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File: 177 KB, 957x1300, glass-ice-10151799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5550984 No.5550984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just can't get used to the idea that euros don't like ice in their drinks.
Its so refreshing and unless you let your drink sit for half an hour, it doesn't actually get watered down.

Do they just not make high quality ice?
I heard on here once that it hurts their teeth somehow?

Its a mystery to me.

>> No.5550989

>high quality ice

what does this even mean

nevermind this whole thread is retarded OP delete it while you still have the chance

>> No.5550998

American ice machines have reverse osmosis filters.
Then they heat the water to almost boiling before it goes into the freezing chamber.
This gets rid if all dissolved gasses and also employs the mpemba effect.

>> No.5551007

I'm Canadian and I don't get ice because I finish my drink before the ice becomes relevant in the cooling process and I get more to drink.

>> No.5551012

Just use a bigger glass.

>> No.5551013

"fancy ice" is the clear stuff used mainly in higher end restaurants and bars

>> No.5551023
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Whole thread is retarded eh?
Well at least now you know that not all ice is the same.

You learned something new today anon.
From a retarded thread.

>> No.5551061

Can you imagine cold tea with no ice?
How do they into summer tea?

>> No.5551770

I don't get ice because the sound it makes drives me bonkers.

>> No.5551775
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>cold tea

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5552328

The US is way warmer than Europe.

Also: No Prohibition Fuckery.

>> No.5552372

I can't stand water without ice. I usually fill my bottle entirely with ice and add water as it melts and I drink it. No chewing of the cubes though or my girlfriend kills me.

>> No.5552375

I ate at a restaurant today and they put ice in my water. While I didn't want the ice, I didn't bitch about it either.

>> No.5552378

Also, what's worse: loud eaters or people that way over react to loud eaters?

>> No.5552429

It's because the tap water isn't safe to drink in Europe. I thought everybody knew this...

>> No.5552442

This board really is the dumbest fucking place on 4chan

>> No.5553042

People say the same shit about Mexico, and a lot of Mexicans don't like ice in thier drinks. But that reasoning is wrong.
If you live in a place where water you don't drink the tap water, for whatever reason, you will not make ice with tap water either.
A lot of Mexicans think that too cold drinks are bad for your health.

>> No.5553077

same with chinese citizens and desserts...most generally dont like cold deserts

>> No.5553090

>high quality ice
just shut up and go to bed before you embarrass yourself further.

>> No.5553127

Not even a Euro, but I can't do ice in drinks because it just hurts my teeth/throat. Cold in general does.

>> No.5553128

then youve either been brushing too hard or not enough

>> No.5553132

While my tooth brushing habits have not been consistent through my life (though luckily my oral health basically has) I've never noticed any correlation between that and cold sensitivity, which seems to have been there forever.

>> No.5553209

Do some research if you do not believe me anon.
Not all ice is the same quality

>> No.5553273

>euros don't like ice in their drinks

Don't know where that idea came from, typically you will get ice in your drinks, just not as much as in the US. If I see that much ice in a glass I think they're trying to cheat me out of product heh

>> No.5553732

The ice should fill the glass completely before any liquid goes in

>> No.5553742
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>high quality ice

It's actually pretty easy, it isn't hot here all year, so nobody uses fridges with ice cube makers

>> No.5553750

Pretty sure European restaurants have normal ice machines with no r/o and no heated water.

>> No.5553827

Water is best for the body at room temperature
Drinking ice water is disturbing for the human organism especially while having a meal, as is any cold beverage.

>> No.5553835


In EUropoor, they serve drinks in tiny glasses with 3-4 cubes of ice. And charge you for each refill. It's fucking stupid

>> No.5553865

>let your drink sit for half an hour
>it doesn't actually get watered down.

except it does.

>> No.5553878

Most small high-end cocktail bars in Finland order their ice so they don't need to invest in expensive ice machine.

>> No.5553881

Yes in half an hour it will but in five min it won't.

>> No.5553882


>> No.5553897

Unless what?
If your drink is already chilled, and you pour it over ice , it will not get watered down.
Also a glass filled with ice will experience the same meltage as a glass with only two cubes.

You gain nothing by skimping on the ice.

>> No.5553905

>it will not get watered down.

except it does.

>> No.5553938

Drink it faster.

>> No.5553946

sure it is in most euro contries

>> No.5554020

>buying mass-produced "high quality" ice
>not exclusively using ice from the summit of mount Chimborazo in Ecuador, mined by the sole surviving native ice merchant, which is then wrapped in organic hay, carried to town on the back of a donkey and then shipped across the Atlantic by plane before it melts

Fucking Americans, how pleb can you get?

>> No.5554039

That depends on where you are.

For example, my experience with tapwater in poorfag French Belgium was it being brown.

In the Netherlands on the other hand, it is safer to drink than pure H2O, the only chemicals in it are to prevent death by water intoxication.

