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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 682x450, butteroliveoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5584143 No.5584143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Butter vs olive oil

What do you prefer ?

>> No.5584145


if it's something that will have a noticeable difference in taste, butter. if not, oil

recently i've been making a lot of eggs and a little bit of butter definitely adds richness

>> No.5584146

generally olive oil. Vegetable fats is good for you, animal fats not so much.

Butter is more flavor-neutral than olive oil, so if I dont want olive oil taste in my dish I'll use butter.

>> No.5584148
File: 6 KB, 240x149, dafuqhitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither. Both have their uses, you autistic faggot. Spaghetti with browned butter doesn't exactly turn out right with olive oil, nor does using butter as salad dressing, just to list off a couple of examples.

>> No.5584151

cook with clarified butter, olive oil low smoke point guarantee you will always eat poison every time you cook with it.

>> No.5584153

>not cooking with rapeseed oil

>> No.5584155

which is why the french and italians are generally healthy, because of all the poison they eat? Did you put extra lead paint in your coffee this morning, or was this nadir of stupidity reached un-assisted?

>> No.5584164

I bake with butter, use EV olive oil for dressing and pan fry stuff with macadamia oil.

>> No.5584166

It depends on the quality, i'd imagine that cheap olive oil in america is poorer quality then cheap oil in france/italy

>> No.5584170

Dude French food is full of butter, unless you only considere the south eastern part of the country (the part near Italy).

>> No.5584173

And your lead-impaired imagination would lead you astray. I come from Lucca, and the Olive oil produced in Napa Valley is generally of better quality (and is also not controlled/cut by the mob) than anything the continent has produced. I know yankbashing is fun, but all it really accomplishes is making you look like an insecure little poltroon.

>> No.5584185

That's the only part of France worth considering, friend.

>> No.5584217

I disagree
South east a racist maffia loving shit.

Signed the rest of France.

>> No.5584222

Dumb question/go fuck yourself

>> No.5584230

Butter all the way.
Olive oil is something I personnally find disgusting.
I use more neutral oil, such a sunflower one when I need to fry something.
I like the sesame one but it's not so easy to find and only sold in small quantity.

>> No.5584253

It's commonly known in France to never cook with olive oil and only use is in dressing or adding it later.

>> No.5584255

Olive oil for savory dishes and butter for desserts and light savory dishes.

>> No.5584259


>> No.5584269

I prefer butter for the taste but being Mediterranean I use olive oil by default

>> No.5584287

People in this thread don't realize olive oil is different from extra virgin olive oil. Olive oil is more neutral and has a high smoke point, and is a common oil for sauteeing and frying is some areas.

That said I prefer canola as a cooking oil because it's more neutral and cheap and relatively healthy (inb4foodpolice).

Butter for baking or in the pan for certain foods like eggs, pancakes, sometimes onions and steaks.

>> No.5584328

I like butter for the mouthfeel and feeling of satiety; I like EVOO because its cheaper than the butter I prefer and is much better to dumping in large amounts when I have those days when I crave crazy amounts of fat

In the end ghee is a happy middle ground

>> No.5584648

Again EVOO =/= olive oil, and they both have their uses, as well as butter and ghee. You can't just use one for everything. This is a stupid thread.

>> No.5584672

I don't like when threads are derailed with this topic, but your unqualified and extremely general statement really rubs me the wrong way
Vegetable oils have the potential to be some of the absolute worst things a human can consume. Olive oil is good, sure, but the vegetable oils you see more commonly (soybean, cottonseed, and all of the hydrogenated oils) are almost universally bad for you. I'd much rather use lard or suet than the majority of vegetable oils out there. Animal fats have been shown to be neutral in terms of health benefits (i.e. not actively good, like olive oil, but not actuvely bad, like vegetable oils) and indeed are less prone to rancidification than primarily unsaturated cooking fats, making them better than olive oil in at least one regard.

>> No.5584712

Depends on the ingredients and cooking method
For most meats, I use a mixture of butter and peanut or canola oil, sometimes lard. For most vegetables, a mixture of a neutral oil (usually canola) and a flavorful fat (lard, sesame oil, butter, olive oil for more neutral flavors) depending on the food. I do find myself using butter and sesame oil a lot more lately because I adore the flavors

for immersion frying I use peanut oil or canola

I never cook with EVOO, and find it weird that 95% of olive oils in groceries are advertised as it. I like it on salads/hummus or with bread but who buys like liters or the stuff?

