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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 65 KB, 610x327, 09242009-egg-boiling-timing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5618208 No.5618208[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw there are people on /ck/ right now who eats anything past 7 minutes

>> No.5618209

someone has small eggs I see

>> No.5618212

Whatchu saying about my huevos, ese?

>> No.5618216

que tus huevos son chiquitos, guey

>> No.5618219

What are you chicos doing in my thread? Go away. You're illegals anyway.

>> No.5618230

ifv you want slices, 7 mins is too gooey

>> No.5618233

8 minutes is perfect. Right when there's no liquid left in the center

>> No.5618237

this hermano gets it

>> No.5618238
File: 94 KB, 600x450, 1336993196852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything past 4 minutes

>> No.5618239

13-15 is too much

>> No.5618240
File: 17 KB, 270x440, soft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.5618249

Depends on how you are going to eat it.

>> No.5618251

5 is about the best on there

>> No.5618252

>anything past before the egg has left the chicken's ass

>> No.5618254

The length of time I boil them for depends on how soon I'm going to eat it. Right after I pull it out of the water? Soft boiled for 4 min. Mass boiling eggs for a quick snack sometime in the next week? About 10 minutes

>> No.5618256

>he makes deviled eggs with soft boiled eggs.

Gross faggot

>> No.5618289
File: 7 KB, 400x224, stock-footage-suicidal-businessman-holding-a-gun-to-his-mouth-driven-to-taking-his-own-life-by-failure-stress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw no attention from loved ones or family so must turn to poorly populated image board.

>> No.5618294

Is that a face you make? That's amazing.

>> No.5618309

That guy is just going to blow out his nasal passage and one eye. He may nick his frontal cortex and be a veggie.

>> No.5618336

The best looking egg in this picture is the one captioned '7 minutes', which was probably boiled for four and a half minutes. The captions are ridiculous.

>> No.5618343

About 6 minutes by OP pic. Dip some buttered toast in.

>> No.5618346
File: 83 KB, 395x1410, Egg_timer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most traditional egg timers have a set time of about three minutes, that being the approximate time it takes to cook an average-sized hen's egg in water.

>> No.5618351

Señor Trabajo please

>> No.5618355

I'd probably aim for 8 minutes myself

>> No.5618372

>wasting energy cooking eggs when you can them raw

>> No.5618375

>Dat 5 minute egg.

>> No.5618384

The 9 minutes is perfect but i get it like that when i boil for 8 minutes.

>> No.5618387


You do it at a full boil? I set the heat at between medium and low until small bubbles are coming up rapidly then put the eggs in and set the timer.

>> No.5618413
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>> No.5618452

My thoughs exactly, except 5 minutes on my stove gets 9 minutes' results.

3:30 for prefect eggs.

>> No.5618454

3 minutes is best

>> No.5618455

>not hardboiling your eggs until the yolk is blue


>> No.5618458


Unlike an egg that didn't come from a hen?

>> No.5618462

I wouldn't boil fish eggs, but I guess it is an option. Never tried lizard, platypus, or echidnas eggs.

>> No.5618475

thanks for reminding me about hardboiled eggs, gonna go make some 5 minute midnight egg snax

>> No.5618495
File: 8 KB, 240x180, george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never eating soft boiled duck eggs

please Anon, tell me you don't do this

>> No.5618499

>tfw 8 minutes is obviously ideal

>> No.5618524
File: 1.62 MB, 3264x1836, 20140721_015111[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers /ck/

>> No.5618550

5 minutes if served hot

9 minutes if served cold

>> No.5618554


i cant quite tell but at least it isnt an alienware laptop

>> No.5618555
File: 14 KB, 480x360, python.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post moar .gifs of u eating raw eggs and plz

>> No.5618572
File: 2.87 MB, 238x181, Knowshon GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw living at high altitude and these times are meaningless

>> No.5618581

its Lenovo, nice specs, affordable, and lets you type in the dark

theres like 7 minute breaks between games and im going to be up for another 6 hours probably, how many eggs should a human body be allowed per day?

trial and error son, you'll get there

>> No.5618604
File: 127 KB, 500x333, way to go rocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of the eggs are allowed.

