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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5564075 No.5564075 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2014

Why does McDonald's still insist on adding fucking pickles on all of their burgers

If they were gone tomorrow would anybody actually miss them

>> No.5564089
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>20 A.D
>not liking pickles

>> No.5564092

no pickles
no mustard
yes rehydrated onions, raw onions, and grilled onions

>> No.5564093

Bu bu but. Pickles are good.

>> No.5564094

i don't really enjoy their burgers too much, but the pickles add a nice textural difference. same with those crappy onions.

>> No.5564185

I would throw that burger back at them if it didn't have pickles in it. That's the best part. The saltiness enhances the meat flavor.

>> No.5564207

Vinegar pickles are a cheap way to add flavor and cut through the fatty meat and cheese.

Whenever there's a vinegar pickle on a sandwich, it's all I can taste though.

Homemade fermented pickles are infinitely better.

>> No.5564372


I'm with this guy.
I can't stand pickles on anything- the smell alone is too over powering.

It's ironic though, because at this point it's an almost "nostalgic" smell since for the longest time when I was a kid I never realized you could order food WITHOUT things at places.

>> No.5564386

The pickles, along with the shitty condiments do well to mask how fucking gross their beef is.

>> No.5564387

has anyone tried to sub the dehydrated onions on the mcdouble for the sliced onions they use on the QPWC?

>> No.5564434

sure you can, just like you can get a real egg on your breakfast sandwich instead of the omelette mix

>> No.5564557

perhaos because pickles make burgers better

>> No.5564562

I wouldn't eat their burgers if they didn't come with pickles. They've already gotten rid of the onions - no pickles would be the last straw.

>> No.5564577

The reason they put pickles on their burger is so that the shitty premade ones go to the customers with not taste, while the customers who order "sans pickle" will get an actual fresh, made to order burger.

Many fast food restaurants employ this same tactic to ensure the customers with ttaste are guaranteed fresh food.

>> No.5564600

>fresh, made to order fast food burger
Like it matters if a fast food burger is freshly assembled. It's still a fast food burger. Many fast food restaurants use pickles because they're overpowering and you won't taste how... bad it all is.

>> No.5564605

>taking the only vegetable out of the American diet

>> No.5564610

Haha. Op think about the chidlins. They need their serving of vegetables.

>> No.5564684

go to subway
people ask for every kind of veggie
>every kind
i get wanting a lot of lettuce in your chicken sub or a lot of tomato in a meatball sub or something
but these people ask for everything
they ask for raw bell peppers in their sandwich
they ask for both kinds of cheese in their sandwich thinking they will get twice as much cheese
they ask for a free spoon of tuna in their subs (what the fuck????)
time for condiments they only ask for some mayo

i go to subway
just want the chicken sub on italian herbs bread, some cheddar, toasted, a lot of pickles and honey mustard
i dont even have to ask because they know me and know my simple sandwich
i get full oven time for not wasting their time
the cashieer smiles at me
and my sandwich actually tastes good

you either order pickles, lettuce, tomato, onions or even olives in some sandwiches. Everything else is subhuman

>> No.5564692

>eating at subway
>being a "regular"

opinion invalidated

>> No.5564697
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>asking for unripened toilet paper-flavored tomatoes that water down your sandwich

>> No.5564703

have you even tried putting cucumbers on your sandwich?

>> No.5564707

why the fuck dont they put sauces and stuff on BEFORE all the other shit

>> No.5564711

because soggy mushy bread is not appetizing

>> No.5564720

i just went today after 2 weeks of not going because their oven broke and all sandwiches where cold
they knew my order
turns up subways employees are not retarded its costumers that are retarded the only thing you need is to go 4 times and order the same thing and they remember you
also subway has the second best product on perpetual discount, its the best food option besides cooking if you are poor

>> No.5564731

really because thats pretty much how all other sandwiches are made

>> No.5564736

Literally the least savory vegetable
also watery and too crunchy in the wrong way
it doesnt go well with any sauce or condiment
i eat cucumber all the time, i eat them as snacks i dont even add salt to them

>> No.5564743

You could go to a grocery store and get a better sub for a cheaper price, as it's not a prepared item.

>> No.5564745

its a fruit since it houses the seeds.

>> No.5564749

cucumber is best vegetable for sandwiches
gives really nice big crunch

>> No.5564750

there is no botanical term for vegetable

tomatoes and cucumbers are vegetables

>> No.5564759

actually there is, seeds are well seeds, fruit houses the seeds, the rest is classified as a vegetable

>> No.5564760

i eat the chicken sub tho.
Im also paying to have a place to sit for an hour

>> No.5564761

no one cares, eugene

>> No.5564769

Then dont like on the internet.

>> No.5564770

completely untrue

>> No.5564772

the thing that pisses me off about subway is that if you offer these people a salad with some cheese and ham or bacon or chicken with salad dressing and a couple of rolls they would refuse to eat it because its salad but they suddenly want every vegetable because they are "free"

>> No.5564777

>source Kitchen Science by Howard Hillman Chapter 7 - Fruits and Vegetables P.117

>> No.5564781

with this flood of threads about fast food, and badly made pizza, and hate for that guy from cooks country and alton brown I feel like I am on some sort of bizzarro /ck/, wtf happened.

