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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5618633 No.5618633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to make scrambled eggs?

>> No.5618638

I'd scramble her eggs

>> No.5618640


Ramsay scrambled eggs

Simple and effective method

>> No.5618644

I'd scramble her eggs with cheese and chives

>> No.5618659


>> No.5618665

that looks good but too much work.

>> No.5618672

Put a pan on the stove at high heat.
Whisk three eggs, then add copious amounts of salt, pepper, and oregano; then whisk again.
Butter the pan. Ideally the butter should turn brown upon contact. Pick up the pan and tilt it to get the inside entirely coated with butter.
Pour the eggs into the pan. If the temperature is right, they should hiss and bubble upon contact. (Many refer to this as the eggs "screaming".)
Using a fork move the eggs around periodically.
When the eggs are more brown than yellow, you will know they are ready to eat.
Serve on a plate with black coffee and burnt ham.

>> No.5618684

how much less work do you want...

>> No.5618686

why is he always talking so fast

>> No.5618687

cocaine, pretty much all chefs use it.

>> No.5618703

hes on speed

>> No.5618709

He took viagra and pounded 5 hookers while snorting cocaine 2 hours before

>> No.5618713

what the fuck is crem fresh?

>> No.5618718

because he is unhealthy

>> No.5618726

Creme Fraiche

>> No.5618733
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> checking out /ck/
> ignorant of creme fraiche

maybe you should try allrecipes first, Anon

>> No.5618740

Whats wrong with allrecipes? Haven't been there, just wondering.

>> No.5618747

might as well learn your cookery from Sandra Lee

>> No.5618761

does salt before heat realy matter?
on and off the heat?

>> No.5618768

The on/off heat thing is a pretty standard method to stop the eggs becoming overcooked. I dont really know the science behind the salt thing, but im fairly to follow Ramsays suggestion since i dont know any better

>> No.5618771

Until firm and slightly brown. Runny/creamy eggs are pig disgusting. Top with tabasco or sriracha.
>there are people so uncultured that they eat runny/creamy eggs without tabasco or sriracha

>> No.5618778

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.5618806

stir them til your arm falls off

>> No.5618816
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I find that there is nothing more disgusting than unfertilized eggs, frankly it ruins my appetite.

I suggest you fertilize those eggs before scrambling them. They have much better texture and they hold up to the rigours of Ramsey's 'stir till you die' method.

>> No.5618852

>Sandra Lee
Who's Sandra Lee and what did she do wrong?

>> No.5618873

Check out her meatloaf on youtube. Her Kwanzaa cake is another great example.

Classic American home cookery.

>> No.5618878

>Classic American home cookery
third world nations actually believe this

1/10 for response

>> No.5618889
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>tfw I grew up in Arkansas and Sandra's commitment to excellence was lacking among most of my friends' parents.

I ate a lot of boiled hotdogs as a kid.

>> No.5620537

The problem with trying to make classical dishes these days is all the good cooks need you to be a master chef with a fortune's worth of equipment to even attempt to follow their instructions even though when the classical stuff was originally being made it was being made by uneducated women.

>> No.5620561


ignore the toast part and the tomatoes & mushrooms part. just do the eggs. use a saucepan, it's quicker, and you REALLY don't need creme fraiche for good eggs.

i do it this way but over spincach and diced garlic sauteed in olive oil, with added parmesan, salt and black pepper. so fucking good.

>> No.5620572

Marry girl in pic and have her cook you some damn wonderful eggs.

>> No.5620573


He's probably pretty busy with the 87 different shows he has.

>> No.5620606

No, it's just the coke bro.

>> No.5620617

Salt breaks down protein. Eggs are pretty much protein. The end.

>> No.5620641


> Eggs are pretty much protein


>> No.5620646

no shit thats what he said im just wondering if in the 3 minutes it takes to season and cook eggs that the salt actually does that. your not brining the egg for 48 hours.
>im leaning towards that being broscience until someone proves it wrong

>> No.5620649



>Still, it seemed strange that my tests indicated that, if anything, salt can improve the texture of the eggs, which is the exact opposite of what we might expect from an ingredient that promotes coagulation. I turned back to McGee for an explanation. According to him, the reason that the salt doesn't toughen the eggs is that, while acting as a catalyst to make proteins bond at lower temperatures, it simultaneously functions as a buffer, preventing the proteins from getting too close to each other and reducing the risk of water being squeezed out.

still sounds brosciencey but hey more convincing to me anyway

>> No.5621296

why not try it out yourself?
to me it makes literally no difference, it's all in the cooking of the eggs

>> No.5622238

best method

>> No.5622367

why the fuck would you ruin perfectly good eggs by scrambling?

>> No.5622369

>live in France
>looking for creme fraiche
>literally cream
>apparently the English creme fraiche is something different

>> No.5622455

ive had pre salted and salted and honestly if theres a difference its negligible. the whole thing is just something for elitists to bicker about
>best way to make scrambled eggs?
its a fucking scrambled egg, probably the most simple thing you can cook besides toast.