>> No.5618631

thx business lamb

>> No.5618642

sot boiled eggs are nasty. i only want a runny yolk on a fried egg. 12-13 minute boiled masterrace

>> No.5618670

I'm laughing at this picture. Something like this could happen only in america where every egg is mass produced ferm shit.

Every egg is different, every time the conditions are different, so sometimes 7 minutes means completely boiled egg, sometimes it means semi cooked.

sometimes 5 minutes equals white gook instead of perfect egg whites.

>> No.5618691
File: 913 KB, 3338x2310, Sweet-Tea-1WM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

np swee-tea3.14 happy gaming

>> No.5618700

sure your clock works right?

>> No.5618711

today I made an egg that was boiled for 7 minutes and it was almost completely boiled.

that's because every egg is different in size, shell thickness, also there is a different amount of water, different starting temperature of the water and all other shit that makes a difference

>> No.5618712

>I counted the bongs

>> No.5618732

>eating eggs

>> No.5618735

All I ask is that the egg white is fully cooked. Gooey egg white is nasty.

>> No.5618736

>not eating eggs

are you some african scum?

>> No.5618737

>different in size, shell thickness, also there is a different amount of water
These factors are not enough to create a noticeable difference as long as you maintain the temperature of the water.

>different starting temperature of the water
Just start out at a boil instead of letting the egg sit in water that's still heating up and you're good to go.

>> No.5618743

yeah, sometimes it's tricky to make egg white completely boiled and still have runny yolk

>These factors are not enough to create a noticeable difference as long as you maintain the temperature of the water.
bullshit. if you have organic eggs tthat are different in size and shape youll notice.

I always boil for 6-7 minutes and sometimes it's perfect, sometimes it's too runny, sometimes it's too boiled.

I eat eggs every day.

>> No.5618765

i forgot to add one more factor - temperature of the egg when put into the water.

>> No.5618798

>different amount of water affects boiling time

confirmed moron, everything else you say i can't trust

>> No.5618812

when you put cold eggs into the water, it usually stops boiling for some time

if there is more water, it will take longer to make it boil again

20 seconds difference + other factos and you can have a shitty egg

>> No.5618825
File: 103 KB, 825x550, Classic-Deviled-Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Soft-boiled eggs taste good but are annoying and messy to eat, as well as wasteful.

If you want a runny yoke, just make a fried egg, otherwise make hard-boiled.

Better yet, hard-boil them and then make deviled eggs.

But don't go putting all kinda non-standard stuff in 'em; just straight up classic deviled eggs.

>> No.5618831

>If you want a runny yoke, just make a fried egg, otherwise make hard-boiled.
don't tell me what to do

>> No.5618840

>Soft-boiled eggs taste good but are annoying and messy to eat, as well as wasteful.

You heard of this thing called a "spoon"?

>> No.5618862

he's american, they make all food "fingerfood"

>> No.5618883
File: 56 KB, 640x536, congratulations, your retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What possible reason could you have for making soft-boiled eggs?

It's difficult to peel the shell off without liquid magma hot egg yolk running out.
It's awkward to dunk tiny pieces of toast in the tiny hole in the egg white.
It's even harder to peel the rest of the shell off after the yolk (most of it) has been eaten.
And when you do, you frequently get bits of shell stuck to the still yolky inside of the whites.

Stop being an eco-terrorist and just make fried or hard-boiled eggs.

>> No.5618895

>Not making your soft-boiled eggs right

Bring about half an inch of water to the boil. Put egg in water. Put lid on pan and leave for 4 minutes. Drain water and fill pan with cold water. Remove egg after 30 seconds.

This gets you a fully cooked white, a runny yolk and the egg is at an edible temperature and easy to peel with no mess.

