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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1014 KB, 1936x1936, 2014-03-27 21.19.35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5561132 No.5561132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't see any drinking thread around here.
So what is everybody driking today, or planning to drink ?
Duvel Tripel Hop 2014 here (pic related)

>> No.5561169


>> No.5562051

I'm coming off a four day bender.
No more yankie my wankie. The Donger need food.

>> No.5562109
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I'm a few months from 30 but I will never give up my tonic wine. It is delicious.

>> No.5562168
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Drinking milk

>> No.5562185

2nd and last day of as close as I'll get to bender

>tfw gf of five years turns cold overnight
>tfw dream relationship to dead one within a week
Feels bad, man. I just want to cuddle someone

>> No.5562188

Oh. Right, drinks. A classy mix of lakeport honey lager and dark n stormies

>> No.5562314

Don't be down anon. I was a depressed recluse for about 6 years, never even had a kiss with a grill during that time. It will get better. I honestly recommend regular exercise if you don't do it already, lifted my mood. But enjoy a few days binge drinking and feeling sorry for yourself, it is a part of the healing process.

I feel I am being too nice for 4chan so I will end by calling you a faggot nigger, faggot nigger.

>> No.5562350

now im drinking orange squash

>> No.5562401

Do you mean she literally died or that she just wasn't interested in you?

Either way, sucks a fat one brother.

I'm gonna look for some gulden draak tomorrow.

>> No.5562489
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Swedish craft beer

>> No.5562840

duvel is the shit! god damn, how I could go for a pint of it right now..

>> No.5563018
File: 52 KB, 299x450, trappist-kopen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a bottle of this, amongst others. haven't opened it Yet but i've heard its good stuff

>> No.5563093


where'd you score that?

>> No.5563103

no beer at the moment sadly

gonna have to stock up for the 4th

already stocked up on fireworks

fuck yeah, America

>> No.5563132
File: 44 KB, 400x600, troubadour-magma-belgian-beer_1_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad has recently become GM of an independent craft ale bar

They have 24 ales/beers on pump at any one time, and a small shop attached with about 400 varieties of beer so I have access to a lot of drinks

Im not much of a connoisseur really, and feel like I might be missing out a bit, so im making an effort to try some of them. Pic attached is another I have.

>> No.5563764

i got a bottle of jack last week for my birthday (yesterday)

having some whiskey + ginger ale to wind down from a weekend spent in vehicles for 10+ hours per day

>> No.5563789

I'm drinking Napa cab out of a Styrofoam cup in a generic business hotel room naked while watching law & order svu. Feels ronery

>> No.5563812

Posted in another thread: https://i.4cdn.org/ck/1404177080848.jpg


>> No.5563827

smith and forge cider
feels bad man

>> No.5563966
File: 84 KB, 720x460, endeavor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top beer here m8, I give it 8/8. don't care about IPA h8 this bottle is gr8 to my tastes.

>> No.5563998
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8L of pic related. Cheapest drink per ml of alcohol in my local supermarket, woop woop.

Fellow irishfag? Or can you get bucky outside IE?

>> No.5564098 [DELETED] 
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Blue Moon

>> No.5564104 [DELETED] 
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"Naw bro, you want this picture sideways"
- my phone

>> No.5564139

Currently trying to chug a 40 of Olde English so that I'm hungry enough to eat the Taco Bell I bought before it gets cold.

Such is every night for me.

>> No.5564143

labatt blue
*braces for bad comments*

>> No.5564152


holy shit man that's awesome

I jelly

>> No.5564157

sounds like you need to make the switch to liquor, if that's the case.

much easier to take down a few shots than 40 fucking oz of malt liquor

>> No.5564267

my nigga, htown reporting in

>> No.5564734

Had almaza at a Lebanese restaurant and really liked it

>> No.5565321

You should probably practice on other more easily obtainable Trappists before opening it.

>> No.5565332


+1 to this idea.

Pick up a bottle of St Bernardus or something, then try the Westvleteren, if you haven't already

>> No.5565397
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I have a bottle of this for tonight. I'm working my way through them slowly

>> No.5566785
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Pretty nice as far as IPAs go.

>> No.5567137

skim milk or are you an unrelenting fatass?