Yet another example is Italy, very clear water. However, tapwater in large areas of Italy has higher amounts of calcium in it which might cause kidney stones among some people.

And tapwater in Iceland is basically mineral water anyway, Safe to drink for anybody not allergic to trace amounts of sulphur.

>> No.5554041

Haha i love that sound

>> No.5554046

Generally I don't want to down my drink, so it does get watered down.

Fridge cold is plenty cold enough, and our tap water comes out cold.

>> No.5554054
File: 49 KB, 670x560, polandparellel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't having ice in Poland. Someone was losing recipe.

>> No.5554115

If you drink so slowly that your beverage gets watered down by ice, it would have been room temperature anyway without the ice.

Do you see how slow drinking screws you either way?

>> No.5554121

B-but I like beverages at room temperature.

>> No.5554122

>Do they just not make high quality ice?
Icemakers use tap water, and their tap water is 3rd world quality in much of the continent, even in cities. This is why bottled water is so popular.
>I heard on here once that it hurts their teeth somehow?
If ice hurts your teeth, you have hot/cold sensitivity, and gum disease exposing dentin and/or untreated caries.

>> No.5554129

So really they just need to invest in american ice makers.
A good one is 30k but would pay for itself if you had the only place to get good ice.

>> No.5554132

Euros don't like ice in their drinks?

>> No.5554135

It's cold there anyway. I doubt you need ice.

>> No.5554137

They need to invest in dental care for once if their teeth hurt from ice in a drink

>> No.5554138

>No chewing of the cubes though or my girlfriend kills me

>> No.5554141

I dunno. I spent a lot of time in Germany and they have a law about getting the exact amount of liquid you're paying for. If you order a soda you're getting like .3 liters and it says that on the menu and all the glasses have little measuring marks on them so you know you're getting the right amount.
I just assumed that the ice would be displacing the liquid, which is unacceptable. You're also not allowed to serve a beer in a glass with the name of a different beer on it.

They take their beverages really seriously.

>> No.5554142

Am I the only one who likes my drinks a little watered down?

>> No.5554151

Woah, Germany. I did not know that.

I think I know someone who doesn't get ice with their drinks so they can get the exact amount of liquid they're paying for. But they also ask for another glass with ice.

>> No.5554153

What about cocktails?
Do they only ever have them up?
What a terrible system.

>> No.5554159

My mom always needs to have boiled water.
It needs to be hot and boiled.
If it's a hot day, then boiled water cooled to room temp.

I'm like ??? this isn't China. You came over when you were 3 years old too.

>> No.5554201

She is removing disloved gasses.
Tastes much better that way.

>> No.5554207

You can measure with jiggers and shit if you want, although it slows everything down if you're a volume bar

I personally think jiggers look cool. some ginza bars at least use them

>> No.5554218

If by disturbing you mean it burns more calories cooling the liquid down, sure. Otherwise you're an idiot.

>> No.5554220

You're a fucking retard with no reading comprehension skills.

>> No.5554224

There is no need to be racist just talking about drinks!

>> No.5554228

Finlandfag here.
I only get ices on my drink if it's from tap since those are allready so watered down that little extra water dont really do much. Canned on the other hand...

>> No.5554234
File: 56 KB, 960x385, partydown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said, "don't serve them two jiggers".

>> No.5554250
File: 73 KB, 471x510, Raki_glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I like the (secular)Turkish method of cooling my drinks.

>> No.5554301


>> No.5554312

Do Northern Statians have ice in their drinks? What about Canadians? What's the point?

>> No.5554317

Most commercial beverages are way too sweet to consume straight.
Sodas or juices are much better with a little water and lots of ice.

>> No.5554319

Euro here
What the fuck are you on about OP
Why are you creating this false dichotomy that generalizes yogibears as not liking ice? You a gay nigga

>> No.5554325

whats the religious method?

>> No.5554328

Ok ;_;

>Most commercial beverages are way too sweet to consume straight.
>Sodas or juices are much better with a little water and lots of ice.
Yes, this. I don't really like overly sweet things, and regular sweetness to some taste a bit too sweet for me, so I often like my ice to water down my drinks. I don't drink soda a lot, but whenever I get Sprite I make sure I add lots of ice and water it down to the right level of sweetness I prefer.

>> No.5554331

No alcohol.

It's a Raki glass.

>> No.5554338

I heard you guy only put a few cubes at best.
Also small glasses.

>> No.5554347

Who gives a shit

I don't know maybe it's cause everything is enjoyed here, not over saturated and super sized


>> No.5554376


Because it dilutes the drink.

