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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5592581 No.5592581 [Reply] [Original]

>21 years old
>80 pounds
>by some miracle never get sick/health problems
>decide now should start trying to fix that before they come up
so /ck,/ what do?

>> No.5592582 [DELETED] 

If you kill yourself youll never get sick, My Uncle did this and is super happy now and eats whatever he wants

>> No.5592584

start eating food like a normal person

>> No.5592585

I thought of all the boards /ck/ would be the least shitfilled

>> No.5592591

Do you not eat regularly, or have a tapeworm or something?

>> No.5592595

Try >>>/fit/

Eat the food of champs (or at least homos on 4chan) and get fit.

>> No.5592597

He gave you solid advice. You won't suffer anymore.

>> No.5592599

not regularly enough apparently, sometimes I forget to eat for half of the day because I just don't get hungry

>> No.5592655

Is your dinner like, a carrot?

>> No.5592668

Normally I don't even have a dinner, unless I worked that day; I get a 50% discount on all prepared food from where I work so I've been trying to use that to eat more but the discount only applies during my 30 minute break

>> No.5592681

how often do you feel the need to nap/pass out during the day?

>> No.5592693

Not very often at all, maybe my body has gotten used to being this twig

>> No.5592714

Medically, that's pretty astounding. It's very rare to be that thin at your height, even in cases of anorexia nervosa, and those afflicted normally sleep away most of the day/are prone to fainting spells/experience chronic fatigue and discomfort

>> No.5592715

I exaggerating my weight just a bit, but I'm not even 100 pounds last I checked

>> No.5592720

It's hard to tell whether someone is trolling or not, but if this seriously is your case, you need professional help. This woman passed away sometime after this video


>> No.5592724

What's your caloric intake OP?
clearly at 80 lbs, it's not enough, but it helps to have a number rounded to the nearest hundred.

You will also have to factor in how active you are during your job, you get a lunch break discount, so I would assume that you stay at the same general location, but that doesn't tell me much about your activities.

>> No.5592728

does a significant exaggeration count as trolling? I probably should have said <100 pounds instead of 80, sorry
it's a convenience store cashier position, there's some light stocking and cleaning that needs to be done but for the most part I'm behind the counter

>> No.5592744

OP isn't trolling.

I'm 5'9" and 105lbs, I have a genetic condition similar to Marfans (makes you lanky). I eat about 1800 cal a day and can't gain weight. I'd eat more but my stomach fills up quickly even though i eat small meals that are high caloric and drink shakes.

I would check the doctor for a genetic test.

>> No.5592751

I still live at home and on my parents' insurance but mom have a problem with doctor's visits, she always says they will give me the same advice she does, and is very reluctant to take me even though I've asked before about this

>> No.5592790

Right then, do you just have your meals?
If the problem is getting full, and you don't care about empty calories, you could take soda instead of milkshakes. most of that stuff is water after all, and I suppose it could help with that.

Also, you could snack when you can, either at work if possible, or around it. A good thing to try out is to buy a bunch of high-density non-perishable snack food that you like, and try eating that when you can. Salty snacks are preferable, but not a requirement. Also, if possible, try to eat as much of it as you can before having any water/liquid that doesn't come with the snack. You tend to get a lot more full after you do so.

I am only an random anon, and I don't know too much about the specifics of gaining weight. /fit/ has a much more detailed guide on the issue of changing your weight, check that out if you need more advice, they have a sticky thread that works as a general guide about normalizing your body.

>> No.5592805

Eat a lot and start lifting
I went from 110 to 120 lbs in less than a month

>> No.5592817

I think the problem is more apathy + never having any "I am hungry" signals sent to my brain until it's been a few days since I've eaten anything substantial

I might take a look at /fit/ too; I don't have much interest in building a lot of muscle, I don't like how it looks tbh and honestly if it weren't for the fact that some people who find out about my weight online call it holocaust victim level I'd prefer to stay skinny, but dying sounds like that'd be worse, so I guess I'm bulking up a bit

>> No.5592824


oh dayum she is a narcissist. neglectful parent detected. gtfo while you can or at least go and visit the doc yourself if you have your insurance card.

