them as equals by assuming they are just like you.

Patriarchy theory needs to fucking die, because it's utter bullshit and obstructive to solving real problems.

>> No.5627190

And feminism assumes that women are weak and need affirmative action in order to compete. Funny that.

>> No.5627210

Children get preferential treatment over adults, but at the cost of freedom and rights. The patriarchy treats all women as if they are children that need to be protected.

>> No.5627214

>false equivalency
What rights and freedoms do women not possess?

>> No.5627239

The only people hurt by the patriarchy are the ones who don't fit neatly into the gender roles. If you're a passive, submissive woman or an aggressive, dominant man, and everything works out fine. If you're not, you'll find it becomes very difficult to exist in a world that expects you to be one thing, but in your heart you're the opposite. A man who would rather take raise his children and take care of the home than focus all of his time on a career doesn't have many options in this world, and women face a lot of discrimination in the workplace, because the men in charge assume that most women aren't going to be competent, career-driven employees. Of course, the ideal to strive for is a healthy mix of masculine and feminine qualities, as existing within any extreme tends to be counter-productive, but the ideal is rarely attainable.

>> No.5627241
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>women are so inept that making a peanut butter sandwich is as difficult to them as construction of the Sistine Chapel to a man
Sounds about right

>> No.5627242

Then it's not a Patriarchy.

>> No.5627248

A peanut butter sandwich requires no actual cooking and the Sistine Chapel is not a house.

>> No.5627252

Yes it is. It was set up by the most powerful, dominant men in order to not only subjugate women, but less aggressive men, as well. Just because it only favors some men doesn't mean that it doesn't favor men.

>> No.5627256

>It was set up by
Top kek.

>> No.5627264

>the Sistine Chapel is not a house
Yes it is, retard.

>> No.5627266

If what you say is true then it's still not a patriarcy, since it's about the powerful controlling the weak, not about all men controlling all women

>> No.5627270

Keywords. Nothing to do with gender.

>> No.5627273

I bet you actually think that the pope residing there makes it a house.

>> No.5627277
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>actually implying that you buy store bread instead of baking your own

>> No.5627287

>don't you see, gender roles were created by the jews to destroy the white man and his nation
>don't you see, gender roles were created by the white devil to destroy the proud black man and woman
>don't you see, gender roles are the work of Satan and only through Jesus Christ can you attain salvation
Yes, those evil boogeymen are always out to get you sweety. Just like your professor said!

>> No.5627292

I was actually thinking more along the lines of 'house of God'. The pope doesn't live in the Sistine Chapel though, the current one lives in the vatican hotel and other poes lived in the Papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace

>> No.5627301

>thinking God lives in a building and not in the hearts of the faithful

>> No.5627305

God lives everywhere but Hell(since hell is, by definition, the place without God)

>> No.5627309


>> No.5627311

Well, I'm convinced!

>> No.5627312

It's God's house, sinner.

>> No.5627314
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Heh heh.

>> No.5627316

Just stating the facts.

>> No.5627317

>implying I go to college
>implying I'm a woman

It doesn't take a whole lot of history lessons to see that the way societies are structured has basically always been decided by ambitious, powerful men. There have been female rulers, but they are all notable because they are so rare. Men have always ruled over other men; the illusion of democracy and free trade doesn't change that.

>> No.5627325

People who let other people raise their children when they are perfectly capable of doing so are worthless.

>> No.5627326

>implying there's something wrong with this
>implying it hasn't been responsible for basically everything good that's ever happened (and to be far, everything bad too)

>> No.5627330
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>captains of industry
>the literal rulers of the world

Worthless, because they are busy ruling the world

top kek, anon
Pic related

>> No.5627332

No, everything that's good that has happened has happened in spite of people wanting to assert their dominance over others. Humanity's greatest triumphs come from its greatest strength; the ability to set aside our personal ambitions and work together to make the world better for everyone. If there had never been power-hungry assholes to get in the way, who knows how much farther along in our societal evolution we would be?

