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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5586873 No.5586873 [Reply] [Original]

why is this bad? i keep hearing you guys refrence it when talking about a bad cook

i think i may be a bad cook

>> No.5586880

Well, cold oil can't "cook" anything, for one.

>> No.5586888

harder to get maillard browning (aka tasty yum yum seared goodness) without overcooking

>> No.5586892

I'm not sure of the science behind it (tbh, i can't be arsed to look it up) but anecdotal evidence suggests that pan frying or deep frying in cold oil makes the food greasy.

For searing or browning, the oil should be added at "mercury ball" stage, where dropping a drop of water in your pan causes it to hover without evaporating, not unlike a ball of mercury.

At which point you add oil until it shimmers and then add your food. This is to prevent sticking and promote a proper Maillard

Cold oil has a place only in cold applications like marinades and dressings, elsewise, it is a buffer for food, and a cold buffer is a poor buffer

>> No.5587144

Who said cold oil is bad?

Anyway, if you put, say, a sandwich in oil/butter/whatever fat when the fat isn't hot enough, the bread will soak up the fat rather than cook in it. If the fat is hot, instead of soaking into the bread, it will cook 'around' the bread because the waters in the bread will essentially push the oil away. Same 'science' as mixing oil with liquid for dressings and not adding liquid to hot oil because it'll spit.

But this isn't necessarily a problem with less porous foods, which is why cold oil fries work well.

>> No.5587829

>oil is hot
>put food in oil
>food cooks and gets delicious

>oil is cold
>put food in oil
>food soaks up oil
>oil eventually heats up
>food cooks but ends up greasy

>> No.5588407

so it makes food greasy. yes i have noticed this about my sauteed vegatables

>> No.5588783

water in food, when dropped into oil at >100C boils, ejecting steam, keeping oil from leaking into pores. Nothing keeps the oil from getting absorbed when cool.

>> No.5589599

why does my mother refuse to acknowledge this
I keep telling her but she simply doesn't listen

>> No.5589603

become an axe murderer, that'll teach her

>> No.5590303

she likes greasy.

>> No.5591084

Jesus Christ, I think this is probably the most horrendous rage-inducing picto-recipe I have ever seen on /ck/

>narrated by needlessly confrontational edgy swearing stickman character
>sauteeing veggies separately to add to the rest of the food rather than just doing that step first
>it tells us to throw out a McCormick pre-packaged spice mix and make it from scratch... using a cocktail of McCormick spices that would have been what was in that packet anyway, jesus christ is this snobbish and misguided
>cut half a huge ass onion rather than a whole small one
>coconut oil in a chili
>adding and mixing shitstain crackers to the culinary abortion
>adding pisswater CANNED beer, ugh
>pointless pictures of speakers and playing vidya games
>food looks pig fucking disgusting to boot

If you think this recipe is the pinnacle of tastiness and cooking you need to get the fuck out

>> No.5591138

I think it's more about how it's written like an edgy 12 year old retard than it's cooking specific shortcomings.

>> No.5591150

he threw in too many vegtables for Texas chili. we call that soup here.

>> No.5591216
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Fuck that cunt who made this vertical and fuck every cunt who thinks this is a "good" chili recipe.

>> No.5591236



>three fucking cans of tomatoes
>huge chunks of crudely chopped green pepper
>only one kind of chilli powder
>too little of all the spices, in fact

>> No.5591247
File: 105 KB, 460x281, 1232343223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting beans in chili
>putting corn in chili
>putting bell pepper in chili
>putting beer in chili
>putting tomatos in chili

You call that a chili? I call it a fuckup à la Américainne.