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5590577 No.5590577 [Reply] [Original]

What do you put in your scrambled eggs?

>> No.5590583
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>> No.5590609

Butter, eggs. Then salt and garlic once it's done cooking.

>> No.5590610


However, I put my scrambled eggs ON a layer of tomato chutney. It's amazing.

>> No.5590613

small dab of butter to grease the pan, throw some cheese in once the eggs go in, and some season salt or pepper once they come out

>> No.5590615

eggs, milk, salt, pepper, chilli flakes sometimes

cooked in bacon fat

>> No.5590616

Turmeric, salt, pepper, and a slpash of cold water before cooking

>> No.5590617

The blood of my ancestors

>> No.5590619

Absolutely no cheese ever
Fuck the cheese in scrambled eggs guys

>> No.5590627

I love that cheesy gooey goodness.
I lime some eggs with my melted cheese.

>> No.5590632

I like to mix in cheddar and green onion, and serve on a bed of baby spinach

>> No.5590908

the trashcan lid.

Fuck scrambled eggs. Fried eggs over medium or bust.

>> No.5590911
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>> No.5590923

dash of milk
a few grates of cheese
tablespoon of hot sauce
bacon fat on pan
scramble them shits

>> No.5590950

Mix a bit of cheddar in the beaten eggs, cook in melted butter, season with salt, pepper and dried chives. Perfect.

>> No.5590982

lots of butter, season at the end, either dill or chives folded in. unless it's going in a pastilla or something

>> No.5590993


Duck fat.

>> No.5591017

video games.

>> No.5591062
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What's your problem with cheese in your scramblies? I get that some places/peeps overdue it, but they're boring without cheese.

>> No.5591069
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Do you know of a good source of duck fat; online and not stupidly expensive? That shit is gold.

>> No.5591070


> but they're boring without cheese.


>> No.5591095
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>milk in scrambled eggs
>not even once
believing that old wives tale of a secret makes you believe in santa claus tier


>> No.5591110

Butter, pepper, smoked paprika, creme fraiche

>> No.5591111

>old wives secret tale

What? Milk makes the eggs fluffy, what's to "believe"?

>> No.5591163

heavy cream
dash of cayenne

If I have time I'll top them with salsa, sour cream, and black beans. Or get some bacon slices and make a breakfast sandwich with it.

>> No.5591177

anchovies on occasion.

>> No.5591183


>Milk makes the eggs fluffy

i never understood this term 'fluffy'

like, aerated?

they just make the eggs taste insipid for me

>> No.5591200

Water or milk to help it become fluffier when scrambling. Just don't add too much and don't overcook them.

>> No.5591206

You've probably been eating them all your life when you eat out and never knew it.

>> No.5591209
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>> No.5591234

nothing in. crack and whisk em in the pan with butter or olive oil, then salt and pepper at the end. sometimes chive. nothing more.

>> No.5591242


no, i knew it, i just don't understand the 'fluffy' concept.

>> No.5591250

>>5590577usually just salt and pepper

>> No.5591262

Are you retarded or something? Fluffy. Soft. Light. The opposite of tough and flat. Do I need to get out a diagram to prove that adding milk to something makes it creamier?

>> No.5591276


you can avoid tough and flat eggs by whisking them IN the pan and not adding salt until they're done. you don't need fucking milk.

>> No.5591310


but milk doesn't do that

it's just added water

eggs are fluffy because you've whipped them and there's trapped air inside the protein network

with more water you get less foaming

and creamy isn't the same fucking thing as fluffy

>> No.5591325

Not one reply of truffles or truffle oil?

And you call yourselves a cooking board...

>> No.5591338

Truffles are fucking expensive. Truffle oil is disgusting and artificial. I'd probably use truffle salt or something.

>> No.5591342


artificial yes, disgusting no

one of those things people shit on cause it's fashionable

>> No.5591347
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>truffle oil
oh you mean that stuff that if you use more than a teaspoon youv used too much and ruined the dish?

>buy youre patrician though anon so thats cool

>> No.5591407

A fork.

>> No.5591410

When you cook the egg, the water creates steam bubbles, making the eggs fluffier.

>> No.5591415

That's a really bad argument against food. That's really, really bad.

Just because something is strong tasting and it's easy to use too much of it doesn't make it bad.

>> No.5591416

Have you even had truffle oil?

