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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5566868 No.5566868[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does Guy Fieri get the hate he does? Is it because he gets paid to eat?

>> No.5566873

Because his popularity and success implies that America likes this kind of buffoon. It's depressing to think about the national taste.

>> No.5566971
File: 90 KB, 711x611, niceguyeddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy Fieri is ruining America's good reputation

>> No.5567824
File: 16 KB, 642x317, Untitled-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Alton Brown is jealous of Guy.

>> No.5567892

I'm hungry, so I'll eat some of your bait.

Guy Fieri is the living embodiment of America's gourmet bro-down bar food obsession. There's a large portion of the population that just want to eat the same greasy shit that they could get at a fast food restaurant, but they want it to be 'goormey' because they don't want to admit that it's the 6th night this week that they have had some variation of a hamburger.

Now, who is going to pedal this low grade food? No respectable chef. Only someone who is a carbon copy of the people he is serving. We need someone who is fat, white, and the perfect embodiment of Middle America. That man is Guy Fieri.

To me, Guy represents a growing issue with America. Americans can talk all they want about how they want change and things to be better, but they don't really do anything about it. Instead they continue to consume the same shit they always have, just thinly veiled so that they don't have to admit to themselves that its the same as ever. Look at our government and look at our food.

>> No.5567921


>these bits of bacon mixed in with these cheese biscuits were like a speed bump on the road to flavor town

>Im mining for food in Flavortown River

>It’s like a hot-dog lasso… on the ranch in Flavortown.

last halloween i wanted me and my friends to get baseball uniforms and frosted blonde wigs and go as the Baseball Fieris but couldnt find a baseball uniform in time ;^[

>> No.5567942


Guy Fieri looks like what NoFX sounds like. He's the loud, fat, obnoxious jock in high school past his prime, who somehow still thinks he's the shit. The hair, the bowling shirts, the shitty goatee, all scream "I'm only trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator! look at me! This is flavour-town motherfucker!" He takes an attitude that is all about obnoxious bro-tier posturing and uses it to advertise mid-tier food to idiots.

>> No.5567964


>> No.5567970


>> No.5567981


>instead they continue to consume the same shit they always have
>they don't want change

Just like you, oh internet philosopher.

>> No.5567983
File: 639 KB, 1582x2048, guy's menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5567985

If Guy Fieri went to Fat Mike's NY gastropub for an episode, the world would explode with frosted tips, past-the-knee shorts and oversized bowling shirts.

>> No.5567986

You can always tell when he isn't too impressed with a dish.

>> No.5567993

>Menu that states "a real human being, a real hero"??
Wow. That's offensive. How is Guy Fieri a "hero"? Is he placing himself above the military, law enforcement, firefighters or something? Did I forget some heroic act he did?

>> No.5567997

>Even Alton Brown is jealous of Guy.
ROFL. That's hilarious. I bet that's true about his followers.

>> No.5568000
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How new can one person be?

>> No.5568003

You're almost right. I simply think that what people don't eat at home is what they eat when out, such as fried food.

Guy Fieri's style is simply west coast version of Jersey Shore italian-american bro, pulling from the Vegas-gambling-bowling cool. There are only so many untucked shirt looks you can do when you have a beer gut. Could be a guayabera when hispanic, a tropical shirt when doing the Magnum PI thing, polo shirt with label, or some FUBU crap. He's got the same shit other fat dudes do. The overdone silver is a western thing too. It started as a way to add bling without being a murder victim.

>> No.5568019

First day on 4chan eh redditfag?

>> No.5568025

Samefag, I simply never read the fine print on his menu, nor ate there. Calm down.

>> No.5568031
File: 7 KB, 580x111, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely not samefag. I was
>>5568000 but not

1. It's a fake fucking menu.
2. How do you not know about real human beans and real gyros?

>> No.5568036
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Fine print? Every word on the menu is satire.

God, you suck so fucking hard.

>> No.5568037

It's that time of year. You know, the worst season.

>> No.5568134

>There's a large portion of the population that just want to eat the same greasy shit that they could get at a fast food restaurant, but they want it to be 'goormey' because they don't want to admit that it's the 6th night this week that they have had some variation of a hamburger.
This. He's the embodiment of dumbed-down food posing as something special. He celebrates the stupid, championing excess over refinement. And he has it down to a science - he looks and acts the part perfectly.

He's a businessman, so there can be little doubt his persona is as completely calculated as the food he celebrates, tailor made to appeal to his target demographic. Unfortunately that demographic is the stereotypical ugly American - a loud, fat, badly dressed glutton. All he's missing is the jingoism, but his food preferences almost imply it.

>> No.5568172

Where'd you go, faggot?

>> No.5568184

>fine print

you mean any of the print?

>> No.5568196

>A natural Black Angus beef heart slow-cooked in a fiery sriracha honey wasabi BBQ sauce
Maybe I'm a freak, but that actually sounds pretty good. Well, except for the wasabi.

>> No.5568212
File: 3.50 MB, 4777x3031, WC20140622_USA-POR_Mansion_of_Celebs_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he represents everything that is wrong with America

>> No.5568257
File: 231 KB, 1030x904, 4chanvclothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5568270

>Welcome to flavor country
>This is out of bounds
>Other retarded reactions to food like it's the most incredible meal ever
>Looks and dresses like some 25 year old d-bag from the 90s
-Guy Fieri