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File: 79 KB, 500x331, dishwasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5579152 No.5579152 [Reply] [Original]

Any fellow restaurant dishwashers here?

>"Look out, HOT PAN" [clash, sizzle]
>"Hey I need 15 ravioli and a shrimp boil from the freezer"
>"Did you sweep the backroom yet?"
>[waitress leaves plates without scraping them off]
>"Remember to sort the recycling"
>Bathroom needs a TP refill
>"Here Anon, this was a mistake" [handed a plate of chocolate ganache].
>"Quick, nuke me 6 potatoes!"
>That night when you drop a full rack of pint glasses--- twice
>That night when you party afterward with the waitstaff even though you're 17

Good times those were, share your feels here.

>> No.5579172

sorry never partied with low class dishwashers, they all spoke spanish and no english where i worked and actively harassed the girls

bartenders servers only!

>> No.5579173

I did once during a summer in college.

>shit job
>lowest tier
>why the fuck did i sign up for this
>talked to one of the 6/10 waitresses on downttime
>once she heard that i was in college and more than a dw she was interested
>we fucked a few times near the end
>never contacted her again after that job b/c greedy moneygrabber
>never got an std used protection
The rest was total shit.

>> No.5579192
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Anyone here old enough to remember dishwasher Pete ?

>> No.5579255

Used to do it when I was at uni. It wasn't too bad. Had a really good team in the kitchen though.
>talkin' shit with the kitchen staff between services
>doing prep before services and learning a whole lot from your based chef
>apprentices take the bins out for you so they can go have a smoko
>gossiping with the waitstaff in the privacy of the dishroom
>flirting with the waitstaff in the privacy of the dishroom
>bros with the foh managers because you and them are the last to leave
>taking your time cleaning the coolroom when it's like 40 degrees outside.
>walking home along the beach after a shift on a hot summer's night
>functions are cushy as all hell
>earning shitloads more than the apprentices

Sure there was some bad stuff like
>being the last to leave
>can't hear shit over the dishwasher
>[waitress leaves plates without scraping them off]

But overall good memories.

>> No.5579293

>first waitressing job, no spliting of tips, pay is good, pretty content
>moved up to night=moneymaking shifts
>dishwasher there on busy hours instead of me and cook cleaning after ourselves
>should be easy
>dishwasher is fat middle aged short chick
>cussing and friendly, lend her a smoke
>go about normal
>suddenly in the weeds
>just got rowdy drunk group, my section over full, some party group, also other waitress asking me for help
>dishwasher busses my tables without me asking
>not sure if she's supposed to or if I do it myself but grateful
>moment of break after party leaves, go out for smoke
>dishwasher bitching at other waitress
>apparently this is some old drama
>dishwasher doesn't have to buss for us and waitress treats her like shit so now she never helps her in the weeds
>helped me cause I'm new and gave her a cig
>other waitress doesn't like that I get special help
>even though I helped her too
>just give $20 of my tips to dishwasher and cook since made a whole lot and they were cool in helping me
>they continue to give me preferable treatment
>makes me able to go faster and do more and get more tips than other waitresses
>just make sure to tip out when good and always have spare cigs/pens
>eventually manage to be #1 preferred waitress within months by manager/cooks
>cooks make me special lunches/snacks, dishwasher always busses me if I need it, food out quick, no shit for having picky orderers, manager gives me best times, old bartenders like that I don't drink while working and tip out so one gets me some nice shoes and get fancy drinks after work and rides home, customers request me specifically

That place was great to work at. But really taught me how it's best to be good with the dishwashers/cooks/bartenders more than other waitresses. Obviously don't be a dick to anyone but the waitresses that were dicks to even the dishwashers suffered and made less.

>> No.5579309

I prefer "dish disciple"

>> No.5579313

>woman drama

this is truly the worst kind of hell

>> No.5579356

I'd like to go back....just for one night.

I fucking hauled those 100lb trash bags out to the dumpster like a fucking champ.

I had those stainless steel countertops scrubbed and rinsed and dried to a perfect sheen.

Cooks even offered to buy me a case of beer a few times.

Endless refills on the soda machines. Endless scraps from the kitchen, sauces left on the pans.

And then there was the Saturday night end-of-the-week feast.

I'm 29 now and an MD. But goddammit...I'd go back, just for a night.