>> No.5592830

honestly I wouldn't call her narc. or neglectful, but she does have character flaws like most people tend to have

>> No.5592840


lol that is what narcissists raise you to believe.

you should do a little research on NPD parents. a caring parent would see that their child is emaciated and take them to see a professional, especially if there IS insurance.

you're probably depressed--REALLY clinically depressed, not just mopey-dopey-sad. there may be more than that going on as well. BUT i'm no doctor, and you need to see one.

you may actually be afflicted with an illness you would have otherwise never known about if you hadn't visited a doctor.

>> No.5592841

Damn here I am 5'11'' 115 (palindromes fuck yeah) and I thought I was bad.

>> No.5592844

Yeah you don't need her.

Call your insurance to see what is and what isn't covered. (Might need referral from ur reg doc).

Then make appointment.

>> No.5592859

I know about my mental issues, her apparent doctorphobia doesn't seem to apply to mental health types
I might take you guys' advice on seeking medical help but I was wondering what dietary choices I could do in the immediate that could help me put on a few weights

>> No.5592863

Look up scandi-shakes. Make your own shakes. Muscle building shakes.

As long as it has calories.

>> No.5592885


yep. it's easy to keep a drink on you as you browse the 4chan and sip it mindlessly, moreso than going and preparing something to eat.

also spoonfuls of peanut butter.

>> No.5592894

Please document this on /fit/

>> No.5592897

This. You should start asap. They will lovingly belittle you until you gain some weight.

>> No.5593220

Try /po/ if you want a boring existence

>> No.5593222

Tell your mother to go fuck herself, and go to a doctor.

>> No.5593802

OP here, little surprised this thread is still up but I suppose I may as well ask here
I work today, usually I get a 6' turkey sub w/ lettuce, cheddar, italian dressing, ranch, salt and pepper; is this alright for weight gain or should I go with something else?

>> No.5593809

A six FOOT sub is what you need.
I suspect you really meant 6", which is six inches.

Get a footlong, at least.

>> No.5593813

yeah 6 inches
I only qualify for the 50% discount if I eat it all there, I can't take any home; would a footlong be eatable in 30 minutes, minus the time it takes to prepare it?

>> No.5593828

get their card out of their wallet at night or something. then sneak out and do it, alternatively, get a place with sliding scale insurance, or a free care clinic, you might have to wait a while for the latter, but you can do it.

>> No.5593830

look op, if you want to gain weight, just eat calorie dense food, start adding vin and oil to your sandwiches. avacado when you can, bacon or pepperoni, keep adding all the vegetables you like, like spinach and onions and whatever, just make sure what you do eat thats not calorie light will have calories.

>> No.5593831

I find it hard to believe that you can be 5'9", 80 lbs, and be alive. post a picture of your wrist/hand

>> No.5593833

Eat more. That's all you have to do.

>> No.5593834


I am literally 100 lbs heavier than you, and not fat at all. Way to make me feel awesome.

175 lbs

>> No.5593835

>thinking he has arms or legs

>> No.5593836
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>> No.5593839

read the rest of the thread, I was exaggerating a bit, I'm under 100
planning on it
not me

>> No.5593841


you must not have legs to weigh that much. wrist size is pretty normal.

>> No.5593844

that poster isn't me, I have to head to my shift now, if this thread's still up by the time I get back I'll post around 11 pm est

>> No.5593846

i call bullshit that a 21 year old with an 11.8 BMI (that's literal auschwitz/anorexia TV special mode) is physically able to work and has no one intervening. surely that's a liability for an employee to be that underweight?

if this is somehow true and your hunger cues are fucked up then you should really consult a nutritionist and a doctor stat. i would kickstart with 1200-1500 kcals to avoid refeeding syndrome then gradually raise it to 2500+ as a minimum if you really want to gain weight. stick to a three meals plus snacks in-between until you're able to eat intuitively.

try to incorporate stuff like avocado, nuts, nut butters, olive oil, butter, cheeses, dried fruits.

not substantial for weight gain. add avocado, pair it with an apple and a bag of chips, have a caloric drink with it.

well no shit hardly anyone gains on 1800 kcals a day. some people struggle to gain with 2500 kcals a day.

