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5609429 No.5609429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What bottled water is best bottled water?

>> No.5609438

>Bottled tap water. Drinking it for 24 years no regrets

>> No.5609442

Badoit is pretty tight.

>> No.5609444
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huey lewis and the news water
theyre based out of america

>> No.5609456
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But in all seriousness, Evian is bretty good.

>> No.5609464

The filtered tap water I put in bottles.

>> No.5609483

Fiji Water

>> No.5609585

it's delicious and cheap.

>> No.5609594

I drink BLK.

>> No.5610798

0/10 you must not be from Fiji

>> No.5610813

Yeah, if you want the healthiest water, this or any other artesian-well sourced water that you can look at the quality reports for is your best bet.

Only thing I don't like about Fiji is it contains (naturally occurring) fluoride.

>> No.5610815

smart water is the only bottled water i buy. electrolytes after runs and shit.

>> No.5610818

mineral water

>> No.5610821

>its got what plants crave
>its got electrolytes

>> No.5610822

dasani is regular old water properly cleaned and treated by human technology. few companies know more about water than coke. it's a safe bet even if it doesn't look as cool as what celebrities hold.


i'd be circumspect about recommending fiji for any reason.

>> No.5610831

>i'd be circumspect about recommending fiji for any reason.


>> No.5610834

for bottled, still mineral waters available most places:

3. Voss
2. Fiji
1. Evian

>> No.5610882
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Best water coming through

>> No.5610895


well i personally have an electrolyte imbalance (on the low side) and i run daily so i need them.

>> No.5611025

Voss. If you add different organic fruits to it and wait for a while, they'll infuse the pure nature into the water and it'll cleanse you of toxins when you drink it.

>> No.5611057
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>> No.5611061
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The one you fill yourself.

>> No.5611475

Avion of course.

>> No.5611492

That's what I did in college. I live in a 110 year old building in an even older neighborhood and the water tasted like loose change and pocket lint. I would go back to my parents every 2nd week, do laundry, and fill several of those bottles up with tap water: had a water cooler set up in the kitchen.

>> No.5611496
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Recommended by Women's Health magazine.

>> No.5611501
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>> No.5611505

pocari sweat, nigga

or just buy some electrolyte powder/tablets and put it in whatever water you want

>> No.5611551

Voss and Avian (Y)

>> No.5611569

This is the greatest scam ever. Why didn't I think of this?

>> No.5611741

Look everyone an Alex Jones fag

>> No.5611748

It's literally all the same, you all are paying for a fancy bottle and "special filtration"

>> No.5611756

>confirmed for never trying things like >>5610882

>> No.5611761

>artesian water
nah I'll stick to my aquafina or dasani
or better yet, cheap ass water from gas stations

>> No.5611774

Congrats on listing the literal two worst brands of all time. I'm not even a water snob; half the time I just drink tap water. But Dasani and Aquafina both taste like drainage pipes.

>> No.5611776

maybe I like drainage water
must be from all those park water fountains
the ones that bubble and lag before any water comes out

>> No.5611805

dude what is it about playground water fountains that tasted so good? Also water from the hose.

>> No.5611852

Water tastes better when you're thirsty, that's it.

>> No.5611864

you obviously will never understand

>> No.5612000

>Only thing I don't like about Fiji is it contains (naturally occurring) fluoride.

Gotta protect those precious bodily fluids!

>> No.5612015
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This cave fed spring is on my property. Kinda hard to tell in pic but there is thousands of rocks filtering it out. Can also see the caved in cave entrance. Used to go 30 feet or so back into the cliff. Anyways, best water hands down.

>> No.5612021

Something that's repackaged municipal water. Sedimentary sourced spring water tastes like chalky ass and igneous sourced spring water contains terrifying amounts of uranium.

>> No.5612026

Better than rainwater even?

>> No.5612042

I'd put money on it

>> No.5612052

Forgot to mention too that it is a limestone cave. Live in Kentucky. So yeah, its water good enough to make bourbon.

>> No.5613176
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>not having a filter system setup in your house

>> No.5613215

Because it's a human rights disaster

Inb4 edgemasters proclaim their euphoric post morality philosophy

>> No.5613448
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>> No.5613465
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>> No.5613542

You drink bottled water? You know what Evian is backwards? Naive.

