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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 2156x1615, BURGER_KING-PROUD_WHOPPER__38591619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5579806 No.5579806 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw amerifats cry at gay burgers

>> No.5579809

Why are you so obsessed with Americans?

>> No.5579815

why would you think i'm obsessed with americans?

>> No.5579837
File: 45 KB, 159x219, 1389931890898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5579840

what does spork from star wars have to do with anything?

>> No.5579846

lol burger king trying their hardest to be progressive

>> No.5579852
File: 447 KB, 640x480, cannibalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are based as fuck, no matter what.

I would eat the gayest burger on earth, simply by virtue of it being a burger.

Fuck off, europoors.

>> No.5579853

Because you're posting a thread dedicated to talking about them and a burger an American company made

>> No.5579861

>mfw muritards will be forced to eat this burgers or the'll be called homophobic
>mfw I have no face

Talking seriously, why does it make a different burger? Is it made with gay cows?

>> No.5579863

Are you like new or something? The thread was made with the purpose of discussing gay burgers and how gay people think burgers taste different because they're gay

>> No.5579865


>> No.5579871


The burger is a regular whooper, but with a gay wrapping
also, inside the wrapping it says "we are all the same inside"

>> No.5579875

>we are all the same inside
not true
I don't have HIV bound to my RNA

>> No.5579877

>mfw muritards will be forced to eat this burgers or the'll be called homophobic
Seriously? This is America, not the fucking EU where we have to bend over backwards for minorities otherwise we're bigoted and racist.

>> No.5579882

/pol/ack pls go

>> No.5579890

This is really what it's about, isn't it?

Personally I don't give a fuck if you're gay or not, just don't force me to be gay and eat gay burgers.

>> No.5579891

>hi can I get a whopper?
>would you like to try the proud whopper instead?
>what's the difference?
>just gimme' a regular one

>> No.5579893
File: 17 KB, 232x197, 1338178634575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those faggots pretending to think it taste different
>Those dumb as fuck bitches at 1:09
>That fat nigger lesbian crying over a shitty message
>Poor girl having to deal with the shit of 2 mommies and one of them is "unique" as fuck

>> No.5579895

>eat gay burgers
How can a burger be gay?

>> No.5579905

Because In-N-Out is xtian fascism; and Burger King is the gay empire

>> No.5579908

do they cost more than a regular?

>> No.5579912
File: 442 KB, 1200x800, brize_of_freedom__DD_aFe1N_628dc580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating is a special thing for Americans. While Americans are eating, they have nothing else to do or think about, so they become bored. Much like a person attempting to defecate in the restroom, some form of mental distraction, such as reading a book, is in order. But Americans, not being literate, must resort to other forms of media to occupy their minds while they masticate. This is exactly why the packaging material of American foodstuffs is always brightly colored, covered in unrelated imagery and simple words. The moment when they are eating is the moment that their minds are being flooded with neurochemical triggers caused by the excessive fats, salts, and glutamates in their food. The perfect moment to inject propaganda and advertising.

>> No.5579914

It has to or else it wouldn't be a special snowflake burger.

>> No.5579923

So if they're equal burgers, why is Burger King making inequal wrappers? Those burgers didn't get to decide whether they wanted to be gay or not, Burger King chose that for them. What about all the straight Whoppers that want to be gay? I demand that Burger King treat burgers equally.

>> No.5579928
File: 168 KB, 407x379, 1364677899995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking in-n-out
get a load out of this shit taste

>> No.5579940

This man understands.
Every burger I eat is a proud burger because I'm proud to put it in my freedom-hole. God bless.

>> No.5579964

Are you like obsessed or something? The thread was made with the purpose of discussing Americans because you're obsessed.

>> No.5579968

Why are you so obsessed with Americans?

>> No.5579978


Oh come on, I'm American and I cracked up at OP's post.

Just the picture of a overweight American getting all sentimental and heartstrung over her favorite burger chain releasing their mass-produced, fat and sodium bomb in "progressive" colors..

It's funny!

>> No.5579981

You guys have it wrong.

The lesson they're trying to teach is that no matter who you are, inside you're just a Soylent burger waiting to be processed at the end of your useful life.

>> No.5580009

He isn't laughing. He's just genuinely obsessed.

>> No.5580019
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>> No.5580021


>> No.5580024


>the one black girl who just keeps yelling "it's just the same shit"

would be my reaction exactly
stay based black people. no time for these stupid white shenanigans. if I wanted a whopper I'd have ordered a whopper.

