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File: 85 KB, 632x418, 030714-Terra-WSJ-632x418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5603526 No.5603526 [Reply] [Original]

So are veggie chips the real deal or just a fad?
>pic related I'm eating these right now

>> No.5603543

tato is a vegtable

>> No.5603544

what do you mean the real deal

they taste good

>> No.5603545

People like to think "OH WOW VEGETABLE CHIPS THESE MUST BE MUCH HEALTHIER THAN POTATO CHIPS!" and grab any random bag. Then demolish the same amount of salt as say, a bag of Lays. The kind of people that jump on things like this don't look at calories or how the chip is actually prepared or care what brand they get. So they'll probably be a fad because the people that want to lose weight by "eating healthier" while they really aren't will move on to the next thing in due time.

I like them though.

>> No.5603548

Veggie chips are tasty.

I've never had a good popcorn chip so far, though. Those things taste like powdered and re-constituted ass.

>> No.5603556

I actually love vegetable chips because of the varied texture and taste

Also taro is tasty as fuck

>> No.5603557
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sodium doesnt look too bad though

>> No.5603559

They are what they are, what are you even asking?

>> No.5603569

Oh I'm not saying all are.
I can go grab a bag and have worse than that. Not complaining about you lol

>> No.5603570

fad? I've eaten these since I was a kid and I'm 27

>> No.5603581

I know, i wasnt criticizing you. I'd figure I'd post the label in case people in the thread were curious about it.

>> No.5603603

I love the fuck out of terra blues though
they taste like a cross between a cashew and a pistachio

>> No.5603635

People have been infusing fruit with water forever, but it's becoming a fad right now. Dumb tumblr girls.

>> No.5603647

they've been out for a while. They're okay.

>> No.5603650

Soy chips are getting pretty popular

>> No.5605673


Frito-Lay announced Monday that it would, against its better judgment, roll out a new line of healthy fruit-and-vegetable-based chips next February.

"Here," said Frito-Lay CEO Al Carey as he disgustedly tossed a bag of the company's new Flat Earth-brand snack crisps onto the lectern during a meeting with shareholders and members of the press. "Here's some shit that's made from beets. I hope you're all happy now that you have your precious beet chips with the recommended daily serving of fruit, or vegetables, or whatever the hell a 'beet' is."

>> No.5605683

shit's been on the shelf for almost two decades so it must be a heck of a fad


they taste good; people are dumb; salt bogeyman is dead thanks to good research; frying and salting just about any food is good enough to eat.

>> No.5605687

based frito lay

>> No.5605866

I don't care for em too much.

The speckled ones can give you kisney stones, but thats only if you eat the vegetable uncooked, so you should be fine.

>> No.5605911

I love the sweet potato and beet ones

>> No.5606566

>14 chips

Hahahaha no

>> No.5606768

No silly taro varieties have varying levels of calcium oxalate; those specific taro are bun long and don't have nearly as much as some of the older varieties in Polynesia.

>> No.5606795

They taste good, but I'm not paying like 5 time the price of a bag of potato chips for it.

>> No.5606814

They're expensive as shit

>> No.5606822

The place that sells these where I am also sells every root that they're made of.

You get more for your money if you put in the effort and make your own.

All you really need is some basic spices like garlic salt and it already tastes a whole lot like them.

>> No.5606856

Light salted lays have less sodium.

>> No.5606884
File: 21 KB, 460x337, 1381780231586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>veggie chips
>not vegan

Now that we're on a roll:
>biological potatos
>biological eggs
>anything biological that's obviously bio material

>> No.5606908
File: 7 KB, 195x167, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By god you're a flaming retard. Think before you shit the sheets, please?

Different vegetables of different colour tend to offer different nutrients. Potatos only offer 50% your Vitamin C, starch, and 40% your potassium or something? Not really hard-to-obtain vitamins since most people think to have a glass of juice a day you know.

Look at a Sweet potato though, you got 700% your Vitamin A, 50% your manganese, cant be fucked what else. The colour is related to the vitamin density. Think beetroot mixed in, its very pretty on the eyes to see a bunch of chips like that to snack on. The brain is acute to this fact.

>> No.5606916

Yeah, but when you're eating thin slices of vegetables covered in salts and however many preservatives, the very little amount of vitamins you'd get from these things kind of pale in comparison to the amount you'd get just eating a whole, properly prepared vegetable.

>> No.5606925

whats wrong with having a tasty easy to eat snack at a party that may also provide nutrients?
why settle for 2 benefits when you can have 3 in one

>> No.5606936

Nothing wrong with it, unless you think they are actually considered a healthy snack which a lot of people will.
I can think of way more healthier alternative snacks to serve at a party.

>> No.5606940

u sund lyk a retraded marketre

>> No.5606963


only faggots follow serving sizes

>> No.5606987
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>> No.5607018

>shit's been on the shelf for almost two decades so it must be a heck of a fad
This. I remember eating these in the early 1990's. The kind of people who did yoga and ate blue corn tortilla chips with organic salsa would put them out at parties. They were pretty clearly marketed as an upscale alternative to potato chips, so much so I believe health food stores sold them. Haven't had them in years, but remember liking the parsnip chips in the mixed bag.

This hardly makes them a fad. They've been around almost as long as sriracha sauce. Did these items (along with avocados) just start appearing on shelves in Peoria?

>> No.5607031


Whoa buddy let's not get crazy here. Next you'll be implying that whole wheat sandwich bread isn't the overpriced hipster flash in the pan trendy tumblr bullshit that it clearly is.

>> No.5607046

beetroot crisps are great
i wish i could get bags that were solely beetroot

>> No.5607174

>Next you'll be implying that whole wheat sandwich bread isn't the overpriced hipster flash in the pan trendy tumblr bullshit that it clearly is.
I'm still waiting for this bullshit breakfast cereal trend to pass. Fucking hipster vegetarian bullshit.

>> No.5607181

Beet chips are delicious

>> No.5607218

>alternative marginally-healthier-and-more-satisfying-than-potato-chips snack option
Variety does not a fad make

>> No.5607512

>The colour is related to the vitamin density.

>> No.5607514

"Here's some shit that's made from beets. I hope you're all happy now that you have your precious beet chips with the recommended daily serving of fruit, or vegetables, or whatever the hell a 'beet' is."

"Mmm, dehydrated bulb things," Carey added. "Sounds delicious."

"You all disgust me," said Carey, who then kicked over the Flat Earth display and stormed out of the room.

>> No.5607525

>implying pigments aren't produced by the very phytonutrients that make colorful foods nutrtious to begin with