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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.5555230 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered a 30 inch pizza.

>> No.5555232


Why don't you go back to /fa/

>> No.5555237
File: 435 KB, 1280x720, 02fdfdfe-870e-4936-8968-355cb5ff8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait to consume it all.

>> No.5555242
File: 458 KB, 1280x720, 0518def5-d6dd-49f1-9f6e-279562a4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna consume it all like the Incredible Hulk

>> No.5555247
File: 642 KB, 1280x720, 0a4a6032-a8f1-4833-8fa2-6608149ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the Incredible Hulk with a vendetta against society and nutrition

>> No.5555248


Is that just pepperoni and spinach? Or what toppings did you all get, if not that.

>> No.5555268

that thing staring at me

>> No.5555313

Bet those dining chairs have never been sat on.

Go lie on the couch you fat barstard.

>> No.5555333
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OP please don't kill yourself

>> No.5555341

You put vegetables on it? Was that a mistake by the restaurant and you were just too hungry to wait for a new one or... ?

>> No.5555343

OP, can we get a progress update? I wanna see how much you have eaten

>> No.5555347

where are veggie mentioned

>> No.5555348

OP has left us. It's either food coma, heart attack or shame spiral. He won't be coming back.

>> No.5555351

those are either veggies or some kind of weird, super green meatsausage

>> No.5555352

Nah, just put some veggies on it so I can be a bit healthy. Also got a diet coke to go along with it.

>> No.5555360

>diet coke
That's a good idea OP. It's important to limit your calorie intake.

>> No.5555362

Don't forget the most important step when consuming a 30" pizza.


>> No.5555386


Fuck you faggot

Might as well drink water

Diet anything is fucking shit and you're shit. If you don't want to be a fat fuck the answer is simple: eat less, but not so little you go into stasis

>> No.5555389

Is it weird that that guy's voice turns me on so much. God I love nerds so much.

>> No.5555395

It's lucky you don't comprehend sarcasm because I wasn't being sarcastic at all

>> No.5555400
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>sexualizing Ulillillia

literally worse than hitler.

>> No.5555401

>btw i'm a girl

>> No.5555407

>he dabs the grease

Fucking pleb.

>> No.5555410
File: 1.98 MB, 347x249, EA_exclusivity_with_xbone_gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some civility you 10 year old wigger cock sucker?

>> No.5555411

>btw im a gril

>> No.5555412

nigga he lost 85 pounds doing that shit


check yourself before you wreck yourself

>> No.5555417

what are those little white mini table like things on the pizza called?

>> No.5555424

he reminds me of that guy who goes of into the wilderness and builds a cabin in alaska

>> No.5555427


>> No.5555434

pizza saver, sometimes pressure guard. depends on who you source your stuff from

>> No.5555441
File: 69 KB, 610x458, 20140525-294370-best-deep-dish-pizza-lou-malnatis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I ate four slices of deep dish the other day.

I hadn't eaten anything in like 24 hours but holy fuck I had to lie down for an hour or so after that.

>> No.5555449

nope I am faget

I'd give him the d so hard...

>> No.5555455

fuck. you just know his fuzzy neckbeard smells like moldy cheese

>> No.5555457

Jeremiah Johnson? Though its not Alaska if I remember correctly, been atleast a year since I rewatched it though

>> No.5555483


>> No.5555491


>> No.5555501

Largest we can get in Melbourne, Australia seems to be Shawcross Fitzroy at 22 inches.

>> No.5555573

Im looking at the website now. $49 Pick Up only.

Will you forgive me if i Youtube it and im fat?

>> No.5555579
File: 1.75 MB, 294x350, groovinwhiterussuans.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mom ordered me and im bigger
that was last night though

>> No.5556299

it was this


>> No.5556310

>Aloha Mutha Fucka
>Durkah Durkah

I'd probably try out this place if I wasn't forced to use these retarded pizza names.

>> No.5556372

fucking REKT

that pizza does look tasty though, I've never done spinach pepperoni.

>> No.5556397

Go for the fifty inch next time to match your waist size.

>> No.5557246

I like how he tries to start a conversation about how long it would take to make the pizza based on what time it is, and the other guy gave 0 fucks. lol

>> No.5557306

>does that 30" pizza come in a box?
This is what he asked the pizza man.

>> No.5557314

>garnishing the pizza before cooking it

So is this a new place that just opened up or what? It's hard to tell from the picture but I see black marks all over the basil.

>> No.5558604

what r u bitching about? you usually put Basil on a pizza before cooking it.

>> No.5558629

That looks like the pathetic shit they sell in schools

>> No.5558945

Did he seriously just use a phonebook instead of simply pulling the place up on his Google Map app on his phone.....?

>> No.5558954

I jej'd at that part

>> No.5558956
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What are you OP, these landwhales?

>> No.5558957

Barbie picnic tables.

>> No.5558971

>drinking a 2 liter bottle like most people would drink a 20oz
Mother of god.

>> No.5558977

OMG that is op's actual kitchen

>> No.5558980

You forgot to mention the happy ranch fatty on her left

>> No.5559447

>that guy behind her
>back turned to hide sadness
>he knows he's not getting pizza

>> No.5559472


You mean the spinach?

I know it's hard for 'mericans to understand, but pizza hut meat lovers is not quality pizza.

