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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5550143 No.5550143 [Reply] [Original]

ok so i was having tempura night, then shit went by the way side and my hand ended up submerged in 180 oil for a split second.

i immediately put it in ice bath,
my hand is now red and has reduced sensitivity.
so how bad is my burn and what do?

tl;dr- burnt my hand, should i hospital?

>> No.5550146
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worst tempura night ever

>> No.5550149

If it hurts worse than a sunburn and aloe does not help, hospital

>> No.5550153

>Puts hand in ice bath.
Fucking retard.

>> No.5550161

I misread, I thought you actually tempura'd your hand.

Google first aid for oil burns (with your other hand) It probably isn't an emergency but get it seen as soon as you can

>> No.5550162

If wanking is uncomfortable then try some warm oil.
or hospital

>> No.5550172

It's been proven that the local issue with ice is negligible compared to the benefits of stopping your flessh to continue to cook itsef through heat diffusion.

>> No.5550173

If it's just red, you're fine.

If it's red with a small amount of blisters, you're probably okay. Gonna take a while to heal though.

If it's yellow/white or worse, get to a hospital.

>> No.5550181

>excessively dropping the temperature of a part of your body in a very short period of time

>> No.5550432

needs to cook longer

>> No.5550436

former medic here, you are supposed to use cold water to stop the burning process. Nothing wrong with what OP did probably helped prevent further damage

>> No.5550592 [DELETED] 
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>ok so i was having tempura night

>> No.5550716


>using a wok to deep fry

Well, now you know why that's a stupid idea.

>> No.5550726

It wasn't 212. I wouldn't worry.

>> No.5550733

This. I generate more friction heat in a good fap session.

>> No.5550740


Woks are the ideal vessel for deep frying if you don't have a commercial fryer.

>> No.5550744

It's raaaaaaawwww!

>> No.5550747

Submerged in boiling oil is indeed hospital worthy. Keep it cool in the meantime.

>> No.5550750

>i immediately put it in ice bath,
>my hand is now red
It's red because you stuck it in cold water. It will be fine.

>> No.5550753 [DELETED] 

I want to shove you and Penn Jillette's face in a vat of scalding oil.

>> No.5550755 [DELETED] 
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Is this you?

>> No.5550758


Woks are the ideal vessel for spilling hot oil all over yourself, more like. A wok is too unstable for deep frying unless you're using a very small amount of oil, which OP clearly wasn't, judging by the state of their floor and hand. Just because slope heads do it, doesn't make it a good idea.

>> No.5550762
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>slope heads

>> No.5550771

Feed it to the Uruguayans

>> No.5550773

you're totally fine, op, don't be such a sissy. It's a minor burn and will heal in a few days time. Your hand looks barely burned at all, just red and inflamed, which isnt a big deal medically.

>> No.5550810
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>not breading or battering your hand first

>> No.5550823


>> No.5550826

>should I hospital
Only if you're a little bitch
That's equivalent to a sunburn

>> No.5550857
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>> No.5551423

wrong. For a burn as extensive as shown in the OP's image, especially on the HAND, it is critically important to go get competent medical care.

OP, go to the hospital. You'll be needing physical therapy to prevent your hand from becoming permanently impaired.

Not joking. Go, go now.

>> No.5551622

In the future, try working in a tidier kitchen. It'll help prevent incidents like this. Even if things don't seem in your way, it's less to think about subconsciously which which will let you move and think more efficiently when you're cooking.

>> No.5551666



you may lose the nails


who even cares? you're a retard


are you a wizard?

>> No.5551690


Not him but not all of us have huge kitchens so it's pretty much unavoidable.

>> No.5551721

I easily have a smaller kitchen than OP. It's just a matter of organisation like having the tea towels on the oven door so you can put the kitchen towels there instead.

>> No.5554320

I wonder how OP is doing

>> No.5554327

The reduced sensitivity would worry me.
In case of burns, a lot of pain = good because it means your nerves are still intact.

>> No.5554332

half off-topic here, but I have udon noodles and tempura sauce. will the sauce be good enough to dip the noodles in? because I couldn't find any tsuyu sauce where I was at, and I don't really have any other ingredients besides wanton soup broth and beansprouts and such

>> No.5554381
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Where my linecooks at that get burns this bad all the time and keep on cooking?
Where we at?

>> No.5554405


If your skin feels tight when you move your fingers, you're in 2nd degree burn territory. Expect blisters and raw, dull pain. just take care that they don't get infected when the burst and you'll be fine (keep them loosely covered with gauze, change dressing twice a day, Keep it DRY).