>> No.5627338

Are you.... trolling right now?

Nothing good has ever come from the status quo. Ever. Everything good comes from struggle and conflict.

Every. Thing.

It's the most basic fundamental impetus of life. Life must struggle to survive. Through struggle we achieve.

Our greatest triumphs have been over others. All the nations of the world are built on those who had to be cast aside to achieve those nations. Everyone ever born did so instead of another potential mating. Individuals reproduced at the cost of those who did not.

Life is a zero-sum game.

>> No.5627342

>but muh-muh infinite resources
>m-muh cooperation
>mu-muh peaceful achievements
Get fucked, hippie.

>> No.5627348

We struggle enough against the world itself. Why add other humans to the list of things out to get us? Why not all work together for the good of the species, since we're the only species that can communicate, organize and pull that off? That's what separates humans from the other animals - they must suffer this world alone, or with their pack, pod, what have you, but humanity can come together and suffer as one, and possibly transcend that suffer, becoming something more, something greater than we are now. I'm not exactly optimistic about that working out, however, because you're right. That is how most people approach the world, and not nearly enough realize that there could be a better way.

>> No.5627349

wow look at all the sour grapes in this thread, it sure must suck not being able to cook for yourself.

>> No.5627355

There are plenty of resources left on the Earth to share, especially if we focus our scientific efforts on utilizing those resources in the most efficient way possible. Imagine what we could do if we spent as much money on that as we do on blowing each other up.

>> No.5627357

Yeah, NO. Real feminism, not the hokey excuse that ignorant and/or stupid people use today, was focused on actual equality of BOTH genders. Many of those early founding and second-wave feminists didn't "hate" men, or want to see women on a pedestal higher, they just wanted to see both men and women have the same opportunities. (Which has happened, pretty much, except for the pay scale, which is still improving). What people fail to realize is that we will never be completely rid of sexism. Because much like racism, stupid people fear and loathe things that are different from them. The population as a whole is not smart enough to lift these issues beyond the simplistic shit flinging you see here. You see this in politics on a regular basis. Everything is inflammatory, because its easy to get dumb, ignorant people all riled up over things that could be very simple to sort out if you were to look at it with a cool, rational, problem-solving outlook. But people don't want that, they want monkeys flinging shit at each other, because all Zippy cares about is his own amusement.
I digressed into a rant a little bit, but you get my point.

>> No.5627360

Yes, because an anon posting on 4chan must be a captain of industry.

>> No.5627369

There isn't a better way. As long as we're dealing with finite resources there will always be haves and have-nots. The problem is, you're talking about a giant "Prisoner's dilemma." Regardless of what the other player picks, it's always better to betray them them not. Just like in real life, it's generally always better to be out for yourself and no one else. Almost no one lives that way though, very few people actually are that sociopathic, but the people who are are far more likely to gain great power and wealth. It's just how life is. Cooperation is good but not as good as selfishness for the individual.

Until we can solve scarcity problems and remove motivation to attain power/wealth it'll always be like this. The problem with removing those limits is that once that happens, what motivates anyone to do anything innovated? Necessity is the mother of invention, but without necessity would we stagnant?

>> No.5627374
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>be you
>If people do X they are worthless.
>be me
>There are people who are clearly not worthless who do X, your statement is invalid
>be you

I'm not sure you could have come up with a worst comeback, but I might be giving you too much credit.

>> No.5627378

I was about to say something about curiosity and exploring space, and realized that my ideal future is basically Star Trek, and that I'm probably too high for this conversation at this point. However, in all reality, you're right. Humans will always be humans, and we'll probably never get over the worst parts of our nature. That won't stop me from hoping that we may some day get better.

>> No.5627384

Well. It could happen, anon. It just can't happen right now, so it's not a good idea to behave as if it could at the moment but all you're doing is hurting yourself in the long run. Ultimately, we will need optimistic people with vision in the future, so you need to compete and have children and teach them your values so one day, we don't have to compete.

