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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 44 KB, 360x457, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5553790 No.5553790 [Reply] [Original]

Is this really a thing?

>> No.5553794

You're surprised?

>> No.5553795

no, that's clearly fake

>> No.5553797
File: 23 KB, 550x353, 544700_10150786897400778_210545084_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course it is, didn't you read the label?? >AMERICA'S FAVORITE
obviously this is in every Americans home.

>> No.5553799
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, lkasdfgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TBH it is a very good thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5553802

Yes it's real.
I've seen that around since I was a kid in the 80s. I've never once actually bought or tasted it though. Couldnt see the point, really. Plus, raspberry, blackberry, or sour cherry jam is better for pb&j.

>> No.5553809

Why not? The essence of capitalism is creativity in the creation of new marketable goods. And I do not think that is a bad thing..

>> No.5553811
File: 221 KB, 640x480, 1331068106305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw refrigerated peanut butter

But seriously. I always wanted it as a kid. Finally got it and it wasn't that great.

>> No.5553823
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>> No.5553833

Anyone remember sliced peanut butter?

>> No.5553948
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>> No.5554262
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>mfw get stoned once and eat an entire jar with a spoon

>> No.5554349
File: 176 KB, 441x336, mayostard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are YOU still a two jar SLAVE???

>> No.5554575

Do Americans actually do this?

>> No.5554899


but the essence is flawed when the market tops humanity's well-being as a priority.

that doesn't mean i don't like eating this shit straight out of the jar, though.

>> No.5554903

yes, and it's fucking disgusting, too.

>> No.5554912


You must have Entitlitis.

>> No.5555006

Yes it is real.
Yes it's tasty.
Blaze 420 and you will scarf an entire jar.

>> No.5555015

Man I could see that being pretty good for the first few sandwiches. but when you're done about half the jar I could see it becoming pretty fucking disgusting.

>> No.5555051

Our mom would never let us get that, I'm gratefull she didn't. It was always the trashier kids who had that at their hone.

>> No.5555058
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>> No.5555839

I saw this in an import candy store in Australia (where I live) and bought it out of curiosity about what Americans eat.

Ha ha yeah nah I hope you all die from diabetes you fat fucks it was repulsive.

>> No.5555849

>implying you didn't eat the entire jar in one sitting
>implying you're not a gluttonous, fat fuck

Ha ha yeah nah I hope you get anally raped by a dingo, you fucking knob.

>> No.5555854

One sandwich worth then it went in the bin.

It tasted like America, Shit.

>> No.5555859


>actually putting it on a sandwich
>not eating it out of the jar in one sitting

shiggy diggy doo, why would you? you need some help, you do, now

>> No.5555872
File: 997 KB, 261x391, 1342845096191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting the glorious gif

>> No.5555875

You loved every spoonful, you slovenly fuck. I hope your death from diabetes and cardiovascular disease is slow and painful.

>> No.5555876


Thank you for using my American Internet while perusing my American 4chan

>> No.5555882

gonna need her name anon
ive seen this gif 2 trillion times but never asked

>> No.5555885

Ill fight you all in real life.

>> No.5555891

No you wouldn't. I doubt that you could even make eye contact with me.

>> No.5555893

Oh ill make more than eye contact, son.

>> No.5555898

michelle jenneke

You're welcome

>> No.5555925

22y/o white American raised in a Christian Conservative house hold. I was not allowed to eat this because it was "too unhealthy." I ate PP&J all the damn time but it was always with "fruit preserves" because it was lower in sugar. Once I moved out and started doing my own grocery shopping you can bet yourself this was at the top of my "to consume" list. This crap is naaasty. I don't know how anyone can eat it. I seriously love PB&J, I have one almost daily and I can't even finish one of these. If you want a good PB&J try Skippy natural (not healthy, but smooth and rich as heck!) with Knotts Boysnberry Jam on buttermilk toaster waffles. Your life will be forevermore changed...

>> No.5555929

As trashy as it is, when they came with the "Tastes of America" theme at aldi here, I gave it a go and enjoyed it.

You guys must love your peanuts, as thats mostly all the American stuff they provided.
Smuckers Goober
Peanut Butter
Peanut Butter filled preztels
Cajun Spice
and hotdogs.

Not making fun or anything. The German theme offered mostly like 5 different kinds of cake/biscuit/bread and jarred sausages. Pffernuse and shit.

>> No.5555931

Yeah thats how I reacted
I thought the grape jelly would taste more like grape.

>> No.5555933

Was it Darell Lea?

>> No.5555934

yes it is I actually othat, a caq of lidiys meatball soup but the worse and the best, quart can of campbells creame what posessed me why did need gallon cans of doms pizza sauace. know whatg. it's okjust tween you and i shush, i have interior crock pot, originally chiccken and dumplings shusch ok maybeburger mac ' and chesswe. sush i belive it has become sentient. ya nevere know I dont reach my hand too far back in the fridge. lesta hand grasps mine.arwight ennough go get a damn ummget it done at ahospital and if someone says we candoit in thmy office. duhy... you get the f out. ck is mostly smart, like me just be careful but colonoscopy saves lives yours included

>> No.5555937

Not who you're replying to but Darell Lea makes all it's own stuff, they only sell stuff with their own brand name on it.

>> No.5555943

How did you find out how to turn a computer on?

>> No.5555954

Sydney Australia

>> No.5556009
File: 50 KB, 632x765, suck this r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5556021

I want her to do that dance on my face.

