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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 586 KB, 1938x1644, Toaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5604424 No.5604424 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5604427
File: 641 KB, 1379x900, NSYAC-Beauty-Shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a toaster but I think I've used it maybe twice in the past year. I'd call that a unitasker gimmick.

Now a rice cooker, that's something worth having. The only times I've not used mine in the last year, I was out of town.

>> No.5604433
File: 31 KB, 451x369, Grillcheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grillcheese maker is worth having

>> No.5604444

Do you know if rice cookers are good for risotto?

>> No.5604459
File: 10 KB, 300x225, lime squeezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you seem stuck on this term unitasker, for someone that doesn't even eat toast, you'd find it inefficient to turn on an oven broiler every time you needed only 10 seconds of toasting. But don't you think you should look more into your vitamin deficiencies and slow the hell down on the daily rice consumption quantities?

I suggest seeking out and owning an old fashioned caliper style lime squeezer. These things smash dry any lime or lemon, holding back the seeds, and are easily reloaded by flipping upside down. You don't even need the holes, just tip out the juice. There is no carpel tunnel, shoulder strain or two handed insane pressing inside out.

>> No.5604462


I only eat rice once a day with dinner. I can almost guarantee you my diet is far more varied and interesting than yours, but thanks for trying.


No, a resounding no on that. There is no shortcut for good risotto. Well I'm sure it's technically possible but I doubt anyone would want to pay for a custom made machine just for risotto, unless someone turned it into like a fast casual chain, like Chipotle but for risotto. I can imagine the cries of outrage already.

>> No.5604465

You can't stir the rice so no.
Pressure cooker with one of those automatic paddle things would do you better.

>> No.5604473
File: 9 KB, 300x258, Garlicpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5604475

>carpel tunnel, shoulder strain
Either you are as weak as a small girl with brittle bones or you squeeze far too many citrus fruits at one time without proper technique or training.

>> No.5604489

They're good for congee but not risotto, which needs continual tending.

I find both toasters and rice cookers unitaskers and I have neither.

>> No.5604506
File: 37 KB, 850x800, Hong_Kong_Automatic_Egg_Boiler629201175543PM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most important

>> No.5604510


Why? It's hard to clean and serves no useful purpose. Just smash the garlic with the side of your knife. That peels and crushes it in one step, with no extra or difficult cleanup.

>> No.5604514


I stopped cutting garlic because it made my hands smell like garlic for days, no matter how much I washed them, no matter how much I rubbed stainless steel.
Then I got a garlic press and life's garlicy now without smelly hands. A great investment.

>> No.5604517


no thanks

just learn how to use a knife properly

>> No.5604520


If you hold it properly and cut it properly your hands shouldnt smell of garlic

>> No.5604524


Show me this magical technique that lets you hold garlic without touching it

>> No.5604526
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>> No.5604527
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Gas Stove.

>> No.5604530
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Did I say that I hold garlic without touching it?

Holding garlic properly =/= Fumbling around with smashed up garlic pieces and getting the natural garlic oils all over your fingers and into your pores

Pic related, retard.

>> No.5604531

>no matter how much I rubbed stainless steel.
You appear to be such a fucked faggoty fuck fuck McCuck that principles of chemistry and physics ignore your skin.

>> No.5604532


Yeah, that's what I always did.
There still was garlic juice on the garlic.
And not to forget, look at the blade. See those garlic slices on there? You can climb them.
And also, you have to get them off of there to chop the garlic. How do you do this? Do you use your fingers or do you actually dirty another piece of cutlery to scrape it off?

Garlic crushers are incredibly useful and much faster than finely chopping it with a knife. And they're very easy to clean, no idea where that one anon got the idea from that they're difficult to clean

>> No.5604534

>Hard to clean

Dishwasher doesn't seem to have a problem.

>> No.5604537
File: 7 KB, 300x400, warning-pro-prof-immersion-blender-sb10-mdn5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A stick blender.

>> No.5604540


No exposed inner garlic slide is touching skin in that picture, not sure what you mean about the garlic slices because they arent anywhere near the fingers themselves.