>> No.5627398

The person who came up with that quote is equating cooking as being the same difficulty as building a house, which immediately makes you assume that person finds cooking extremely difficult and probably does not cook.

A woman cooking a meal for a man, at least to me, shows that she cares for her guy. She wants to make him feel good by picking out the ingredients, paying attention so that nothing burns or over cooks, making sure she doesn't add "X" cause you don't like it and that the meal tastes good.

A woman who does not cook shows she doesn't care, she'll feed herself mcdonalds and fuck you if you're hungry.

>> No.5627401

I'm hoping that's what happens.

>> No.5627426

Nice circular logic there, bucky. Want to try again?

>> No.5627447

He's not using circular logic. He's saying that there are people who are not worthless that pay others to raise their kids, and therefore you can't say that people who do that are inherently worthless. Worthless as a parent? I'd have to agree with you on that one.

>> No.5627586

>all the legbeards being vagmad in this thread

>> No.5627841

>this thread






>> No.5627909

Typical stupid male response, akin to "La la la I'm no listening to you". Dimwits.

>> No.5628001
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you are retarded, as demonstrated by your complete lack of understanding how many people pull the "thing isn't thing I like" "card" as you put it. you probably live under a rock.

>>prefferential treatment can't be oppressive.

oh look a retard who doesn't understand that with great power comes great responsability. men in a patriarchal society are thought of as better than women, consequently, they cant engage in any activity considered feminine without usually being ridiculed, they are held to a higher standard of success meaning that if they don't perform on the same level as others in particular fields and skills they are much more ridiculed than a woman might be for not being as good as another at something, since in one side it's required to "Be a man" and the other youre just "Exceptionally good for a woman." this is not even touching on stuff like rape for men, and a plethora of other problems caused by this kind of male dominated society that disenfranchises it's own empowered.

Read shitsurakuen, society is just as fucked up for every participant.

>> No.5628088

If a woman gets angry or defensive when asked about cooking, it typically means she's feminist trash.

>> No.5628111

>taken into adulthood
Wrong. Feminism is an alternative to adulthood. It's basically teenage rebellion.

>> No.5628404

That's blatantly false and very misguided.

>> No.5628854

>insulting Caligula based on sources which were political rivals of his
>trying to jab at another poster's intelligence

Way to be biased. Historians universally agree that many of the source on Caligula's reputation for insanity and cruelty can't be trusted and in fact had alternative politically-based motives.

Historians never look at sources and just accept it. They collect anything they can find, weigh those sources against bias and motives, and then take a best guess as to what may have actually been right.

Was Caligula an unchecked ruler who loved his power? All signs point to yes. But some of the worst things "known" about him aren't actually agreed on by historians. And most historians agree much of it was trash talk. Roman politicians understood the value of propaganda.

As to him thinking he was a god, or as you say "was sure"; you can't really say that. He certainly acted towards that role at times, but that doesn't speak to his mind about it. Many emperors of ancient Rome aspired to be treated as gods, or raised to the level of a god in society. So did the Pharaohs of egypt. And basically every King for ages and ages claimed to be crowned by divine right, every Pope claimed to speak for God, and when England broke off from the Pope, Henry VIII declared himself the head of the church... aka speaking for God and deciding religious law.

Do you believe mostly every leader for a gigantic chunk of human history was insane and delusional about being a god? Of course not. So you can't say Caligula was either, or that he was insane if he did think it. (is the Pope insane? priests?). All you can say is that he enjoyed his power and wanted more, and then speculate knowing many sources were slanderous.
But can you say that

The way historians write history is to take all of the sources, weigh them, and then basically take a best guess while keeping in mind that people lie. They agree that Caligula had some bad aspects,

>> No.5628883


Feminism is turning into a heavily gender-biased movement, aka sexism. Some of its slogans are openly sexist, and it's also run by extremely entitled, well off, white women from the 1st world. You can test anything they say by simply flipping the genders, and if it seems sexist by doing that, then it is without flipping the genders as well.