>> No.5580035 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 754x750, júden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFW you know less than you thing

>> No.5580078

>alarm clock goes off
>wake up
>roll out of bed
>hear beeping noise
>it's my blood glucose meter
>it's time to check my blood sugar levels again
>prick one of my stubby fingers on the test strip
>"Your blood sugar level indicates that you are overdue for your next meal."
>feel horrible pain in my stomach
>it's time for breakfast though so I have to eat, it's my duty, and my country needs me
>slowly waddle through piles of trash to get to my front door
>Google Car™ automatically pulls up to my drive way
>door opens
>attempt to fit my obese ass in the Extra Wide™ seats
>close the door and tell my Google Car™ to pull up to the Burger King™ Drive-Thru down the block

>> No.5580080

>my micropenis starts to become half-erect as the Burger King™ sign comes into view
>"Welcome to Burger King™. Your Burger King™ online cloud profile indicates that you are feeling hungry and you would like a burger."
>starting to feel dazed due to blood sugar
>"I am feeling hungry and I would like a burger."
>"Please state the full name of the burger that you would like."
>blood sugar so low that I can't think
>"I, uh... can't remember what it's called. Can I just... get a burger please?"
>"Based on your profile, the following burger is the only option available to you at this time: Soylent Gay Whopper™. Note that one privilege demerit has been added to your official record due to the nature of your inquiry."
>"Can I... get a Soylent Gay Whopper™ please?"
>"Would you like some phytoestrogen sauce on that?"
>"Uh... n-no thanks... just the burger... its fine..."
>"Warning. According to Google Health™ records, you have not been meeting this month's estrogen quota. By federal law, a person of your privilege level is compelled to include at least 1 daily serving from the Estrogen food group containing at least 500 milligrams of active medicinal ingredients. Failure to provide informed consent to make this Burger King™ meal compliant with the FDA Feminine Freedom Food™ program will result in an immediate digital court order requiring you to be incarcerated in a federal prison."
>"Uhhhh... I just... want... my burger..."
>heaving and panting, I feel my blood sugar dropping by the minute

>> No.5580096

>"Do you consent to having your order modified to suit FDA guidelines?"
>"According to your Google Wallet™, you still have 6 federal food stamps remaining on your account. By law, your Burger King™ meal will be automatically upgraded to comply with federal guidelines concerning minimum required fat and gluten intake. This will consume one food stamp. Your Google Wallet™ will not be charged for this Burger King™ meal."
>"Your meal has been upgraded to include one Soylent™ Gluten Protein Shake™ and a side of commemorative 9/11 Freedom Fries™. By law you will be required to consume at least 90% of your Burger King™ meal. All observations made by the NSA during your eating session will be recorded in your Google Health records. If you do not meet minimum consumption requirements, law enforcement will be notified immediately. Do you understand these rights and responsibilities as set out by the federal government of the United States of America™?"
>"Yes. God bless America™."
>"You may now proceed to the pickup window to receive your Burger King™ meal."
>Google Car™ approaches pickup window automatically
>I grab the meal and tell the car to park in the parking lot

>> No.5580100

>as I open the bag, dripping with warm oil, I can smell the greasy burger fumes
>my erection becomes fully semi-hard as I bite into the burger and caress the succulent Soylent™ patty with my tongue
>as my mouth fills with estrogen juices I can feel my mind calming down, my penis getting soft again
>the harsh saltiness of the burger begins to burn at my throat and lips
>I reluctantly put down the burger, only for a moment, I tell myself
>I tilt my head all the way back, my mouth pointing toward the sky, wide open
>I raise the Soylent™ Gluten Protein Shake™ seductively up towards my lips
>I tilt the cup daintily until that precious, semen-like viscous fluid begins to flow over my lips, around my tongue, and down my throat
>the salty flavor begins to mix with the umami protein taste, the burning starting to subside
>my mind begins to feel intense pleasure, as the fat and chemicals and estrogen begin to twist my thoughts
>my penis has never been this soft
>my heart begins to pound more and more
>suddenly I feel something
>a wetness between my legs
>I seem to have ejaculated
>start to feel pain in the left side of my chest
>vision getting blurry
>pass out

>> No.5580105

>wake up
>doctors are removing my testicles
>the nurse turns to me
>"We're sorry but you have reached the end of your useful life as a citizen of the United States of America™. It is now your duty to relinquish your privilege and become a servant of the United States of America™. After which you will be turned into Soylent for other citizens."
>hear one last "snip" and feel the calming femininity wash over me
>"God... Bless... America™..."

