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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5563917 No.5563917 [Reply] [Original]

>sharing a kitchen with a disgusting slob

Worst /ck/ feel ever.

>> No.5563945

>be disgusting slob
>share kitchen with disgusting slob

it sucks and i want to change but at least there's harmony

>> No.5564065

Irritating shit my landwhale former roommate did in the kitchen:

>left spilled pasta in the drain because she's too inept to use a strainer properly
>melted a plastic spatula to one of the burners of our stove, rendered it useless
>ate Chef Boyardee ravioli mixed mith equal parts ranch, kept trying to make me eat some (to make me fat also?)
>forgot about hotdogs boiling on the stove so long that they became permanent fixtures to the pan
>never drained grease from her ground beef, would then pour salsa and taco seasoning into this mess and wonder why she has heart burn all night
>got so drunk one night that she violently wet-shat herself while simultaneously vomiting into her bare lap while sitting in one of our dining chairs, had to be thrown out. The stench will be forever imbedded into my sinuses.

There were a lot more in the 6 months I lived there.

>> No.5564096

Wash as you go is such a fucking simple system. Manchildren will never learn this.

>> No.5564103

>sharing a kitchen with a disgusting slob who steals your food

It could be worse. Shit got so bad I had to buy a refrigerator to put in my own bedroom.

>> No.5564148

>slob living with slobs
if i need to wash a dish, i just move all the sink dishes onto the counter so its obvious they need to be done
then i wash the dish i need
i usually wash a couple dishes during downtime of cooking... only about 1/4th the sink though, ill wash dishes i use like the measuring cup thats been used as a drinking cup, the cutting board, spatualas and cups (so people will start using them instead of measuring cups) as well as easy to clean dishes like the plates and bowls

ill put all the forks and knives into one cup and fill it with soapy water for someone else to wash eventually

>> No.5564166
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maybe if you shitpost and cry moar on an anonymous imageboard things will change

>> No.5564187

>be a reasonable guy that doesn't like to accumulate dirty dishes and eats generally healthy
>share kitchen with control freak who says I don't wash the dishes right, that I don't cook the right way, I don't use the right tools for each thing, I should eat more of this, more of that
>the person is not even my mom

That's it, I'm ending this relationshit.

>> No.5564200
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>go over to gril's apartment
>find used tampon sitting in the kitchen sink

>> No.5564209
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>> No.5564214
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>> No.5564217

rape den/10

>> No.5564220
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>> No.5564223
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we dont have garbage service
but we do have the sidewalk

>> No.5564228
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today my roommate mopped
cuase last night he swiped everything off the table, lol
then they started doing k and roller skateing in the kitchen
i think
i was in my room crying

>> No.5564230
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>> No.5564234

I'm sorry, m8

>> No.5564237
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>> No.5564245
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ive been drinking this today
the monkeys keep the fruitflies out
i figure its fairgame since theres already a bunch of fruitflies in there
and its in the kitchen

>> No.5564248
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That sound like a nightmare. Shitty roommates are the worst. I feel for you

>> No.5564249
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our backyard is real nice

>> No.5564251

>says it could be worse
>says the worst possible thing to happen
I don't get it.

>> No.5564264
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>> No.5564265

Good thing I don't live near you or I'd burn your fucking house down

>> No.5564272
File: 834 KB, 2592x1456, WP_20140619_013[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our neighbors

>> No.5564275

Holy shit I thought this was my house for a second. Same roommate and everything. Except mine has a bong instead of a hooka.

>> No.5564281

where do you live?

>> No.5564287
File: 1.30 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140619_011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

e^^^excuse me, no one lives there
this is our neighbor nicole's house, shes a chill dude
i did find a burnt roll of copper in that house, got 28bux for it a the scrapyard

>> No.5564288

looks like a favela

>> No.5564291
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we ran out of free weed sometime in spring

>> No.5564332
File: 1.07 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140606_034[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hotest real estate in the earth right now
we bout to be the new brooklyn
its amazing how much white people have moved here in the past 10 years including myself

>> No.5564549

Jesus, you're not in Oakland are you?

>> No.5564861

west oakland

>> No.5564889
File: 167 KB, 640x967, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clues in these pictures are telling me you live in Stockton

Am I right

>> No.5564945

no, last picture was along the i5
west oakland
closert to downtown sf than most people in sf
prime real estate now that sf is unaffordab le

>> No.5564951

I know that feel, I noticed I needed to change after a friend and I got high and made a roast chicken, which we left in the sink for three weeks.

>> No.5564969

>first apartment ever
>go to twin friends and their 2 other roommates' house every weekend
>2 inch thick layer of congealed fat in their foreman tray
>week old rice in their rice cooker
>moldy pot in the back patio with broccoli in it that nobody will clean because it smells so bad
>they're doing their dishes post-meal
>see flies buzzing around sink
>tell them a tip my mom told me, if you microwave your sponge for 4 minutes the heat kills shit
>they look at me like i'm gross
>avoid stepping in their kitchen for as long as possible except for if i'm nabbing a drink
how can these kids be fucking 20 years old and boil hamburger helper noodles for 25 minutes? it's so fucking disgusting. and they buy 70/30 ground beef so they have to drain it twice before adding it in, like why not just get 93/7 so you get max meat without draining?
>i'm a fat fuck but can at least make pasta for the appropriate 9 minutes instead of getting too high to realize your shit has turned to mush
i love them, but god damn they can't even make hamburger helper

>> No.5565128

this is why I stopped smoking. also paranoia, but also because I left pasta on for two fucking hours. I burnt fucking pasta.

>> No.5565181

>fucking shit everywhere
>eat spinach because it's healthy

>> No.5565189

your house is cleaner than my student houses were

>> No.5565237

Finally picked up this habit, its wonderful.

>> No.5565280

I love how hipster gentrifying areas add modifiers to distance themselves from the coloreds.

>> No.5565282

Yeah, because people don't like the taste of spinach or anything. Fucking iceberg lettuce child lol

>> No.5565283

Obviously, it makes a difference with real estate sales.

>> No.5565587

>community college kitchens

just one-upped you

>> No.5566275

>tfw roommate will not stop using your freshly sharpened knives on porcelain plates

"Hey dude why don't you just use your own knives??"
"They don't cut lol"

>> No.5566309

>leaving valuable kitchenware out in the open for retards to use

your own fault there anon. any time i have shitty roommates, you best believe anything that can be ruined is in my goddamn room

>> No.5567920

>disgusting slob decides to clean the kitchen
>leaves it less dirty