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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5593498 No.5593498 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/
European BBQ recipe competition if anyone's interested, awesome BBQ prizes and stuff.
I'll post a link if anyone's interested.

Pic unrelated, it was lunch.

>> No.5593509
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lol fggts would you stop trying to be merican.

>> No.5593516

Go back to eating burgers you fat ameriggan :DDDDD

>> No.5593518

>european bbq

>> No.5593529

>tfw Euro BBQ team wins Jack Daniels
>butthurt muricans errywhere

>> No.5593536

Texan/Carolina types may have perfected smoking tough cuts in a container but that doesn't mean everything else is shit.
You can get decent BBQ all over.

>> No.5593543

That never happened gommie.
Siddown and have miller lite.

>> No.5593554

It did. But that's cool if you're still in denial.

>> No.5593566
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stop lying on da interwebz...no backward gap toothed mushy pea eating yuropoor ever won a real BBQ championship like the Kingsford grand championship....EVER.

>> No.5593574
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>Thinks he can have the freedom to bbq meats like Americans.

>> No.5593575
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I wasn't even born in Europe. Hell 'muricans get butthurt easy.

>> No.5593578
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>> No.5593598


Nice joke :^)

>> No.5593606

Go back to eating toast sandwiches, you snaggle-toothed britbong

>> No.5593610
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>European BBQ

>> No.5593614

It's a meme actually.
That's how far they fell.

>> No.5593617
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>> No.5593622
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>> No.5593626



>> No.5593628

European BBQ is just kebab

>> No.5593636

Nah m8 that's sandnigger style that the Brits adopted.
The Brits really don't smoke much good meat apart from fish and some pork.

>> No.5593638

meant euro

>> No.5593639
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>European BBQ

>> No.5593653

Well Turkey is in the EU now. Ever eaten a kebab?

>> No.5593661
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>> No.5593665

That's called grilling.

>> No.5593670

ahh england...
it used to be that the sun never set on your glorious empire...
now your reduced to talking shit on an american anime website using all kinds of american technology to facilitate that shit talking...
i personally would be embarrassed to say i was from england

>> No.5593673

england never had an empire

>> No.5593674

what? Turkey's not in the EU nor should any islamic state be, Turkey's not Europe.


>> No.5593675
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>Europeans trying to copy American things


>> No.5593677

>Thread turns into yet another europe vs. america shit-flinging competition by the second post

So is /ck/ almost entirely filled with children now?

>> No.5593678

>nor should any islamic state be
But the UK is already part of the EU

>> No.5593681

Then what did the glorious founding fathers and their militia fight you ridiculous uneducated piglet?

>> No.5593683

I know, it's Englanistan there

>> No.5593686

they did, and it was glorious
now they are just shit stains

>> No.5593687
File: 43 KB, 600x450, bbq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans don't even know what real bbq is. I bet you think grilling chicken over coals is bbq.

>> No.5593700

Maybe instead of acting smug you should actively educate them in the real world.

>> No.5593702

All the kebab shit if proof that they have no idea what they're talking about

>> No.5593706

>not smug about food

We're just trying to be like them, man.

>> No.5593723

Both the computer and the internet are British inventions you fat fuck

>> No.5593726


nu-ua... former merican vice president Al Gore invented the internet.

>> No.5593727

You didn't invent the abacus.

>> No.5593731
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>mfw the state Wisconsin wins half the world prizes for cheese competitions
>euros somehow think all we have is shitty craft

>> No.5593738

Europeans are ignorant. This isn't new.

>> No.5593741

>all this murrica flag waving


>> No.5593746


>it's totally americans who shit on other countries constantly!
>it's not butthurt euros who are always making threads about americans

>> No.5593749

>post a shitty excuse for "BBQ"
>expect not to get grilled
Cry more, yurofags

>> No.5593750

why are you so obsessed

>> No.5593756

Americans are ignorant. This is new.

>> No.5593796


Did somebody say euroQ?

>> No.5593811

I had heard that all my life. Then when I actually traveled around Europe I realized that Europeans were worse than Americans.

The whole ignorant American joke was just to make themselves feel better about their own ignorance. They base these jokes off of American television and movies that they spend all day watching and think our lives are just like those tv shows. It's comical.

>> No.5594078



>> No.5594086


i'm interested in any country advancing the culinary arts of barbecue and of grilling

unless you slather that motherfuckin shit in nasty sauce in which case just move to missouri and drown in the shit.

>> No.5594156

>European BBQ

>> No.5594158
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>European BBQ

>> No.5594669

can someone post some classic european bbq recipes, I'm legitimate interested.

>> No.5594672
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here you go