>> No.5554423

>ice hurts my teeth
>drink two-six pots of hot tea a day, no milk, no sugar
>drink beer and liquor straight, room temp
>room gets 85 f
>tastes fine to me
>better than cold beer
>drink room temperature water
>have cold water once and wanted to throw up

>> No.5554486

are you retarded?
here in every bar they serve drinks with ice.
everyfucking were, we even drink coffe with ince on summer.
on the other hand i went to a american restaurant and they put tons of ice.
what's the point? if it's soda the drink gets too watery and tastes like shit.
you have to finish it fast and then get another one if you're thirsty.
no wonder why murica is so fucking fat

>> No.5554547

Where the fuck did you hear that Euros don't like ice in our drinks you fucking moron?

>> No.5554566
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>live in the US for year
>first day at new apartment
>open tap to fill pot to make pasta
>smell of chlorine fills the apartment
>water gets boiling
>by now, the apartment smells like a public swimming pool

Hell, even the ice cubes gave off that metallic chlorine taste. No wonder Americans rank among the sickest nations in the world ://

>> No.5554571

le lying hard yuropoor/10

>> No.5554577

I liked Kentucky for the most part but the water and the bread was rancid.

>> No.5554584
File: 93 KB, 496x602, best start believing in troll threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>antibacterial substance widely available
>somehow contributing to illness

>> No.5554593

Antibiotics also wipe out your immune system, leaving you open to repeat infection.

>> No.5554595

>You're also not allowed to serve a beer in a glass with the name of a different beer on it.

>> No.5554598
File: 268 KB, 816x816, 1402463350593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun Fact: The whole "your drink needs to be close to freezing for you to enjoy it" started to prevent American consumers complaining about changing beverage recipes. Basically they replaced high quality ingredients with shittier but cheaper ones and made up for the loss of flavor with ice cubes and marketed it as "the new thing"-

>> No.5554607

Holy shit THANK YOU.

I live in Southern KY and the tap water is fucking disgusting, although I live in a fairly rural area. Always have filtration. I can't stand the metallic taste.

>> No.5554609

Grundligkeit, it has its ups and downs.

More ups than downs though..

>> No.5554613

Gründlichkeit, du Untermensch.

>> No.5554615

Can you stop with your 'fun fact' reddit tier lameness please?

>> No.5554622
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>> No.5554641

Sorry, Dutch here, not Deutsch.

>> No.5554643
File: 2.29 MB, 3072x2304, DSC01492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put ice in my drink even if it will be consumed within 2 minutes

the only other way to make it that cold would be to let it sit in the freezer for a bit and would take some timing to keep it from freezing

>> No.5554673

I take the Untermensch back then. Bedankt.

>> No.5554963

While I normally prefer my drinks without ice, there are some sodas that aren't very good at all unless cold.

>> No.5556066

>I just can't get used to the idea that euros don't like ice in their drinks.
It's not really that they don't like it, it's that they can't afford it. Refrigeration costs money, and because of carbon taxes it costs a lot more money in Europe, and they're poorer anyway, so it ends up being "Do I pay for ice, or do I get to eat a pathetic lunch consisting of some shitty cheese and a dried-up husk of bread?"

This is usually followed up by "Fuck it, I'll just torch some cars and throw rocks at the cops. Save the planet! Death to the oppressors!"

>> No.5556085


You just went 11/10. Faggot of the day award to you.

>> No.5556086

I never thought to notice. But I'm pretty sure in the near 5 years in Germany I never was a served any ice. Ever.
They don't fuck with their beer. They serve it in a blank glass or a glass with the name of the beer their serving, it's illegal to serve a Lowenbrau in a Erdinger glass, though I've seen it done once or twice.
Then you have the Reinheitsgebot.

>> No.5556096


..aaand another retarded myth born by taking things out of context. Most German pubs have a contract with a brewery where the brewery supplies beer glasses, sun shades and stuff with their logo on it. The pub is then bound by this private contract to use these glasses only with that beer, that's all there is. It's not a law. Actually I'd assume there are similar contracts in the US/all over..

>> No.5556099

> I'm pretty sure in the near 5 years in Germany I never was a served any ice. Ever.

Best. Weed. Evar?

>> No.5556106

Americans are actually on one extreme side of the spectrum when it comes to drink temperatures. In China, for example, many people just flat-out refuse to drink cold drinks.

Europe, as always, is comfortably in the middle. Sometimes a drink is better ice-cold, but most of the time, it doesn't significantly affect how enjoyable it is. Chilled is fine.

>> No.5556110
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I think, American fridges do not have the same cooling power as fridges from other countries. That's why they need to buy ice from the gas station on the side. It's the only way to actually cool down your drink there.

>> No.5556117


I want to stop reading, but I can't.

>> No.5556121
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Americucks. I pity them

>> No.5556122

> travel to the us
> notice tap water tastes like chlorine
> don't drink tap water
> eating out
> get a drink with ice cubes
> chlorine

fucking disgusting, if you can smell the chlorine you ain't doing it right.

>> No.5556195


Pretty sure this is all the same for the UK too

>> No.5556199
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>> No.5556209

Are they too poor for ice?
>yes, they are