>And also, you have to get them off of there to chop the garlic. How do you do this? Do you use your fingers or do you actually dirty another piece of cutlery to scrape it off?

You use the knife you're cutting the garlic with, and this point is kinda stupid when a garlic press is itself an additional piece of cutlery you are dirtying and needing to clean just for garlic.

If you still got garlic-smelling hands after slicing the garlic like this then you were either using a blunt knife that cannot slice properly or you were fumbling around with the slicing action.

>> No.5604543


Put whole, unpeeled garlic clove on your cutting board.
Smack it with the flat of your knife. If you want it coarse don't smack it very hard. If you want it fine, smack hard.
Grab the skin with your fingertips and pick it up. The garlic falls away from the skin. You throw the skin away. Then scrape up the garlic from the cutting board with your knife and put it in your food directly from there,

Takes about 2 seconds total. No raw garlic touches your hands. No additional tools required.

>no idea where that one anon got the idea from that they're difficult to clean

It's not that they're difficult to clean in the grand scheme of things. IT's that they're more effort than simply wiping off your knife, which you're probably using anyway when you cook. Many garlic presses have lots of fine holes and also gaps between the little "pusher pins" for lack of a better term. That requires some scrubbing with a brush if you want to make sure it's clean.

>> No.5604544
File: 87 KB, 640x441, 1405431815444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at the pic. There's garlic slices ON the blade. When I want to chop the garlic, I have to get those off of the blade. With something.

And maybe I got garlic juices on there because I cut off both ends of the garlic, that might be a reason.

>> No.5604548


>tap knife on board
>scrape knife against side of cutting board and scoop up with knife to reposition

fuck me its like you are complaining you get water all over your arm and hands when trying to pour it into a glass and i have to explain to you how to do it properly

>> No.5604550

>Put whole, unpeeled garlic clove on your cutting board.[...]

Never really worked for me. It wasn't really crushed as a garlic crusher would crush it, it was just flattened/strings of garlic. But it's cool that it works for you

>> No.5604551
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>> No.5604552

Toaster: makes sense if you frequently start you day with toast. Mine lives in the closet, because I only make toast once in a while. Not worth keeping out in the kitchen.

Rice cooker: If rice is an everyday staple it's worth it. I have rice about three days a week, so I love my rice cooker, but could do without it.

Citrus reamer: My wife loves the old fashioned glass one we have. Doesn't take up much space.

Garlic press: Not a fan. Makes garlic taste funny, because you're practically juicing it.

Sandwich press: Lots of fun for one summer, then the novelty wore off. Gave it away.

Microwave: Not something I want/need, but I see how it is convenient for reheating stuff.

Pressure cooker: Very useful for soups, stocks, stews and dried beans made in 1/3 the time they'd otherwise take. I don't NEED it, but use it often.

Immersion blender: Great for pureed soups, otherwise not terribly useful.

>> No.5604554


Tapping doesn't get them all off, scraping increases the chance that it falls down to the ground.

But, you know, to each their own. I like my garlic crusher, you like chopping it with your knife. And we're both happy with our ways, aren't we?

>> No.5604555


Oh and lets not forget you could just use a smaller knife and you are nit-picking some technicality from that picture when it was just to describe the garlic holding technique

Just admit you're lazy and cannot use a knife properly and thats why you have a garlic press,

>> No.5604558


>denying physics


>> No.5604559


But that's not it. I hold the garlic just like in the pic. Man. Why don't you believe me? What have I done to you guys? Just because I like my garlic press doesn't mean that I like you any less...

>> No.5604560
File: 209 KB, 630x420, Auto-Mini-Donut-Factory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5604561


I firmly believe that if you are competent cutting garlic without a garlic press then your knife skills will improve overall.

>> No.5604562

And if you use a garlic press your garlic press skills will improve.