Equality is equality. Feminism isn't equality; these two things aren't synonymous. One is a gender-based movement, and the other is an inclusive movement which applies to all humans. Anyone who says otherwise or tries to argue against equality by claiming feminism has the rights over that or is equality is using double-speak and actively trying to movement the focus away from gender-neutral policies and goals and towards the sexist mentality of feminism, as well as keeping the sexist oppressor/victim mantra alive.

This thread is a great example. Feminists feeling it's oppressive and acting entitled over a basic life skill, and expecting that all men should be required to have advanced skill sets and exhaust multitudes more effort if they're to want the cooking shared between themselves and their partner.

So, the feminist makes a sandwich, and feels entitled to a servant. In this case a house, or skilled repair work and manual labour. That mentality stems from sexism against men; equality would be equal efforts. So making a meal = washing the dishes from that. But how many feminists do you see demanding fair equal work for a man, instead of the disproportional, practically punishment-based, suggestions posted? As if asking if your partner can cook dinner is some kind of sexist slight, when really sharing tasks is a part of living together.

Anyone expecting such heavy and skilled labour as a reparation for making dinner is never going to have a working, worthwhile relationship. Unless you actually find a pushover who indulges that kind of lazy and flawed mentality.

>> No.5628893


There's no such thing as the Patriarchy. That's a fringe conspiracy claim which unfortunately many feminists are stupid enough to repeat not realizing they sound like 9/11 truthers or Obama birth certificate lunies.

It's actually a sexist conspiracy theory too. Sexist against men. And the single biggest supporters of it are 1st world, well off, entitled white women. Think about that. What does it say about where their head is at if they want the spotlight for such an insane claim? They're hurting equality and are quite sexist themselves with that BS.

Really unfortunate that it's bought into like a religion.

>> No.5628902


Sounds like manipulate behavior of a Matriarchy.

Do you have proof that it's not the Matriarchy securing more entitled ways of living which are sexist against men? Because there's just as much evidence of that, and the Matriarchy seem to be rich entitled white women lying to build their sexist power structure.

>> No.5628925

>the patriarchy treats all women as if they are children that need to be protected.

Actually feminists do that. There is no Patriarchy. Just a Matriarchy of sexist entitled feminists who aren't really oppressed; in fact they oppress others by creating bullshit conspiracy theories and hamstringing actual equality and gender-neutral respect from taking shape.

>feminist slogan "women need to help other women get a leg up"
>feminist slogan "unlock the power of women"
>feminist slogan "women are better at leading"
>feminist slogan "more protections for women"

and then this happens:

>feminists claim the patriarchy is to blame
>feminist actions somehow the patriarchy

Feminism IS the Patriarchy. And for that matter, it's not a Patriarchy... it's a Matriarchy. You're the oppressors and the entitled. It's kind of sick when you think about it... like some kind of sexist religion.

>> No.5629010

>380 posts
>on /ck/

only women's opinions could bring about such madness

well anyways this thread is on page 10 now. It's been fun, guys. And don't forget the most important truth you'll ever know-

Bitches be crazy.

>> No.5629116

>>Feminism is turning into a heavily gender-biased movement, aka sexism. Some of its slogans are openly sexist, and it's also run by extremely entitled, well off, white women from the 1st world. You can test anything they say by simply flipping the genders, and if it seems sexist by doing that, then it is without flipping the genders as well.
yet another fucking sheltered dumbass who simply does not understand that every civil movement that's been regarded as clandestine is in fact not so.

this isn't news you little shit, people are crazy, hence the post I made you moron. Nothing you are mentioning right now is unique to modern feminism, previous itterations all had their crazies, some where increadibly influential and are quoted a lot. and yet you read their books and theyre nuts. I mean abe lincoln was racist. yet hes on the dollar bill. Society is not cut and dry and you are not fit to be considered an adult untill you figure this out.