>> No.5593852

Alright thanks for the advice /ck/, back in 9ish hours, if thread is gone I won't post another, not personal blog etc.

>> No.5593887


You sound pretty fat

>> No.5593915

OP said he was 80, then said he was exaggerating and doesn't know his own weight. Just attention whoring.

>> No.5593970

Common in Asian countries -- the girls think that 100lbs is a maximum weight no matter how tall they are. A lot of them try for 90lbs.

It's not too bad on a girl who is short. For someone 5'9" or even 6' tall, they look like they've just escaped from Auschwitz or something.

>> No.5593987

3 years ago I used to be 100lbs @ 5'8", I didn't have any genetic disorder or anything, I just simply didn't eat much because I didn't get hungry, it was pretty much dinner and maybe a snack or two. I'm 120lbs now but I improved my eating habits and how eat a regular three meals.

You don't need a medical condition to get that thin, given OP is another 20lbs less than I was at my worst so something could be up.

>> No.5593996

My first gf used to complain about my ass bones digging into her when I sat on her. Now that I fixed my dire underweightness my forever gf loves my big butt. Shame my weight gain didn't do anything for my breasts, though.

>> No.5595199
File: 458 KB, 1280x720, 2014-07-11-225228_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here
So I couldn't get a large sub as we were busy and I didn't have to foresight to order in advance so I had to settle with extra meat & bacon on my usual 6 inch
For whoever asked, here's my hand and what I picked up after work

>> No.5595291
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Yeeeeaaaaaah that's pretty skinny man. You see those pictures of holocaust survivors out of Auschwitz? Probably shouldn't be that way.

It's good you're trying to eat more though. Why don't you just enjoy eating some massively unhealthy food? Go eat a donut, and if you like it, yeah why not take like 6 home?

As for your sandwiches, well I can eat a 12 inch in like 10 minutes, but people aren't the same. If you can only eat a 6 inch during your lunch break, just do what people in here say. Add lots of shit (like cheese, bacon, pepperoni, avocado, calorie intensive ingredients).

You should also probably plan your meals out every day, maybe even set an alarm for them if you really have trouble remembering them. Just be like 'yeah I guess I'll have eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast today' and set an alarm for it, so you don't forget.

And most importantly, just enjoy eating. Sounds like there is nothing wrong with your taste buds, so make sure to taste the food you're eating so you can enjoy it, don't just wolf it down. The more you enjoy eating, the more you'll do it.

>> No.5595298

you should eat bro
>protip: if you throw it back up later, you didnt eat

>> No.5595302

you must not understand what a timestamped pic is

>> No.5595316

I ordered one once because I actually felt hungry and that's never a good sign for me, and I was able to finish it well under 30 minutes, but we were busy and I knew they wouldn't finish it early in my 30 minutes break

>> No.5595322

by this I mean I ordered a 12 inch
I'm hesitant to plan things out like this in advance with timers etc. because that seems so abnormal compared to what normal people do, and I've got problems when it comes to normal

>> No.5595331

bmi-wise he's "overweight"
hopefully it's muscle

>> No.5595362

My hands are pretty close to that skinny but I'm at a healthy weight. I don't think hands are really the best indicator of showing how well fed you are

>> No.5595372

Well, he already said he's under 100lb, which isn't great.

>> No.5595386

Yeah but I'm just saying. His body is definitely skeletal looking at that weight, but hands pretty much show the least about a person's weight. Once OP is at normal weight his wrists won't look too different

>> No.5595416

oh also there were combo's that were crackers and cheese instead of pretzles and cheese, which would be better for weight gaining or does it only matter to autists

>> No.5596646

They're pretty much the same, calorically. Whichever weighs more. Cheese will have more calories per gram than the carbs will, due to higher fat percentage.

>> No.5596654


stop making excuses. you're asking for advice and shooting it down. stop. making. excuses.

>> No.5596662

I've thought about this before, and the planning thing came up. That's probably a good idea and I'm just hesitant to follow through with it, but I'll start thinking about it seriously and come up with something.
Another full shift tonight, but it shouldn't be as busy as last night so I'll get the full 12 inches

>> No.5597188

You're obviously new here then.