>> No.5579363


There was this one waitress who was super nice to me and always handed me a $5 on busy nights. I always understood when she left full plates on my counter. And I'd run out and clear her table if she ever asked. Sometimes I'd torch her creme brulees, or pour waters or beers for her tables.

So much better than some of the other cunt waitresses.

Yep, be good to your dishdawgs.

>> No.5579368



haha God I hated that job.

>> No.5579371

Dodged that bullet. Currently homeless in Seattle for the summer. Senior year in college for Computer Engineering.

Need cash fast so applied to even lowly jobs. Got a couple offers for dishwashing.

So glad I didn't take them. It seems shitty and degrading.

>> No.5579372


As a cook, I feel like the best way to survive in restaurants is to be good to everyone. If you help people out when they're in the weeds, whether they're servers, dishys, prep cooks, or whatever instead of saying 'not my problem' or 'too busy', they will help you out when you need it. If you get a full crew with that attitude and everybody helps each other out when they need it, shit is amazing. When you work at a place full of selfish cunts, everything goes to shit pretty much immediately.

>> No.5579396

>welfare faggot detected

>> No.5579401

I had a sanitize sink full of clean dishes, water drained out due to a shit drain stop. A shithead server comes along and sprays tea grounds all over them. I asked him not to at first, saying they are clean.

He looked me dead in the face. "I GUESS THEY'RE DIRTY NOW!" he says.

>> No.5579430

Just quit as a dishwasher for old country buffet. Shit job / 10.

Wait staff all hailed me as the "best dishwasher" and the managers said that the only reason why I was never promoted to another area was because of my ability to wash dishes (bullshit). So I asked for a raise. They said they cannot pay dishwashers more than minimum wage, which in PA is $7.25. So I quit right then and there.

Currently working as a butcher at a mom and pop grocery store for $14 an hour on weekends. Good place.

>> No.5579538

>Dishpig Australia $17 per hour
>cafe, S+P squid, snitz, pizza, low standards, etc
>Waitress storms out on a busy dinner session
>called onto the floor, Clark Kent in the bin area
>easy as I thought it would be, smile, get to walk, get new job $21 per hour
>talk to non-socios/addicts.
>keeps doing it, 1 month passes
>I hate people, smiling hurts
>3 months later, floor manager.
>I want my old job back.
>Alcohol is my friend.

>> No.5579685

Even with all the equipment, it amazed me how people still didn't know how to clean dishes.

>> No.5579697

nice to meet you Chinaski

>> No.5579746

Fuck that guy.

Never washed dishes, fry/app guy here, but I always took care of my dishwashers. Mostly ex cons at the main restaurant I worked at. One of them always talked about wanting to fuck us. Crazy old son of a bitch. Nicest rapist you'll ever meet.

>> No.5579785

>Used to wash dishes at a hotel for three years
>Easy as fuck job
>Could spend 8 hours daydreaming while doing it
>The head chef was a pretty chill guy, but god have mercy on your soul if you didn't do your job right
>Saw so many dish washers who came in thinking they could slack off and cash in, just to be chewed out a few months later
>Was one of the favourites in the kitchen because I was a champ at keeping shit clean
>Saw the tits on the chefs10/10 milf wife once, when she came out of the bathroom one late night
>So many 14 hour shifts where I got a share of the waiters tips for a job well done
>Dat awkward teenage flirt with some of the servers who came in for the summer periods

It was simpler times. Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and stay there

>> No.5579805

>been cleaning dishes for the last 2 years
>hours are really good and work around study
>work some real awesome motherfuckers and generally have fun working
>those bins though, mfw the fucking rubbish splits all over me
>wait staff are near retarded and need help all the time
>leave work smelling like a dump
>managers are sexist Lesbians
>still rather it then any other shitty casual Job
tl:dr dish washing is great <3

>> No.5579813

I have washed dishes at a mom and pop diner, Steak n Shake (that blew so hard), and while I was cranking in the navy. Steak n Shake was even worse than dishes on a rocking, stinking, cramped destroyer. On the ship at least everyone left me alone while I zoned out and did the fucking dishes, I could actually finish the job instead of doing a thousand other things...no cute waitresses to flirt with though, heh.

Steak n Shake was 24/7, always busy, I was 17 at the time, made 7 an hour at the time. Minimum wage back then was 5 something, I can't remember. There was this waitress named Sky, I remember spanking her in front of everyone for some reason, that was probably the highlight of me working there besides breaking chipped dishes against the dumpster in the back and stealing boxes of frozen chicken fingers from the walk in. I hated the managers.

