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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5616194 No.5616194 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid shit you've all heard.
>"Yummy!" and any variation, looking at you women, and especially Rachel Ray
>*Moans whilst eating*
>"To die for"
>"Like an orgasm/party in my mouth!"
>"I could eat this everyday"
>"Taste just like my Grandma's"
>"Just like mom used to make it"
>"Old Fashion"

>> No.5616202

OP is a baguette

>> No.5616213

>"Oh mi gosh anon this is just like (insert shit tier chain/restaurant)'s"
>"I can not control my self around these, i just eat too many"
>"This is so orgasmic"
>"My dead (insert family member) used to make it just like this"

>> No.5616219 [DELETED] 

BTW OP is a Grill

>> No.5616299
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>wow this is fucking disgusting
>i now realize my ultimate regret in life: birthing you

>> No.5616333

I am a horrible person. Everytime I really enjoyed a meal, I call it "divine".

>> No.5616384


>> No.5616410


really any abbreviated word that ends with that sounds


I actually get ruffled when people describe my food using those words

>> No.5616415

i've said words

>irregardless of how it looks that was totes delish lol

of course I was just doing it to piss someone off

>> No.5616416

You probably suceeded

>> No.5616420

Fucking "yummy". That one just bothers the hell out of me for some reason.

As for me personally,
"This needs more sugar"
"So is this a real thing, or did you just make it up?"

>> No.5616427

Oh and "that's real food, none of that messed around stuff"

What the hell is messed around stuff.


>> No.5616437

Clearly the only way to compliment food around you fuckers is to eat in complete, emotionless silence.

>> No.5616442

just talk about some part of it you liked, like the taste or texture or how it looked. Don't just say
>that was yummy
like some autistic redditor trying to give out advice on their shitty sandwich recipes. I really think it stems from the person just not sound authentic.

>> No.5616445

Or you could just describe it with more substance a fucking 10 year old

>> No.5616455

I say Yumm-o a lot, every time I take a bite I try to moan a little if the chef is around so that he knows I like it.

If its really good I call it Yum Yum food which I will eat any time of the day no matter when.
I also call appetizers Yummers , entrees I call Om-Nom-Nomtrees and desserts Yesserts which confuses some peoople but I explain it to them they think I'm crazy but it'll catch on eventually.

>> No.5616460

I don't think you're crazy, I think you're a gril

>> No.5616462


>> No.5616467

>Hoes actually do this kind of bullshit
smh ugly as hell

>> No.5616487

>it adds a kick
>there's a kick
>this could do with a kick
>not too much of a kick, though
>I love it when food has a bit of a kick to it
>add some pepper, that gives it a sort of kick

To anyone that cannot describe themselves properly and so inserts "kick" as a catch all: I want to kick you in the kicks.

>> No.5616932

"Is it good? Or is it AIN'T?2

>> No.5616946
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>> No.5616949
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>"oh these are my weakness!"

>> No.5616954

What about savory you fucking autist?

>> No.5616965

WOAH! Looks like we're on an express train to Haterville, with a special stop at That's Not What Your Mom Said Last Night Town!

>> No.5617055

is that an abbreviation? no it isn't retard. It also isn't a vapid description

>> No.5617094

>"Like an orgasm/party in my mouth!"

Hey man
"It's like sex, only I'm having it!"
is a perfectly fine thign to say

>> No.5617103

How is tasty an abbreviation? What's the long form, tastilicious?

And you call others retarded.

>> No.5617112

me too. sigh
fucking going to end it all one day...

>> No.5617123
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>mfw people pull this shit around me
Just eat the fucking food for fucks sake, does vocalising like some hungry French homeless man really help you enjoy the food more.
I'll usually know if my food is good, bad or great, so shut up.

>> No.5617127

You seem like an enjoyable person to be around.

>> No.5617150


some people like to express how they feel

i understand if that doesn't make sense to you, given how much your parents hated you and called you stupid whenever you tried to express yourself as a child

this fucking thread i swear to god

>> No.5617183

The best way to compliment food is to eat very loudly.

>> No.5617197

Maybe you should put on the trip 'yummers' or 'deelish', faggot.

