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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 120 KB, 500x333, Cooked_Bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5550281 No.5550281 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5550289

If only you posted bacon and not those American strips of fat.

>> No.5550291

yeah well bacon thinks you're a punk bitch.

>> No.5550292

>durr hurr fuck american im so edgy

>> No.5550298

Grow up, kid.

>> No.5550305

>says the asshat bashing another nation to boost his fragile ego

Pot, kettle, black, etc.

>> No.5550309

Go back to reddit

>> No.5550311
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>> No.5550327

Not hating, but do Americans actually get real bacon? How do you enjoy that when its like 60% fat?

>> No.5550329

What the rest of the world calls bacon we call pork back, and yes its common to buy and use but not by itself, its usually used in other things. What we call bacon, those thin strips of fatty pork are served as a side usually.

>> No.5550331
File: 30 KB, 400x426, bacon22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bacon in a can
imagine that

>> No.5550332

The fat is mostly rendered out when cooking, but its still really fatty and is mostly viewed as an indulgence food. Some people take it too far though, but thats hardly limited to the US.

>> No.5550333

Take your shitposting to /b/.

>> No.5550339

I don't know about that, your burger king had chocolate ice cream with American bacon in it for crying out loud.

>> No.5550387

fuck you euronigger

>> No.5550388

That is bacon u cunt

>> No.5550391

yeah, and Denny's had the Baconalia festival.
I don't actually know anyone that took part in either though.

>> No.5550393

>real bacon
>thin pork chops

>> No.5550400

>is what the rest world calls bacon
>no thats not bacon says the american

Just like football and a million other things.

>> No.5550415

>your bacon tastes like ham
>hurr durr it's not ham its bacon
just because everyone does it doesn't make it right

>> No.5550419

We didn't get to be the greatest nation on earth by following the crowd

>> No.5550427

It really isn't in any sense of the word in it's thousands of years of use.

>> No.5550428

Americans are arrogant special little snowflakes, just ignore their stupidity.

>> No.5550438

see >>5546683
is that thick-cut bacon?

>> No.5550439

And non-Americans suffer from an inferiority complex where they can't wait to talk about America when it's irrelevant.

>> No.5550442
File: 112 KB, 750x470, americaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5550443

>Americans are arrogant
>expects an entire country to do things the way his does

>> No.5550451

It's because their women prefer our manliness & broad shoulders to their limp-wristed faggotry

>> No.5550452

>expects an entire country to do things the way the rest of the world does, and has done for centuries before the special snowflake was even discovered
It's not hard.

>> No.5550456

Anything you say, champ. I know that you people are so brainwashed to think that you can do no wrong, even though basic facts say otherwise, but get help, dear god.

>> No.5550458

They're being different! Somebody stop them!

>> No.5550461

>They are purposely doing something wrong but because they are American, they expect to be the ones in the right
You literally have no justification for it.

>> No.5550464

I'll be sure to alert the president that we're hurting Europeans' feelings.

>> No.5550465

>thinks his way is right
>hates an entire country
who's arrogant again?

>> No.5550469

>see this shitfight about bacon
>look it up
>discover a multitude of cuts of bacon, with varying terminology by country
>united states mostly has side bacon, united kingdom mostly has back bacon
Australia mostly has middle bacon, by the way.

>> No.5550474

YOU'VE been brainwashed into thinking an entire country is brainwashed.

get off the anti-america train and get on the PRO-America train. We have bacon...

>> No.5550476

>Know his way is right, the way it has been done for thousands of years, the way it is done in literally every single country on this planet aside from America
>Special snowflake dictating that everyone else is wrong and they are right
The arrogant one is you, as has been stated before.

>hates an entire country
Is your persecution complex that bad? Really?

You people really are brainwashed, the American way can't be wrong, no way, everyone else must be wrong, and they clearly hate America for saying we are wrong.
>This is how you sound.

>> No.5550477

Wow you really have a big head. Surprised your neck can handle it.

>> No.5550482

This is what it's like to be non-American fellas, to get absolutely ass blasted about bacon because America is just ever so barely involved.

>> No.5550483

I'm not cursed with a weight problem, unlike a certain country.

I love how defensive you get when you are proven, without a shadow of a doubt, to be wrong. Naturally everyone else are anti-American freedom hating commie bastards because they dared to call you out on being wrong. Oh yes, everyone else is arrogant for pointing out Americans are arrogant.