>> No.5618908

You would have a runny yolk in a salad?

You would put a runny egg in an egg-peeler?

>> No.5618920
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, result of soft-boiled eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unless you're throwing out the egg whites like a fuckwad, you still have to deal with pealing a collapsing hollow egg shaped sphere that will end up with bits of shell inside.

There's no purpose to soft-boiled eggs, unless you live in Downton Abbey and need to keep up appearances by wasting food.

>> No.5618922

>you still have to deal with pealing a collapsing hollow egg shaped sphere that will end up with bits of shell inside.

Doesn't happen. Try it

>> No.5618984
File: 97 KB, 505x610, Ghoul732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try it

Oh ok, because you know I've never eaten a soft-boiled egg in my life...

>> No.5619005

What are you talking about? That doesn't happen at all. Are you seriously criticizing it just because you can't cook them properly?

>> No.5619059

13 looks ideal to me.

>> No.5619107
File: 1.20 MB, 592x320, water experiment #1 (look around you) pt3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
love it

>> No.5619179

Jesus that guy is shaky.

>> No.5619229

He just dipped his hand into near boiling water. That's kind of point of the skit.

>> No.5619235

Wait, how are they wasteful?

>> No.5619239

Oh I see. I don't get it though. Why not fish it out with tongs?

>> No.5619245

did you not see he dropped the spoon

>> No.5619248

It's a skit, it's intended to be humourous in a quirky manner.

You wouldn't happen to have aspergers, would you?

>> No.5619456

6.5 minute masterrace here

>> No.5619466

I eat them soft boiled because i don't want the yolk to oxidize. that's what fucks my cholesterol up, this way I can eat 2 eggs every day and I'm fine.

>> No.5619469


>mfw there are people on /ck/ right now that would eat any of these reject eggs

>> No.5619470
File: 303 KB, 1600x1200, dogshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating dog eggs

>> No.5619490

Cholesterol you eat has nothing to do with your cholesterol.

>> No.5619535


keep telling yourself that

>> No.5619542

>Their opinion is different from mine
>Must be American

>> No.5619626
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-07-20 19.37.12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be completely candid with you guys?

I've never even tried making boiled eggs before. Eggs in general have freaked me out as a thing I can cook.

Time to get over this and actually try this shit out. I peeled the one that cracked in the pot, so it will probably be the worst.

>> No.5619639

I understand the initial intimidation of eggs. You'll find that once it's broken though, they're pretty fucking easy.

>> No.5619642

dat keyboard
dat mouse
dat manga
dose glasses

are you me

>> No.5619643
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-07-20 19.37.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually prefer the harder-boils as far as eggs go.

Cold Water, Cold Eggs onto the stove, brought to a boil, brought off, simmered 8 minutes.

Okay, this one's alright.

>> No.5619653

b-bb-b-bbut the fda says cook it through to 165 degrees guys.

Parasites and food-borne illness, its on the website!!

why do you want to die so much?

>> No.5619659
File: 1.34 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-07-20 19.55.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you believe the shades are prescription? I got them for driving, but being in Texas in the summer? Fuck you I'm not keeping them in my car.

UPDATE: second and third egg were pretty much the same, but I had to stop, feeling quite full. But now I have no idea how to store them properly for later, FUCK

>> No.5619665

>being in TX
yep, now I'm pretty sure you're me

protip: eat eggs before sex, the cholesterol in them boosts your testosterone which makes you go caveman

>> No.5619667

Put them in your fridge.

If there's weird odors in your fridge, put them in a sealed container, and then in your fridge.

Eat them over the next week in salads and shit, and if you still have some left over towards the end, make egg salad sandwiches.

Alternately, slice them into slices, and then take saltines and top with mayo, a little salt and pepper, an egg slice and a tiny onion slice.

Wow, that's a recipe out of my childhood I had completely forgotten about. I'm going to eat that tomorrow. It's surprisingly good.

>> No.5619669

...Texarkana, moving to Austin in August?