>> No.5567586

>ask /ck/ for drink suggestion
>one informative post said whiskey and ginger ale for beginners, among other things.
>order that at bar
>bar tender looks at me funny
>my friend is all "dude you're not supposed to mix whiskey with anything, the fuck are you doing?"
>feel bad while drinking my "that's a sin to mix that shit" drink
t-thanks /ck/

>> No.5567624

This is the most relevant thing without starting my own thread:

What's the name of that soda store, they have thousands of obscure soda brands? And that's all they sell? I forgot the name.

>> No.5567720

sodapop stop.


>> No.5567733

m8, whiskey and ginger ale is a staple in the UK Navy, they call it a Horse's Neck or something similar
it's also delicious, tell the whiskey snobs to sit down. It's not like you're going to buy really expensive whiskey just to mix with it

>> No.5567739

It's called a scotch and dry

It's classy as fuck

>> No.5567743

Fuck me, I'm jelly.

Westmalle dubbel is a good entry-level trappist. Rocheforts are good too.

>> No.5567787
File: 53 KB, 225x692, beer_7859[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a little tired of IPAs lately, but I drank this and goddamn, faith restored.

>> No.5567804

What Belgians should I try?

Leffe Blonde - Like, buy semi-regularly

Duvel - Not keen

Westmalle Dubbel - Liked

I've tried all the Chimays and Tripel Karmeliet but I was quite drunk at the time and cannot remember them at all well.

>> No.5567825

You should try La Trappe and Rochefort, my favorites are the Quadrupel and Rochefort 10

>> No.5568073

Definitely try Orval. Amazing beer, and quite different from the other Trappists imo.

>> No.5568288

Try more trappist dubbels, all of the rocheforts and erdinger brun.

>> No.5569736
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Tonight was Guiness

>> No.5570067

Drinking a bottle of shitty Blanc. Love cooking with wine, but I still can't into appreciating it by itself. Going to switch to Gordon's&T after I finish this shit. I only drink once I a week, but when I do, I get shamefully drunk by myself.

>> No.5570116
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I'm working my way through a case of this, dreading work tomorrow.

>> No.5570128

Kentucky Bourbon Barrell stout. It's decent, but not worth the price at all. I just needed a stout and it was the only one at the store I work at..

>> No.5570134

Love this stuff. It's the best IPA for the price in my area. I'd love to be guzzling Ruination or Two-Hearted for variety but when I want to drink a lot of the most tasty alcohol for my buck I go for the Torpedo.

>> No.5570140

Alcy and enabler. Couldn't be more textbook.

>> No.5570148

Hops can get boring if that's all a beer imparts. Best to just up the ante.

>> No.5570154

>It's the best IPA for the price in my area.

Lucky. I love Sierra Nevada's shit, but I live in the Iowa, so it's always $8.99 a sixer and never on sale. Good thing I can tolerate Boulevard.

>> No.5570158

Whomever reccomended Gulden Draak beer; thank you!

It's really damn good, best beer I've had in my life so far. I haven't had that many beers though; but still, it's a really great drink.

>> No.5570160

OMG quadrupel is best. Rochefort is good, I'm glad it is now allowed in the states, along with Westvlteren.

>> No.5570170

Nobody has mentioned EKU or DogfishHead?

>> No.5570175
File: 21 KB, 264x264, rusty nail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rusty Nail here.

>> No.5570182

DFH only has maybe 1 or 2 good beers, everything else is experimental overhyped hipster shit. Why would you even put them in the same sentence as EKU?

>> No.5570213

Korbel brandy neat. Cuz i'm a cheapskate.

>> No.5570229

Just because of those 1 or 2 big beers they make. EKU is leagues ahead in the large scope, but DFH nailed those couple. EKU's now made Samiclaus just isn't the same as Hurlimann's, though.

>> No.5570247

Got canned from my first job after 3 hours because the employer rightfully saw that I didn't have any drive and wasn't the type of person to go out of his way for the job. I'm 23 and completely screwed when I'm denied even factory work that involved basically putting the same thing together over and over.

Gonna drink up all the alcohol I have on hand.

>> No.5571796
File: 623 KB, 1568x1568, Beavertown_gamma_ray_apa_craft_beer_american_pale_ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skim milk
You need some St. Fueillien Grand Cru in your life, or St. Fueillien Saison.