>> No.5617242
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>implying everyone who vocalizes how much they like their food must speak like a 2 year old

Man...I hate to use this word, but in this case, autist might apply. You do realize that many, many, many highly intelligent people like to eat in groups and discuss their food as they eat, right? Have you never been to a dinner party? I'm guessing you haven't, since the thought of a group of people eating at a dinner party in silence over the food is completely UNHEARD of. Jesus....how fucking assbackwards can you get.....

>> No.5617281

I have no issue with people asking about the technique or ingredients used.

>> No.5617320

LOL, so if you are at someone's home for a dinner party, and a person tells the host "this __ is delicious!" you'd call them a faggot? The only appropriate dinner conversation about food is technique and ingredients? Who the fuck are you, Irish Stew Guy? GTFO.

>> No.5617346

>and a person tells the host
Then that is the business of the host.
If I have cooked for some family or friends then they most likely know they need not use the terminology of a five year old girl to compliment the food.

>> No.5617352

Or you could describe what you liked about it instead of talking like a toddler. Its like if someone asked you what you liked about their food and how to improve and you just said "it was good!" That shit doesnt help.

>> No.5617363


>> No.5617377

>"What's your recipe?"

>> No.5617382

>You want to put it where?

>> No.5617394

Instead of being delicious, things are now "yum". as in, "that pizza is yum"...I hate this worthless, infantile generation so very much.

>> No.5617410

>terminology of a five year old

Yep, you are definitely Irish Stew fucker. Why don't you go bake another loaf of soda bread shaped like a dildo and shove it up your rectum till it bleeds, just like you do every Saturday night.

>> No.5617425


>> No.5617436

Don't hate them, teach them if you can.

Remember that there's always someone quicker than yourself. Always.

>> No.5617443
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this, when they fucking pronounce it "are-tee-shun"
I live in Alabama by the way.

>> No.5617445

This fucking guy gets it.

>> No.5617448


>orgasm in my mouth

I wonder if people realize the image this conjures up.

>> No.5617450


Your food must be shit.

>> No.5617453

You sure they're not saying 'artesian'?

>> No.5617456

>is this a real thing or did you make it up
I've never heard that one. I would genuinely be confused and not know how to answer.
I also never hear anyone say things are "yummy" or "delish"
My 72 year old grandmothers says "delish" and "jazz it up" sometimes, but I just assumed that is old lady speak.

For some reason, normal cooking terms piss me off and I have no idea why. These are pretty standard things to say when talking about cooking by holy shit I will never say them, it's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
I hate that fucking word.
>see that caramelization on there?
>you need to caramelize it some more for a NUTTY flavor
God fucking dammit
>it tastes kind of nutty

I hate all of that shit, it's really a legitimate term to describe a taste too, I wonder why I hate it so much.

Also, to a lesser degree- "deglazing"
>what did you use to DEGLAZE that pan? White wine?
....yes. White wine.

>> No.5617460

Yeah, when it's spelled on the menu "artisan" like an artisan bread, not artesian spring water.
It's just because these dumb hicks literally can't read above a third grade level.
>yes I mad, I hate illiteracy in adults

>> No.5617473

I still watch that curry rice episode sometimes, because when it ain't, it AIN'T

>> No.5618139

>Wah~ umai!
>anon - laugh- what the fuck was that?

>> No.5618142

Yeah, that's why I have to stop people from complimenting it.

>> No.5618154


>> No.5618163

What's the problem with that?

>> No.5618181


>> No.5618193

Are you the agressive drunk coworker?

>> No.5618195

Soda bread is somewhat crumbly.
A crusty baguette would be better.

>> No.5618221

ITT people who are either too self-loathing or otherwise fucked in the head to be able to accept compliments in a normal manner.

>> No.5618228

"Veggie" pisses me off so much. Vegetarians get called pansies and all that as it is, but people had to make it worse by slapping that stupid fucking word onto every vegetarian meal.

>> No.5618242

roommates when im cooking
>what is in there?
bitch, there are three ingredients which are laid out on the table
>what is it called?
fried leftovers, mutherfucker! veggies and sausages. Eh, I mean, "sauted assortement of legumes with a touch of summer herbs áu provence, solidified meat paste sticks and dehumidified pain áu yesterday"

>> No.5618250

Dude, it's not a new fad word or anything. "Veggie" has been in common circulation for at least 20 years. That's as far back as I can remember a menu at Subway, at any rate. It's a veggie sub, not a vegetarian sub. The English language is pock=-marked with abbreviations. That particular one isn't a surprise or even nonsensical. "Vegetarian" is a very clinical sounding term. There's a reason marketers and common folks don't like to use it all the time. It's not a "nice" word.

