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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 8 KB, 216x233, coffee sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5620060 No.5620060 [Reply] [Original]

>better tasting coffee/iced coffee

>a lot cheaper

>heavenly donuts and danishes - plus some even have Baskin Robins for more sugar comma inducing indulgence.

Can someone explain to me why even bother with Starbucks anymore? Fuck that place.

>> No.5620064

>>better tasting coffee/iced coffee
as much as i fucking hate starbucks that is objectively false

>> No.5620068

DD coffee is absolute garbage and their hot chocolate is a fucking joke. What the hell is wrong with you? I bet you drink Folgers, don't you?

>> No.5620069

Dunkin Donuts coffee is bad as are all of their food products. You sound obese.

>> No.5620075

Dunkin Donuts uses vegetable shortening in their donuts, which makes them all leave a greasy film in your mouth

Best iced coffee available, though

>> No.5620081

>comma inducing

>> No.5620088

DD coffee is like water.

>> No.5620697


Yeah, srs. Tastes like dishwater.

>> No.5620841

it IS water you colossal faggot

>> No.5620934

op, it tastes like nothing. I hate that coffee, only good coffee is the one you make at home.

>> No.5620961

my girlfriend loves DD but ive never been so she's dragging me there

what should i get

>> No.5620968

just get a donut, they're pretty good but the coffee is bland.

>> No.5620977

The only reason I buy DD almost every day is because I can get an XL hot coffee for $1.05 during their happy hour, making it much cheaper than every other Starbucks on campus.

Outside of the price, their coffee is shit. Much like Starbucks.

>> No.5620994

No, Starbucks over roasts their beans typically giving their coffee a burnt flavor.

>> No.5621012

I just use Green Mountain Dark Magic K-Cups, we have a machine at work.

>> No.5623018

Micky D's ice coffee with no sugar is pretty decent. Large for $1.08 is bretty gud.

>> No.5623053

I went to college in the northeast part of the US where DD is king. Whenever I headed back to the southeastern portion of the country you could taste the decline in quality along the way.

For a corporate chain, I have no idea what makes it so much better up north, and it's still mediocre up there as well.

>> No.5623095
File: 23 KB, 380x380, 240 cups for $9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're on the road, I can understanding stopping to get a cup of coffee, or if it's some kinda fancy
double-throw-down-half-caf-with-full-reverse-thrusters as a treat but if it's a regular morning at home
getting ready to go to work, why not just make YOUR OWN coffee for a fraction of the price?

>> No.5623104

Why the fuck have you been drinking dishwater?

>> No.5623105

Because they're retarded.

I used to do that when I worked construction, now that I'm in the office building of the same company I just drink the free drip pot. I'm drinking it as fuel, not some special treat.

>> No.5623111
File: 436 KB, 250x138, 1395756887804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what people who drink "Breakfast Blend" out of a Keurig actually think.

And they've made blonde roast to pacify you idiots.

>> No.5623113
File: 29 KB, 676x451, too late now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, I can't understand how people can get up, shower, get dressed, pack a lunch,
do this and that, drive all the way to work, THEN have their 1st cup of coffee?

My mornings are; wake up, piss, wash face, DRINK COFFEE, everything else to follow.

>> No.5623127

Because they don't triple glaze everything like Krispey Kum.
I remember when they tried to come up here. They didn't last long.

>> No.5623169

Nigga I have the coffee pot set to begin brewing 10 minutes before my alarm goes off.

It's the first thing I do in the morning. Before pissing or scratching my balls I need that aroma.

>> No.5623333


Why don't you? It tastes just as good as DD coffee.

>> No.5623344

No bear claws.

>> No.5623355


Also this.

>> No.5623837

They're "blonde roast" is still pretty dark. Also, what the hell is a breakfast blend?

>> No.5623855

DD coffee tastes like fucking burnt stale shit water, and the donuts are all dry and don't have that good yeasty tang to them that you get when you go to a little hole in the wall place run by Koreans.

i can't speak to their danishes though.

>> No.5623866

>comparing chains to hole in the wall places

>> No.5623872

Starbucks is the Apple of coffee, you pay for the brand, not the item you purchased.

>> No.5623874

That's not entirely true. If I were in the mood for a "specialty" latte or something like that, I sure as fuck wouldn't take DD's airport vending machine tier Dunkachino over something made at Starbucks.

And for what it's worth, drip blonde from starbucks gives me much more of a pick me up than DD. 16 oz and I'm good, vs. needing a super duper large DD.

>> No.5623976
File: 1016 KB, 320x240, 1397094130289.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying coffee at a fucking retail chain when you could just go to a real cafe.

>> No.5623998

God, you're one of those insufferable nerds who knows nothing about computers but insists on spouting their views about macs on the internet, please stop. You're probably shit with computers, and hence would be better with a mac.