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File: 122 KB, 989x687, rum and coke jack and coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5568634 No.5568634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can choose only one.

>> No.5568640

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.5568650

but i hate coca cola....

>> No.5568655

Neither, ardbeg neat please

>> No.5568660

Yes, they often use pretend that their favourite junk foods are dolls and play with them, often making them kiss and have play-sex.

It's fucked. I was in Dallas once and saw a grown man at a McDonald's making kissing sounds and pretending that a McChicken and a Big Mac were making out. There was lettuce and mayo all over his hands and he didn't seem to notice.

>> No.5568663

I'll go with the jack, hold the coke. Pour in a shot glass, then gimme a beer.

>> No.5568674
File: 36 KB, 480x272, ricky-and-julian_24567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tradition here in Dallas to do that, you bigot.
Also, rum&coke

>> No.5568690

>It's a tradition here in Dallas to do that, you bigot.
Sorry, I shouldn't judge cultural differences. You are right.

>> No.5568724
File: 32 KB, 500x362, 1369092723696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans drinking whiskey "on the rocks" because "it tastes too sharp"

Let's get this shit started.

>> No.5568733


Rum and coke was the very first drink I got drunk on in my life, so Bacardi for the nostalgic value.

That, and I think a lot of whiskey tastes like ash tray.

>> No.5568755

Rum and coke because whiskey and coke is pretty terrible. Rye and ginger (actual rye content may vary) is a better comparison imo and is much personally preferred over a rum and coke.

>> No.5568763
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>> No.5568772


Not gonna lie, on the right day, I prefer RC Cola, or even Dr Pepper.

>> No.5568814

if i had to drink one in coke then rum, cause whiskey is bad in coke.

>> No.5568860

eugh...I guess jack and coke. Never cared for Bacardi

>> No.5568864

Rum and coke.

I wouldn't tarnish delicious whiskey with soda.

>> No.5568867

Why is Coke such a slut?

>> No.5568904


>> No.5568910


> being that mainstream in a niche hobby

what's the point other than to show off?

>> No.5568914

>delicious whiskey
>jack daniels

good golly

>> No.5568920

Fair enough.
I was thinking more generally.

>> No.5569004


OP here. I just googled images. It doesn't specifically have to be Jack or Bacardi.

Guess I should have specified.

>> No.5569082

Went to a big liquor store the other day and saw they sell a Jack and Coke combo pack. Is it really too hard to walk to the other end of the god damn store if you want a two-liter of Coke?

>> No.5569683

Negative on both.
>room temp vodka straight
>ice cold water chaser
>careful, this can lead to AA
>just got 5 years in May

>> No.5569713
File: 4 KB, 126x121, 1401480146935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, man

>> No.5569730

>liking these college-tier drinks

>> No.5569735

drinking jack right now, but i'd take bacardi. because i prefer rum over whiskey

>> No.5569742

b-but i am in college.

also, it's possible to like pleb tier drinks and classy cocktails at the same time.

>> No.5569986
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>> No.5569992

I mixed Jamesons with something a month or so ago and it was delicious... but I forget what it was.

>> No.5570020
File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1367138294599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, real men drink old fashioneds.

>> No.5570048
File: 23 KB, 225x322, gimlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourbon and Coke every time. But I'd rather have a gimlet.

>> No.5570287


Nice deflection.

>> No.5570301

Ginger ale?

>> No.5570399

>not liking old fashioneds because they're fucking good.

Your insecurity is showing

>> No.5570413

I haven't gotten into drinking spirits at all, probably because i don't see the point of just drinking coke that doesn't taste as good as normal coke just to get drunk.
More of a beer person to be honest.

>> No.5570415

Jameson tastes like fucking water, I don't know how it can make anything else taste awesome.

>tfw making a hot toddy with Laphroaig 10 and TeaGschwendner Lapsang- Souchong and only the slightest bit of honey and lemon

>> No.5570418


Cuba Libre

Jack Belongs with Ginger Ale.

>> No.5570422
File: 734 KB, 2958x2448, alcoholism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic somewhat related.

My record is something like 2 years (mostly did NA).

I'm sorry, but I love whisky too much. Basically as long as I'm not doing *ahem* drugs, I'm perfectly satisfied.

Congrats, though, that's a huge milestone. Why are you posting in a booze thread?

>> No.5570435

This better not turn into another muh superior hipster craft micro-brewed beer thread.

>> No.5570452

Rum and Coke if I have to choose between those two things only.