Mom and pop places are clearly the best, did it when I was 15-16 on the weekends. A 8/10 waitress that made huge tips from old guys, and a 6/10 daughter of the owner that would give me cigarettes and smoke with me behind the place. I wish I was 16 again. My heart would race so bad flirting with her, she was 18 I think. Both of them tipped me out too because they were cool as shit. Those two girls and my boss were the entire front end usually. Shit was cash for a highschool student.

>> No.5579823

>tfw just got a job as a dishwasher
what can i expect?

>> No.5579862

You're homeless and too good for a job?

>> No.5579868


>tfw been trying to get one and only got 1 interview in the last month but they were too far.

I thought getting this job is easy, any advice?

>> No.5579873

Submit. Sometimes cooks can get jobs being quirky and bold, but dishwashers are usually expected to be people who are just there to wash dishes, or work there way up. Keep things short and simple, but show that you really want the job. Don't explain why though, they don't care.

If you still can't get a job, ignore my advice and try being bold a couple of times. If it's an independent kitchen, tell them you'd like to meet the chef WHEN he has the time, and tell him why you'd be an asset.

>> No.5579881

how much did you guys get paid per week for dishwashing?

>> No.5579941

what is minimum wage in your area

>> No.5579971

I wash a dishwasher for about a month before I found a better job that pays more and is much easier.

I have no idea why anyone would stick around at such an awful job. I'd always just rinse the dishes to make them look clean because actually washing them took too much time.

>> No.5579991

I washed dishes at a bar and grill in my hometown when I was a high school senior. Such a shitty fucking job. Let the Mexicans do it. It was the only restaurant (and the only bar) in a town of about 1,100 people. I had to work all three dinner shifts the opening weekend of deer hunting season that year. The place stayed packed, and all of the hunters got steak, which meant a wooden platter, metal plate, and a regular plate for any sides. And all of them drank draft beer, usually several beers.

That weekend was so fucking busy, but my worst shift was on a pretty quiet night. Right after I got to the restaurant, I started seeing spots, then had tunnel vision. I spent most of my shift, about 7 hours, with a full-blown migraine headache. A loud, hot, humid, brightly lit restaurant kitchen is not the place to be when you have a migraine. I made it through my shift, got everything done at the end of the night, and during my two-block walk home, I puked. Anyone would have thought I was drunk: staggering, probably barely able to talk, puking in the gutter. I'd rather pass a kidney stone than have that happen again. Thankfully it's been about 8 years since my last migraine.

>> No.5580018

I was paid 100kr/hour (Minimum in my country). It equals to $20.

>> No.5580036

At the time (12 years ago), U.S. minimum wage was $5.15 an hour. So if I worked a 40-hour week (I never did), I would have made $206.

>> No.5580046

5 months of working for a mom and pop chain cafe, 3 months of it "dishwashing".
The place was severely understaffed so when I was hired I found myself making coffee and preparing food for the same wage per hour (about HK$38, which is about $2 above minimum wage) along with bussing and washing while servers were getting more.
And cleaning.
So much cleaning in the last two months. I no longer fear death after cleaning a greasetrap.
The owners were completely unreasonable, racist, sexist and generally cunts in every sense of the word but the manager was the only reason I stayed for as long as I did.

I remember the least I'd ever been tipped was HK$2, which felt like a slap in the face considering the people who left it were some of the most painful customers I'd ever served.

>> No.5580067

I washed dishes for like a week when I was 16 and realized fuck this and quit.

>> No.5580152


Yeah. If there are two things in a kitchen that will put you at peace with everything else in your life, one is cleaning a greasetrap and the other is getting severely burned. After that, nothing really seems that bad or that painful.

>> No.5580164

Luckily I never received a burn, only the occasional cut and scrape.
In the last two months I also cleaned urinals (I'm a gril btw) and rubbish bins. You can imagine how I smelt by the end of the day.

>> No.5580197


As funky as everyone else in the back, probably. Sweaty, smoky, a bit like something fried, and slightly like garbage.

>> No.5580349

My friend applied to a job with "Hydro-ceramic Technician" on his resume.

>> No.5580366

fuck I was a dishwasher it was so fucking mind numbingly easy some days and mind destroyingly tedious other days. I usually got ~$3 tipped out out me and it sucked.