I also use flaxseed for seasoning cookware but haven't cooked with it much. No experience with sunflower/coconut/etc oils

>> No.5587304

hahaha 1-7 Brasil v Germany, Brasil got a lesson.

>> No.5587453

You are both wrong. Butter IS good. Learn nutrition.

>> No.5587455

Due to saturated fat content alone, olive oil is mostly preferred.

>> No.5587456
File: 89 KB, 459x332, SausageChef_85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italian here.
I always use Extra Virgin Oil.
I find it alot healthier and alot lighter than butter.

>> No.5587460
File: 37 KB, 360x480, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaghetti with olive oil
>example of something bad

>> No.5587467

I'm a very big fan of olive oil. Butter is amazing for making desserts, but I almost never do savory dishes with it. Not a fan of butter based sauces. But almost anything cooked with olive oil and garlic stands a good chance of being delicious to me.

>> No.5587468

Yeah, I switched from butter to olive oil with my sandwiches entirely. You know, buttered bread? So unhealthy. Much better to pour shitloads of olive on bread and then add other ingredients.

>> No.5587477

>Much better to pour shitloads of olive on bread and then add other ingredients.
Trollish, but not entirely untrue. The best breakfast I've ever had was a sandwich of jamon, tomato puree and olive oil in southern Spain.

>> No.5587482

you mean you like oily pasta?
Spaghetti with sauce that contains olive oil and other goodies (tomato, basil, spices) = okay.

OTOH, I happened to be served a "dish" consisting of spaghetti pasta with fat and few odd crumbs of fried sausage. NOT good let me tell ya.

>> No.5587487

being a spaniard I could live without butter, but i couldn't live without olive oil. life would suck really bad

>> No.5587493

I use soybean oil mostly.

>> No.5587494

I keep seeing this posted in /ck/ and I still don't understand it. I cook everything I eat with olive oil (extra virgin olive oil). I live in a country where 90% of everything is cooked in olive oil and not even once I've heard about this bullshit other than here in /ck/. If olive oil turns into poison every time it gets to smoke point I would die once or twice a day. Me and the other 50 million people living in my country

>> No.5587495

I mean that the post I replied to claimed that pasta with olive oil is BAD. Which is insane. Pasta should always have a dash of olive oil on it.

>> No.5587498

Olive oil for most things, butter for flavour, lard for biscuits etc, and peanut/vegetable oil for frying

>> No.5587500

>pasta with fried sausage
>not good
I swear to God this board is so shitty. No one of you can cook. That's how you serve pasta in Italy. Google Salsiccia.

>> No.5587502

I think most of us know that, it's cooking oils 101, anon.

>> No.5587514

The smoke point of oils doesn't matter because you shouldn't fry or sauté with such heat anyway you fucking idiot.

>> No.5587517

not the guy you replied to, but in order to deep fry anything you have to get the oil in very high heat, just saying

>> No.5587519

another different poster... what the hell makes you say that?

>> No.5587520

We're not talking about deep frying are we?

>> No.5587525
File: 22 KB, 400x300, mush 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck do you want to burn your food? There's not a lot of items you should cook in such hgih temperatures that you actually reach SMOKING POINT.
Pic related, if this happens you've fucked up and should try again.

>> No.5587530

that picture is well past the smoke point.

i commonly heat oil to at/near the smoke point to saute things, and never have this problem.

sounds like a personal problem, anon.

also "such high temperatures that you actually reach SMOKING POINT" is dependent on the smoke point of the oil.

>> No.5587533

Smoke point is the temperature it's starting to smoke. My picture is extreme but still, your oil shouldn't start smoking on it's own. Then it's too high. Near smoke point is of course fine because it's still not smoke point, correct?

>> No.5587541

>Near smoke point is of course fine because it's still not smoke point, correct?
yes, but then that brings up another question. which oil's smoke point is "too hot" ? if i'm near smoke point of oil A, but it has a much higher smoke point than oil B, then by your initial logic, cooking over the smoke point of oil B is too hot, but cooking just under the smoke point of oil A is fine, despite the second temp being higher.

>> No.5587546

You're aware that there are dishes that are cooked past the smoking point of certain oils, yes? Or are you just shitposting?