>> No.5580107

I like to imagine the type of people who type these posts are butthurt russians who are hunkered down in some shithole just wishing they had our glorious foods as they chew on some stale piece of bread.

>> No.5580111

I appulde them (bk franchieies. mickie dee might contribute but except for some orange drink, it was like pulling theeth gay or straight, given the choice always bk. whopper. ltm, chesse mayo, kethup and their fries are ok. if pounding down the road and see sighns,bk first, wendy's second mickee dee 3rd,. no 4th Id rather eat gas station food than jack off in the box,dq sonic and way better than arbys,tots or not 4 60 is too much. and 7 bucks rather subwaqyof bacon Gay wrapper or not, a better burger. two whoppers with cheese(stop that) ltm one fryand also have ok breakfast. but way off interstates nice people gona have to lose the king thing. creppy even for me.

>> No.5580112

10/10 feature film when?

>> No.5580118

dude, what

>> No.5580122

Here you can see it happening already. This American is too far gone to be helped. His mind and body are barely even able to articulate and type this deperate plea for help.

>> No.5580123
File: 16 KB, 380x300, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have not been meeting this month's estrogen quota

>> No.5580126

Are there any fast food places for people who don't agree with homosexuality? Are there any places left for normal straight people with strong christian family values?

>> No.5580127


>> No.5580128
File: 68 KB, 560x420, chick-fil-a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes, yes there are!

>> No.5580132

I hate gays and religionfags but damned if those fries don't look amazing

>> No.5580138

Unfortunately I don't have those in my state.

>> No.5580140
File: 51 KB, 533x400, l[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based chic fil a
I may not agree with their stance on gays but goddamn do they not make the most delicious chicken sandwich I've ever eaten.
Also probably one of the best fast food places in terms of customer service. The people who work there are always super friendly and never get your order wrong.

>> No.5580143


>chicken hamburguer
And they dare to criticize faggots

>> No.5580145

>do you want to try this new item
>what is the difference
>I dunno

>> No.5580155

Why the fuck do retards keep going on about how chik fil a hates gays? That was the personal opinion of a single fucking executive. It's not like they're going to tell you to get lost if you're a faggot and you want to eat there. People are so stupid and easily insulted they boycott an entire restaurant chain because of what a single employee says.

>> No.5580160

The same thing happened to Mozilla and Firefox when someone found out that the new CEO made a monetary donation to a political group that opposed gays.

>> No.5580161

>single employee
>literally the owner of the chain
Yeah they're not going to turn away gays, hell I've even seen a few working there. But I'm sure they also won't be coming out with a "pride" chicken sandwich anytime soon.

>> No.5580162

it's obvious they didn't want to tell anyone it was the same whopper

>> No.5580166

Its a chicken sandwich

>> No.5580167

Since when do people only eat food that caters to their political tastes?

I've eaten at households and restaurants where I both knew and opposed their political views. Didn't stop me from enjoying the food.

>> No.5580168

>mfw the burger is a limerick for gay people

>> No.5580170

Got some free chicken sandwiches on Friday when I went there with a friend who knows some of the workers. Even got extra pickles. God bless America.

>> No.5580172

You'd be surprised. Back when they first made headlines about not supporting the gay community dumb christian right wingers flocked to "support" chick fil a.
They also had a ton of libs who refused to eat there.


>> No.5580176

damn I jelly. those things are expensive.

>> No.5580178

Why the fuck do you care so much about "pride" sandwiches? It's a marketing scheme. Do you understand that? They pull stunts like this so they can sell more burgers to retarded fags who think OH THEY SUPPORT ME!

>> No.5580182

Tumblrtards reblog it
>All those years of oppression were worth it now that I can finally proudly enjoy a Burger King Whopper!

>> No.5580183

I don't give a shit. I was just arguing his point. Chic fil a doesn't support the gay community.

>> No.5580187
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>nothing different about it

>> No.5580198

Why should a corporation support any community over another? Fuck's sake, a corporation is run solely to make money and for no other reason. Anything they do is only done to make more money. It makes me sick watching faggots fawn over a restaurant for selling "pride" burgers like the fry cooks really give two shits about what their customers take up the ass.