I didn't work in a super busy restaurant, so I don't get why dishwashers thought they were the "most important part of the team". At my place they just washed dishes, put them away, and occasionally bussed tables. Not really that hard labor or thought-wise.

>> No.5580373

I have a question for dishwashers/former dishwashers. Did you learn from the cooks at all? Or was it too hectic to absorb anything?

>> No.5580380

I learned how to roll spring rolls, fold cheese puffs, and other assorted appetizer stuff. It was actually on a slow day when I was a waiter, dishwashing because both the dishwasher, and the backup dishwasher were in the same car and got into a car wreck.

>> No.5580421

Please tell me if this is stupid or not. I work at Starbucks and make $11 an hour, but I'm bored and want a part-time job. I really like doing dishes, you don't have to think and can just relax and get shit done. Is it stupid to want to be a dish washer? Should I shut up and get a better part time job?

>> No.5580438


Ah ok, would serving/bussing count as experience in the food industry as well? As in as much as a dishwasher(I know that's not much but it's experience)

>> No.5580448

I was a dishwasher at a high volume pizza establishment for a couple of years. The free food was the biggest perk. But good fucking luck ever getting a break or lunch when there's a rush.

I finally became a security guard, now I get paid more to stand around --but doing my time as a dishwasher makes me thankful boredom is my biggest problem at work now.

>> No.5580455


I'm trying to get a dishwasher job while I'm studying because it's the only work schedule that works for me but I'm seriously thinking of ditching *coff coff* culinary school and finding a decent job in a restaurant

>> No.5580530

God bless em.

>> No.5580540

I worked as sort of everyone's assistant in a kitchen once I'd just get told to do random shit and I'd do it. Getting put in the dish pit was my favourite part of the day.

>> No.5580546
File: 10 KB, 776x161, zoinks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>working at the same place for 7 years now as a summer job
>first 5 are as dishwasher
>now a prep cook
>don't work as hard
>not as good at it
>urn for washing dishes on friday/saturday again

I shouldn't even feel this way, I'm being taught traditional french and italian cooking methods, but being the fastest dishwasher around was so much fun
>tfw idle standing around on one of the busiest nights of the year

>> No.5580549


>I'm a bus boy
>responsible for 30+ tables

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.5580552
File: 95 KB, 400x300, 1390363393973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw feel like an unambitious piece of shit doing accounting starting out at 36k a year
>mfw at least I don't work in the restaurant industry

Well, at least there's that.

>> No.5580556

Worked at a 'greasy spoon' diner that served all day breakfast and somehow managed to scoot by health codes for 4 1/2 years. Staff of 22 people grand total, myself included.


-Passive aggressive lazy fucktard waitresses. We had two carts with 3 bins on each of relatively same size but not shape. No separating garbage from dishes, didn't scrape, didn't empty cups nothing. They would stack the top bins as high as possible because they didnt want to lean 6 inches. Even if both carts were empty and clean, they'd sit shit on my table where I put the clean dry dishes. Would place cardboard boxes from canned drinks in there as well as chits. Expect me to run their food, drop what I was doing to buss tables and still keep on top of doing prep, washing, and running dishes all over the restaurant for the cooks.

- Waitresses ran out for smoke breaks literally every 10 mins in rotation while cooking and dishwashing staff barely got one break a day even on 12 hour shifts. Worked my first 2 weeks at 120 hours with no breaks whatsoever.

- Got time to lean you got time to clean, didn't matter if it was the only 5 mins I got to grab a drink or grab lunch on a 8 - 12 hour shift.

- Got a combination chemical burn from hands constantly being soaked in bleach, then having one of the huge tubs of dishwashing sterilizer splash up onto my hand.

- Tiled floor hadn't been replaced or anything for years, resulting in super greasy oil slick everyday as soon as water touched it. Almost got a number of us killed (even in non-slips) and injured a few of us (myself included).

(Set up was one 2ft by 2 1/2 ft diameter square sink about 2 ft deep, connected to slider for machine, one 6ft steel table roughly 4 inches behind my back when at sink, two dishwashing machine trays. Originally had no pressure hose and was strictly a tap so had to do full manual wash before pushing through machine for sterilizing. No gloves, had to add bleach, using dollar store scrubbers.)