Right now I'm drinking Beavertown Gamma Ray. Had to try it since I love APA's. Now I know what to pick up tomorrow... Very good stuff

(pic shamelessy stolen from google)

>> No.5571834

loved the westmalle too!
need to go to NL again soon love Trappist beer....
Belgian whites are also very nice!

>> No.5571926

This was the first American IPA I tried and it's still one of my favourites.
Unfortunately the store near me stopped stocking it.

>> No.5571941
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Im at work, so this is what im drinking now.

>> No.5571958
File: 44 KB, 250x650, GBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started drinking recently and I can count the different beers I've had on one hand.

Anyways, I'm thinking of picking up some Grain Belt in a little bit.

>> No.5572268

goddamnit i need mixer

cranberry & oj & svedka shaken over the rocks eta 5 min

>> No.5572358

update: cream soda & svedka tastes like god

>> No.5572942

am i the only person drinking

>> No.5572970
File: 20 KB, 220x330, 1357761615-pabst_beer.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


LOVE me some duvel

i am drinking PBRs. my local drugstore didn't have guinness so i went for the cheap alternative

>> No.5572973

oh hay the drinking thread!

whiskey and lemonade here. cool and refreshing

>> No.5573014

Petrus; Oud Bruin

>> No.5573055

Anybody tried the Game of Thrones beer?

>> No.5573077
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Which one? The third in the series (the red ale) sucks.

Another solid IPA from Lagunitas. Pick some up while it's fresh.

>> No.5573091
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>Dat reference

You made my day, anon.

>> No.5573096
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>> No.5573105

Some homemade hard cider. tried the almost exhausted fermentation carbonation at 1.010.
Not as effective as it is with beer. It's a little slow.

>> No.5573125
File: 62 KB, 710x960, Ktu6Eu5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Guinness alternative

Those are pretty dissimilar.

Pic related was really good. Too bad I will never taste this batch again..

>> No.5573129

Odell Double Pils. Goddamn good summer drinking

>> No.5573155

Anyone else from Ohio? I swear the only thing good about this state is the beer. Anyway drinking Great Lakes Vanilla Porter.

>> No.5573164
File: 78 KB, 958x960, 10469699_738197512887982_2801210032259663866_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, I meant Buckeye Lake, apparently I've been drinking too much to read.

>> No.5573194

An imperial Edmund Fitz with light vanilla bean would be pretty tight though right?

>> No.5573203

Yeah that would be pretty great.

>> No.5573230

Skol vodka.
8 bucks for a liter and I'm broke until next Wednesday. Why the fuck not.

>> No.5573297

Who /drunk/ here?

>> No.5573299

pretty goddamn drunk

someone just set off a mortar and i thought it was gunshots for a second, lel

>> No.5573312

fugg. we
re being attacked

get to cobe ::DDDD

>> No.5573320

they're getting more frequent. think it's time to move to the balcony. these better not be shitty fireworks/gunshots

>> No.5573324

You're ded m8

>> No.5573335

I'm annihilated, ate a burger so big to celebrate my independence. ::DDD

are the bursting bombs in the air illuminating your American flag, showing proof that its still there and hasn't been lifted or vandalized by pesky English street gangs?

>> No.5573337

>are the bursting bombs in the air illuminating your American flag, showing proof that its still there and hasn't been lifted or vandalized by pesky English street gangs?
nah i think they're just pretty average explosions

the real patriotism happens tomorrow, methinks.

>> No.5573345


I bought a 12 pack of those, biggest regret regarding alcohol purchases.

I'm drinking this. Nice and smooth, and fairly cheap.

>> No.5573348
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damn image, let's try that again

>> No.5573354

Miller light is the best beer I've had in forever. People keep trying to get me to try bud blight. I refuse.

>un-peer pressure-able.

>> No.5573370

local wine place just got this stuff called Blithering Idiot by Weyerbacher. anyone tried it? I normally like Hefeweizen and lagers so I'm a bit wary of the 11.% alcohol

>> No.5573377


>> No.5573388
File: 75 KB, 450x586, ayinger-celebrator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some more.

>> No.5573486

I'm drinking Russian Standard
So smooth.
... Oh and some MGD. I like it. It drank purty good.