>> No.5604567


I'm competent at cutting garlic with my knife. Jeepers creepers, guys. How many times do I have to tell you this:
>cut both ends of garlic because it's easier to peel for me
>start cutting
>already getting garlic juices on my fingers because cut both ends
>want to chop it
>have to scrape off garlic slices of the blade with my fingers because they stick to it
>start chopping
>have to scrape off roughly chopped garlic from blade with my fingers
>chop more
>add garlic to dish
>have garlic fingers

Okay? I mean, it's fantastic that the garlic just falls off the blade for you guys and you can easily peel it without cutting off both ends but this just isn't the case for me so I was very happy to get a garlic press.

>> No.5604571

>not having a glestain

It's like you hate cutting things

>> No.5604572


>smash garlic clove
>remove skin
>cut off root end
>begin slicing with a small knife
>because i started cutting at the root end my final slice is by the other end of the garlic and i can just discard it

>> No.5604575


Now I feel just stupid.
Doesn't take care of the blade scraping though

>> No.5604576

>into your pores
Implying garlic isn't antiseptic anyway

>> No.5604584


if scraping the knife against a corner or tapping it on the board doenst remove it, just wash your finger in soapy water right after and it shouldnt penetrate into your skin and leave a lingering smell

>> No.5604585
File: 1.94 MB, 425x261, strongliftsface.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about kitchen equipment
>thread turns into a fight between people who use >garlic press or using a knife to cut garlic

Seriously who gives a fuck? Never change co/ck/suckers

>> No.5604587


As I've said, it doesn't help. I don't know what it is but this smell just stays on my fingers.

>> No.5604590

faggots gonna fag

>> No.5604592

use toothpaste to wash your hands

>> No.5604618
File: 13 KB, 500x341, 31FJGS8PZYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this more than any other tool in my kitchen. Knife excluded.

>> No.5604633

What is it... And if you use it more than any thing else... Then... What are all the uses?

>> No.5604637


I believe it's one of those garlic peelers

>> No.5604638

D they actually even work? How could you use that more than any other piece of cooking gadgetry.. Seems like a total unitasker.

>> No.5604654
File: 98 KB, 1000x563, chinesefingertrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did someone use a Chinese finger trap to peel garlic first? Or did some asshole get their fingers stuck in a garlic peeler and decide to sell them to kids at Dave and Busters for $45 worth of tickets

>> No.5604656

Kill yourself, faglord

>> No.5606688

You're not washing your hands properly.

Source: I know you've never scrubbed up for surgery, you dirty fucker.

>> No.5606692

A female

>> No.5606701

Men make better cooks most of the time.

>> No.5606703

>for $45 worth of tickets
Damn you must have a level of shitty reflexes combined with super human determination to come close to fitting that hyperbole

>> No.5606706


Yea but you cant rape a man without becoming gay so...

>> No.5606717

No, but a pressure cooker can do it in about 15 minutes with only 6 minutes of stirring. A dutch oven can also make it easier.

>> No.5606719

See my last post. A pressure cooker can make short work of risotto.

>> No.5606730
File: 1.19 MB, 240x240, 1393634594268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5606732

Fucking hell, I would love having that.

>tfw using an electric stove for years now

>> No.5606736

Horrible hot dry bread? Get a sandwhich press to toast your bread. It retains moisture so it comes out nice and steamy hot like almost made fresh. Don't press it, just rest it on top.

>> No.5606753
File: 26 KB, 267x320, 1377502276836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5606776

Food processor
Deep fryer
Food mill
Steamer net
Stand mixer with ice cream attachment
Immersion blender
Big teak cutting board
Rice cooker (can do several things)
Sous vide Immersion circulator
Dutch oven
Mini processor
Box grater
Garlic press
Smoking gun (don't have this yet)
Mini oven
Pressure cooker
Mortar, pestle
Electronic knife sharpener

>> No.5606780

but pressing/grating a garlic releases other/stronger flavours than plain cutting/dicing. also roasting a whole garlic head in aluminium foil in the oven releases yet another flavour of garlics.
but I agree that a garlic press is inferior to a normal micrograter.

>> No.5607115


I'm a dirty fucker because I'm not a surgeon?