>> No.5580575


- Old as wheelbarrow to heave 100lb garbage over to tall dumpster. Many a time a cook and I had a bag of disgusting warm filth spew across us when heaving them up there from shit-tier garbage bags.

- Gabby-Hens galore. In a workplace where only the boss and one cook are men, the backstabbing and catty-ness never fucking stopped.

- Co-workers that would not move. They hunch down in one spot when they hear you say excuse me three times while heaving a large stack of dishes. Or complaining you don't bring dishes fast enough then bunker down in the door way for you to weave around them while they chat.

- People fucking with my station on morning shift, then wondering why it takes me time to set up and get it all cleaned again before I can start with the dishes they have been sitting there for the 3 hours before my shift even starts.


- Made some wonderful friends, (mostly cooks but a few waitresses as well)

- Got to book of vacation time every year despite being minimum wage for all the days I came in for people and wicked amounts of time I worked/rarely called in.

- Free coffee

- Got my smart serve and partial training as a cook.

- Got to do prep cook stuff which was pretty fun, sucked at times when we were slow because it felt like the moment anyone touched on prep, even if it had been quiet for over an hour, suddenly people would cram themselves in.

>> No.5580580

Your pros and cons are almost exactly the same as mine.

>> No.5580624 [DELETED] 

OP is a fag

>> No.5580626



>> No.5580639

It is shit at chain restaurants. I was dish for a while in a small steakhouse owned by the nicest lady. I would do dish and help cook when I could and within 3 months I was the kitchen manager. Mostly due to people having to leave.

Then it closed because there were 4 restaurants in a 3 person town. So I did dishes at chilis for exactly one night. Never again.

>> No.5581074

You mean all the kitchens where you might have worked dodged a bullet.

>> No.5581199

Anyone here have to hand wash all their shit?

I worked for some fuck head chinks in a sushi joint for about a month. Hated their guts by the end of it.

>> No.5581307


It's not stupid. If this is what you enjoy, and something you feel you're good at, don't waste your time and go into huge amounts of debt to get an education you won't use. Ride the dish train for a few years until you're bored/tired of it, and then move on and retrain for a new career.

>> No.5582292
File: 2.28 MB, 1836x3264, 443b4694-39b7-4041-b993-c7717a547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couple of my dish dogs.

>> No.5582301
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 1319900632656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a dish damsel, and probably the only one of you fucks who actually washes my hands inbetween catching and throwing.

>> No.5582308

Do you guys not use gloves?

My hands would be fucked if i didn't with just dishwashing at home.

>> No.5582353
File: 2.66 MB, 200x126, 1384728106557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 years old
>dishwasher for 14 months at a yacht club
>2 months in I own the pit, I am faster than the machine
>4 months in started to help plate functions, run buffets, sort out anything they needed and did extra cleaning, sorting of the stores etc.
>no raise
>that's ok, I'll prove I'm good and move up eventually.
>2 months before I'm fired they have me making desserts for them in their restaurant when they are too busy
>one friday night service I'm onto 5 tickets of desserts, waitresses are clearing the entire restaurant, dishes start to pile.
>chefs decide they've had enough, already had their pint for the night
>they start clearing all of their shit, sous chef asks me if I could give him a hand
>I just look at him confused (more like an 'are you serious' look) for a couple of seconds and keep working
>he loses his fucking shit
>we discuss this later and he tells me I need to help him when he's in the shit, he will not see my POV but I don't want to argue with him, try and be polite- we seem OK

Next week i come in early for a lunch function of 280 to help set up everything and do the last minute prep for desserts, salads etc.
Help serve as usually and dash between dishes and plating once each course is out (it's me and three chefs, no other hand for dishes/food).
Alone on dishes but confident I can get through it.
Halfway through the bulk of the function plates, trays I get a shout from the sous chef that he needs something defrosted.
>give him same look and sputter
>I literally could not stop because there was not room for the waitresses to dump both the restaurant mess and the function mess
>was also physically trapped near the machine by trolleys, benches, dishes

Fired a week or two later because I was at risk of becoming violent (utter bullshit).

I'd love to help you chefs out but seriously?

>> No.5582367

woah there killer, no need to threaten to shoot up the yacht club

>> No.5582369

I never use gloves unless I am handling things on catch side alone or have a cut. get some loation and put it on after work.

>> No.5582374

err, rather unless I am handling the throw side alone.