>> No.5587550

That's true. I guess you're right about that but I still think you can use extra virgin olive oil as a standard cooking oil without problem. Maybe if you're making a steak or something you should switch but most items are fine at the temperatures extra virgin can handle. I mean, it's stupid to say extra virgin is a bad cooking oil because of it's low smoking point when you're not even experiencing smoking point. You get my point?

>> No.5587553

I'm well aware of that, that's why I said 'there's not a lot of items you should cook in such high temperatures'. Read the thread.

>> No.5587561

i get your point, but i think that most people just want a "standard" cooking oil that they wouldn't have to switch out for higher heat cooking, and that's why they refer to the smoke point. high smoke point = i can saute my steak with the same oil i used to cook my vegetables without any hindrance.

that said, no kitchen should limit itself to one oil in the first place. personally, i keep olive oil, canola oil, and butter in my kitchen all the time.

>> No.5587564

>The smoke point of oils doesn't matter because you shouldn't fry or sauté with such heat anyway you fucking idiot.

I was responding to a single post, and it was fucking wrong. You were wrong, deal with it

>> No.5587578
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Yeah you're right

>> No.5587732

>italy does it so it must be good

>> No.5587755
File: 33 KB, 358x239, carltonbob_bankspants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>butter IS good

You might as well be saying "evolution is wrong" and then linking to the westboro baptist church website. By the way, Sally Fallon is obese.

>> No.5587929

I save grease from ground meat and use that

>> No.5587981

Yes, Italian food is probably the best in the world

>> No.5587985
File: 63 KB, 337x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me why Weston price foundation is wrong. Please do. Have you read this?

>> No.5587986

after french, spanish, german, and many others sure

>> No.5588000
File: 49 KB, 300x303, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after german
You can't be European cant you? Because then you would know what the fuck you just said

>> No.5588006


>> No.5588015
File: 85 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Please test me about my own country

>> No.5588022

what region

>> No.5588030 [DELETED] 


Because it's based on research that a doctor from the 1930s did on dental health in native populations. Since then, actual doctors have done research that lead us to the lipid hypothesis, which is that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol are directly responsible for heart disease by raising the cholesterol levels in the blood. The Weston Price Foundation was founded half a century after Price died by an obese evangelical Christian (also not a doctor) who has radical views about health not supported by convincing scientific works. It's always fun to hear a new conspiracy theory, but the whole "the world's best doctors and scientists don't want you to eat saturated fat because it's TOO HEALTHY!" premise is just ridiculous

>> No.5588032

Baden & Bavarian cuisine is great

>> No.5588035


Because it's based on research that a dentist from the 1930s did on dental health in native populations. Since then, actual doctors have done research that lead us to the lipid hypothesis, which is that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol are directly responsible for heart disease by raising the cholesterol levels in the blood. The Weston Price Foundation was founded half a century after Price died by an obese evangelical Christian (also not a doctor) who has radical views about health not supported by convincing scientific works. It's always fun to hear a new conspiracy theory, but the whole "the world's best doctors and scientists don't want you to eat saturated fat because it's TOO HEALTHY!" premise is just ridiculous

>> No.5588039


>> No.5588050

It's not a conspiract theory, it's about economics. Processed foods are cheaper than real foods and people buy cheap things. Why the fuck are you talking about conspiracy theories? Also it's in no way a scientific reality that animal fats are bad for you. THAT is old knowledge.

>> No.5588051

Italian food is all over spiced and inconsistent

>> No.5588054

Saturated fats are bad for you, that is a fact.

>> No.5588059

>over spiced
Italian food is often simplistic and clean

>> No.5588067

That's because Italian cuisine is extremely regional

>> No.5588069

Says who?

>> No.5588076


>Why the fuck are you talking about conspiracy theories?

Because WAPF insists that nutritional science is all corrupt and they exist to tell people to truth, and the "truth" happens to be the opposite of what the world's leading doctors and scientists say. It's a cult-like way of thinking.

>Also it's in no way a scientific reality that animal fats are bad for you. THAT is old knowledge.

It's as much of a fact as the theory of evolution or the age of the earth. You've been told something else by a group of people that nobody in the medical community agrees with because it goes against the very foundation of medical science that we've been developing all this time.

>> No.5588080

no its not, northern france is more butter focused and southern id more O Oil focused and some regions are more duck fat centric

>> No.5588085

theres your problem

see >>5588032

>> No.5588102

>he thinks germany in 2014 is so regionally divided i dont eat bavarian cuisine

>> No.5588117

>self-hating German detected
WWII really fucked you guys up. Nobody is saying that you should go full-retard patriotism like America, but Germany has a lot of things to be proud of, including cuisine.

