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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5573160 No.5573160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Enjoy your McDonald's woodburger, /ck/.



There may be more fiber in your food than you realized. Burger King, McDonald’s and other fast food companies list in the ingredients of several of their foods, microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) or “powdered cellulose” as components of their menu items. Or, in plain English, wood pulp.

McDonald’s ranks highest on the list with cellulose integrated into 14 of their menu items including their renowned fish fillets, chicken strips and biscuits, with Burger King ranking second on the list with 13 menu items containing cellulose. Moreover, many cellulose-laden ingredients (such as honey mustard, bbq sauce, and cheese blends) can be found in multiple items throughout the menu making the filler difficult to avoid.

>> No.5573163

thanks, i will

with large fries and a coke

>> No.5573167

That's "woodfries" now.

>> No.5573168
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and here i was thinking mcdonalds was a healthy choice.

>> No.5573211

McDonalds, making the Chinese look like amateurs.


>> No.5573221

They should put more and make the prices lower. I don't mcdonalds for the nutritional value. I eat it when I'm piss drunk for the greasy goodness.

>> No.5573385

Don't worry even modern Top of the Line Gastronomy uses Cellulose.

Nothing to see here...

>> No.5573395

You mean I'm eating something that is grows from the earth! Like... like... a plant?! Oh lawd help me, now I'm eating plants. They grow in dirt. And sunshine, y'know! That's just completely sick. How could they do that to me? I feel much safer eating my ammonium hydroxide pellets.

>> No.5573418

Those are some credible sources OP.

>> No.5573424

That is a beautiful tree OP. I'd eat the fuck out of that tree.

>> No.5573431


You're not even trying

>> No.5573446

>every dish with cinnamon ever is putting tree bark in your food!

>> No.5573475

You'd prefer the L.A. Times?

>ooooh, dat real news source
>not just some web thing
>dey's gots real papers
>dey's gots real journalists
>whassa journalist?
>some idiot who went through a college degree on how to write
>like most people don't learn dat by 5th grade

>> No.5573480 [DELETED] 

See >>5573475


>oooh, dat Houston Chronicle
>deys got real journalists too
>whoa, dey just be rippin off dat QZ.com bro
>fuck dat shit

Seriously, isn't the issue that these companies are putting WOOD PULP in your goddamn burger? Who cares whether it's "safe" to eat (for a given value of "safe"), the larger issue here is whether you want to pay them sox bucks for a Happy Meal for your kid when your kid is getting fed WOOD PULP by them.

You could just feed your kid PAPER at home (preferably unbleached, as it has less dioxins in it) and come out way ahead.

>> No.5573481

See >>5573475


>oooh, dat Houston Chronicle
>deys got real journalists too
>whoa, dey just be rippin off dat QZ.com bro
>fuck dat shit

Seriously, isn't the issue that these companies are putting WOOD PULP in your goddamn burger? Who cares whether it's "safe" to eat (for a given value of "safe"), the larger issue here is whether you want to pay them six bucks for a Happy Meal for your kid when your kid is getting fed WOOD PULP by them.

You could just feed your kid PAPER at home (preferably unbleached, as it has less dioxins in it) and come out way ahead.

>> No.5573483

>Seriously, isn't the issue that these companies are putting WOOD PULP in your goddamn burger? Who cares whether it's "safe" to eat (for a given value of "safe"), the larger issue here is whether you want to pay them sox bucks for a Happy Meal for your kid when your kid is getting fed WOOD PULP by them.

Yeah who cares if it's inconsequential I NEED A FUCKING OUTLET FOR MY POPULIST OUTRAGE. If you don't want it, don't buy it.

>> No.5573512

You are mad as fuck. No need to lose your shit because people are smart enough to ask for real sources.

>> No.5573539

Nobody who eats fast food cares what's in it. It could have feces and they wouldn't stop, since they're already eating shit anyway.

Eating processed food, drinking soda, etc. is all akin to smoking and drinking. It's common knowledge it's awful and kills you but millions of people still do it.

>> No.5573545

True, but cinnamon is a spice, not a binder and filler that is in everything. I mean, when I was a kid, I used to chew on peeled willow tree branches while I played in the yard (they taste sweet, and are actually a source of salicylic acid) but I didn't grind them up and put them in everything I ate. Also, since it's a particular type of processed "wood pulp", we don't know (or I'm sure we do if anyone bothered to look it up) what it does once in our digestive system and/or what problems to which it might contribute.

>> No.5573546

>I used to chew on wood as a kid

You were a slow child

>> No.5573549

Actually, no. But good job on completely overlooking the point and moving right on to the shitposting.

>> No.5573556
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Seconding. Just good ol' fashioned apathy.
I already know i'm ingesting pink slime and discarded chicken parts with every nugget, and i'm very much aware that all the grease is going to clog my arteries and kill me early. And now i'm aware of wood pulp in the burgers.

I appreciate what the whistleblowers like the OP are trying to do.. its just that I already know the shit i'm eating is literally garbage.

>> No.5573608

shut up woodchuck

>> No.5573612
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try harder.

>> No.5573616

>has not heard of chewing on toothpicks

>> No.5573620

This is a little like when you discover on Fallout that meatloaf was invented by the timber industry as a way to deal with the sawdust.

>> No.5573646

So? Are you expecting it to be good quality and healthy? People who act shocked when shit like this comes out need shooting.

>> No.5573675
File: 2.94 MB, 500x375, mcdonalds is the best.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It tastes good so I don't have a choice!

>> No.5573706

We know what it does to out digestive systems. Nothing. Cellulose is found in every single plant. It's non-soluble fiber.

>> No.5573815

Ok. I sure will enjoy it. Thanks!
>did not read

>> No.5573847

Wood pulp sounds better than pink slime.
What the fuck does wood pulp do? Give you some fiber?

>> No.5573860

Pink slime is just the chicken equivalent of hot dogs you retard.

>> No.5573867

hold on, whats actually wrong with putting woodpulp into food?

>> No.5573875


>> No.5573884

If anything, this actually makes their foods healthier by adding fiber.

>> No.5573901


I don't know that McDonald's needs fiber. I mean, I get the runs every time I have ever had to eat it.

>> No.5573982

wood pulp is probably the most nutritious thing in mcdonalds food. what's the problem?

>> No.5575380

>more fiber
Looks like i'll be hitting my macros

>> No.5575399

Dude. You were a little boy chewing on a piece of fuckin wood. You were slow. There's no getting around it.

>> No.5575409

Its silly to rank them based on the number of menu items containing it rather than the mount in the items

>> No.5575568

You are a fucking idiot. I guarantee my dog could outsmart you six ways from Sunday. Just because you're too stupid to understand something doesn't mean you are correct. Go educate yourself, even though I doubt you are able. You eat derivatives of willow all the time, you stupid ass.

>> No.5575639

So the McDonalds burger itself was fine to you, but when they add dietary fiber to it you're going to freak out? What next, they'll top it with kale and you'll say "they put LEAVES on the burger!" ?

>> No.5575883
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