>> No.5619673

From San Antonio? Yeah, kinda... fucking creepy

>> No.5619679
File: 1.38 MB, 3264x1836, 2014-07-20 20.05.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Major? Electrical Engineering, proof pictured.

>> No.5619694

My major's in computer science. Small world, huh?

>> No.5619743

How does this chart work? Is it three minutes after I bring the water to a boil, cover it, and turn off the heat? Or is it bringing it to a boil and then dropping the egg for 3 minutes? I'm so confused.

>> No.5619856
File: 1.30 MB, 180x172, steve harvey 128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

San Antonio and Austin bros get outta here, I'm from SA and I live in Austin now because of work. Much love fellow Texans.

>> No.5619891

Fuck it, since we're all pretty much Austin here, and I just came from the fast food thread.

What's y'alls preferred quick fix in Austin?

I guess I might state that the key requirement is that you can ask for something "to go" and never have to sit down.

Pic related, I've missed it so much for these past few months.

>> No.5619900
File: 489 KB, 1280x1183, verts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic didn't upload

>> No.5619904
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>dat delicious 5 minutes

>> No.5619960
File: 75 KB, 486x648, barre n sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we AREN'T all pretty much Austin here, but I still love ya. we are Texans. H-TOWN REPRESENT.

>> No.5620189

No just OCD. And I was drunk a the time.

>> No.5620205

>not eating all of them
nice face faggot

>> No.5620283

Ah, fair dos.

>> No.5620595

eyyy I know that pic it's from serious eats. I rock the shit out of eggs after reading that...

>> No.5620601

okay I got halfway through the thread and some faggots are debating soft boiled v. fried or whatever. the real answer is:


>> No.5620603

me again, ctrl+f poach no results wtf /ck/ really?

>> No.5620678
File: 12 KB, 250x257, cartman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's difficult to peel the shell off without liquid magma hot egg yolk running out.

what kind of hand-eye coordination do you have?

>It's awkward to dunk tiny pieces of toast in the tiny hole in the egg white.
scoop it in a bowl, with, you know, A TEASPOON

or just eat it straight from the shell, with, you know, A TEASPOON

>mfw you are too retarded to eat a soft boiled egg without making a mess

>> No.5620694

Those times kind of depend on whether the egg is straight from the fridge or if it has been lying around at room temperature.

>> No.5620705
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1405529829627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5620733

>you still have to deal with pealing a collapsing hollow egg shaped sphere that will end up with bits of shell inside.
How the fuck would that happen?
Do you peel the whole egg before eating it?
Why wouldn't you just open the top and take eat with a spoon?

>> No.5620772
File: 25 KB, 600x455, working class scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you peel the whole egg before eating it?

You should, if you're going to eat the egg white (and you ought to) but
then you run the risk of volcano hot liquid egg yolk leaking out on your

> Why wouldn't you just open the top and take eat with a spoon?

That is the traditional way to eat soft-boiled eggs; stupidly discarding
the egg white afterwards, like a disgusting parasitical 1%-er.

>> No.5620773


the egg white afterwards

no one fucking does this.

>> No.5620933

That mousepad is fucking filthy.

>> No.5621311

I fucked up and posted this question in the wrong thread.

>Since we're on the topic of eggs, my local asian chain market has these salted duck eggs. I've never had one before but I like putting salt on hard-boiled chicken eggs. Has anyone ever tried one? I'm wary about buying it solely because they don't sell individual ones so I can try, my only option is to spend something like ten USD on a dozen eggs and I'd hate to waste money if I don't like it.

>> No.5621321

>not cooking them until that green shit forms around the yolk
Do you even egg, American style?

>> No.5622499

>straight up classic
you mean the shitty excuse for a garnish of sprinkled paprika over a mixture of egg yolk, shitty mustard, and shitty distilled vinegar with salt? No thanks.

>> No.5622503

You're not American, and are therefore obsessed with Americans because you have a shitty life.