>> No.5556026


she looks like shit apart from that one single race

>> No.5556028

Thanks anon..
>tips fedora

>> No.5556030
File: 137 KB, 600x900, jenneke3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's hot

>> No.5556039
File: 379 KB, 675x900, 1a058ff_o[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>minus 8 hours of makeup and 8 hours of photoshop

>> No.5556043
File: 57 KB, 700x850, tryom[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying her without makeup isn't cute as well

>> No.5556044

cuter in this pic tbh

>> No.5556045

still qt you neckbeard

>> No.5556048

>low standards central

>> No.5556050


>high standards central
>hyper judgmental central
>immature sexuality central
>forever alone central

>> No.5556054
File: 5 KB, 257x196, icame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw shes hot and also won that race

>> No.5556055

>"high standards" = 5's aren't attractive
>woman that is famous completely for looks
>only briefly alone in-between failed relationships

>> No.5556058
File: 43 KB, 600x400, michelle_jenneke[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she isn't prime girlfriend material
>implying she wouldn't play video games with you all night

>> No.5556059

>pointy elbows 2/10 wnb
>i only fuck the hottest girls
fuck off elliot

>> No.5556067

>woman only famous for one fucking video
>isn't even in Australia's top 5 female hurdlers
>suddenly in magazines and doing fan service shit for /v/irgins

this is why female athletes aren't taken seriously

>> No.5556069

hi sweetie, I also enjoy a game or two myself such as tertis and fruit cutter

>> No.5556071
File: 3.97 MB, 320x216, uwotmann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay mad virgin
just sip some more mountain dew it will calm you

>> No.5556072
File: 114 KB, 715x715, Michelle-Jenneke-Hula-Hooping-Travelhoop-Hoopnotica2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should they be? America only really cares about track and field once every four years (not counting Eugene, Oregon and Sacramento, California). Just enjoy the boobs and the tight shorts when they come around.

I'd cut her fruit if you know what I mean.

>> No.5556074

why should athletes be taken "seriously"
and even if it werent, it is quite clear that being entertaining/not boring plays a huge role in ones work.

for example teachers: a teacher might know the subject very well but a lesser knowledgeable teacher who is entertaining will actually be able to teach much better

>> No.5556075

George Washington Carver made a computer out of a peanut

>> No.5556077

Don't see the point in white knighting and making a celebrity out of a girl for being slight above average looking. It's not as if girls aren't put on pedestals too often as it is.

>> No.5556082

Whatever man, I just wanted an excuse to post her big tits, if you call that white knighting, or putting her on a pedestal, then so be it. It's not like she's been really relevant in the last year and a half or so since then anyways

>> No.5556083

shes cute
she does cute things
she is more athletic than you
>get the fuuug over yourself neckbeard
>there are femnazis to be smited but you choose to a pathetic faggot

>> No.5556084

>big tits

Compared to what? That grape on the fucking goober jar in the OP pic?

>> No.5556087

>forced "cuteness"

literally just an attention whore who wasn't athletic enough to even place at junior worlds so tried to be a model instead because of a viral vid

>> No.5556090
File: 63 KB, 640x360, Michelle-Jenneke-Instagram6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big enough for my purposes

>> No.5556093

Peanuts are pretty versatile. We eat them raw, boil them, mash them. I bet you could make an okay bread out of peanut flour.

Plus its a rotational crop for the offseason.

But also, country generalizations are ehhh anyways. You couldn't experience Germany in a single beer, brat, or bread. Same with American food.

>> No.5556094

>this is what passes as big tits


>> No.5556103

shes a runner
>tell me the last time you saw a runner with huge tits
ill wait anon

>> No.5556119

it consistently befuddles and amazes me at the same time how many anons seem to not want to enjoy sexuality so much that they need to criticize perfectly adorable bitches, just to squander their own joy

>> No.5556155

>looks like shit
you dont understand shit
best shut the fuck up
she has an awesome fun loving style about her can't knock that

>> No.5556852

>this somehow makes her tits bigger than they are

>> No.5556857

>she has an awesome fun loving style about her

hahaha, she's just an attentionwhore who is still trying to become a "model" in australia

>> No.5557211

Why do people like you exist on every board, please fuck off

>> No.5557224

>Hurr you don't worship females because they have tits so that means you are a loser LOL

>> No.5557257

sure you are right
she has gotten parts of mine to full attention

>> No.5557274

I saw it for the first time about a week ago and the jelly in it didn't look to appetizing.

>> No.5557297

it a smuckers brand
and it kicks ass although fairly sweet

>> No.5557653

Natural peanut butter has to be refrigerated. How is that crappy trans fat peanut butter you eat?

>> No.5557962

>see this thread this morning while lurking
>later in the day open kitchen pantry
>see a jar of OPs pic
>make a pb&j
>tastes like every other pb&j sandwich I have ever eaten

I swear the people in this tread are such cry babies

>> No.5557965

My mom usually buys this stuff and she never refrigerates it. Will she die?

>> No.5557989

Why would people use this?
The function of the peanut butter is to prevent the jelly from touching the bread(as well as 'be peanut butter')?

>> No.5557993

>putting peanut butter in the fridge
I bet you microwave the jar for a few seconds every time you want PB, or nutella

>> No.5557998

>That reading comprehension
I said she doesn't...I was pointing out that people in this thread say you have to refrigerate the jar.
Nice sarcasm faggot.

>> No.5558005

not him but i don't microwave my natural pb that is refrigerated and it scoops easy and is super creamy.

>> No.5558007

You exclaimed that she didn't as if it was an oddity. That implied that you did, else not doing it would not be notable to you.
Can you follow this?

>> No.5558641

I didn't exclaim anything numbnuts, you thought I did in your fucked up little brain. Learn to read shit stain.