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File: 223 KB, 2000x1000, o-COFFEE-HEALTH-BENEFITS-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5595311 No.5595311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to brew your own coffee? How do you do yours?

I either use a drip machine and pre-ground coffee, or the microwave, a cup, and instant coffee. S-sometimes I use "cappuccino mix" ;_;
I know this is extremely pleb-tier and I could probably be getting a much better experience out of my coffee-drinking.

>> No.5595894
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Subhuman NEET tier:
5€/kg beans. Mom's old moulinex grinder. French press.

>> No.5595938

Everyone has to start somewhere OP.

Personally, I'm into it just enough to care about my method of brewing, and just enough into the beans to have a preferred brand I can find in a lot of store, but not so into it that I buy from a local roaster.

I use a french press and a medium roast coffee (a blend of Indonesian and central American beans.) Brewed 4 minutes with just off boiling filtered water.

>> No.5595943

The best way to get delicious coffee (other than getting good beans and the right grind) is to limit your brewing time, the easiest way to do this for most people is a French press. The longer you brew coffee the more caffeine you get out of it up to a point, but you extract a lot of bitter flavors doing this as well.

I don't really enjoy coffee and just consume it as a drug, so I use a drip coffee maker.

>> No.5595951
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I use a moka pot and pre-ground bricks of coffee.

used to do french press but my roommates broke three presses in a row, so I wanted something a little more durable.

>> No.5596112
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Shaked cold coffee is the way to go in summer.
Pic related, what I'm drinking right now.

Mokas are fucking indestructible man.

>> No.5596115
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Oh fuck fixed.
Sorry bout that.

>> No.5596574

dat froth

>> No.5596613
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Normally i grind some beans up, coarse for a french press, and fine for the espresso machine. The machine takes about 15min to warm up but makes better coffee. If im doing multiple cups ill use my french press, or two if i need to. I have some vanilla sugary liquer stuff and the machine can do cappuccino if i fancy a change. Good coffee is expensive though, all in all this cost about £250. Pic related all my coffee paraphernalia.

>> No.5596617

>that image

Australian detected

>> No.5596620
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Forgot these two because i don't really use them since i bought the machine.

>> No.5596622

Shit, forgot the ipad does that.

>> No.5596623

>my roommates broke three presses in a row

Your roommates broke 3 french presses, and you continued to let them use your gear?

>I wanted something a little more durable

Are you telling me you bought something with "maybe my roommates won't break THIS one" in mind? Good god man, just demand that they don't use your shit and buy whatever you want. That shouldn't really ever be an issue.

Maybe I just live with a civil group, but I would never let that slide with anyone, especially 3 times over.

Don't want it to seem like I'm insulting/attacking you, I just don't think you should have to compromise using fragile equipment (not really even that fragile) because of asshole roommates.

>> No.5596644

My roommate broke my french press too.

He just pushed as hard as he could and it slipped and shattered. The idea that any appliance would require even a modicum of patience is completely foreign to some people.

I think they make them out of plastic, but I really liked my glass one.

>> No.5596655

cold brew, 15/lb from a local roastery

>> No.5596668

>make him replace it
>show him the ways of the french press

He knows how to make coffee and assumes responsibility for his shit, you get to keep a french press around.

Also, a plastic french press does kinda sound like shit. I've never used one, but in all fairness an Aeropress is made out of plastic and I get great coffee out of it. Who knows.

>> No.5596721

This looks nice. Do you just make normal cold brew and shake it up or something?

I'm all about that V60 though. It looks nice as well.

>> No.5596722

>I've never used one, but in all fairness an Aeropress is made out of plastic and I get great coffee out of it.
Yeah, all of my coffee shit is plastic. I do think glass looks nicer, but for pourover cones it's not worth the price premium.

>> No.5596751

>shaked cold coffee
Elaborate please.

Is shaking part of the brewing process or do you shake espresso with ice to cool it down?

>> No.5596754
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I do siphon normally.

I tried ice drip with this setup setup, but was really unimpressed with the results.

>> No.5596805

Seperatory funnel, we all know you're not just using that for making coffee.

>> No.5596809


Ok, you're right. I also use it to wash yeast for homebrewing.

>> No.5596827


>all these niggas turnin coffee into a fukin science fair project

yo just fukin french press that shit.

>> No.5596887

Is Aeropress as good as everyone says?

>> No.5596890

Holy fuck this. You niggas are wack

>> No.5596896

I love mine. It's only $25, just buy it.

>> No.5596927

I prefer percolator, I've been using the same corning perc for over a decade. Had a GE electric perc which was nice because I didn't have to watch it during the initial boil but it broke.

>> No.5596960

That's not espresso.

>> No.5597028

own a cafe...

I use aeropress at home.
Tanzanian Peaberry is amazing in it.

>> No.5597033

I drank coffee every morning for 15 years. I quit a year ago and never looked back. The stuff is not necessary and causes headaches and stress.

>> No.5597039


Also suppresses blood sugar and prevents Alzheimer's.

>> No.5597043

Does everyone with an aeropress pretty much follow the directions it came with?
I got mine earlier this week, switching over from french press.

>> No.5597069


>> No.5597072

You're aware of the upside down method, right?

>> No.5597077

Upside down method is best method.

>> No.5597090

just looked it up, looks cool.
is it a similar result to a french press since you let it brew a little while?

>> No.5597093

I keep getting over-extraction (I think) with inverted Aeropress. My coffee is overly bitter without being thick and sludgy, so that's why I'm assuming it's over-extracting.

Process (which I got from an app for a guideline):
24g coffee with sand consistency grind
48g water @ ~195F for 30 seconds to bloom
160g water for 60 seconds to steep
Ten stirs, then press

If I have already made a coarser grind and still have the same result, what other steps can I take to fix my issue?