>> No.5559534
File: 32 KB, 362x250, walter_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you mean to originally post "I just ordered 20 inches of pizza and 10 inches of crust"?

>> No.5559544
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>gay and bisexual men don't exist

>> No.5559563

actually I am a grill I was just fucking with them.

>> No.5559566

That wasn't the point. They just automatically assume it's a chick.

>> No.5559577

I know right? kind of assy

>> No.5559788

Wow i can smell the anchovy vagina stench from here

>> No.5559919

I fucking love anchovies.

>> No.5559977
File: 47 KB, 946x960, 1399003727120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the rest of you disgusting pathetic pieces of shit, I used clues in the picture to figure out the location of this pizza place. its called napolis pizza and there are 3 locations near vegas. the fucking menu of this place is out of god damn control. you scroll and scroll and scroll past dozens of different salads, pizzas, pastas and other typical pizza place stuff, but there is all sorts of other shit. Cheeseburgers, wrap, fries even fucking taquitos. if a pizza place has a good enough product in their pizza than they have no need to also sell frozen-to-fried shit on the side. a solid pizza place should have pizza, salad, side bread and wings. if you fucking inhumane pieces of corn-ridden shit dont believe me, suck my husband's cock on your way to hell.

>> No.5559993

Vegas here, i can confirm that napolis is shit. The pizza always has too much cheese and almost no sauce, and for some reason it is really greasy. Good wings, but how do you fuck up wings?

Then again, how do you fuck up pizza...
Also, theyre open til like 5am on weekends which ive always found fucking weird

>> No.5559997

I will add that i have had good 30" pizza at a place called pizza heaven, but unfortunately they closed :/

>> No.5559998

Lazy Moon

Shit thread. Best pizza ever and dirt cheap. 24 bucks for a 30 inch pizza

>> No.5560001

I guess for now I'll stick to my 24 inch limit.

My sides, my fucking sides.

>> No.5561613
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>/g/'s face when this post

>> No.5561629

THis is so unnecessary holy fuck just get a large and be on your way

>> No.5561843

Holy shit calm the fuck down you little sperg.

>> No.5561853

i could easily eat that whole pizza.
i usually get two family pizzas and eat both.
although i only eat it on special occasions,
like if a good movie comes out ill torrent it get super stoned and enjoy my movie pizza stoner night

>> No.5561871

>hambeast detected

>> No.5561879
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x3264, 1 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like i said, i only do this on special occasions

i once got a family pizza and TA curry then put all the curry on the pizza, then i went down with the onion bajis and the chicken tandoori, had garlic bread and naan bread on the side too:)

>> No.5561883

Wouldn't it get cold while you're eating?

>> No.5561893
File: 3 KB, 125x86, 1394622561504s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if you roll it up and squeeze the excess oil to the outside, it acts as an insulating layer.
i often employ this strategy when eating pizza, also the oil makes the crust go soggy so it slides down your gullet easier

>> No.5561928

>not ordering 2 or 3 medium size

>> No.5561934

You need to start lifting if you're gonna eat that much kiddo.

>> No.5561940

skinnyfat and gyno

you need /fit/

>> No.5561952

>if a pizza place has a good enough product in their pizza than they have no need to also sell frozen-to-fried shit on the side. a solid pizza place should have pizza, salad, side bread and wings.
Geesh, for people who have friends and family, or coworkers, any restaurant who offers choices is doing so because of that factor. For people who eat out often, you can get sick of pizza, without salad, for instance, or maybe you want dessert and not 5 slices instead. I don't see anythign wrong with a delivery restaurant doing what they want for their customers. I'm sure 5am deliver is not a big deal either, if it's Vegas. It's the lifestyle of a tourist who goes there, or an employee who works evenings.

>> No.5562181

it a slab of steak

>> No.5562234

He wanted to know if it came in one big box or four smaller ones. He wasn't going to get it if it didn't come in a big box

>> No.5562238

I love how at the end he sounds noticeably fatter and run down

>> No.5562345

Degenerates go back to >>>/tumblr/

>> No.5563204

my phone doesn't do apps kiddo

>> No.5563402

>tfw just ordered from Pizza Hut and was distracted so I forgot to tip the delivery driver

I feel like shit, even though it was only $4. Pizza was shit too, only bought from there because I had no cash money and they're the only place I know nearby that do online.

>> No.5564843

those tattoos
>see gay men at the gym all the time with that tattoo

>> No.5564879

>star tats on a dude
>not 100% homo

>> No.5564882

Is he being rude or is this how all americans behave?

>> No.5565149

I haven't had pizza in 4 months. I want it so bad

>> No.5565317


Why not get it? Lil Caesar's is $5

>> No.5565330
File: 1.03 MB, 2046x1489, Dio.Brando.full.1376887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says you

>> No.5565348

make me a steak on you

>> No.5566998

It's also shit.

>> No.5567047

I don't understand. I'm not American and I don't see how he was being rude.

>> No.5567130

What's rude? Do you try to make smalltalk when you order pizza?

>> No.5567145
File: 11 KB, 300x168, 654645647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-fuck your're right

>> No.5567446

so your the homo checkin out gay men at gym?

>> No.5567546

Yeah, the largest I can eat by myself in one sitting is like 16"

>> No.5569230

It screams i need human contact.