>> No.5582378

>probably the only one of you fucks who actually washes my hands inbetween catching and throwing.
Pointless, just spray your hands clear with the hose on full/full heat.
You're touching each plate about an inch into the rim for two seconds then carrying a stack- coming out of the machine they should be above 80C.

>> No.5582381

I would like to go back and ask the chef what the fuck happened. I was actually their best kitchen hand.

>> No.5582401

>tfw you need 2 years of restaurant working experience and a hygiene pass to get a dishwashing job here

>> No.5582410


Don't stress it. They will replace you with someone worse and be worse off for it. Their mess is not your problem now. Find something else and move on, as shitty as that may be.

>> No.5582426

>[waitress leaves plates without scraping them off]

You should literally be able to steal their tips for this.

>> No.5582490

So what was it like working at CiCi's?

>> No.5582537
File: 159 KB, 800x544, 1287950820301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>just spray the hose on your hand, nevermind the filth the hose is covered in, nevermind the soap and shit caked onto the sink and dish cleaning tools you've been touching, who cares if it gets on the plates, I'm far to lazy to take 10 seconds to clean my hands.

Sorry I can't hear you over how retarded you are.

>> No.5582541

>that picture
Silly Japan, a billhook for for trimming plantlife. You want a blade without a forward protrusion for human flesh.

>> No.5582546

it's a meme because of higurashi or some such, besides, the girl wielding it doesn't even really need a knife at all to carve her up, also she's a squid not a human.

>> No.5582571
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, Habanero-tan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, I know. Rena from Higurashi. I also know that's a "tan" strapped to the table.

>> No.5582587

unlike most "tans" as you put it though, ikamusume is pretty much not biologically human at all, she can change her weight, glows, spits ink, lose limbs with little apparent harm, and is insanely strong. I doubt she has blood.

>> No.5582592

>knowing any of that

>> No.5582603

But I didn't know any of that. I just knew she was a cartoon avatar of a squid. You still don't use a billhook at a squid. I was just commenting that it looks stupid.

>> No.5582657

nigga you gettin paid to do some basic ass shit just wipe it off yourself.

man restaurant workers bitch about the most basic bullshit, hope you all get replaced by mexicans

>> No.5582658

>$17/hour for washing dishes

>> No.5582671


So at your job, when someone dumps their work onto you and goes off to chat with coworkers instead of working, you're okay with just taking it like a bitch? Even though they're still being paid to do less, and you're not being paid to do more? Cool.

I can't wait until you're replaced by Asians.

>> No.5582672

i just walked up to the owner one day, handed him an application, and told him i was willing to do anything. he hired me on the spot and told me to show up the next day

>> No.5583385

its canada/australia money

>> No.5583412

aint nobody making 17/hr washing dishes in canana

>> No.5583757


> mfw niggas don't know about the inflation going on in Alberta

>> No.5583771

Shit's real. I make 28/hr in the oilfield with much room to grow with little effort. 6 weeks of school nets a 42/hr job.

>> No.5583800


>Passive aggressive lazy fucktard waitresses

thats everywhere

also fuck dishwashers

>> No.5583844

Enjoy it while it lasts. Oil booms never do. Trust me, I was in on the last one in the Gulf of Mexico in the late 90's. Made bank for two years, and then it was over, just as this one will be eventually. Save every penny you earn.

>> No.5583871

Oui, chef.

>> No.5583877

I know the feeling. They won't let me learn to cook because I'm too fast behind the sink. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.5583881

You learn alright. You'll eventually end up teaching the new cooks how to do things. You won't get promoted to a cook yourself though; that'd be too easy.

>> No.5583882


>> No.5583887

>go to the bathroom
>come back to find rectangle plates sitting on round plates sitting in bowls sitting on more round plates
>in four different areas
lazy fucking cunt waitresses

>> No.5583922

All with scraps crunched between them.

>> No.5583931

just so you guys know Im a CdC and ill bitch a server out, pull em outta service and make em do the shit. last time they pull that shit

>> No.5583997

Worked at a Thai place as a food server, got laid off due to slow business, then got asked to come back in under the table for $30 a night.
I'd washed dishes there before manually, and the only bad part was waiting for the dishes to dry. I quickly found the driest, least greasy rag I could, just so I didn't run out of space.
After I came back, they'd installed a machine. It was confusing as hell for about half an hour because the manager spoke broken English at best.
The only thing I didn't see coming was that about half of the job was helping the cooks.
>Anon, chop onion, carrot, like this I show you!
>Go get five lemon, five orange, cut off outside with butcher's knife, put in bucket with onion and carrot!
I think I was making sweet & sour sauce?
>Anon, fry pork!
>Anon, tear apart paper doilies and put in bag.
I got free drinks, and they'd send me home with something to eat. The waitress was cute, and the only other white person there.