>> No.5597096

>waiting to stir
Why? What does this do?

>> No.5597197

>grind fresh beans for cup
>get filter
>do pour over with water just below boiling

This is how you make a cup of coffee. Clearly, if you want espresso in some fashion, that requires different processes and machinery.

>> No.5597211

>half metric/half imperial
Nigga, you a britbong in america?

>> No.5597240

>final destination
>everything will be measured in kelvin, decilitres, moles, electron volts and expressed in powers of ten.

>> No.5597263

That coffee to water ratio is way too high. For 24g of coffee, you should be looking at almost 400g of water.

>> No.5597276

To be fair, it is only 1/5 imperial and 4/5 metric.

>> No.5597287

If I really give a shit, french press. If I don't really give a shit, regular coffee maker, probably on a timer so it's ready when I wake up.

>> No.5597432

Is Hawaiian/African coffee worth it?

>> No.5597446

Ill make coffee using a keurig cup but instead of water I use redbull, then when the coffees finished brewing ill add instant coffee. That usually gets me through the morning.

>> No.5597484

I laughed way harder than I should have.

>> No.5597517

It's easier to use mass than volume. Grams are easier to use than ounces.

>> No.5598233

yes, try some Kona coffee

>> No.5598236

also, I used to know a good Nigerian brand that was kind of citrus-y, but I can't remember it

>> No.5598240

What the fuck did you do to get that undrinkable froth

>> No.5598241


>> No.5598244

Pretty sure it's a frappe. It looks like that after it settles down.


>> No.5598245
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Good beans (not overroasted), burr grinder and a pour-over, simple as that.

>> No.5598252

its more pleasant to clean, if you want another excuse. if you need to switch to making teas with it the smell doesnt stick as you switch

>> No.5598261

It does make some flavoursome coffee compared to the FP yes. But I'm limpwristed and cant be fucked to use it some days so I just just the french

>> No.5598263

It's also a soothing neutral flavoured drink.

I follow it. I dont really understand difference between right side up or down

>> No.5598793

I'm this >>5596112 guy.

It's just espresso, sugar and ice, shaked together.

The froth comes from shaking. I like it a lot, so I scoop what remains at the bottom of the shaker and put on top of my coffee.

Basically it's just a whole moka worth of coffee, you add sugar and put in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously for about a minute, or until you can't hear ice moving inside the shaker.

fuck you, that's a whole moka of coffee I shaked.

>> No.5599190

>that's a whole moka of coffee I shaked.
Like I said, that's not espresso.

>> No.5599408

You are fucking... right. My fault.
It's just that I often don't have to verbally discriminate the two, given the context you either have one or the other available.

>> No.5599661

Anybody remember that thread a few months ago with coffee that was blended with ghee, coconut oil and something else?

>> No.5599786


>> No.5599821

No, but that sounds similar to something very popular called "bulletproof coffee". It includes butter alongside coconut oil blended into the coffee. The idea is that the (healthy) fats slow down the digestion of the coffee and you get an essentially time-released effect from the caffeine rather than a quick high and a fast crash. There's also a lot of other benefits from coconut oil, including taste, I guess, but I've never tried it, and an energy boost from the abundance of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in it.

I've actually tried putting butter (unsalted, if you're going to do it) in my coffee and it's surprisingly not gross. It's actually pretty good.

>> No.5599840

It's pretty much impossible to make good coffee considering beans don't stay good for more than a week or so. You might as well just drink instant coffee.

>> No.5599886

keep believin' that m8

>> No.5600375



>> No.5600451

Anyone here use a bodum grinder? Also, is filtered water really that important?

>> No.5600471

In my town it does because the tap water tastes like crap when it's not filtered.

Even the filter is not enough to remove the phosphates from my water. Shit has a pH of 8.6-8.8 on bad days and leaves calcium lines behind.

If you have a well or good tasting tap, go for it.

>> No.5600477

>go for it

You mean go for a filter? Also the water where I live seems pretty average. I've lived on well water before and I honestly don't taste a huge difference. But there is sometimes sediment left behind and I'm wondering if that could be affecting my coffee.

>> No.5600491


You're fine.

>> No.5601174

My burr grinder and french press are coming tomorrow. I'm so excited. I've never made coffee like that before.

>> No.5601832

Once i forgot to turn the hob off and i melted the plastic parts of my moka pot. Whoops. Gonna go start a cold brew in a couple of minutes though!

I'm not really in a position to drop loads of money on an espresso machine, so for the price the aeropress is great.

>> No.5601894

Prepared Coffee is like 99% water.

Yes, the water you use changes the water+coffee you drink.

If the water tastes bad, it's hard to get good coffee from it.

I use a Brita pitcher. A number of coffee makers have built-in filters.

If you drink the tap water without filtering and you're not troubled with odd tastes, you shouldn't need (much) extra filtering for coffee water.

>> No.5602064

Been there, done that.
All plastic part are easily replaceable though. In Italy replacements are sold in almost any supermarket.

>> No.5603821
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My current origin that I'm drinking

>> No.5604396
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>Buying Indo coffee
>He didn't buy luwak

>> No.5604402
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i get it from the philippines... copi luwak isn't that great imo... alot of the flavor notes are lost during the digestion process. basically it ends up tasting like decaf.

>> No.5604702

Does anyone have any recommendations on beans? I really have no idea what to look for and there are no local roasters near me.

>> No.5604978

I'm by no means an authority on coffee but if there's a whole foods or something similar near you check there for something that looks and smells good. I picked up some organic guatemalan shit a few weeks ago and it made some strong fucking brew.

>> No.5605013

order from respectable roasters too, for example >>5603821