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5575663 No.5575663 [Reply] [Original]

So from what I gather, the general consensus on Antony Bourdain here is that he's pretty cool.
Are his books any good?

>> No.5575670


They're sprinkled with a fair amount of pleasant self-awareness.

Kitchen Confidential was the bible of every tattooed macho line-cook-cum-chef I knew for about six years, but he's sort of moved past that into seen-it-all world traveler. He's plainly in love with himself, but he knows the best chefs in the world and offers a perspective that you can't find literally anywhere else.

>> No.5575671

I read most of The Nasty Bits. I didn't like it.

>> No.5575675

He's an edgy fucktard who hasn't cooked in about 15 years.

>> No.5575676

They're entertaining reads but don't expect anything revelatory or life-changing.

>> No.5575680

i only read kitchen confidential

it wasn't bad.

>> No.5575683
File: 17 KB, 390x270, zyessir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anthony bourdain is a pretty cool guy, eh does the sarcasms and doesnt afraid of anything
>hes french too so thats bretty cool for me

>> No.5575738
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>mfw I read that in GSP's voice

>> No.5575974

he's a bellend, not cool at all.

>> No.5576387

He despises hipsters and yet keeps frequenting their restaurants, keeps spouting hipster bullshit and is a hipster himself.
His program started out with simple home made meals, traditional meals or streetmeals and turned into some gastronomical, political michelin star masturbation show.
The show has gotten formulaic to the highest degree, him complaining about fishing, some opening dainty opening monologue that doesn't lead anywhere, some cuts between random footage of people going about their daily routine.

The problem is that fame got to him, in the beginning he was just a simple chef traveling the world, each experience new and profound. Now he has seen it all, every episode includes a reference to a previous experience he's had, Gone is the starry eyed chef looking for inspiration and new things, introducing the jaded seen it all chef who has forgotten that simple food and culture got him where he is now, not fancy restaurants, politics or plugging his friends.

>> No.5576394

no resrvations

parts unknown

hes still pretty based imo. if you cant get over the tongue n cheek sarcasm then he was never your cup of tea.

he also despises rachel ray and openly says that so that makes him pretty based in itself.

>> No.5576410

>Are his books any good?
His best skill of all is writing. He's got the same snarky, intellectual, introspective, impressionistic, cynical observations in print as in his narration. If you enjoy his shows, the books are a level above it in immersion.

>> No.5576411

>and is a hipster himself.
Oh please. He is not. He's an original CBGBs metalhead who has aged authentically without losing that well read thinker generation of sex, drugs and rock n roll. He was sexing up his high school sweetheart wife all those years, and living a normal life from job to job. He's not a hipster.

>> No.5576427

maybe but there's some pure gold sprinkled in there, grenada and sicily com to mind

>> No.5576440
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Poin of fact regarding hipsters:
Nobody over the age of 35 is a hpster. By then you are either cool or not.
Also. all hipsters hate other hipsters.It's one of the defining hipster traits.

>> No.5576452
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In his 2010 book Medium Raw, he wrote that he stopped making fun of Rachel Ray because she sent him a fruit basket.


>> No.5576453

I keep seeing people use this word wrong. The only time it's appropriate to call someone edgy is when they have conservative views and believe that they have the right to use violence to enforce them, such as people who say that blacks aren't people, or that they want to beat up gays. Edgy does not mean critical of society, it means bigoted and hateful.

>> No.5576455

>what is political correctness anyways guise?
its like you arent aware of the cunt of a fanbase she has and he probably got tired of hearing their whining

>winston churchill
>anything but a faggot

dos equis por favor

>> No.5576456

That's not the definition of edgy bro. Unless you're using urbandictionary as your official dictionary

>> No.5576460

>nice edge kid

>> No.5576462

It's the definition that most people ascribe to on the internet. You call the guy screaming about Jews and wanting to bring back the holocaust "edgy" because it's an easy way to dismiss juvenile behavior like that.

>> No.5577915

>rich guy who slummed it for muh material

>> No.5577942

He wasn't rich when his first few books got published. It wasn't until after A Cook's Tour aired and No Reservations got picked up that he started making money.

>> No.5577962

I think he's pretty pretentious. But I can see the appeal with him.

>> No.5577973

First book is kind of a must read for American culinary literacy. Beyond that nothing of value; his initial blue collar grittiness isn't endearing on a multimillionaire globetrotting with an entourage, and bigoted views that were excusable for a poorly educated cook are offputting as a celebrity brand.

>> No.5577986

I think the second book was pretty good too, he wasnt rich yet and tells about him traveling the world from a cooks perspective, he was still working at les halles at the time. In fact I'd say the show that is a long the same lines as the book is really good.

Its def. a lot better than No Reservations, or Parts Unknown or any of the others, its more for cooks than his other shows IMO.

>> No.5578026

I thought all of the books I read (KC, Medium Raw, Nasty Bits) were very very good. He's an asshole sometimes, but he's not one of these assholes that isn't aware of it and won't apologize for it. He goes back a few times in Medium Raw and says "I shouldn't have said this", "I was just a mad kid, this is the real truth..." etc etc.

I haven't gotten into No Reservations yet, but I plan to sometime soon. The only torrent I can find with every episode has godawful audio.