>> No.5597221

A mentally healthy mother would be concerned about her child's health above ALL ELSE, including her "doctorphobia". Your child's health comes first in your mind, way above and beyond your own discomfort. This is coming from a mom. I hope you find someone to take you, it sounds like your mom could use a visit to a therapist too. :/

>> No.5597320

what's your schedule like? when do you wake up and go to bed? do you work every day? i understand working long shifts and chronic under-eating can suppress your appetite, so i think for now making a semi-rigid eating schedule will train your body to relearn hunger cues.

>> No.5597371

Holy shit.
Im 5'8'' and weigh 170. I knew this girl years ago that was about at your stats. About 5'9'', I would say about 80 as well, took a bunch of meds, bi polar as fuck, I think I saw her eat like once.
>has 2 drinks, now drunk
>starts basically sexually assaulting me
>holy shit we're in public
>kissing all over me sitting in my lap grabbing my dick
>30 seconds later "ew you're so fat anon, I don't like you"
>...ok btw I'm worried about you, please stop taking so much Lithium and eat something
>I feel fat, I need my meds...please come over to my house, i'll suck your dick
>..n-naw, I'll check up on you next week, ok??

I tried calling and calling, eventually I find out from her mom she ODed by just taking her "normal" amount of meds, but she was so skinny she died from all that shit her quack doctor had her on.
Don't die on me bro.
Try having a breakfast shake every morning, it's quick, requires no actual cooking, and can be filling and full of calories. See a nutritionist or something, seriously. When you are that skinny, little problems can turn into big ones fast.

>> No.5597412
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>not getting your dick sucked

>> No.5597415

unless you're buff, you oughta lose about 20 pounds

>> No.5597416

>implying he doesn't blame himself for not giving her the calories she needed to survive

it must be hell knowing a gril died because of you

>> No.5597464

>be me
>be 5'7" 135
>drunk after one beer

i don't even know why, i shouldn't be like this

>> No.5597466

He could have gave her the protein and calories she needed.

>> No.5598058

I'm working part time, 2-10:30 pm for roughly 2 shifts per week; sometimes I get an overnight or a morning shift, but for the most part I try to be asleep by 4 am so I can wake up at noon
I've noticed how much meds tends to affect me after a mental breakdown forced me into the hospital and everything they gave me had to be 1/4th the lowest dose they normally give, but for some reason a few drinks of alcohol don't seem to do shit to me

>> No.5598101

>~130 lbs
>people accuse me of anorexia

How are you alive OP?

>> No.5599335

I can't afford it.

>> No.5599421

I'm 110 at your height.
I get through 2 shots and I'm too tipsy to walk straight

>> No.5600707

OP here
had a day off and I wound up eating a bowl of reese's puffs and the remainder of last night's combos
it is now 10:21 PM and I just realized that's all I've eaten today, and I am only just now feeling hungry
every place that does delivery is closed so I have to settle for a bowl full of cheese its
my store is open 24 hours but the kitchen closes at night now and I haven't even showered yet today so that's a no go
so just another average day off for me, honestly
starting tomorrow, what can I do to break out of this? I'm sick of living like a NEET after getting a job and more than enough money to start living like a normal person

>> No.5600713

lol so right

>> No.5601456

Just eat normally. Find places that you would actually want to eat at, and go to them before they close. Just enjoy eating. Remember to eat before the sun sets.

>> No.5601838

You honestly think you're going to get sick by not being fat?

>> No.5601858


I got weight to lose, but I ain't fat.

>> No.5601862


oh boy. You need a carb and fat heavy diet.

Seriously milkshakes made with heavy cream / milk fat are popular in the fattening community.

Have snacks on hand you can eat constantly, a handful of chips here and there. I mean I could probably eat 2 big bags of chips in one sitting.

Chips, Milk Shakes, Ice cream, sweets in general, cookies, fried foods, actually, fries are probably an amazing fattening food.