>> No.5580209

When will the liberal extremism end? I'm seriously contemplating moving to a more conservative part of the world because I can't stand this bullshit any more. Every time I turn on the tv there's some pro-lgbt propaganda on.

I live in Vancouver Canada btw and recently city government passed a law allowing transgenders to use any toilet in the city's high schools. When parents opposing this move were interviewed the tv stations implied they were homophobic.

I'm seriously getting tiered of this, they are forcing us to "embrace" something that most people are opposed to. We punish pedophiles but embrace gays? What's the difference between the two cause I don't see one.

>> No.5580214

someone should photoshop a wig/lipstick/eyelashes on it while screaming "im just like other whoppers!"

>> No.5580217
File: 3 KB, 242x251, fringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you were onto something before you started talking about pedophiles

>> No.5580218

Burger king doesn't give a shit because it's a huge national corperation like walmart.
But chic fil a is a chain with "good ol' christian vaules". They have made statements about how they don't support gay marriage. Hell they even funded a group that lobbied to strike down prop 8. I'm gonna assume you're not from the US and don't understand how stupid southerners can be.
Read the whole thing.

>> No.5580237

this is amazing reading right here

>> No.5580245

Well, pedophiles or zoophiles or people with any paraphilia are not normal. Yet we commend ones and condemn others.

>> No.5580254

>We punish pedophiles but embrace gays?
>What's the difference between the two?

Pedophilia is a mental condition where the person peruse un-natural sexual conditions, where as gender identity is perfectly natural and by definition shouldn't be infringed upon.

These is not my opinion, what I wrote above has been clearly supported by modern law.

>> No.5580267

is homosexuality a paraphilia though?i don't think it would be too different from people who prefer anal

>> No.5580288

it's a sexual orientation. like it is hard wired in your brain. although doing that stuff to a kid, in my opinion, can't be justifed (emotional harm to kid etc), but it is the same. pedos just have shit luck because... well you know

>> No.5580290

Just because it's more common doesn't mean it's not a paraphilia.

>> No.5580442
File: 151 KB, 1017x622, 20140706_break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because the media is liberally dominated and will fight night and day to keep their groupthink intact at all costs.

Remember what they were taught in school:
>Whites = bad
>Whites = evil
>White culture, despite being the best thing to happen to humanity, ever, is evil and should be despised because it destroys our false god of equality.

The name of the game is cultural marxism. The step hold into an "Utopia" dominated by women and jews.

Get used to calling people xir, shitlord.

>> No.5580457

>being this /pol/ in /ck/

>> No.5580462

He's half right, though.

>> No.5580465

>accusing anyone, ever, of groupthink
so how's life in mommy's basement

>> No.5580469

>not being retarded

pick one
I feel bad for the chan babbies that have had their political world informed by /pol/. They never even talk hard politics, just trollish social issues and 'muh sheckels'

>> No.5580479


Every local Chick-fil-a here gives out tracts about strong family values and how you need to keep yourself away from 'bad influences'. They even give out free tickets to a local church that holds a 'Cinema Event' every Wednesday that is usually so painful to watch that it is worth going at least once.

>> No.5580800

Your criticisms of /pol/ would be fine if they weren't always so right about everything.

>> No.5580812

Holy shit this makes me believe half the shit /pol/ spouts.
Younger ones are fucked.

>> No.5580836
File: 25 KB, 550x229, fagburger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5580840
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>this thread

>> No.5580848

>it's a sexual orientation. like it is hard wired in your brain

Twin studies have blown HUGE holes in that argument.
Homosexuality is 100% cultural.
It's a learned habit.

>> No.5580860

is it possible to know if someone is/isnt' a faggot even if he is/isn't

>> No.5580863


i would argue that it is a product of upbringing, and conflict in crucial stages of development/relationship with primary caregivers more than a cultural thing

>> No.5580868

What the fuck do you think culture is, idiot?

>> No.5580890
File: 33 KB, 500x282, idontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.5580898
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>> No.5580903
File: 31 KB, 1024x768, John[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In-N-Out has fucking Bible verses written on their wrappers

>> No.5580904
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>he's been to the local church's Wednesday cinema event

>> No.5580907
File: 1.05 MB, 1599x1195, reddit vs 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5580910


>not going to see the insane Christian videos that are played at your local church

We got to watch one on the homosexual menace. It was mind-blowingly amazing.

>> No.5580934

>spicy chicken deluxe now seasoned with liberal tears

Oh god the spicy chicken deluxe is my favorite fuckin sandwich ever and that line is hilarious.