>> No.5618257

'that tastes good'
'thats tasty ^_^'

you can abbreviate more than just a single word hun

>> No.5618260

>Looks like we've got ramsay in the kitchen today! Haha anon!

>> No.5618261

I fucking love cooking but I hate so many words that revolve around it.

Decadent, indulgent, anything that even sounds like someone would have their mouth full while they said it.

>> No.5618267
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>tfw when I harass anyone who asks that on /ck/

>> No.5618270

maybe because they are fairly simple terms that retarded fratbros can pick up to sound skilled while they render their steak well done and carmelize some potatoes to go with it

>> No.5618276

it would be vegetable sub. And not that guy, but it just makes them sound fuckign worse, like huge little babies too scared to eat meat because it might get grease on their manicure

>> No.5620162
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>> No.5620922

>not fapping whilst a female food reviewer moans

>> No.5621777


>> No.5621797

If I was your chef I'd be mouthing "what the fuck" silently

>> No.5621812

The sound of chewing drives me insane, and I especially don't like all those other sounds people make when they're enjoying food

I don't have anything against it but fuck me if it isn't a big pet peeve of mine, I wish I could give my family a reason for not eating at the table that isn't "dad chews so loud I have to make a conscious effort to not look like I'm about to go postal"

>> No.5621823

I hate listening to people eat crunchy food. Especially vegetables like carrots and cucumbers.

>> No.5621836

I understand tour point.
I got to the point of getting out of a room when someone was eating because I couldn't stand that chewing sound. It bugged me really hard. As an attempt to easy this feeling, I tried to pay attention to my own chewing sound. Just as disgusting as ever.
My life changed a lot a few months ago, so now I'm just to tired to care, but I can remember all the hatred filling my thought just from listening it.
I hope I don't ever face this thing again.

>> No.5623201

I bet you're one of those faggots who thinks "literally" means "figuratively".

>> No.5623208

>I wish I could give my family a reason for not eating at the table that isn't "dad chews so loud I have to make a conscious effort to not look like I'm about to go postal"

The worst of it is when you can't come up with a polite way to ask someone to chew with their mouth closed because even a simple "Please chew with your mouth closed" gains you a look of horror, as if you just killed a baby in front of them.

>I tried to pay attention to my own chewing sound.

I also do this. I'm not perfect at keeping my mouth shut when I chew, but most of the time I manage. It depends on how chewy the food itself is.

>> No.5623215

>"Moans whilst eating"
Thank you so much for hating this. I honestly thought I was the only one.

>> No.5623220

I close my eyes for a bit and smile when I eat something really delicious.

Deal with it, nerds.

>> No.5623279

>pain au yesterday
made me chuckle, anon.

>> No.5623302
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My boss likes to eat at the desk next to me and she smacks her food like a motherfucker. Pure hate. I wish I could yell at her and keep my job.

>> No.5623316

I hate the sound of my own chewing. I really try to be quiet when I'm eating cause it pisses me off so bad.
>that wet chewing sound you can hear in your own mouth
Other people have to be smacking their lips and generally eating like a 5 year old to piss me off though. Chewing with their mouth open never cease to piss me off. My brother has just recently stopped doing this. He is fucking 30 years old, I had to grow up with that loud, open mouthed chewing, and being a kid with no censor on what I say, I would always yell at him about it and he just didn't care. I ate dinner at his house yesterday and finally noticed he doesn't do that.

Good thing people don't generally study your face when you eat.

>> No.5623481


"Veggie" has been a thing for decades. It's a kiddie way of discusssing vegetables

>> No.5623521
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>you can abbreviate more than just a single word hun


>> No.5625667

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you; you have autism.

>> No.5625681
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>I have to stop people from complimenting it.

>> No.5625689
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>grandma told me she saw a REALLY fat woman on tv saying food gives her orgasms

Why are people so gross?

>> No.5625705


>> No.5625766

But dude, umami is a specific and legitimate flavor linked to an identifiable and measurable chemical, the same as say, salty, right? Why such hate :^)?