>> No.5554412

>For a burn as extensive as shown in the OP's image
it doesn't looked burned to me at all
I think you're confusing water drops with blisters

>> No.5554420

Excook here. Have fried my hand and finished my shift. That burn is not too bad. I have seen one person slip and fry their arm to the elbow, that was bad.

>> No.5554537

When I learned first aid in the past they always said warm water. Any reasoning behind this, and why is it wrong?

>> No.5554539
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Didnt get many this week

>> No.5554564

So I guess this thread is appropriate for this question.

What's the best way to make tempura? I really want to try my hand at tempura sushi.

>> No.5554573
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>try my hand
I see what you did there...

>> No.5554582

Keep your hand out of the oil.

>> No.5554605

you're supposed to go to hospital for a burn bigger than 1% of your body (a handprint) or a blister bigger than a 50p (large coin). Since that's both sides of your hand, it's bigger than a hand. you should probably go to hospital.

>> No.5554617

>Since that's both sides of your hand, it's bigger than a hand.

>> No.5554627

I swear my hands and arms have become adapted to extreme heats after years of cooking, like evolution. I dont have dry, rough or bad skin and there's nothing wrong with my sensitivity but i have no problem picking almost burning hot metal pans straight out of the dishwasher etc and small droplets of hot water/oil dont even leave a scratch and only feel for a second or few on my arms.

Feels like x-men, heat resistant arms fuck yeah.

>> No.5554653

If you guys want I'll show you a really burnt hand. OP's ain't shit compared to this.

>> No.5554659

Actually no one cares

>> No.5554676

I would guess that the burned skin will be raw for a bit, leave a light scar, and disappear completely in a few years.

>> No.5554694

Did OP died?

>> No.5554713

I did essentially the same thing with boiling water one time when I was making tea. Went full retard and decided to hold onto the mug while pouring water into it and splashed it over the back of my hand. Your hand doesn't look bad enough to warrant a trip to the hospital, but there'll probably be some pain for the next couple of days. The skin will get dry and taut, then flake/peel off like a sunburn. You should be fine.

>> No.5554725


Just a flesh wound.

>> No.5554745

Disinfect it and wrap it up with gauze and a bandage. Itll take about 2 weeks to heal up

>> No.5555758

When you burn yourself never ever go straight to applying cold. That makes it blister

I'm sorry that is zero help to you now, but for future reference and so forth

>> No.5556146

Yep. 3rd degree burns -=> not much pain because the nerves are all destroyed

>> No.5556166

I'm afraid you'll never be able to walk again, OP.

>> No.5556181

>Skin is still intact and and only slightly red
>No blisters
You're fine.

>the cold water makes it blister
You're an idiot.

>> No.5556245

But will he be able to play the violin?

>> No.5556259

That's what you get for having a tempura night! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FUCK YOU!!!

>> No.5556264

You should definetly seek medical treatment. It will hurt like a bitch in a few days anyway.

Also looks doesnt determine anything.... Throw some chickenskin in boiling water and compare with uncooked, then tell me how much difference you can see.

>> No.5556437

While we're waiting for OP, I thought I'd bump this and ask a question at the same time, thus fulfilling two purposes -- a tribute, if you will, to the goddess Brevity, whom all who work with the written word should worship. I cannot say too much on this matter.

So, for whatever reason, I ended up going to a Japanese place and having tempura tonight.

One of the things looked kind of weird, a big round-ish ball, but I figured it was just a cauliflower chunk or something similar.


It was a fucking hard-boiled egg, dipped in batter and then fried.

Is this common in Japan, or was this place just really weird?

>> No.5556451

Actually, it's supposed to be room temperature water because people are idiots and overdo it with the ice. Overdoing it with freezing temperatures can further damage the tissues around the burn.

>> No.5556452

I'm no expert on tempura, but I've heard of that shit before, so I don't think it's just that joint being weird.

>> No.5556522

Other mutants laugh at you behind your back

>> No.5556615

Nips fry more shit than Americans.

>> No.5556636

You have AIDS now. Go visit a hospital as soon as possible and infect everyone you see.

>> No.5556659

I wonder what your fingernails taste like now

>> No.5556674

>medical professional is an idiot

And that's why you're on 4chan and not doing things to make anyone's life better

>> No.5556679

my water heater is set to 180 pussy! if you can take the time to post you're always fine as well lol.

>> No.5556683

Keep it submerged in cool water (not ice cold).

Go to the doc and have him prescribe you some burn cream.