>> No.5622513

fucking 12 minutes baby.

>> No.5622575

13 minutes makes for good potato salad. You cant have runny yolk for potato salad.

>> No.5622601

why would you discard the egg white eating from the top? it's really easy to scoop out

>> No.5622905
File: 100 KB, 480x462, 0627-paula-deen-face-09-480w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I mean the fuck'n awesome culinary equivalent of crack cocaine, called Deviled Eggs, made
from hard-boiled eggs, mayonnaise, mustard and paprika sprinkled on top and THAT'S IT.

There is no reason to include crap like jalapeno, avocado, pink Himalayan salt or whatever and
fuck up a perfectly good thing.

You're not the next Gordon Ramsey, (you're not even the next Paula Dean) so stop mixing shit
in food that don't belong.

>> No.5623576

such projection
so little thought

>> No.5623601

Are these times based on dropping an egg into already-boiling water?

>> No.5623610

I love the cholesterol meds next to this, haha.

>> No.5623719

8-9 is good for putting in ramen because the yolk is congealed enough to stay in one piece but it's not cooked enough to be dried up and crumble leaving little bits of yolk dissolved in the liquid.

>> No.5623721

>there are people on /ck/ right now who think soft boiled eggs are hard boiled eggs

If you're going for hard boiled, anything before 7 minutes is objectively wrong. Although 8 minutes is ideal.

Fucking people coming on my board and trying to talk to me about eggs.

>> No.5623733

pretty sure that's cough syrup bro
nigga's got some sizzurp goin

>> No.5623867

Use them like a condiment, eating a little bit with a mouthful of other food. It's salted like you would preserve something, so it's rich but slightly dry and firmer than a regular egg, and you don't want to eat a big chunk at once.

If you're cooking rice, pop one on top and let it steam, or just boil it like you would a normal egg.

>> No.5623885

8 minutes baby, that's how this thing works.

>> No.5625031

Has anyone ever tried boiling an egg for like an entire day straight?
Curious as to how nasty it would look

>> No.5625054
File: 192 KB, 650x488, Burnt-hard-boiled-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5625061

I've always hated raw yolk. Don't understand how people like it. 15 minutes is the best.

>> No.5625080
File: 78 KB, 1000x669, 300-minute-eggs-06-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not boiled, but there is this.

>> No.5625085

It's not really raw, some of the protein coagulates and it thickens up a little. I think I could tell the difference between a soft boiled egg yolk and raw egg yolk pretty easily.

People like it because it's just like any other fatty, rich sauce, like a bearnaise or a hollandaise.

>> No.5625092
File: 366 KB, 928x741, Century_egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget minutes, how about a hundred years?

>> No.5625093

I looked these up and I think I'm curious enough to try making a couple.

>> No.5625095

Yeah, I'm thinking of trying it tonight myself.

>> No.5625132

>that nail
are you serious m9

>> No.5625160

You do know it's not literally a hundred years, right?

>> No.5625174


mebs he plays classical guitar

>> No.5625182

One word:


>> No.5625189

Take a guess.

>> No.5625262

>implying egg eating vidya girls don't post on /ck/

>> No.5625267


lol i hadn't even considered that

>> No.5626600

>5 minutes
>play with eating it straight form shell
>with bit of mayo and sprikle of black peper
>followed by slice of bread with butter and chive

>11 minutes
>cut it for paste, salad or put it on bread with cheese and any kind of sliced meat

cant imagine eating aynthing below 5 minutes

>> No.5626622


don't they have sweet salad cubes in them too?

>in b4 nobody knows what sweet salad cubes are

>> No.5626658


>> No.5626665

You never had ostrich eggs?
You only need one egg for an entire massive omelette.

>> No.5626702

I take a heel of the a white bread, take out the insides as to form a concave, fry the upside on the pan, only for a minute or so, then flip it and poach an egg into it, and again flip it back. I wait till a crust has formed on top of it, so the egg won't run out when I turn it, and then, while guessing that all except the egg yolk is fairly firm, I take it into my plate.