>> No.5607163
File: 5 KB, 276x182, caprica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these but I don't use it anymore.
I like to have one piece of toast in morning and I always ended up throwing out the other piece of toast.
seemed like a waste.

>> No.5607217

>tfw you've only got a four slice toaster
>gotta throw out three slices of toast if you just want one

Feels guilty, man. If only there was a less wasteful way to make one slice of toast.

>> No.5607224
File: 80 KB, 600x532, toaster6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear you bro
I end up throwing out 5 pieces of toast everyday
feels bad man

>> No.5607262

My personal favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SpYKk-6UZM

>> No.5607380

dear lawdy

>> No.5607404

Wait what?
I thought gas stoves are more common than electric ones
I've lived in five houses and all of them had gas stoves and most people's houses I've been to have gas stoves
Is it just an american thing or something?

>> No.5607447

>there are faggots on /ck/ that don't bake their "toast" in a toaster oven with pre-placed butter or cheese

>> No.5607669
File: 36 KB, 500x500, bimbotoastedbread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people can't afford a toaster, so they have to buy already toasted bread.

>> No.5607677

>scraping increases the chance that it falls down to the ground
Good god, man, you're a mess. Work on your knife skills.

>> No.5607681



>> No.5607699

>retains moisture
moist toast is terribad

>> No.5607712
File: 6 KB, 212x238, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5607723

Nice quads

>> No.5607750


Scotland here, in my experience gas is more common here too.

>mfw I found out today my gas cooker has a fault and it's getting taken away

The landlord's paying for a new one but still, A toaster, a microwave and a kettle are my only ways of heating stuff up for the next week or so.

>> No.5607754
File: 663 KB, 241x182, 1288984549529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>immersion blender

excuse me

>> No.5607767

Kettle / Toaster / Blender

The oven handles everything else.

Honorary mention : Dishwasher. I don't need it but I sure as hell am not getting rid of it.

>> No.5607799
File: 8 KB, 273x184, aero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607924

>Big spoon

Am I missing anything?

>> No.5608012

Student houses here (UK) tend to have electric cookers because students are drunk spastics. Possibly other rental properties are similar, but I couldn't really say. My parent's house has gas though.

>> No.5608283


A garlic crusher

>> No.5608440

toaster oven
natty/lpg stove
pressure cooker
food mill
citrus press
thermometer, meat/candy and digital IR

cutting board

mrtar/pestle or coffee grinder
oven mitts
french press or other coffee maker
can opener

steel pan
baking dishes

honorary mention:

silicone grip mats
flex cutting board
waffle iron (over stove)
overhead dishwashing high pressure faucet
deep freezer
salad spinner (fight me, faggot)
bartender's nibs for oil vinegar booze pouring
twelve lb anvil
plastic squeeze bottles for sauces and condiments
heavy iron wall mounted bottle opener
baking stone
large funnel, 1.5 in spout
no-slip rubber floor mats

>> No.5608447

Two pots, a pan, and a wok.

>> No.5608963

>crushed garlic is the same as smashed/chopped

lol no.
Even if you sat there chopping it for 10mins it wouldnt be the same. A garlic press pulverizes it into a paste.

>> No.5608979
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>> No.5609069

So use a microplane if you have more than a couple of cloves.
Salt then run knife through for 10 seconds.

>> No.5609073

Make it a wooden spoon, a cauldron, and add a witches hat and a wart.

>> No.5609288

Coffee grinder.

>> No.5609328

The bottom of a pot can substitute for a pan in a pinch.

>> No.5609333

toaster oven not just a toaster
a good food processor
a large surface electric griddle
mandolin slicer

>> No.5609338


>> No.5609451
File: 33 KB, 496x260, thermomix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking German science is borderline magic. That price though.

>> No.5609614


These things have been popping up in the circle of friends of my mom's and I just don't understand their appeal. They're insanely expensive but what do they do? Aren't they just heated mixers?

>> No.5609694

A video posted by some chef had him making a simple syrup, the machine takes 30 minutes to do it.

