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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5591494 No.5591494 [Reply] [Original]

why is this the best shit ever created?

I could literally eat an onion raw if it was served with worcestershire sauce.

okay maybe not, but sauteed definietely.

>> No.5591502

Wer Shester Shir

>> No.5591505

fucking love this stuff, but i don't exactly know too many uses for it

uses for this shit that aren't "splash it in your soup/sauce for delicious flavor" ?

>> No.5591506

i drink that shit straight from the bottle.

used it to make a tuna, chickpea, poblano and garlic stirfry tomato sauce the other day. absolutely delicious.

>> No.5591517



woosh ta shire

>> No.5591524

idk what my mom did but she made a bomb as fuck pulled pork for july 4th in a crock pot with it. if only I knew the ingredients

>> No.5591525

Wooster Shire

>> No.5591528


War Chester

>> No.5591529

i bought that exact brand recently in preparation for my first attempt at a caesar salad

>> No.5591535


It's got fermented anchovies in it


>> No.5591544

tequila + worcestershire (dash) + sriracha (few squirts) + lime juice (dash)



>> No.5591545

Make toast and butter it.
Add cheddar to toast.
Grill/broil cheese on toast until bubbly.
Apply lashings of Worcestershire sauce to cheese.

>> No.5591552

and i'll gladly imagine every single last one swirling around in said sauce after it slowly trickles down my throat into my stomach, in which will be deemed as their new home.

>> No.5591555


>> No.5591762



>> No.5591887


I made tuna patties with egg, chickpeas, spices, and served it with rice and veg and a splash of this on top. Good stuff.

I once made a pizza where I cooked mushrooms with some of this, spread pesto on the crust, added a bit of Gorgonzola, put mushrooms, onion, and bacon on, and topped with some mozzarella and asiago cheese. Delicious.

>> No.5591915

>"literally" eat an onion raw...
as opposed to what? figuratively eating the onion? metaphorically? learn english.

>> No.5592225


how about as opposed to nothing considering that's why I what I said.
first off I went back on myself and said maybe not. so how about you learn to read a post before you go about trying to start shit. second off, how about you take a few lessons with martha stewart even, considering you are about worse than a bitch when it comes to anything.

you don't even belong in this cooking dojo so I suggest you get out.

>> No.5592231

Literally made sense in that context, stop being so ass pained jumping at any instance where you think you can show off how smart you are, it makes you look like a faggot. You're a diamond dozen.

>> No.5592286

I would very much like to request some recipes that use this sauce. I know I can easily Google but I know how you all try to strive at being unique so i'm hoping to find something different and good

>> No.5592320

I'll get flamed for mentioning the name, but Google Emerils natchitoches meat pies.

>> No.5592321

bad for teeth

>> No.5592503
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1347648516807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're a diamond dozen.

Oh god why did I laugh so hard.

>> No.5592507

/ck/ hates emeril?

fuck that, i grew up watching that goofy motherfucker. learned a lot when i was a kid from him.

>> No.5592511

>why is this the best
because of anchovies

that is why.

>> No.5592522

But the stuff isn't good.

>> No.5592527

Yeah, after Martin yan he was my first.

>> No.5592552


Capped for future cringe threads.

>> No.5592608

/ck/ hates everyone

>> No.5592926

capped for YLYL threads

>> No.5592985
File: 17 KB, 200x200, 1329493176395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diamond dozen

>> No.5593009

Wuster sauce

>> No.5593016


>> No.5593046

Chink pls go.

>> No.5593066

Put it on your chips straight out of the fryer, add a glug of hot sauce too and then toss them all together.

>> No.5593100

Gwai-lo pls

>> No.5593133


>> No.5593290

gringo pls go

>> No.5593301

I don't know who is who any more. I can just hope that there are white men behind those keyboards.

>> No.5593520


>> No.5593927


>> No.5594019


ding ding ding!

>> No.5594712

did you watch the video?

Kroger brand is pretty good too, perhaps even better than lea&perrins

>> No.5595402

Mix L&P Worchestershire sauce with Coleman's powder and a couple drops of Tabasco for a tasty dipping sauce.

You can all thank anon l8r.