>> No.5564786

oh, and shitty verticals and the spaming of bingo threads that aren't even bingos

>> No.5564792

the real world happened
after going to classes or working all day people dont have much time or energy to cook.
They are also more stressed than ever and everything pisses them off.
Go back to the 50s to be a housewife if the only thing you want to do is talk about jello all day

>> No.5564795

>Botanically, there are widely varied definitions of the word “vegetable.” It is not an officially defined technical term. The plant kingdom has at times been referred to as the “Vegetable Kingdom,” and if you’ve ever started out a round of 20 Questions by asking “animal, vegetable, or mineral,” you’ve employing that definition. So by that definition, anything that comes from a plant is a vegetable, including wheat flour. A pizza, if totally vegan, could therefore could be classified as a vegetable, along with donuts, chocolate chip cookies, and fruit loops.

Also for import purposes, the United States government has declared tomatoes a vegetable.

tl:dr it's completely arbitrary, there is no botanical definition of vegetable

>> No.5564808

there are hardly ever jello threads on here and for literally hundreds of years people had time to work and come home and cook and many still do. Its just laziness, lack of knowledge and todays focus on convenience that doesnt make cooking at home a priority

>> No.5564842

cooking at home is a thousand times more convinient than going somewhere to buy food, have you ever heard of baking or boiling?
fast food just tastes better than your average half assed meal.
Just buy a premade pizza, some sauce and cheese and put it in the oven for half an hour and see what i mean

>> No.5564903

>Im also paying to have a place to sit for an hour

>> No.5564916

>cooking at home is a thousand times more convinient than going somewhere to buy food
no it isnt

>fast food just tastes better than your average half assed meal.
no it doesnt

>> No.5564935

reasonable man over here

>> No.5566819

Heretic. Pickles are AWESOME.

>> No.5566827

Cucumbers are amazing in a sandwich, especially if it has a vinegary dressing like Italian or vinaigrette.

>> No.5566892

>So by that definition, anything that comes from a plant is a vegetable, including wheat flour. A pizza, if totally vegan, could therefore could be classified as a vegetable, along with donuts, chocolate chip cookies, and fruit loops.

Ok I'm off to enjoy a chocolate, chocolate chip cookie, and donut salad.

>> No.5567948

im still wondering why mcdonalds had to get rid of their 1/3 pound angus burgers - it was the best food item they had ever offered.

>> No.5568413

I'd miss them...

>> No.5570414

they still have them. they just renamed them to quarter pounders for some reason.

>> No.5570425

>Not realizing that the Reagan administration counted ketchup as a vegetable

Has that even changed?

>> No.5570429

>both kinds of cheese

What kind of 3rd rate shithole do you live in where Subway only has 2 kinds of cheese?

>> No.5570440

The pickles are the best part.

>> No.5570448

That's not correct. At least not around here. No Angus to be found at Mickey D's

>> No.5570454


> Wanting sour puss pickles over fresh cucumber

Absolute plebeian.


It's actually a fruit.

>> No.5570461

>wanting faggy cuCUMber when you can eat tasty pickles

>> No.5570478
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>tastes good

>> No.5570675
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Pickles are great by themselves, but putting them on burgers is fucking retarded. So is diced onion as opposed to sliced, and mayo + ketchup is a better condiment combo for burgers than ketchup + mustard. This is why BK is better than mcdolans.

>not eating banana peppers on your sub

>> No.5570679

yeah, they count potatoes, tomato sauce(on pizza) and beans as vegetables.
source: went to us public school in several counties, graduated 2010.

>> No.5570685

I think they could take sesame seeds off the market and I wouldn't even care. I can't imagine 5 years from now, saying, "Damn, remember sesame seeds? What happened? All the buns are blank! They're gonna have to change that McDonald's song: 'Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a... bun.' How's a sesame seed stick to a bun? That's fuckin' magical! There's got to be some sesame seed glue out there! Either that, or they're adhesive on one side. "Take the sesame seed out, remove the backing, place it on the bun. Now your bun will look spectacular." What does a sesame seed grow into? I don't know, we never gave them a chance! What the fuck is a sesame? It's a street...it's a way to open shit!

- MH

>> No.5570798


>> No.5570816

the fence isnt blue

>> No.5572962

If you don't like pickles maybe you should try killing yourself.

Failing that, ask for no pickle

>> No.5573066

You're kind of "sensitive",huh?

>> No.5573465

lol at this guy

it's fucking hilarious when I see a guy getting 3 types of meat in his sub and then only get lettuce and tomato

thinking he's sophisticated at a fucking fast food chain

those faglors are hilarious

>> No.5573470

and you do in fact get more if you take everything.

you get pretty much the same amount of everything no matter how much you pick.

I always take everything so my sub barely holds together. I even ask for extra peppers

and I pay the same as your sorry ass thinking you're a chef of some kind because you chose 2 vegetables on a sub

>> No.5573472

I would

>> No.5573482

but anon, cucumber would go soggy and shit on a warm burger. have you ever cooked before?

>> No.5573516

OP just doesn't like anything that will clash with the taste of semen. you know since he's an autistic faggot.

>> No.5573521

You can buy a half pound of ground beef and a bun for what a quarter pounder costs. There is no excuse for eating MacDolans.

>> No.5573523

you fat fucks usually eat the whole burger before anything gets even a chance of being soggy

>> No.5573528

lol what
did you even read the post you quoted
kill yourself faggot
i hope your parents and dog die a painful cancer death

>> No.5573530

go eat more mc muffins you ADHD fag

>> No.5573532

>If McDonalds were gone tomorrow no one would actually miss them