>> No.5609714
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>> No.5609716
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>> No.5609718
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>> No.5609733
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>> No.5610628

They mix, chop, bakes, cools, steams and do other stuff. I went to a demonstration where a single one made ice cream, pizza, cooked chicken, minced vegetables, mixed some drinks and some other stuff I wasn't there for.

>> No.5610780


>> No.5610809


You sure about that? I know they have a heater built in but AFIK they cannot "cool". A quick review of their web site had a list of features but cooling was never mentioned.

>> No.5610816

it just so happens that i do not have a toaster.

haven't had one in a while.

>> No.5610839


...b..b..but what does it doooo?

>> No.5610842


that's a zester. It makes zest from citrus fruit.

Personally I'd rather have a very fine grater like a microplane. Those make zest too, but also have a lot of other uses.

>> No.5610843


Have one of those in my kitche, very useful because
>in one

But if I had a choice, I'd get an inductive stove. They're the best of both worlds, safe as electric stoves but as fast as gas ones.

>> No.5610863


Not really. They still lack the power of gas, which nothing else can touch. IMHO that is by far the most important factor.

Safety? A non-issue. Electric stoves can start fires just like gas can. And electric appliances can shock you, which gas cannot. Induction also forces you to use ferrous cookware, which is less responsive than aluminum or copper.

>> No.5610869


I've used my mother's stove, an inductive one, and man, let me tell you, I'd immediately trade my regular electric one in for one of those. I don't want gas because I feel that it's much more dangerous than anything electric. This probably isn't true but this knowledge won't change my feelings towards that technology.
It's also a lot of fun putting a CRT or something similar next to an inductive stove and watch what happens

>> No.5610879

>ctrl + f "slow cooker"
>0 results

Everyone here is missing out on some of the best and easiest meals ever.

>> No.5610884


How so? I slow cook plenty of things in a dutch oven. You don't need to buy a crock pot to enjoy slow cooking.

>> No.5610912


Not him, but I'd feel safer leaving the house with something inside a slow cooker as opposed to a something on the burner.

>> No.5610913

>what is an oven

>> No.5610927

>leaving the house with something in the oven
How is that an improvement?

>> No.5610933

after years of leaving shit cooking oven night in a professional kitchen ive begun doing this at home

as long as there is enough liquid that it wont evaporate and burn or splatter or you have your oven on super hot theres no issue

Do you think they just magically explode for no reason b/c you leave the house

>> No.5610942


>Do you think they just magically explode for no reason b/c you leave the house

Yes. I lived in an earthquake country where we turn off the gas line before we leave the house, so I'm super paranoid about this.

>> No.5611110
File: 682 KB, 320x240, jack.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Citrus reamer?

I just use my rock hard erection to juice citrus in the kitchen.

>> No.5611390

Nigga just use the small side of a box grater.
>pretentious foodies overpaying for kitchen tools

>> No.5611400

lol These guys.

A garlic press extrudes the garlic, instead of crushing it. This means you can use less garlic and get the same amount of garlic flavor. They also make jumbo garlic presses so you can extrude an entire bulb of garlic instead of just one or two cloves. They increase productivity a great deal because there's no need to separate the chaff from the garlic flesh. The press does all that for you.

Also, when you use these, just rinse then with water once every 3 minutes until you are done. This helps prevent everything turning to glue and making it hard to wash off.

>> No.5611405
File: 50 KB, 320x320, Black-Decker-Stainless-Steel-Six-slice-Toaster-Oven-P14200190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have some form of toaster oven in your house you really need to rethink your entire life.

>> No.5611515

I have a toaster oven but I never use it for anything

The only thing I used to use it for was toasting some bread but I don't even do that anymore

Just use an oven you degenerate

>> No.5611519
File: 14 KB, 294x300, 51A7lJ-zq1L._SY300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welding gloves/sleeves
more useful than ovenmitts

>> No.5611611


Go to sleep, Alton.

>tfw work in a real kitchen and use flimsy rags to pick up hot shit, use two in each hand if necessary, use two plus my apron if shit starts to burn

>buying a pair of welding gloves to take a 350 degree sheet pan out of the home oven twice a week

>> No.5611613


This right here.