>> No.5588118


>> No.5588126

What the FUCK are you talking about? I am a self hating German because I say Italian cuisine is a lot better? Go to bed you immature boy

>> No.5588134

>different regions dont have different cuisines

>> No.5588142

>Aseem Malhotra
lolno. that guy is an idiot

>> No.5588149

Are you fucking insane? It's 2014. I have been to Bavaria more times than you have eaten German food. We have Bavarian restaurants in all parts of the country. You can eat Mexican food, Turkish food, fucking Mongolian food in Germany don't you think I can eat Bavarian food? Please stop posting

>> No.5588150

Germans developed immense guilt following the holocaust, and this resulted in a cultural inferiority complex that plagues you to this day.

>> No.5588160

Cook food with butter.

Use olive oil as a finishing oil.

It's so fucking simple you cunts.

>> No.5588176


Notice the mention of the 2010 Siri-Tarino meta-analysis co-authored by Ronald Krauss in reference number 5. Ronald Krauss has received funding from the National Cattleman's Association, the National Dairy Farmers, and the Atkins Foundation. It's a meta-analysis of studies that compare high saturated fat diets to other high saturated fat diets that also include refined carbohydrates and trans fats, and used that to say there's no evidence that we should lower satured fat consumption because going from 15% sat. fat to 13% sat fat + a bunch of junk food doesn't do much for heart health. This is how you pick out charlatans. The reason the meta-analysis has been around for 4 years and still nobody agrees with the conclusion is because if you present the included studies to a scientist, they'll say "what the fuck is this?" and laugh you out of their sight, but you present it to a lay man who also wants to believe that saturated fat isn't unhealthy and they don't even bother to read it, let alone try to understand it. Luckily, this website will break down these kinds of studies for you and show you why they're misleading and incorrect


Also, here's one of the most accomplished cardiologists in the world with over 1,500 published works over many decades studying heart health and diet.


This is a Q and A he did on atherosclerosis and cholesterol


>> No.5588178

you may can get southern food outside of the southern US but its not going to be the same or as varied as from the source.

You also said German food is shit. I posted two of their best regions for german cuisine.

Get fucked, people like you are what is wrong with germany. When my Grandfathers fought in WW2 they came back and said Germans were great, friendly, proud people, now youre just a bunch of cunts

>> No.5588179

>please tell me about your country
I can be how prous I want I still think French and Italian cuisine is better. Go to bed kid

>> No.5588192

Hahahhahahahahhahahahha this fucking guy

>> No.5588201

>tfw Mark Bittman tells you to generously slather your meat or fish with olive oil (EV) before you put it in the oven
Is he trying to kill me?

>> No.5588203

>go to bed
It's not even 3 in the afternoon, here. Then again, I can't expect someone who had to go through the German education system to know about time zones.

>> No.5588234

whats funny, or did you just say that because youve nothing productive to say

>> No.5588238

>meat enthusiasts getting blown the fuck out as per usual

>> No.5588243

>vegans caring what other people do with their lives as per usual

>> No.5588253


I don't think "meat enthusiasts" was meant to mean anyone who eats any amount of meat, just the people who claim eating all the fatty meat they want is perfectly healthy

>> No.5588255

>anyone who eats a healthy and cultured diet is a vegan
Nah, just you can't get your head around exactly how little meat you should be having.

>> No.5588270

As I said in another thread I come from a long line of family farmers. We eat meat 2-3 times a day everyday. We also eat lots of veggies and fruits fresh in season or canned/frozen/dehydrated out of season. We have a decent level of physical activity from working. Most people in my family live well into late 80's to early 90's

>> No.5588286


>Most people in my family live well into late 80's to early 90's

I wish you luck then, but it's still important to know that most people can't get away with things like this. Just like for every 90 year old smoker you see, there's 100,000 people who died prematurely of lung cancer. On the other hand, you'd never know if your health would be even better on a more plant-based diet. For all you know, you're selling your genes short, but it sounds like you enjoy meat enough to accept the risks

>> No.5588335

Original poster here, and yes, I was talking about deep and/or shallow frying, which both are done at 325-400 degrees F. Definitely past the smoke point of butter, about right at the smoke point of EVOO.

>> No.5588351

That's cool.... if you are only skilled in one fucking cooking method. Enjoy your fried smoke.