>> No.5615359

Fiji tastes good, but fuck those square bottles. Don't fit in any cup holders

>> No.5615364

>Living in a place where you need to process your own water

>> No.5615385
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>> No.5615391

>I'm not even a water snob

>> No.5615407

the cheapest one. unhealthy things like uranium are pretty expensive. so if they're selling it cheap, it probably doesn't contain a lot of these things.

>> No.5615432

I went on a backpacking trip to a lake high up in the mountains with a couple of other people. The water we pumped out of the lake (one of those handheld pump filter things) was the best water I have ever tasted. Ever.

No bottled water has ever compared, but Fiji is okay.

>> No.5615451
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>This thread

>> No.5615468

Funny, I would have flipped that order, but all three are my favorite when I am craving a great tasting super cold water, and 95% of the time, I'm a tap water guy.

>> No.5615471

Icelandic Glacial water is the best.

>> No.5615646

Are you the faggot in that other thread who claimed that municipal water is perfectly healthy and nobody has anything to worry about and extra filtration is completely unnecessary and retarded?

>> No.5615840
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>Later, the next night in fact, three of us, Craig McDermott, Courtney and myself, are in a cab heading toward Nell’s and talking about Evian water. Courtney, in an Armani mink, has just admitted, giggling, that she uses Evian for ice cubes, which sparks a conversation about the differences in bottled water, and at Courtney’s request we each try to list as many brands as we can.
>Courtney starts, counting each name off on one of her fingers. “Well, there’s Sparcal, Perrier, San Pellegrino, Poland Spring, Calistoga…” She stops, stuck, and looks over at McDermott for help.
>He sighs, then lists, “Canadian Spring, Canadian Calm, Montclair, which is also from Canada, Vittel from France, Crodo, which is Italian…” He stops and rubs his chin thoughtfully, thinking of one more, then announces it as if surprised. “Elan.” And though it seems he’s on the verge of naming another one, Craig lapses into an unilluminating silence.
>“Elan?” Courtney asks.
>“It’s from Switzerland,” he says.
>“Oh,” she says, then turns to me. “It’s your turn, Patrick.”
>Staring out the window of the cab, lost in thought, the silence I’m causing filling me with a nameless dread, numbly, by rote, I list the following. “You forgot Alpenwasser, Down Under, Schat, which is from Lebanon, Qubol and Cold Springs—”
>“I said that one already,” Courtney cuts in, accusingly.
>“No,” I say. “You said Poland Spring.”
>“Is that right?” Courtney murmurs, then tugging at McDermott’s overcoat, “Is he right, Craig?”
>“Probably.” McDermott shrugs. “I guess.”
>“You must also remember that one should always buy mineral water in glass bottles. You shouldn’t buy it in plastic ones,” I say ominously, then wait for one of them to ask me why.
>“Why?” Courtney’s voice is tinged with actual interest.
>“Because it oxidizes,” I explain. “You want it to be crisp, with no aftertaste..”

>> No.5616206


>> No.5616489
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Fiji tastes off to me.

>> No.5616686

cool tap water from a glass vacuum flask

>> No.5616925

I love you.

>> No.5616952

>fluoride conspiracy


>> No.5617467

Go fuck yourself, illuminoid. Some conspiracies are true.

>> No.5617480

just curious, what do the moonrunes say?
brb google
mostly pictures of soccer. the questions stands

>> No.5617481

Aquafina is the GOAT bottled water.

#1 NA

>> No.5617494


/x/ or /pol/ are that way!

>> No.5617506

so we can talk about GMO's, pros and cons of organic, plastic bottles, and how nonvegans are ruining the planet but not about hoe flouride in all of our water could possible be a bad thing or at the very least not needed?

Also conspiracies go on /x/ not /pol/ and discussing whether or not flouride is beneficial is not a conspiracy theory.

>> No.5617516

Obviously youve never seen the youtube video of Obama shapeshifting on live TV.

>> No.5617517
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>tfw you live in the town where Aquafina is bottled and the water tastes great compared to everywhere else but every year they're finding more and more mercury in the water supply but you're leaving for NYC in the fall anyways

>> No.5617547

>healthiest water
Fucking lel.