>> No.5611616

This right here, all i ever use for hot things is a towel or my apron

>> No.5611621

>They don't have an 800 degree oven for pizzas

>> No.5611622

you use a peel for that retard, no one is removing pizzas from a brick oven that arent even on a pan or anything with an oven mit

>> No.5611625


We do thin crust pizza, and only turn our pizza oven up to 550.

>using a kitchen towel to take a pizza out of the pizza oven

There's a very specific tool for that, anon.

>> No.5611628

You never bake at over 350? You're not much of a cook, are you?

>> No.5611631


You're missing the point, anon.

>> No.5611717

Yeah, just checked. The ice cream must have been made using ice somewhere. Still, it was ready in a couple of minutes.

>> No.5612964

What's the best to cook fries with?

I have a deep fryer, but the cleaning and oil changes kill me. I've seen devices that promise no mess, but I'm doubtful

>> No.5612994


A deep fryer.

They also shouldn't be that difficult to use. You can reuse the oil many times. As for cleaning them, that's really easy: turn the deep fryer on until the oil gets WARM. Not hot enough to burn you, just WARM. Then unplug it and pour out the oil. IT's easiler to get all the oil out when it is warm. Now fill it up with water and turn it on. Let the water boil for a while, this will clean it out really well. Dump out the oily water. It should be spotless now. Wipe it dry so you don't get water in your new oil. Refill it and you're good to go.

>> No.5613002


Yeah, you can do that in a normal blender too. There's nothing special about the thermomix as far as making ice cream is concerned.

Cooling is the one thing I really wish the Thermomix would do. I have no need for it to heat while blending, but I would LOVE it if it would cool while blending.

>> No.5613011

get a pacojet

>> No.5613016


Pacojet would work, though it's a bit more work to freeze the food in the container first. Though I'd love to have one, ice cream aside is makes amazingly smooth sauces.

>> No.5613051

Since I live alone, a convection toaster oven is pretty useful. It doesn't heat my whole flat and don't consume a million kilowatt.

>> No.5613078

give me a sous vide machine, a 4-way grater. a propane torch, and a chef's knife and I can make literally any dish

>> No.5613087


ok, make me a cake

>> No.5613090

>he thinks you cant make a cake sous vide

>> No.5613099

why not? i've baked bread in a sous vide before, you just have to add some air to the bag of mix before you submerge it

>> No.5613103


Im not a skilled cook im just trying to theorize something you couldn't make


you might be able to make most anything, what would be the least efficient dishes to make with that setup?

could you deep fry?

how bout ice cream?

>> No.5613107

>i dont know shit im just trying to be a nit picking little dick

>> No.5613111

i run the sous vide station at work. i could do typical deep fry foods like fries or fried chicken and such, plus you use only like a table spoon of oil for say 6 pieces of fried chicken.

i wouldn't be able to make ice cream (at least I don't think so), but that isn't "cooking" anyways because nobody "cooks" ice cream

>> No.5613119

You cant fry in sous vide, you cant get the waterbath hot enough you can however heat the custard for ice cream in the waterbath and then freeze it.

>> No.5613133

>You cant fry in sous vide
of course you can, just add a little oil to the bag

>> No.5613136

thats a confit not frying

>> No.5613144

you have no clue what you're talking about

confit is a lot lower temperature, and is usually with the fat from the own animal. hence why something like duck confit has added duck fat

>> No.5613368

>I have a toaster oven but I never use it for anything

You don't even cook then.

>Just use an oven you degenerate

And heat up everything in the house?

Mine has a fan built into it. I use it at least once a day and it's like $5 a month in electric max.

>> No.5613440


you can learn things by questioning things, then being corrected

>> No.5613678

>You don't even cook then.
People who cook with toaster ovens are Real Cooks <TM>.

I only regularly use my stove and oven.

>> No.5613680


It's not because he doesn't own one. It's because he owns one and doesn't use it.