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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 21 KB, 400x265, grits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5608651 No.5608651 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys add to instant grits to make them taste better? They used to taste amazing when I was younger now they're just bland.

>I'm not going to cook a whole fucking steak in the morning to add with my grits.

>> No.5608655

mare regular grits and you can do a lot of things plus they taste better anyway

>> No.5608658

>using instant grits

just get some real grits and simmer them with milk, butter, salt and pepper. add some shredded cheese at the end.

if you want grits then have the decency to do them justice

>> No.5608659

I make cream of wheat because its much better

>> No.5608662
File: 292 KB, 600x450, steelcutoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat oatmeal. This message is bought to you by the North American Millers' Association.

>> No.5608665


Just set the steak up sous vide the night before... Quitcherbitshen.

>> No.5608668

No thank's, I'd rather not eat flavored snot.

>> No.5608672

>eating grits
SEC please go

>> No.5608673

>i only make quick oatmeal and grits and i called something snot

>> No.5608679

SEC is the best conference though, the hardest schedules of anybody

>> No.5608694
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>not eating grits

yanqui go home

>> No.5608701

salt + garlic + fresh black pepper + butter

>> No.5608702

What they said and fry some sausage or a ham slice while the grits cook.

>> No.5608730

I used to eat bacon and grits on the reg when I was in highschool.
Add salt&butter right when its done cooking, then put a few strips of crispy bacon right on top.
mmmm mmmm bitch
I would just microwave the bacon to save time as I did this on lunch break. So damn good.

>> No.5608734

>salting after theyve cooked
you dun goofed

>> No.5608736

why would it matter? You add a little while cooking and some to taste after. What's wrong with that? Please respond.

>> No.5608749

Nothing. They were only eaten out of necessity.Of course, no one would ever give southerners points for brains...

>> No.5608756

salting the water allows the grits to soak the seasoning into it instead of just on top and makes them taste a whole lot better.

>> No.5608758

salting before cooking takes out the grits natural juices

>> No.5608763

You think I wouldn't stir it after adding the salt? Is that all? What is the difference between letting it "soak in the seasoning" and stirring it in when it's in a bowl? It's dissolved in the water either way.

>> No.5608768

Are you serious? The grits absorb the cooking liquid while they are cooking, they dont absorb shit after the fact. How runny are your grits?

>> No.5608778

>thinking salt content has anything to do with how runny the grits are
How's the weather up north? Old people dying from 80 degree weather yet?
My grits are flawless, they are grandma status.

>> No.5608788
File: 3 KB, 98x126, 1312742989155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dried corn meal
>natural juices

captcha: only thelobi

>> No.5608789

im in the south I know that salt content has nothing to do with how runny it is I was referring to this comment
>stirring it in when it's in a bowl? It's dissolved in the water either way.

how can it dissolve in the water after its cooked unless its watery grits?

>> No.5608791

What do expect from people that accept creationism over empirical evidence?

>> No.5608794

bacon, scrambled eggs, cheese

>> No.5608795
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 1310425666778.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you put salt in the water while it's cooking the grits absorb some of the salt, this doesn't happen if you only add salt after the grits are already cooked

to refined palates the difference is as night and late twilight

>> No.5608799

seems to be exactly what I said.

>> No.5608802

visual aids make all the difference

>> No.5608803

A pinch of salt, same with oatmeal.

>> No.5608811

oh, ive only got the regular type of aids

>> No.5608815

but oatmeal is sweet
why not add berries or cinnamon or something like that instead?

>> No.5608821

regular aids is the best aids

>> No.5608857

Just be a man and buy corn meal it's the same shit. srsly... the one time i was forced to make them from scratch then told to do them instant to compare i thought i was being punked

>> No.5608858

Both works nice, but the pinch of salt brings out the flavors of both, oatmeal and berries for instance. Like a pinch of salt over some melon is nice too.

Not too much, just a pinch.

>> No.5608869

Yeah its like knowing youre goin to hell, once you got it you can pretty much do whatever you want.

>> No.5608926
File: 323 KB, 1409x800, kosh-untitled-aka-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much, but only to fools.

>> No.5608941

>based Bab 5
Why dont they make sci fi like this any more?

>> No.5608997

Cook them a day beforehand, put into a meatloaf pan and let them set. Then cut them into inch-thick slices and fry them up the next morning.

>> No.5608999


go back to sicily you dirty wop

>> No.5609007

haha, wops amirite?

>> No.5609014

u izrite

>> No.5609020

an dey says it hurts de first time

>> No.5609038
File: 9 KB, 253x192, 1312742493793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it does

>> No.5609177

>fresh fruit

cheese is the best, IMHO. I usually don't like sharp cheeses but in the case of grits the sharper the better

>> No.5609193

When you have time, go buy a pack of bacon, and fry it up. Then chop it into bite sized pieces/bits, put it all in a ziplock bag, and put in your freezer. (Bacon freezes wonderfully, and reheats perfectly). Also, grate (or buy grated) some sharp cheddar cheese. In the morning, make your grits as per usual, and stir in some of the bacon pieces and cheddar cheese at the end, just before they're done cooking. You can just add the bacon pieces straight from the freezer, the hot grits will warm them up perfectly. Just be sure to add the bacon and cheese before the grits are done, so they have time to heat/melt.

Another interesting and delicious combination is to add some cream cheese towards the end of cooking. Even better is the chive and onion cream cheese. This is also good with some cooked chopped bacon, or crumbled sausage.

>> No.5609506
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>Instant grits...no self-respecting southerner uses instant grits

>> No.5610801


>> No.5610985

I had bought some because I had a craving, and I had a lot left over. My mom used the stuff to make something of a rice pudding-copy. (We're Mexican and she had no idea what grits are, so she just assumed it was like rice)
She cooked it with milk and condensed milk and threw in some cinnamon sticks as itcooked. It came out really good. It was goopier than rice pudding, but same shit really.

>> No.5611003

I'm sure people will hate me for this, but I put in butter, salt, black pepper, red pepper, and smoked hungarian paprika. The paprika gives it a nice smokey taste and the hate from the red pepper makes it really nice. Then again I live in the southwest so maybe it's my regional tastes that make me like it.

>> No.5611007

I came here to post this.

>> No.5611009

tabasco sauce