>> No.5591424


i highly doubt that added water does this any more than the water in the egg does in the first place. plus that requires that you cook the egg pretty damn hot.


yep, it's a nice thing to add to chicken soups and mushroom dishes and things like that.

>> No.5591440

All this arguing about adding milk, am i the only casual who adds it because its an easy way to double the amount of eggs you end up with? They taste fine either way

>> No.5591444


>adding ice to a 1/2 full glass of soda is an easy way to double your soda


>> No.5591449

Thats cool nitpicking, but it doesnt change the point

>> No.5591466

>plus that requires that you cook the egg pretty damn hot.

Water boils at 212F. My frying pan is that and higher when cooking eggs. I can scramble the raw egg as much as I can and it won't be as fluffy as when I add a little water or milk to it and mix it in with the same or less scrambling.

Have you ever cooked an egg in your entire life? Because you sound very inexperienced.

>> No.5591476


the point is that you're getting more volume but less flavor.

>> No.5591478


yes, i have cooked an egg in my entire life. if the egg itself was hitting boiling temperatures throughout, it would be horribly overcooked.

>> No.5591484

yeah, to me that's a fair trade off considering i'm going to devour it on toast. Like i said, casual.

>> No.5591496


i get the impression that most people don't really like the taste of eggs... so they dilute and drown them in sauce. i mean why even eat eggs then

>> No.5591497

>>>5591424 (You)
>>plus that requires that you cook the egg pretty damn hot.
>Water boils at 212F. My frying pan is that and higher when cooking eggs. I can scramble the raw egg as much as I can and it won't be as fluffy as when I add a little water or milk to it and mix it in with the same or less scrambling.
>Have you ever cooked an egg in your entire life? Because you sound very inexperienced.

Do Egg Beaters count?

>> No.5591499

50% onions
50% eggs

>> No.5592424

I usually make eggs for my whole family, so I put in.

>9 eggs
>5 slices of american cheese
>a couple shakes of salt and pepper
>a dash of milk

I then put a spoon of butter in the pan and spread it around so that the egg doesn't stick. Then when it gets in the pan I scrape and don't stop scraping until it's done. I hate it when people basically make an omlette and then cut it up. Anyway, I can tell when it's done when there's no juice, but it's not dry.

>> No.5593228

Truffle oil niggers. Not synthetic truffle oil.
Fuck this board is full of wannabe hipster chef faggots.
"Oh noh bourdain said truffle oil is bad so now I have an oppinion that I dont actually understand but will hold as a badge of honour"

Fuck you all faggots, why would I even mention that fake shit in the same sentence as real truffles, stop trollin and just acknowledge that real truffle, either in it natural or infused form is a a fucking superior combination with egg.
Or are you too butt hurt from being a poorfag that cant afford the real deal?

>> No.5593242
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A few crumbled cubes of marinated feta and way too many herbs- like a heaped handful of chopped parsley and chives for a couple of eggs.
Maybe a dash of cream or milk. Teaspoon of butter in the pan or just left over bacon grease if I'm having a bigger breakfast.

I hear oyster sauce does well but I'm too scared too try, any Asian anons here that could give me insight?

pic related

>> No.5593253

*tips fedora, unsheaths katana, bows*

>> No.5593256

It's white truffle oil that is fake or flavored.
People who don't know the difference between truffles shouldn't even be commenting on the oil. They're the same people who like Gordon Ramsey, not Anthony Boudain. Bourdain dialogue is wayyy over their heads.

>> No.5593261

You unbelievable cuntswabbling fagbreathed cunt.
Truffle oil has no place in eggs, perhaps some fresh grated on top but not inside.

>> No.5593265

>you can avoid tough and flat eggs by whisking them IN the pan and not adding salt until they're done. you don't need fucking milk.
WTF is achieved by whisking in the pan? Nothing except incomplete blending. You making up some fake science now?

>> No.5593268

Butter before cooking then usually sharp cheddar cheese and pepper

>> No.5593269

>>9 eggs
>>5 slices of american cheese
Should cut that down to 3 slices. That's too much a ratio.

>> No.5593284

Tarragon, salt, pepper.

>> No.5593331

If you choose to whisk them in the pan then you must take the path of slow creamy eggs.

>> No.5593371
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I always have my scrambled eggs with bacon. So I fry up the bacon first, pour out excess fat, then scramble my eggs in the remaining fat.

