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File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, rare-steak-797265[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5593383 No.5593383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone told me that while it is okay to eat beefsteak rare, you should never eat pork steak rare, because it can cause a multitude of diseases and such

I was skeptical

Can anyone on here confirm/deny this, preferrably with sources?

>> No.5593384


>> No.5593386

but yeah, you can eat it raw as well.

>> No.5593395

you can look up that shit yourself...
it's true. theres a much higher chance to get some diseases/parasites/whatever from raw pork than from beef. if it's good meat it's ok to eat pink, but never raw

>> No.5593402
File: 38 KB, 400x517, 1404532853872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trichinosis scare in the '80s
>new pigs are bred
>"pork: the other white meat!"
>lame pork devoid of flavor fills the supermarkets
>flavorful heritage breeds are forgotten
>actual good pork "heritage Berkshire etc." is now a specialty food and therefore expensive
>yfw you first taste a fresh heritage porkchop cooked medium
>yfw you first taste the real flavor of pork
>yfw supermarket pork is fucking shit

>> No.5593408
File: 20 KB, 300x400, 300px-Sarah_Silverman_BBF_2010_Shankbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating berkshire and not mangalitsa

What are you a jew or something? Why do you hate pork?

>> No.5593421
File: 62 KB, 600x453, ferran-adria-harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything but Iberico

Am I hearing this shit right now?

>> No.5593425


Not really. Look it up. The scare with pork is a parasite called Trichinosis. However, in the developed world it is incredibly rare. As in only a handful of cases a year, if that. And most of those are from hunters eating wild game in the field--bear meat is actually a significant portion of it. It is an incredibly rare disease.

Not only that, but we've known since the 1930's that the parasite is killed at a relatively low temperature. Even "medium rare" is enough to kill it.

Beyond that incredibly rare risk pork is no different than any other commonly eaten meat.

>> No.5593426

op image is so nasty

>> No.5593431

Go cry about it, you fucking pansy.

>> No.5593434


>All these fags that google pig breeds just because of >>5593402

You don't know shit.

>> No.5593744

from the same site - under Trichinellosis FAQ's
"During 2008–2010, 20 cases were reported per year on average. The number of cases decreased beginning in the mid-20th century because of legislation prohibiting the feeding of raw-meat garbage to hogs, commercial and home freezing of pork, and the public awareness of the danger of eating raw or undercooked pork products. Cases are less commonly associated with pork products and more often associated with eating raw or undercooked wild game meats."

>20 cases per year
>more often associated with undercooked wild game

That's 20 cases per year for the entire fucking country. in 2010 the population of the US was 308 million. So, roughly 0.0000000649 % of the population was confirmed as having trichinosis.

Now let's look at the same site for cysticercosis- also under FAQ's

"Infection is found most often in rural areas of developing countries where pigs are allowed to roam freely and eat human feces and where hygiene practices are poor. Cysticercosis is rare in people who live in countries where pigs do not have contact with human feces."
"Eating pork cannot give you cysticercosis."

so, not only is it extremely unlikely in the united states, it is also only an issue if you plan to have shit in your mouth.

I would say that you sir, are the one who does not know shit.

OP, pork steaks are fine as long as you get them from a reputable and regulated vendor (this includes national supermarkets)

>> No.5593772

How much higher would the rate be if people didn't cook their pork thoroughly?

>> No.5593784


since you seem to be struggling with reading comprehension and logical implications, here's a more explicit explanation from across the pond. I hope you can see how this would apply to the conversation at hand.

>> No.5593789


>> No.5593791


Not much, since it doesn't take much heat to kill Trichinosis. Google it. Even "medium rare" (55-60C) is enough to kill the parasite very quickly.

>> No.5593792

>eating meat other than chicken breast, eggs and seafood

>> No.5593821

>CDC acknowledges and warns against the over use of antibiotics
>but CDC's incredibly conservative suggestions and advisories support the idea that over using antibiotics and abiotic sterilization practices are a good and safe measure

>> No.5593826

i eat raw pork sometime ( sesonead on roasted bread and with onions ) its a speciality in germany...

>> No.5593899

>googling pig breeds

Sorry your grocery stores all suck

>> No.5593901


>> No.5594745

Pork is haraam, which is why joos don't eat it, they consider it dirty. Considering the enviroment most pigs live in this is understandable.

mmmm sarah silvermen, I would bake her in an oven and her like a chicken wing, yum yum.

>> No.5594783

>Sarah Silverman

Better have a 9 inch cock then anon.
>"Does size matter?"

>“Yes. My rabbi sister is going to kill me about this, but even she said that if her husband didn’t have a big dick they would just be friends. Next question.”

>> No.5595299

It looks fucking delicious you pleb

>> No.5595301

literally pick one

>tfw this asshole cant even hate religions properly

>> No.5595313

Cool source bro.

>> No.5595459

Technically pork is forbidden because it has "the cloven hoof of the devil" or some shit, not becuase it's dirty - dirty stuff like insects are forbidden though

>> No.5595916


According to the USDA, you can cook pork rare without any fear of trichinosis if you keep it at 126 degrees for over two hours; for that, you'll want a sous vide cooker.

>> No.5596323

Pork raised in modern hog farms is extremely unlikely to carry trichinosis. Free range pork would have some possibility but even then the chances are low.

>> No.5596673

>claims I have trouble with reading comprehension
> posts link to letter discussing beef and lamb >>5593789

>> No.5596690

Beefsteak is fine but you have to cook milk steak