>> No.5581003

More like Burger Queen, amirght? Am I too late or did someone make that joke already?

>> No.5581017


psychologically disturbed parents, perhaps victims of abuse themselves, who are unable to form attachments with their offspring... that is not a product of society's culture. it's a deep human disturbance, the roots of which go deeper than "culture."

>> No.5581022
File: 8 KB, 102x104, VeganSociety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I forget most GSMs eat the same shitty shit as everyone else.

>> No.5581029

Those fucking girls at 1:08
Bitches like that make me rage harder than any homophobe in the video. I bet they consider themselves "progressives" and "feminists" while getting vigorously fucked in the ass by Chad every weekend

>> No.5581036


is this response a meme now? it's the only thing I ever see americans use as a retort now.

>> No.5581040


Why are you so obsessed with Spork from Star Wars?

>> No.5581043

Why so bitter? It's not their fault you're so terrified of rejection you never initiate anything with women.

>> No.5581045


u mad Chad isn't fucking your ass?

>> No.5581048


This is so fucking gay.

>> No.5581065

>that nigga's death grin when asked if hew anted the faggot burguer

shit son, i bet he got his pants wet

>> No.5581081

>We are all the same inside
I don't have any semen in me since I'm not a fag.

>> No.5581083

Gays have more scar tissue in their rectums?

>> No.5581084

It's sad that corporations usually just try to rip off as much cash as possible off any subject.
Last year it was breast cancer, this year gays, next year probably some desease related to children. They don't care, they just know that if they lable something under a subject that is "in" right now, they will get shitloads of money.

Most of these things are just a media stunt.

>> No.5581104

>I don't have any semen in me since I'm not a fag
are you not a male?

>> No.5581106

Maybe it's an alien

>> No.5581127


We don't give a shit about you being gay. We're just tired of having you wave your dicks around in public constantly.

>> No.5581139

I think I'll stick with Chick-Fil-A. At least they don't try to ram their politics down my throat with every meal.

>> No.5581142

>The people who work there are always super friendly and never get your order wrong.
They got my order wrong the first time I went there.

To make up for it, they gave me the items I'd ordered free.

I didn't want the stuff free, it was my order, I was goddamned well going to pay for it. FUCK CHICK-FIL-A AND THEIR FREE FOOD POLICIES!!!!!

Er, I mean, I thanked the nice cashier and ate my brunch, and then got in my car and drove another nine hours to my destination.

>> No.5581148

And they had at least one dumbass left-wing corporate executive who got his ass fired for being hateful and intolerant to the cashier.


>> No.5581154

if i go to burger king will they give me the gay whopper by default or do i have to order it

>> No.5581165


Get out of here, Varys.

>> No.5581171

>drove another nine hours to my destination.

I always wanted to be a trucker

>> No.5581174

That's hilarious. He just decides to berate a random cashier.

>After he’s done talking to her, he says he thinks he “just did something really good” and “I feel purposeful.”

>> No.5581284

>We are all the same inside

That's just begging to be pasted onto some edgy gore photos.

>> No.5581309

We are all the same inside.
Processed meat, waiting to be eaten by the ravages of time.
Death is eternal and inevitable, all we can do is add extra sauce to life to make the ride a little less dull.
Pain is mandatory.
Thanks burger king!

>> No.5581424
File: 494 KB, 495x984, 1404729305767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5581472

>Wants everyone to take gay rights seriously.
>Go to large fast food corperation known to treat everyone like shit and exploit their employees and others for the smallest of profit and have them make a rainbow wrapper for their burger.
>Wonder why no one takes you seriously.

>> No.5581475

>be gay
>wonder why no one takes you seriously

>> No.5581483
File: 118 KB, 461x373, Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 8.44.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Ameribibles cry over Amerifats crying over gay burgers

>> No.5581486

that picture is fucking delicious

>> No.5581487

>no one takes you seriously

only problem with this post is that everyone is taking them seriously, which is why companies like burger king are bending over backwards to pander to them

>> No.5581490

>Chic filet

>> No.5581491

Is this thread about sandwiches or gays?

>> No.5581495
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>> No.5581501

Jesus, that's gayer than sex between 2 men

>> No.5581504

>bending over backwards

I'm sure they're just cracking their backs under all the money they make from the publicity they get just from printing a rainbow burger wrapper.

>> No.5581513

>a law allowing transgenders to use any toilet in the city's high schools

Sometimes I thank God to have been born in a backwards third world shit hole.