Before scrambling them, I usually add kosher salt, paprika, a little garlic powder, and about a splash or two of Worcestershire sauce. After its cooked I liberally crack black pepper over it.

I've been eating the same breakfast for three weeks now and it hasn't gotten old.

>> No.5593375

>the path of slow creamy eggs
Did this recently (whisked the eggs first), it transforms the egg into velvet that melts on the tongue. But it takes time.

Sometimes I like worchestershire on eggs

>> No.5593377


>> No.5593391

I've tried putting so much stuff into scrambled eggs but I always seem to go back to cheese and ham

>dem waffle house cheesy eggs do

>> No.5593393


>> No.5593401

black pepper and paprika

>> No.5593908

Yeah maybe, I'll try it next time.

>> No.5593934


Also feel free to wrap that shit in a corn tortilla and put some salsa on it.

>> No.5593936

Mexican Chorizo, then fold eggs in.

>> No.5593951

>ctrl+f chorizo
>1 result

Also some kind of cheese and green onion occasionally.

>> No.5593955

My favorite is smoked salmon and chives.
I also like to throw in some garam/curry powder and whatever meat I have on hand.

>> No.5593957

what's a good chorizo to buy, anon?

>> No.5593963

The ONLY reason I can see for tough eggs is if you overcooked the shit out of them. I almost always add salt to mine before cooking.

>> No.5593976

Experiment. Cheap Mexican chorizo from my experience has a lot of fat. That's not bad and it certainly suits certain dishes better. For eggs, I prefer something a little bit more meaty and crumbly. You may have to pay more, but for around 2-4 dollars a link at Vons, go ham. Spanish Chorizo is cooked through and retains it shape. Mexican Chorizo tends to render like high fat ground beef. If you live in a latin american neighborhood, try looking for green chile chorizo. Hard to find, but certainly worth the effort imho.

>> No.5593988

Diced potatoes
Green onion
Tomatoes or pico
Crumbled bacon or German sausage

>> No.5594021


>> No.5594099

this cunt gets it

HEY but did you try Feta? Jesus Christ mother of Jebus

>> No.5594102

sounds way too strong, and im somebody that enjoys Smoked Salmon with scrambled eggs.

>> No.5594103

they eat shit eggs.

First rule of Egg Club is buy free range.

>> No.5594108


lolno you just grew up eating cheese this cheese that cheese everything, so you can't enjoy perfectly delicious food like eggs without your cheese crutch.

>> No.5594112

Asian style eggs are cooked in a wok, tossed on a plate with fresh chopped chilli and green onions & a dash of oyster sauce.

They taste really great, but rich.

>> No.5594118

Smoked Salmon and Asparagus are the king off egg condiments.

No arguments.

>> No.5594378

holy fuck it's scrambled eggs calm the fuck down. cheese crutch? really? what's the big deal about cheese it's a great addition to food and if you don't like it don't put cheese in your god damn eggs

>> No.5594382

I haven't put cheese in my eggs in years. Salt and pepper works fine fatty.

>> No.5594388

Are you the same butthurt faggot that got told yesterday. Keep defending your artificial plebian oil.

>> No.5594449

Damn your a sharp individual

>> No.5594454
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>> No.5594499
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Darn toot'n! Feta's great. A really tart goat cheese is good too.

>> No.5594504

I love cheese.

>> No.5594548

Wait, do you mean you like to include some line with your eggs or was it just a typo? I'm curious to see if you can actually work lime into scrambled eggs.

I usually start with a splash of milk (unless I made bacon, then I just leave the grease in the pan and use that) then I put some muenster and parmesan cheese and sometimes I'll add ham too

>> No.5594569

What's the advantage of whisking them in the pan instead of in a bowl then putting them on the pan? I would think that it would lead to incomplete mixing of the eggs since they would start cooking as soon as they went in. Unless you start with a cold pan but I still don't see any reason to do that either

>> No.5594591

Yeah I've done that too and it's incredibly tasty but takes way too much time and attention to make regularly.

>> No.5594703

Always wanted to try putting tamarind sauce and lime on scrambled eggs to see if I could make pad thai without noodles

>> No.5594709
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Oh god, first time boiling an egg. I'm nervous

>> No.5595250

>adds butter/olive oil, salt, pepper, chives

>> No.5595261


You're already doing it wrong.