You are all like children.

>> No.5550487

>the way it is done in literally every singe country

u wot m8

>> No.5550488
File: 9 KB, 230x200, bush_shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>typing all of this shit out
>denying your inferiority complex adamantly though

>> No.5550491

Please continue talking about America, it's hilarious. Did a G.I. rape your grandmother?

>> No.5550496

>I trolle yu
Mature. You keep shitposting and I will continue to be correct.

>> No.5550497

Our extra weight is muscle. That's what your women love about us

>> No.5550499

lol u are so mad.

Keep it up. We'll be enjoying our bacon why you go on to shitpost about USA and remaining irrelevant to us

>> No.5550501

Are you going to pretend you're the mature one when a couple anons talking about bacon set you off about America?

>> No.5550502
File: 115 KB, 806x849, carlinumad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5550506

>says other's are shitposting
>is actually shitposting
epic ruse

>> No.5550507

Wow... full fledged war going on here... I just wanted to let everyone know on 4chan that I love bacon..

>> No.5550511

ITT europoors shitpost in an attempt to be relevant in any way

>> No.5550514

rightly so mah nigga, rightly so
We just need to know if you love REAL bacon, and not thin porkchops

>> No.5550521

I love REAL bacon

>> No.5550526



>> No.5550534

In Canada, bacon comes in bags. And is ham.

>> No.5550535

Welp, looks like American shitposting ruins yet another thread. Keep up the good work guys, keep showing the world that they are all wrong about you.

>> No.5550538
File: 108 KB, 830x983, 1377040458106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes into a thread about real American bacon

typical yuropoor. pic related, this is you.

captcha: thenkra United

>> No.5550539

Stop posting about America and Americans won't talk about America.
Surely it can't be that difficult for non-Americans to stop thinking and talking about America every chance they get right?

>> No.5550540

implying we give a fuck what the world thinks

>> No.5550550

Can we all just get along guys? Seriously... Let's just forget that we even started this thread war and resume the love for bacon

>> No.5550553

They have nothing better to do.

>> No.5550556
File: 251 KB, 590x765, bacon-kevin-bacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah!
pic related

>> No.5550558

We can't have decent threads though, America will start talking about itself or do something stereotypically arrogant like say the planet is wrong and America is right about a thousands of years old practice and then when pointed out "YEAH U SO OBSESSED, I TROLLE U U JUST MAD YEAH U MAD USAUSAUSA SO OBSESSED". I'd be embarrassed if I was American.

>> No.5550563

>starts telling Americans their wrong about everything
>blames Americans for fighting back

we'd be embarrassed if you were American too

>> No.5550565

>America will start talking about itself
Please just stop, just look at the very first reply to this thread and stop.

>> No.5550572

>starts telling Americans their wrong about everything
>Being this brainwashed that pointing out you are wrong is now a full blown assault on the very fabric of American society
Fucking hell man.

>Shitposting is defending your viewpoint

>> No.5550573

you sound like you're 15, 16 tops. You probably still live with your mom. You are probably the OP from this thread >>5550460

bc I can't believe there is more than 1 retarded european on this board at once

>> No.5550575
File: 40 KB, 300x300, BaconApplePieFinal-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacon. It's as American as apple pie...

>> No.5550576

>I can't believe there is more than 1 retarded european on this board at once
Retarded europoors are legion

>> No.5550577

I don't know what sort of issues you have so that when you get proven wrong you get this defensive, but it's really sad. And now paranoia too. Get help.

>> No.5550579

Ironic because apple pie isn't American, neither is bacon.

>> No.5550582

>One guy insults other styles of bacon
>Goes off on a tangent about America
In case you haven't figured it out yet, your rants about America is considered the shitposting.
You could've explained your stance without being a cunt, but your issue with America came bubbling up.

>> No.5550583

Like everything great, we took it for ourselves and made it our own.

Old world shits are still buttblasted and continue to dwell on America constantly, as proven by the posters on 4chan

>> No.5550588

It is now

>> No.5550593

Wow. You really are THIS obsessed aren't you?

>> No.5550595

>You could've explained your stance without being a cunt
>That's not bacon
>Bacon is something that the rest of the world has eaten for thousands of years
>this is now being a cunt
Let me guess, I'm a cunt for proving America wrong?