>> No.5601930

>the fattening community

>> No.5602041
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>this whole thread

>> No.5602063

Post pics, you sound kinda hot

>> No.5602637

I'm about to order a pizza or two to eat with my brother, wondering what I should get on it; I was thinking like every meat that they have but that might not be cost efficient
see >>5595199

>> No.5602678

as in guys that stuff their girlfriends until they get fat
feedee/feeder bullshit
pretty disgusting imo but at least they know what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to how to gain weight

>> No.5604077
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>> No.5604106

that would be /out/

>> No.5604122

>300 lbs
>Doc takes all kinds of tests
>Cholesterol is great
>Blood pressure is normal
>blood sugar is normal

Problem /ck/?

>> No.5604134

Fat people and normals don't realize how hard it is to gain weight.

>Forcing yourself to eat high calorie foods when you're already full
>Nauseatingly stuffed just to gain a few lbs
>not stuffing your face with food and having self-control

>> No.5604142

this whole thread seems more like outright bragging to me about being unique and shit.

Ive been trying to gain goddamn weight for the bast decade since i barely deviated from my weight since the beginning of highschool.
I eat a shitlot and barely do any exercise i want to gain some kind of mass since im a skinny fuck and its not attractive when my arms are like twigs while every other part of my body is toned.

>> No.5604155

>armchair psychologist detected

>> No.5604837

honestly there's nothing to brag about here. I wish I was at a more healthy weight, and I thought getting the job would help a lot with being able to eat much more with the income and everything, but I've been reluctant to spend money
who are you quoting anon?

>> No.5604868

Healthy weight is 135-165. I've been 150 for 15 years and people would say the same.

Hopefully OP gets some help. Advertising is really against him here as 70% of the US is obese; so of course fast food and high calorie stuff isn't healthy for them. Some people need this stuff.

Find candy, chips, nuts you like and keep them in arms reach at all times. I have chocolate almonds, chips, cashews, a bottle of coke and a bottle of fruit juice all on my desk. Don't buy anything that says low fat or sugar free. Definitely don't drink water ever.

>> No.5604874

You can go to fit, or 7chan has a better board for it. Basically you want to eat a gram of protein for every lb you weigh every day; do squats, deadlifts, pull ups. Avoid cardio.

Literally it.

>> No.5604880


you don't have to eat a gram of protein for every lb you weigh dude

also telling a hungry skeleton to eat that much protein is retarded even if you did, because he's going to be way too full to eat enough calories

>> No.5604905

You need more bread and fruits OP. Learn to bake bread if you're too poor to buy enough. Chef John has a few easy bread recipes.

>> No.5604920

There was a time where it was.

I miss those days...

>> No.5604942

protein is not the best for fattening. You want low amounts of protein, protein fills you up, and keeps you full. Fruits, and starches keep you the least full. Fat is mid range in fullness to calories. Fruits are literally natures candy. I would start eating a lot of candy, cookies, milkshakes, etc.

>> No.5604966

this. please, don't listen to your mother.

>> No.5604975

dickhead that doesn't know what he's talking about detected

>> No.5605077

Fucking eat more you freak

>> No.5606146

OP here; thank you all for the advice here, it looks like you guys know your stuff, especially >>5605077 here.
I've started ordering 12" subs at work but then I get really tired after eating it. Is this because of the turkey's THC or w/e it has that makes you tired, or will I get used to that as I get used to actually eating?

>> No.5606158

wat since when is turkey 420blazit?

>> No.5606167

I remember learning there was some chemical in turkey whose name started with T and thought it was THC, it has an abbreviation and I'm guessing I'm wrong about what that abbreviation is

>> No.5606362

Honestly it's probably the carbs, eat too many in a meal and you tend to crash soon after.

Either eat more frequent, smaller meals and this won't be a problem, or save the carb heavy meals until dinner when it won't matter.

If not, exercise and caffeine might help in counteracting it, go for a walk, drink some tea.

>> No.5606375

>I wound up eating a bowl of reese's puffs and the remainder of last night's combos
>it is now 10:21 PM and I just realized that's all I've eaten today
Jesus christ, just eat normally. Have your phone alarm or something to remind you.

>> No.5606377

normal people don't set alarms for when they need to eat, so that would be far from "eating normally"

>> No.5606386

I think it's also the body's way to concentrate on grinding your food? You feel sleepy after, I guess.

Just eat small portions five to ten times a day, I guess?