I eventually screwed myself out of it because they were looking for someone to do that on top of being a delivery boy, and my friend had moved back with a women and kid, and needed a job after his temp agency dropped him for failing a drug test.
I knew what I was doing, but I hoped I was wrong.

>> No.5584000

I just shat myself laughing.

>> No.5584016

>$30 a night

wtf were you making like 4 dollars an hour or what?

>> No.5584020

$7.50 an hour for a 4 hour shift, and I was paid in cash at the end of each night.

>> No.5584022
File: 41 KB, 678x452, ss (2014-06-26 at 02.32.13).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$30 a night
The fuck, man?

>> No.5584025

>$7.50 an hour

Is this legal in 'merika? That seems really... low. Min wage here is $10.25 an hour, but only entry-level teenager jobs actually pay that; most people start shitty jobs at over $11/h.

>> No.5584028

Varies by State. 7.50 is slightly lower than average for minimum.

>> No.5584042

I want to continue this conversation with a trolling of "only in 'merika" but honestly it just makes me kind of sad. It must be hard to live on such a wage.

>> No.5584062

i was a dishwasher at a cafe, subway, and a bakery

it sucked! but the food was worth it

got to eat free at every place and at the time i was a vegetarian.. it was awesome, would do again.

>> No.5584077

It's straight up not possible. There have been studies by a bunch of people, even congress found it's an unlivable wage.

But it's still the minimum wage.

>> No.5584083

It's almost like they want you on welfare.

>> No.5586081

We used to have a nametag that read "Underwater ceramics technician" for the dishwasher. Made when they got all the service staff name-tags.

>> No.5586091

It was never supposed to be a livable wage.

>> No.5586095

We don't even use the word dishwasher. All our people are "stewards".

And they're paid almost as much as the cooks, though they're expected to do much more than most dishwashers.

>> No.5586119

its probably because you were a good dishwasher, but they saw nothing else in you

>> No.5586141

What's the point then?

>> No.5586144

Different anon here. The world doesn't work that way. You'll never be promoted if you're too good at your job. They see it as losing an asset.

The only real exception is if you can be promoted in a way that you can still perform the same duties, but take on others as well.

>> No.5586151

i worked up from dishpit. i show the dishwashers in my kitchen a lot of patience, but dear god if one of those fuckers gives me a smartass comment about something...i'll put those fuckers in their place. When I say "i need plates" I mean I needed them yesterday, so get them the fuck over here and I'm not going to ask again

>> No.5586156

>Never went to school
>Had no one to hook me up with a job
>Cousin same age started working at a local restaurant as a bus boy
>My options were to hop on board with him or work be a mall cop
>Chose mall-cop because he always bitched about his job
>Four years later
>I'm now the director of security
>He's still busting his ass around as a waiter
>He can't even go to school because the state won't give him money because my grandfather raised him and old nigga's loaded.

Is it just uncommon for wait-staff to get promoted to a management position or is he getting dicked?
He's always out of money and would probably of starved if he wasn't fed there.
Every time I offer him a job he say's he likes what he's doing, but bitches about it none-stop.
Does working in a restaurant do this to you?

>> No.5586158

To give convicts, people who work multiple jobs, people who's spouses also work, or kids trying to earn money for personal means the opportunity and experience. You can survive on that wage in many states that have low cost of living. But everyone gets pissy that they can't afford data plans with their smartphones and cable television, apparently luxuries are part of "livable wage".

I'm just pissed that minimum wage keeps getting raised here, the price of some goods has as much as doubled in the last few years, but my wages, and the wages of most "middle-class" don't increase.

>> No.5586166

I went from dishwashing, to cooking, to hosting in a 2 year span. Front of house is so much more rewarding if you're not a total autismo and can clean up decently.

Plus, getting to bust a nut in one of the FOH girls was bretty good and mostly happened because I moved to FOH.

>> No.5586188


If you are really fucking amazing at your job you won't get a promotion because they think they won't find somebody else good enough to take your place, you're a finely tuned gear that fits perfectly in the machine and you consistently do what needs to be done fast and well, they want you where you are.