No, your shitposting is the shitposting. Clarifying the correct meaning of a word is nothing short of being a perfect poster.

>> No.5550597
File: 368 KB, 1962x2010, Boot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clarifying the correct meaning
I'll help.
This is not part of a car:

>> No.5550600
File: 11 KB, 290x311, bonnet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nor is this:

>> No.5550604

Reread your posts, maybe you'll see why you're seen as a cunt. Or generally unpleasant.

>> No.5550605
File: 28 KB, 500x389, biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a biscuit looks like

>> No.5550609
File: 7 KB, 259x194, chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and these are chips

>> No.5550613

Language evolves. Don't act like a bitch just because you're getting left behind. And to be fair, there are MANY styles of bacon. Back bacon being the worst & therefore least desirable one. Just call it ham. That's what it is man, and you know it.

>> No.5550615

I love all bacon! Every country has good bacon.
Don't shit on another country's bacon because it's all delicious and not nutritious.

>> No.5550627

You know, I actually like the idea of cookies being called biscuits more. Does anyone else feel like biscuit just sounds way tastier than cookie?

>> No.5550628

Bacon is so good, even vegans try to replicate it's taste with bread & beans & shit. They can give up all animal products, but they can't go without that sweet sweet bacon

>> No.5550631

>Britain is Europe now

>> No.5550632
File: 49 KB, 506x637, biscuit_monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't have the same ring to it

>> No.5550639

And here was i, hoping for a nice bacon appreciation thread.

>> No.5550640

Bacon crumbled into a stew is god tier.

>> No.5550641
File: 250 KB, 981x914, Biscuits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know that we have cookies, they are a type of biscuit.

>> No.5550651
File: 58 KB, 500x375, bacon-wrapped-brisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty smoked brisket wrapped in bacon is one of the most delicious, juiciest ways to smoke meat possible.

>> No.5550669

So you call cookies and crackers "biscuits" and you call biscuits "scones".
What do you call scones?

>> No.5550684

We call biscuits biscuits, crackers crackers and scones scones. What are you talking about?

>> No.5550696

then who was cookie?

>> No.5550704

Then who was scone?

>> No.5550713
File: 151 KB, 1600x1200, buttermilk-biscuits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are delicious buttermilk biscuits
They go well with sausage gravy

>> No.5550729

and bacon

>> No.5550860

But why do you call it pork back when it comes from the belly of the pig?

>> No.5550900

:^)nice meme bro :^)

>> No.5550914

Britfags & Canada-bros eat back bacon not belly. It's pretty much just thinly sliced pork loin, that is cured/smoked

>> No.5550918

The bottoms look burned. Also, the two on top look really flat and when biscuits turn out flat, they're usually hard.

>> No.5550922
File: 58 KB, 400x400, bacon-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all about that steak cut BABY BABY

>> No.5550950

Whats with all the nationalist dickbeating?

The US is full of shitheads that don't give a fuck.
The UK is full of arrogant assholes who for some reason think their nation is still relevant.

Protip: You fuckers are the same thing on different sides of the ocean. Stop pretending otherwise, the rest of the world finds it tedious.

>> No.5550967

The rest of the world is a shithole

>> No.5550980

Most of the world is, but Australia is the one beacon of civilization that is holding everything else intact with diplomacy and generosity.

>> No.5550987

lel, good one irrelevant kangaroo fucker

>> No.5550999

You're on the wrong website, peasant.

>> No.5551108

Just don't let your abbos drag you down into the shit

>> No.5551375

I have no wy toe duspute that. In ameridcan we only get techead to about american. I"ts two big to learn aboat anything ese country. Austraylya miht bee the a good country but haf you ever been to ameridca?

you shou'ldnt be judge judy and exsecushioner about some thinr you reely do'nt no aboat. i'ts stupd to be so closset-minded.

>> No.5552511


lel started on this website newfag

>> No.5552541
File: 18 KB, 450x320, americaneagles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ausralia and the kiwis are pretty cool guys, they have the rugbys and dont afraid of anything.

>> No.5552553

OP sweetie, do you save bacon grease?

>> No.5552609

>lel started on this website newfag
sure it did, sure...keep believing

>> No.5552689

Stop saying "sweetie" in threads, you faglord.

I do save bacon grease though.

>> No.5552743

I am cishet

So do, great for grilled cheese sweeties