>> No.5606388

OP's weight isn't normal. He should eat normally, without alarms or shit, when his weight is normal. He can't even remember eating lunch and dinner after just a bowl of crisps, ffs. That's not normal.

>> No.5608141

So I just checked the scale for the first time in ever and either we need a new scale or I weigh so little that it won't register that I'm standing on it
I'm hoping it's the former or I just ate 5 99c bags of combos for nothing
I might buy a new scale later/tomorrow in case it's just broken (but someone else stood on it to check, it worked perfect for them) and I might report my actual weight in case anyone's actually still interested since this thread's lasted a week already

>> No.5608310

As usual the vegan mod won't delete shit posts unless they offend its vegan sensitivities.

>> No.5608311

they also get buttmad if you call them out on being obese

>> No.5608321

Replace the battery.

>> No.5608331

grab a 10lb bag of rice, step on it, subtract 10lbs

>> No.5608336

we don't have rice, and I just looked for something of comparable weight and gave up before I found anything close enough

>> No.5608339


>we don't have


how old are you


>> No.5608341

a gallon of water is 8lbs
best I can think of m8
It's just the first thing I could think of for you

>> No.5608346


instead of "just eat normally," would "work your way up to eating normally" help you understand?

it's like physical rehabilitation patients, they have been injured and are learning how to walk normally again. but they need things like crutches and special exercises to help them get back up there.

>> No.5608347

21, still live with parents, no driver's license
was neet up until January

>> No.5608395

>no driver's license

bus system?

are you saving up to move out?

>> No.5608405

I don't know what I'm going to do with my money, and I don't trust I'll be able to live on my own for a long time; last time I tried I had to take a less than pleasant weeklong vacation in the mental ward, where they didn't even mention my skeletal figure besides just "eat more"

>> No.5608423


>; last time I tried I had to take a less than pleasant weeklong vacation in the mental ward

wait. what? you tried living on your own and got thrown into a psych ward? how...?

and you know, you say "for a long time" but you don't sound like you have any idea as to how you're going to make that happen...

i have mental issues galore, been in and out of the behavioral ward and generally have a hard time coping with life and living independently. but i've been living out of my parent's house (necessary for my well being, honestly, they were control freaks and perpetually discouraging and my dad had anger issues) for 4+ years. i had to start in youth shelters, but i got in contact with an independent living agency that helped me move out on my own. the only reason i went straight into independent living (they payed rent for a year, offered life skills services, etc.) was because i had a high school diploma, but transitional living (basically living with others around your age in a shared house with a live-in staff member) was also an option. you might wanna look into that kind of thing.

>> No.5608432

I was like that until I was 22 (but not quite as bad). For me it was that margarine stops me from properly digesting food. My mother calls margarine butter so I accidentally switched over when I moved out. I gained 20 pounds instantly and felt good for the first time in my life. I t was very much, "Holy crap!! Is this what feeling good is actually like? I had no idea."

>> No.5608593

>only reason i went straight into independent living (they payed rent for a year, offered life skills services, etc.) was because i had a high school diploma

How do I do this? I have a diploma.

>> No.5608771


you'll have to look up transitional/independent living programs in your area, read a bit about each one, call them and schedule interviews. i was referred to one through a youth homeless shelter when i was kicked out at 18, so i don't know how it will be since you are technically in a stable living situation. i assume it depends on where you are (on the off chance you live in st. louis let me know) and the program itself. IF you are living under poor enough conditions (which it seems like you are, but i don't know the severity of what seems to be medical neglect on your mother's part) and wish to transition into living independently, but lack the life skills to do so, then you might have a good shot. you already have a job and as far as i know, that's always one requirement for these sort of things. or at least that you find one within the program.

>> No.5608786

OP here, >>5608593 isn't me fyi
I tried to college and in my second semester I moved into the dorms, didn't last more than a few months before a mental breakdown
I don't think I need an independent living assistance w/e atm, my parents say I can stay as long as I still need to

>> No.5608835

>my parents say I can stay as long as I still need to

this will forever be your crutch... and your broken leg.

if they are not taking adequate care of you, they are not looking out for you.

i resented them for it for a while but i really appreciate that my parents worked up the guts to kick me out. if they'd have let me stay i would be in much, much worse shape than i am today.