>> No.5586190
File: 301 KB, 723x1106, rulers of godzilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I made a laminated picture that showed them where to put everything
>tfw when they still couldn't do that
I even put one clean dish in the areas where they went, I even put them in places easier for them to reach than I could.

90% of the time the men were better than the woman, and the younger girls were better at it than the old fucking hags

>that bro saturday night bartender who gave you part of his tips

he always did it when most of the other wait staff were in their so they would feel guilty. It was always the highlight of my night seeing them slowly trail towards me with an expression of defeat.

>> No.5586241

>What's the point then?
The general argument in favor of non-livable wages is that they're jobs appropriate for people who don't need the sort of wage that could support a family or independent living, for example kids living with parents, or folks splitting living costs with roomies, who could use temporary work for a few bucks.

>> No.5586317

Just because it's not meant for people who need to support themselves, doesn't mean there isn't large majority trying to live off of those wages. More than half of the jobs in my city, do not pay a remotely livable wage. People work these jobs because they have to, they're in their 20's and 30's struggling to support themselves and their families. Its not supposed to be that way, but it is.

>> No.5586328

Yes, get mad at the poor people who work harder than you and have nothing. It's their fault your wages are stagnating because they don't work for little enough. Is that how this works? The more people that suffer, the better life you live? Someone who's struggling to make ends meet directly impacts what you make? Would you write to your city councilman angrily if a corporation wanted to bring a few thousand better paying jobs into your city?

>> No.5586340

>find box of cereal
>open it up
>filled with bugs
>boss asks me to start separating the bugs from the cereal
>start doing so
>Serves to group of elderly people
>3 go home that night sick

>> No.5586456


>Break more so I can drive over you in my Audi I cant afford.

>> No.5586483
File: 24 KB, 500x300, zeus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[waitress leaves plates without scraping them off]

>> No.5586498

I'm not mad at poor people. I'm mad at politicians and companies that taking advantage of naive people that think a wage hike for inept and (insistently) uneducated workers should take effect, but people still paying for college loans should deal with reduced benefits and pay under the same union.

>people paid less work harder
Hah! You dumb fuck.

>> No.5586500

Sounds like someone worked for the Dragon Lady...

>> No.5586870

Count yourself lucky anon. I had a period when I was 16 where I would get them about 4 times a month as bad as you described (puking multiple times, unable to stand, lest the jackhammer in your skull rape you mercilessly)

I often fantasized about ripping my eyeballs out and finding the "spider" as i called it that was causing me this pain. This is not hyperbole

They put me on some kick-ass meds and gave me some IV sumaptriptan for when I get an onset and I haven't had a bad one in years.

OT: I washed dishes in college, once

>> No.5587164

as a line cook , what are my chances at getting to fuck one of the waitresses?

>> No.5587169

>get hired at chain
>become a line cook right away
>move from line cook to opener
>now opening and doing prep

>tfw missed out on dishpit

I'm burning out fast.

>> No.5587170

That depends entirely where you fall on the autistic/flirty x bridge-troll/model grid.

>> No.5587204

im a little autistic, but get flirty when drunk. last job was as a delivery driver and within 9 months fucked a server and a girl on sandwich line

>> No.5587253

>the "spider" as i called it
Have you had your fedora collection valued yet?

>> No.5587307

>be me as a dishwasher(makes well since sweden)
>one of the junior chefs gets mocked for some rookie fuckup
>hear one of my m8s(chef) tell him to squirt ketchup on me
>im big
>like 190cm 100kg muscles
>he is like 160, 60
>squirts ketchup, runs down my shirt and neck.
>i laugh and just go and pick him up while all the chefs are laughing their asses off
>i carry him to the washbench and just starts spraying him with icecold water and he just starts screaming
>some of the waitresses comes in and checks whos dying
>the whole staff is watching me covered in ketchup spraying this little fuck screaming with cold water
>after the shift he buys me a beer

good times, almost miss the time i was working there.

>> No.5587431

Did it for three years at an awesome high end tea shop/restaurant. High fashion outdoor shopping mall so plenty of ass to stare at. They gave me a tray of brownie scraps to eat on the daily. All the tea I can consume and free mexican cokes and maine root beers. Downside is it was a full sized restaurant and I had to run the whole thing through a tiny dishwasher that took for effing ever and always broke.