>> No.5573489

I see you've got some type of residue at the bottom and around the edges of your glass, which brings me to a question. How does /ck/ clean their beer glasses?

>> No.5574353
File: 802 KB, 2000x1328, DSC_0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I restocked my beer supplies today.

At the moment I'm drinking the Aleysium no. 5 which is a Gose beer. That's a German beer style brewed with coriander and salt.

>> No.5574368

I've heard that some stouts (and porters maybe?) have kinds that taste like coffee or something similar which sounds delicious.

Would this kind of stuff be sold at specs because walmart sure as shit doesnt sell them

>> No.5574414

Who /hungover/ here?

>> No.5574432

this guy, right here. my fucking head hurts. dunno why, i definitely remember drinking a bunch of water before i went to sleep...

i want to get something to eat but i REALLY don't want to get up right now

>> No.5574847
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Currently enjoying this. however, I'm not sure these 'craft beers' are really all they are made out to be. They are certainly nice, but for the price, im not sure they are that much nicer than mass produced beers.

>> No.5574857


I'm drinking the Aleyisum 1852 right now. That's an English Burton Ale aged with oak chips with 10.2% ABV. It's got quite a punch.

(Had the Stiegl pale ale, the Xaver pale ale and the Xaver saison inbetween)

>> No.5575555
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McKeown Cider with strawberries

>> No.5575575

cheap champagne from a gas station I can walk to but spruced up with crushed up fruit such as watermelons or strawberries.

>> No.5575596
File: 233 KB, 750x1000, 6b5c97ae-e100-4975-b80b-e2bc1cf64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was $0.50 though.

>> No.5577268

Bartender (and perhaps your friend) were being plebes. Whiskey does SO go with ginger ale! Why else would Seagram's make both of them?

>> No.5577291

hoegaarden. best beer I have ever had

>> No.5577294
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>> No.5577328

what kind of whiskey were you drinking? a really nice top shelf single barrel whiskey? or jim beam tier middle shelf? Nice whiskeys shouldnt be mixed but trash whiskey tastes better with gingerale

>> No.5577348
File: 113 KB, 1280x960, 7e7d7c06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drank some cheap local beer. For the price, it's actually not bad at all. Ate some flammenküchen with it.

>> No.5577356
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I've kind of worn off of IPA's over the years but I still like a pack of this from time to time. Now I almost only drink porters/stouts when I'm not drinking cheap crap beer to get drunk. Problem with IPA's is when I have a number of them the hoppiness I can taste so strongly in my mouth/stomach for a long time.

Drinking some shit steel reserve and vodka again later tonight but just went through a pack of this the other day <3

>> No.5577369

I haven't had much beer, have you?

>> No.5577538
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Epicenter Amber from Santan Brewery in Chandler, AZ

>> No.5577556

i knew it.people drink on this board. I made a thread at 10:30 AM and some fucker said that /ck/ is a food and cooking only board. piece of shit faggot
Anyhoo I've had a weistephenhofer( spelt correctly I think?) today and it just tasted like banana bread and was way too sweet. I will not drink it again. I am drinking some sam adams summer brew whilst listening to my neighbors light off some fireworks,fucking awesome.

>> No.5577644


That's person is retarded there's drinking threads on this board a lot. Even from time to time an alco thread for the unfortunate of us who are off the wagon.

>> No.5577649

in b4 that's :D

>> No.5577677
File: 195 KB, 1288x404, dranks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selection from the Liquor Mart. What goes well with leftover pizza??

>> No.5577716

rolling rock.

>> No.5577785

I don't understand why Estrella doesn't get more love as an import. As far as cheap, easy drinking, all day beers go it's probably the best. Certainly better than Stella, Peroni and Guinness.

>> No.5577792

>i knew it.people drink on this board
people drink a LOT on this board, friend.

but there are also a vocal group of users who believe that this board should be strictly food and non alcoholic discussion, for some reason.

>> No.5577819

it's the 5th dumbass, you're to late

>> No.5577824

ah yes, alcohol, the one macro-nutrient man can not live without

>> No.5577900

i feel you

>> No.5577903

me too
me too

>> No.5578486

>tfw drinking at 6am

>> No.5578494

homemade hooch with some lemon juice.

>> No.5579358

larceny bourbon