Can you imagine a crusted white bread with delicious fried egg, the two combined in a runny golden yolk? You probably do. Great stuff.

>> No.5626758

I have an egg related question.

Say I wanted to cook an egg on ramen, how do I go about that? Do you just sort of drop the fucker in? I've only recently started dabbling in proper cooking and I don't want to ruin it for myself by fucking it up.

>> No.5626775

Pretty much. I'd recommend first beating/scrambling the egg(s) a bit in a separate bowl, add a dash of salt (and any other spices of your liking). Set low fire for some time so the pan temperature drops, because egg is tastier if it's cooked slowly. Put a drop of your scrambled egg on the pan with a fork and see what happens, it shouldn't scorch immediately, more like slowly turn solid. And always stir when you pour the egg.

At least that's how I do it.

>> No.5626785


>egg on ramen
>proper cooking


Drop it in, let it sit for a few seconds then use a fork to stir it gently. You should end up with long strands of egg. Do this when your noodles are pretty much done, you don't want to boil the egg for too long.

>> No.5628643

Sounds gross, proper ramen has a soft boiled egg

>> No.5628670

You don't know what you're missing. I include both on the rare occasion that I'm making ramen.

>> No.5628716

end joy you're prostrate canker

>> No.5630191

You know the eggs are supposed to go in your mouth and not your ass, right?

>> No.5630354

British Humour
The entire video with audio is funnier

>> No.5630620


i dont know why i laughed so hard at this

>> No.5630632


lol'd at the spoon

>> No.5630640



>> No.5630726

a female duck is a hen, you goober

>> No.5630733
File: 34 KB, 300x300, c6c5a13795196af41a4a393ae6ed226f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, a singular study (not even a meta-analysis, kekest of keks)

I won't say that dietary cholesteral has no impact since there's conflicting evidence, but it's not at all conclusive and posting a singular study from almost 15 years ago isn't going to prove it.

>mfw I realize 2000 was almost 15 years ago

>> No.5630753
File: 219 KB, 500x374, 1404739388281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to cook them until they are greenish

>> No.5630844
File: 136 KB, 640x640, balut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating your eggs like this

>> No.5630999

It's hard to find fresh squid eggs near me

>> No.5631009

That's an chicken fetus.

>> No.5631034

>if there is more water, it will take longer to make it boil again

If there is more water, the temperature will drop less. Assuming you have more than the bare minimum amount of water (which is no problem if you have enough to cover the egg), the total energy lost from the water will be equal no matter how much water there is--assuming you have the burner on the same setting, it will take exactly the same amount of time to return to the boil.

Plus, who the fuck cooks their eggs at the full boil?

>> No.5631039

>You would have a runny yolk in a salad?
Caesar, you retard.

>> No.5631176

>poach an egg into it
I don't think you understand what poaching is.

>> No.5631184

There's a few different ways. You can go for the egg-drop soup type of cooking, as suggested above. A popular way is to have a separately cooked soft-boiled egg that you marinate and cut in half into it. I like poaching an egg in the soup, lower heat, gently stir, drop entire egg in. The stirring keeps the egg from sinking so it doesn't scorch.

>> No.5631421

bitch please. just skim through nih and you'll find dozens of studies about cholesterol and oxidation. everyone that has taken advanced biology and chemistry can tell you when cholesterol is heated, it oxidizes and therefore causes inflammation. numerous in vivo and vitro studies have proven this.

I just took the first one I found, not gonna do the work for you fatass

>> No.5631504
File: 113 KB, 1024x768, fetotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5631537
File: 123 KB, 1600x900, DSC05990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5632545

10 minutes is my thing

>> No.5632590
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, good egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked it for 7 minutes. Thanks /ck/!

>> No.5634165

Runny egg yolk makes me sick. It's tasty, but usually not worth it.

>> No.5634194

I dunno
I think 8 minutes might be ok