>> No.5581521

what about steak and shake homie?

>> No.5581710
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>> No.5582245
File: 42 KB, 475x336, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not supporting
No, chick fil-a got shit stormed because the ceo donated millions to a foundation that supports homosexual murder, incarceration, and the supplanting of freedom of religion with christian theocracy (I am not even fucking joking).

seriously someone should replace the abortion shooting guy with a suited lawyer trying to jam the wedge document an d a cross down an eagles throat.

>> No.5582259

go kill yourself

>you're free as long as you're forced to believe the same way I do

>> No.5582264


man i wonder how many people on /ck/ are from /pol/ because I can imagine only there can I get unbridled hate for something I didn't ever say.

>> No.5582321

I love how liberals on 4chan can do nothing but shout cries of /pol/ and racism whenever they are confronted.

>> No.5582375

You're free to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others. If Christians would stay out of the legislatures and keep it at sermons and cross looks, nobody would care. But they always try to legislate on their hateful beliefs, and often resort to violence, because they lack the intellectual capacity to do anything else.
But you do go to /pol/ don't you?

>> No.5582389
File: 84 KB, 469x565, 1404758450446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are Christians so dumb, and why don't they realize that right wing religious extremism is the same no matter what religion it comes from? The right wing Christians hate the right wing Jews hate the right wing Muslims. You would think they would get past their religious/racial differences and unite against the tidal wave of liberalization in the world, but they're far too short-sighted and self-centered to ever do something like that.

>mfw I just realized religious and racial tensions are the only things stopping conservatives from completely wiping out all liberals

>> No.5582393

I don't, and I'm not the guy you were talking to.

>> No.5582395

And I'm not the guy you replied to.

>> No.5582396

>everyone on /pol/ are emotional racists
Read some statistics.

>> No.5582403

You're all racists, that's for sure. Blacks suck, but then again, so do every other race. You get so hung up on blacks and Jews, and never see all of the shit the various white races have done, because you lack self-awareness, because of your autism.

>> No.5582408

>But they always try to legislate on their hateful beliefs, and often resort to violence, because they lack the intellectual capacity to do anything else.
because attacking peaceful demonstrators is what Christians do

oh wait
that's athiests

>> No.5582416

whens the last time a white person shot a baby point blank in the face

>> No.5582420

>foundation that supports homosexual murder, incarceration, and the supplanting of freedom of religion with christian theocracy (I am not even fucking joking)

how can they donate shit to an illegal society? are you sure it's about murering and incinerating?

>> No.5582427

>he doesn't know the difference between incineration and incarceration
White people kill people all the time, and they've killed plenty of babies throughout human history
wut. Who bombs abortion clinics? Atheists?

>> No.5582428

so many people are going to get their burgers spat into.

>> No.5582441

oh sorry, i read that wrong
still, murdering is pretty goddarn illegal

>> No.5582449

The organization is in Uganda, where they do, in fact, kill gays.

>> No.5582457


Really? Im not a chik-a-fil fanboy but who the fuck would even bother with foreign faggots in a country forgotten by god?
This all sounds like bad propaganda if you ask me, it's just too absurd for me to believe it.

>> No.5582473


>> No.5582474
File: 1.82 MB, 300x264, 131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed up to /ck/ today to discuss cooking, instead it appears I entered /pol/.
All of these Burger King threads turn into shitty sexuality debates, don't we have mod for this?

>> No.5582481

a shitty sjw one

>> No.5582512

>The right wing Christians hate the right wing Jews
the right wing jews are israel
right wing christians are conservatives, conservatives support israel, retard
>hate the right wing Muslims
nobody likes muslims

>> No.5582519

>conservatives support Israel
Have you ever been to /pol/?

>> No.5582524

/pol/ isn't conservatives
/pol/ is some next level shit

>> No.5582528

but the jew hate thing on /pol/ is an epic maymay like 4/5 times. they'd rather have a jewish ally over there keeping the muslims in place than a hallal state rebelling against itself.

>> No.5582530

They're all I think of when someone says "conservative" of "libertarian" or "4chan"

>> No.5582533

>they're only pretending to be retarded

>> No.5582536

then you don't know /pol/.
take the tinfoil hat off son
capcha: rojaja sure
i'm very sure

>> No.5582540

I go on /pol/ all the time. If those fuckers aren't actual Nazis, they should get payed to play them, because they have the act down perfectly.