>> No.5578030

There's decent quality on youtube, stop being a snob.

>> No.5578031

You should check out the A Cooks Tour tv show. Its the best of all his shows in my opinion and its available on TPB. The book is also pretty good.

>> No.5578096

I started watching him in his early (no res) years and like it at 1st but then he started to annoy me trying to force-write some 'next level' meaning about some place. Like "this meal symbolizes the culture - vibrant and complex yet simple at heart" and he would try to get real poetic almost every episode and it really sounded forced.

Then eventually I just sort of accepted the show for what it is and it's better than 99% of the crap on TV and 1 of the better travel shows even when it's not so great.

The show in later episodes (parts unknown) imo has gotten more diverse even if it's not a better show. The earlier no res shows were mainly about him going and checking out a culture and its food. Parts Unknown he goes anyway from hipster joints in Tribeca and Brooklyn to top tier restaurants in France but it does seem like he's so well traveled he's just hitting some popular or famous places off a list for the show.

Best travel show I've seen is a Canadian one called Departures. Just about 3 down-to-earth 20 something dudes traveling the world and has some of the best camera work and music you will see in a travel show. Highly recommended.

>> No.5578102

The Layover > No Reservations

>> No.5578108

You're wrong. Next you'll call that CNN shit good.

>> No.5578109
File: 37 KB, 552x464, 666666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True dat. It was the best of the 3 even though similar. Unfortunately no longer : \

>> No.5578137

day after the 4th, excuse me whilsst i get my readading glasses ok not a lot better but some. . he is ok ber like me and skinny black jeans. Never was very good from the get go. much as I like them. id look lludidiruss trying to wearr a pair I like antony, no reservations propably an ok cook ( sharpe in take of breath you have defiled get your drawers untwisted otay? he cooks. and simple things like roast chicken, mashed taters or fish with out waste, are hard enough .to doto turn yesterdays scraps into tommorrows proffit can be tough. as far as green text
>gee Im so smat I have akeybord a\nd can make > sighn, . but he's ok Interesting (i>ear kakies or worse cargo pants.. nothing to prove trust me, jjeans long since 501, wasnt that great to begin with. but cook\ing . I would not pay for dis combubulated whatever nor 40 for 4 oz fish(pt barnum, sucker born every min) but he seems ok and interesting. and the easiest is hardest(you keep believing that bs) any half wit can do it same as "mixology" maske decent food, dont give away alcohol. cleaner than your own kitchen and keep family out. three ways are seldom a good idea, but doom in a restaurantIO kinda like anthony he drinks too much. so do i I kinda like him. hell of a lot ratrher watch him than m ws food. chopped or tpioneer women or for that matter mind of a chief. ddds is ok and paul folse cajun is one trick pony show (if we make it this way we have reduced 90% etgc. Bordoun is not perfect, but interesting. at least like pepin or even bayles or lydya. but hey, letsts make bc or dc and listen to us sing. click . but Antonny bourdoun, at least he tries

>> No.5578156

>A Cooks Tour>No Reservations>The Layover>Parts Unknown

Any one else remember the Kitchen Confidential adaptation with Bradley Cooper as Bourdain? Shits hilarious.

>> No.5578166

Yeah i know "its called zip
>or green
-sorry-if you cant read a paragraph
> you need or kneed to go back to skool or school.Har5d on the eyes and impresses no one
>grenn text whee, lok at me

>> No.5578189

nope, self harm and the like is the main target of edgy, it just grew to encompass violent bigatry too because the next step after cutting yourself and talking about how terrible the world is is cutting someone else.

>> No.5578238

So when a kid talks about shooting up a school to look tough he's not being edgy? The one that's edgy is the CONSERVATIVE one? You know edgy comes from "on the edge" idioms right? How are conservatives, who generally consider themselves to be, you know, conservative, living on the edge? You're just redefining it to people you don't like

>> No.5578272

This. A Cooks Tour was an amazing show about food. It was just about food. No pretentious bullshit. No Reservations was very good for the first couple of seasons as well, it got progressively worse. The new show is just shit, I don't know what the fuck he's trying to portray any more. He thinks he's so badass because he went to Myanmar? Or because he talks about drugs in Mexico? Shit man, this is something that might be impressive to Americans who rarely leave their country (which is many btw, you guys have among the lowest ownerships of passports in the world). Myanmar is already the "hipster" country to go to. Mexico isn't the murder capital of the world for many years now. Bourdain isn't very impressive any more.

>> No.5578278

>Not defining edgy as having an opinion

*le tips fedora*

>> No.5579104

His book "Kitchen Confidential" is worth a read. It's the real thing. He's the real thing. He has paid his dues in the trenches. I was a dishdawg for 4 years, and a cook for 4 more. The booze, the drugs, the heat and the late nights...he captures it all 100% spot on.

>> No.5579116

well, i don't particularly like his shows just cause he goes crazy about anything and makes it seem appealing

but he did write and complain that the current state of celebrity chef stuff is total bs and you make more money endorsing pots and pans than cooking, so he sold out no regrets

>> No.5580806

>He was sexing up his high school sweetheart wife all those years
Until he dumped her and got a trophy wife when he got successful.

>> No.5580818

honesty if I was rich i'd probably never have a gf over 25-30